Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Sunday, and again it does seem that I have so much to catch up on.... I will cover some subjects that I missed out on this last week during some much needed rest in my usual rant...Yes, I have been taking a lot more time off recently from writing here... I have long decided to take time to get myself into better shape and to actually enjoy this too short summer here in central Canada.  Readers remember back in December of last year when I had that "heart condition" scare that basically did scare the crap out of me... I decided there and then that I would not let stress take a hold of my life and to take more time in relaxing and taking better care of my health.   In doing so, I have spent less time in front of my computers and therefore less time in doing articles... In my honest opinion, we all need to get off the computer ever so often and just take a look around at the beautiful world that we live in, and to realize the importance of saving it!Yes, I have missed out on a lot of major news this last week, including more information on some "shootings" in America that to me upon further review just do not make any sense.... Take for instance the shooting in Santa Barbara California.   I have been watching some amazing videos and read some articles from those who are calling it a hoax, and they all do have some great information that backs up their arguments... For example, one video that I came across (link here) shows that the crime scene in Santa Barbara where Elliot Rodgers finally killed himself was ALTERED.   Few people realize that the original photo from that crime scene shows the two vehicles involved in that last fatal crash with of course Santa Barbara police officers only standing near by... BUT we find a follow up picture from the morning after and lo and behold there suddenly is a BICYCLE (!) in the crime scene.   That bicycle was not in the original police photo, so where did it come from?  And to add a bicycle into the crime scene means that the crime scene itself has been criminally altered!  For what purpose some may ask?  I would say it was done to make the scene of the crime seem more horrific, but in doing so invalidates the entire "shooting".... Then we also have the use of crisis actors again, much like at Sandy Hook, that is painfully obvious in all the videos, and in the reports put out by the Jewish run mainstream media talking heads....Sadly like in so many other "shootings" the American people are to swallow the lies, and to have their chemicalized brains melded into thinking that new gun control laws are necessary to keep the peace... We only need to look at all the so called American politicians such as that Jew troll Dianne Feinstein come out and cry about how terrible all these shootings are and to them the only solution is to take the guns away from the American people.   To me, to disarm the American people would only lead to the same tyranny that the people of the former Soviet Union suffered from when their government removed the citizens' last line of defense, their guns, and then started their rampage of mass murder.... The death of some 50+ million innocent Russians should be testimony enough to the need for people to have firearms as their last line of defense against tyrannical and despotic governments.What have I not said about Ukraine that has already been said?  I said it from the very beginning that the coup in Ukraine was done illegally and was fully funded by the US itself.  That coup basically handed the Ukraine over to criminal western governments and the equally criminal Rothschild controlled IMF bank.  In doing so, Ukraine has been turned into a hell hole where the Ukrainian people are far worse off than before the coup in March.  Many Ukrainians are finally waking up to the truth of course about their impending enslavement forever to these criminals, and many are wanting out of this nightmare.   This is of course why the criminal government in Kiev has turned the Ukrainian army on its own citizens in a violent crackdown on "dissent".  We do have of course the constant spewing of lies coming from the liars in our media claiming that the Ukrainians in revolt against the criminal regime in Kiev are "rebels" and "terrorists".   The truth is of course that we are witnessing people in Ukraine expressing their rights to self determination, and realizing that their future does not lie with the regime in Kiev and enslavement to Jewish Usury banks.Lets face it, the violence and mass murder in eastern Ukraine that we see is being done almost exclusively by the Ukrainian army.   They are indeed slaughtering unarmed civilians in these so called and very one sided "battles" for major cities in the region.   The fact is again that this violence is being done purposely to try to get a response from neighboring Russia.    But as I showed in my last article, the Russians are not stupid and will not get suckered in by the US and its allies into sending its army into Ukraine itself.  Such a response by the Russians would play right into the diabolical thinking of the US government who want desperately to have a war with Russia as a sick method of saving their collapsing economy, and quite possibly an open revolt by the American people themselves.....But again, the Russians are sitting on the sidelines and for the moment are doing the smart thing by just doing nothing....Russia, China, and other nations, are now openly trading in currencies other than the US dollar, and the writing is now on the wall for the death of the US dollar as the currency of choice for international trade.  This is of course a disaster for the US government, and explains why they are pushing so hard for war, and in fact any war, across the globe to try to force nations back onto the US dollar.   But  war with Russia and China?   People across America have to wake the hell up and realize that the US cannot possibly win a global war against both those nuclear armed nations... America no longer has the manufacturing or economic resources available to fight in a global conflict, and they would most certainly lose a protracted war against these nations.   And when America begins to lose, they will escalate the war by the use of nuclear weapons which would be a catastrophe for the entire world......Yes, I have been watching the news over the last week about the new unity government for the Palestinian people, and I wonder what the hell took them so long?  The fact is also that this call for unity is decades too late as much of Palestine has now been swallowed up by the criminal Israelis, and what is left cannot even survive as a nation.   Then we see this last week as the Israelis have decided to both launching brutal attacks on the Palestinian people, while at the same time accelerating their illegal settlement building on the occupied West Bank.   I do hate being right in this, but the truth is painfully obvious:  There can be NO peace with Israel for the Palestinian people, period.   The only solution is and always has been for them to fight against these monsters.   It has always come down to a simple choice:  Fight against the criminal Israelis who want nothing more than to see Palestine as all theirs, or die.   I have always said that with those two choices, I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat.Today marks the 47th anniversary of that brutal attack by the criminal state of Israel against the American ship, the USS Liberty.  That attack that took the lives of some 34 sailors while injuring 172 others was an unprovoked attack for the sole purpose of sinking the ship, and having the sinking blamed on the Egyptians.  I have long said that the attack was well planned in advance and was absolutely done with the full knowledge of the Lyndon Johnson administration.   The Johnson administration did everything to help the Israelis sink the ship, even to the point of recalling all efforts by the US Mediterranean fleet to send support to the ship while it was under attack.   And of course few people know about how one of the carriers in the Mediterranean fleet launched a flight with "special ordinance" on board during the Liberty attack.  That "special ordinance" was nuclear bombs that were to be quite possibly dropped on Cairo, Egypt, once the Liberty was sunk and the blame was placed on Egypt.  Luckily for the Egyptians, and the entire world, the Liberty was not sunk, that special ordinance flight was recalled, and the coverup about the entire incident was begun and continues to this very day.   It is amazing the power that the Jews have, and have always had over the United States that they have gotten away with the outright murder of those 34 sailors on board the Liberty to this very day.   It is also shocking that the American government continues to lie to the American people with their constant spew about Israel being their "greatest ally" when the attack on the Liberty shows conclusively otherwise.... I for one have always said to those who say that I am a "Jew hater" to just take a look at the attack on the Liberty and their other crimes against humanity of proof to the contrary.....The war by the US and Israel against Syria is definitely going to continue, in spite of the world seeing the truth that the proud people of Syria are in full support of President Bashar al-Assad with his landslide victory in elections last Tuesday.    The Jewish run media is continuing to spin the lies that the so called "Syrian opposition" has the support of the Syrian people, and is still calling for Assad's removal from power.  But now with this clear mandate for Assad by the Syrian people, the criminals in the US and Israel have had to change their tactics and are now openly arming the murderous mercenary "rebels" in Syria itself.... And there have been reports coming from US military experts stating that the rebels can no longer win in Syria, and nothing short of direct intervention can now save their efforts.... This is why I still see a "false flag" coming that will give these criminals their long sought excuse to invade Syria directly..... Watch for it, and be prepared to finger the real perpetrators of the crime when it happens....The Nigerian situation has suddenly gone on the back burner as the world's media attention is again focused in on Ukraine... But while the liars in the media are no longer focused in on the situation in Nigeria, the push for "intervention" (invasion) to rescue non-existent "school girls" and to stop the phoney "Boko Haram" terrorist group's attacks on Nigerian civilians, continues as the US moves more of its AFRICOM forces into key nations on the African continent ... Again, just like other frauds like the Joseph Kony fraud in Uganda, this is an excuse for invasion of Nigeria to seize that nation's resources.....The US and its allies have been attacking African nations not for humanitarian goals, but to seize those nations' mineral wealth and to block China from making fair trade deals with nations on the continent as well.People have been asking me about my opinion of this US Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl fiasco that everyone has been talking about in the US... I look at this as just another in the long list of lies coming out of the US military that includes the Jessica Lynch fiasco, Pat Tillman's murder by his own troops, the laughable and very fraudulent "Seal Team 6" attack on the "Bin Laden compound", and others.... What we have  here is clearly a soldier unfit for combat that had enough of what he saw in Afghanistan and decided to desert.  He basically walked out of one of the US camps in Afghanistan and surrendered himself to the Taliban.  Then for the next 5 years he stayed with his Taliban guests but most probably got home sick and wanted to go home...The US government then made the recent ridiculous "deal" to have him "released from captivity" in exchange for 5 Taliban freedom fighters....  What we have here is the US government caught in the initial lie that Bergdahl was held "captive" but now realizing that Bergdahl was indeed a deserter.   Somehow I would assume that Barry Soetoro/Davis/Obama was hoping to use this Bergdahl release as a PR move, but instead it has turned into a fiasco for the US state department.  Bergdahl was indeed a willing deserter and now will most probably face charges for his desertion.  The big question becomes... WHY did President Barry make the deal for 5 Taliban fighters for a man who was clearly a deserter without constitutional or congressional authority?  Much like the Benghazi fiasco of 3 years ago, this latest boneheaded move by the President of the United States, along with the real truth about Bergdahl coming to light, could be a disaster with some calling it an impeachable offense.  Well, I guess that is enough for now... I have so many things on my plate for the following few weeks, and just as before, future articles here will be done when I do find a moment's peace.... In the meantime, I will close this rant with my usual last minute "tidbits"......NO change in the situation at Fukushima Japan with the disaster still going as strong as ever.  Now TEPCO is actually considering the crazy "Ice wall" idea that someone came up with about a year ago.  Good luck with that one because I see it as another failure like the other attempts to contain the melted cores.......Believe it or not, but there is still ice on some of the Great Lakes here in North America, and yet it is so late into the spring season with summer approaching.  And here in central Canada, temperatures are well below normal with reports of snow a few hundred miles north of here.  Gosh darn that man caused Global Warming!. And where is Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet, when we need him?.......Yes, I have read many reports about how oil companies have been using "fracking" as a method to extract as much petroleum from wells as possible, and I see it as clearly a colossal environmental disaster... The damage to ground water and the local environment far outweighs its benefits,and people everywhere need to wake the hell up and put an end to its practice......I am not surprised by the lack of news on Malaysian flight MH370.  By this point, the liars in the media and government are hoping that people do have short attention spans and that they can now make that plane "disappear" forever.   Sad, considering the families of the 249 people who were obviously murdered on that plane.  They continue to suffer as the truth about how that flight was obviously commandeered and flown to Diego Garcia continues to be covered up......Nobody needs to remind me that inflation in prices is on the rise.  I just went out shopping for some much needed groceries, and the sticker shock was indeed alarming.  And yet the Canadian government here continues to claim that the inflation rate is low??.......World Cup of Soccer begins this week in Brazil with reports of social unrest all over that nation.  But the Brazilian government will probably crackdown on riots, and protestors, to make sure the world does not see the truth about poverty in that South American nation..... And about the World Cup itself?  I can see teams from Brazil, Spain, Germany, and possibly Italy, making it to the final four with the host team from Brazil winning the World Cup..... My opinion of Prince Charles and his "Likening Vladimir Putin to Hitler" statement fiasco is this.  That big eared inbred does not have the mental faculties to even know what the hell he is talking about, let alone make such a ridiculous statement.  The truth has always been that Hitler worked for saving Germany from the evil grip of Jewish bankers and criminals, and therefore Charlie big ears did not have a clue what he was saying when he made that comparison!.......Yes, two days ago marked the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of northern France.  My own research into our real history shows that in spite of the gallantry and courage of those soldiers who fought in that invasion, very few knew the real truth that they were indeed fighting for all the wrong reasons.  The truth about World War II  becomes clear with proper research that we fought on the wrong side and for the wrong cause.......And finally, what everyone is always waiting for, my weekly shot at the great American family, the Kardashians.  It seems that my favorite target skank/trollop, Kim, has a Mexican "doppelganger" (bad luck and very evil "double") named Claudia Ochoa Felix, who's lifestyle mirrors Kim's almost exactly, except for the fact that Felix has been linked to Mexican drug lords and to a Mexican hit squad.   Got to love the Kardashians and the type of sick people who try to emulate them!More to comeNTS