Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 7th, 2015

  Well, it is indeed that time of the week again when I fire off my weekly rant.... I have indeed missed out on some important articles and subjects, and that is why I do these rants as a means of catching up and giving my perspective on these matters.....I have come under some fire again for my posting of two articles last Friday concerning the fraudulent Sandy Hook "shooting"..... I have long claimed with so many articles in the past that "shooting" was indeed an operation conducted for the sole purpose of scaring the crap out of the gullible American public to lay the groundwork for the removal of the second amendment rights for the American people to bear arms for their own defense from their own corrupt government.... The operation was a ridiculous sham from the get go and luckily so many people discovered the lies behind the operation from the very beginning... However, we still have those ridiculous disinformation agents out there that are sticking to the lies that the operation was somehow 'real' and that 26 people really did "die" in that staged event..... To me, it is so sad to see these fools continue to spew their lies... Apparently many of them have been handsomely paid off for their efforts in ruining the alternative media but they have failed..... I for one can never be bought off simply because I am in this for the truth and not for greed.....Therefore I simply shrug off those who are attacking me for posting those articles as just more in the long list of agents out to stir up trouble but are failing miserably....Horse237 over at Video Rebel's Blog said in his article about this summer being possibly our last chance for taking out the criminal Jewish cabal out for our enslavement, and I must agree.... I have been wondering at what point most people will have finally said "enough" and start taking proper action against these monsters and to protect their own families from what most definitely is coming.... I am shocked that most people, and especially those living right here in Canada, and of course in the United States, continue to sleep walk while everything continues to crumble around them.... It really does appear that the poisoned food and Fluoride that they ingest has indeed done their dirty work in turning most minds to mush.....OK, now onto some other important issues.... I was sent a shocking email just the other day where it appears that an 86 year old German patriot named Ursula Haverbeck, just had her home in Germany ransacked and raided by Germany's thought police... It stems of course from her recent interview on German national television (see video of that Panorama TV interview here before Jew run Youtube takes it down!) where she flat out calls into question and tears apart Germany's ridiculous "Holocaust Denial" laws.   I watched the video and I saw absolutely nothing wrong with what this brave woman had to say, and I absolutely applaud her efforts in getting the German people, who have been subdued and muzzled for decades by criminal Jewish interests, to reopen proper investigation and research into that most important part of their own history to get to the real truths!Lets be clear here... I cannot state here my own personal beliefs or views on the Jewish "Holocaust" of the second World War, simply because I too live in a nation where research or personal views on that subject is punishable by Canada's own draconian and ridiculous "Hate Crime" laws and legislation.... It is shocking that most Canadians are not even aware that we live in a nation where true free speech is curtailed, and has been since 1974 when these "laws" were put into effect primarily due to the lobbying in Ottawa by Jewish interest groups (no shock here)......  Basically, if I was to open my big mouth and say what I might think about that part of history, I would have the Canadian thought police at my door and be put through the same kangaroo court system that had Ernst Zundel falsely arrested on trumped up and ridiculous false charges of "Holocaust denial".... That is why I absolutely try to steer clear of the "Holocaust" and will continue to do so until people wake the hell up and strike down ridiculous thought crime laws........ People deserve to know the real truths about our history and the only reason why such ridiculous laws are in place is to protect lies.... The real question should always be....If the Holocaust was indeed real, then it should stand up to any scrutiny and we should be asking why the hell laws are therefore in place to prevent such scrutiny?!I see that idiot criminal clown who calls himself Canada's "Prime Minister", Stephen Harper, is presently in Ukraine spewing his garbage again that Russia is somehow responsible for all that ails Ukraine.   This fool spewed out just the other day that Russia should never be allowed back into the "G8" summits due to its "aggression" against Ukraine, and I again wonder if this guy is either a fool or a complete moron.... Russia has had absolutely nothing to do with what is all wrong with Ukraine... It was not Russia who financed the rebellion last year that brought down the democratically elected government in Kiev and replaced it with a corrupt US bought and paid for regime.... It was not Russia who loaded all of Ukraine's Gold bullion reserves on several cargo planes last March immediately after the coup in Kiev and flew that Gold bullion out of the country and into the criminal arms of the Rothschild banks, stealing it from the Ukrainian people..... It was not Russia who somehow "coerced" the proud people of Crimea to vote overwhelmingly to split from Ukraine and go back to the Russian Federation.  These people did what they had been allowed to under all aspects of international law and rightfully decided that their future was not with a corrupt Ukraine...... It was not Russia that somehow "coerced" the proud people of the eastern provinces of Ukraine to also vote overwhelmingly in a referendum to split from Ukraine and go their own way.  These people also saw no future with Ukraine and also have every right under international law to decide their own future.  But of course the criminals in Kiev and Washington can not stand by and watch more slaves escape........Russia has never "invaded" Ukraine and absolutely does not have any troops or forces in the eastern provinces.  That has always been an outright lie by both our governments and our own corrupt media.... And of course the Ukrainian army is not in a war with "Russia" in the eastern provinces, but has been ordered to go and murder the civilian population there.  Many Ukrainian soldiers have quickly discovered the real truth when they get to the Donbas and  many have either defected, or simply thrown down their arms rather than fight and slaughter civilians.  However, the corrupt Kiev regime wants such bloodshed and the genocide of the entire "rebel" population there and of course has ordered the army to continue the slaughter, even to the point of shooting their own soldiers who refuse to follow these orders......Russia has continued to avoid all confrontation with the Ukrainian military, and has stood by while the Ukrainian regime attacks the Donbas region.  Russia has of course not sent any military hardware to support the eastern provincial "rebel" forces, and has instead sent only humanitarian aid to the civilians in that war torn region..... The bottom line is that Russia is not the "aggressor" nor the "villain" in the Ukrainian fiasco, and that moronic Canadian PM is just that... A complete and utter moron!..... My advice is for Stephen Harper to shut his damn mouth and quit trying to get Canada entangled in affairs that we have business in.....There are few reports coming out of Yemen these days to tell the real truth about exactly what is really happening there.. NO shock here... The Jew spew media is purposely down playing the real truth that Yemen has now turned into a humanitarian disaster where some 20 million civilians now face death through starvation.... Yes, the Saudis and their Israeli "allies" continue to bomb the crap out of Yemen's cities and refugee centers, including the recent allegations that Israel may have used "neutron bombs" against several "military" targets.. But the real crisis is simply the fact that little international humanitarian aid is reaching the Yemeni people.... There is little food and almost no clean water for the entire civilian population which will indeed lead to widespread disease outbreaks and guaranteed death due to dehydration and starvation... I do wonder if that is not one of the goals of the Saudis in their attempts to subdue Yemen by murdering its population by the thousands if not millions!.....To me it is beyond criminal that much of the world has stood idly by while millions face certain death, and I blame the US government which is responsible for the Yemen fiasco in the first place, and of course the Jew spew media for not reporting the real truths about the situation there.....The lies surrounding the fraud known as ISIS continue to fill all the Jew spew reports, and I am puzzled why people just do not get it?   ISIS and in fact all "terrorism" is nothing more than a fraud and a war on peoples' minds.... The whole purpose of all "terrorism" is psychological warfare to scare the crap out of people and to have them run like scared fools into the arms of their own criminal governments that offer them "solutions" to the "terrorist threat" by gladly taking away their rights and freedoms for the illusion of more "security".... One case in point was what just happened right here in central Canada where all the local Jew spew news was ablaze with reports of a 23 year old young man arrested for being an "ISIS supporter"..... The reports (see link here) stated that he was using a "Muslim sounding" (no surprise here) name and was sending out threats via Twitter and other alternative media sources against Canada and many Canadian politicians including that criminal Stephen Harper.....  I looked at the reports and I can not believe that Canadians could be stupid enough to swallow this bullshit.... What we have here is some gullible and foolish 23 year old young man probably doped up out of his mind (possibly by Canada's CSIS itself) and being used as a tool to justify the non-existent  "terrorist threat"..... It appears that the Canadian government is using this and other "terrorist threats" as justification for the recent passage of that freedom stripping and horrendous Bill C51........Again, it is pure propaganda and complete bullshit and sadly most Canadians are swallowing it like dumb ass sheep.....  Must I even bother here to repeat that ISIS and every other "terrorist" group are nothing more than scams created and run by the American CIA and Israeli Mossad?   I challenge any one to show me otherwise....One other case in point that must be made about this fraud "ISIS" that so many people do overlook... Can someone please explain to me why this "terrorist" group never ever attacks ISRAEL and other Jewish interests?   I have been watching all the reports about ISIS and its activities in and around Israel itself and strangely they never ever target anything in Israel, and have never ever targeted Synagogues or other Jewish centers of power across the planet.   I am startled that few people with any common sense cannot see that this is a dead giveaway that ISIS is indeed a phony and is filled with Israeli Mossad and CIA bought and paid for operatives...... The criminal and psychotic state of Israel is stirring up more trouble again in the Middle East... No surprise there.... We have seen this last week the ridiculous reports about "rocket attacks" from the Gaza Strip into Israel itself and the quick Israeli response of bombing the crap out of that  impoverished and open air concentration camp.    I again need to point out that these "rockets" are absolutely ridiculous and never ever seem to hit anything of importance in Israel.  The most recent "rocket attacks" are a case in point where the reports coming out of Israel clearly state that the rockets hit "open spots" in Israel and caused no casualties.... This again proves my long standing statement that these "rocket attacks" are a complete farce and are conducted by Israeli Mossad agents themselves who have been caught many times in the past putting up small launching platforms in both southern Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip itself where they hurl small "bottle rockets" back into Israel that are purposely targeted into open spaces to make sure no Israeli is hurt....But of course the result is to have the Jew spew media run hog wild with reports about "massive rocket attacks" and that Israel is under constant fire from these "missiles"......  The whole purpose of these fraudulent "rocket attacks" is to both give Israel its excuses to continue to destroy Gaza, and invade neighboring countries.  That and to garner sympathy for these cold blooded murderers and psychos....Before I get onto my usual last minute tidbits and close this week's rant, I want to say a few things about Whitewraithe again and her status.... She is suffering from severe pain due to major injuries in her lower back and her legs.. The injuries are a result of an accident that she incurred at her home a few months back and she has not yet recovered from those injuries..... The pain is in fact so bad for her that it has left her laid up and immobilized......Many  have been asking why her Pragmatic Witness website ( has been idle and now they can see why.   And yes, that and other personal matters have forced her to close up the PragmaticWitness site itself after July 1st of this year.     I stay in contact with her through  several telephone calls a week and we are still considering doing several more Turbulent Times shows when she finds the energy and not in so much pain.   Sadly these may be the last few Turbulent Times shows for the time being until Whitewraithe is able to get herself healthy......  I also am still leaving the door open for her to come and be a guest writer at this site when she finds the energy and is able to recover from her injuries.....OK, onto my "last minute tidbits"......First of all, I will not even bother to comment or write about Bruce Jenner, because to me the guy is a psychologically damaged idiot and a freak show.   Amazing though how the Jew spew media is all over this ridiculous garbage while the rest of the world goes to hell........Honestly, I could not give a damn about FIFA and its corruption.  But is it not amazing that it is the United States spearheading all the allegations on behalf of their masters in Israel?  It again shows exactly who controls America.........Investment Watch Blog released a report last week about 22000 "reported" adverse reactions to vaccinations since January 2015 alone.  I wonder how many more have not been reported!   Again, I have to ask why the hell anyone would want to subject themselves and their families to poisonous brain damaging vaccines at all?.........Insane US President Barry Soetoro came out last week calling himself the "closest thing" that America has ever had to a Jewish President.  Well, Barry, you really are an idiot and know nothing about former Jewish Presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, and of course Lyndon Baines Johnson. And even the "Bushes" have long been suspect of having Jewish roots.  Yes, Barry's psychosis is again surfacing, and troubling considering that lunatic is still President for another year and a half....... I have taken my shots at that insane Jewess Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) who wants to be US President, but the clowns vying for the "Republican" nomination are no different.  Each candidate has come out and sworn his undying devotion to Israel, and I do again wonder when Americans will finally have someone run for President that is not a Jew dick sucker?.......FINALLY the Greek government is turning to Russia instead of surrendering to the criminal IMF and their odious debt demands.  Honestly, what took them so long?  There is no future for Greece in the European Union or NATO, and the sooner they say adios to these criminal groups, the better.......The clock is  now ticking on the finalization of the Nuclear deal with Iran, which has to be signed off by June 30th.  But of course the US and their masters in Israel are doing everything to destroy any deal because again they want Iran destroyed...... I saw more reports this week about the failings of the Lougheed Martin F35 aircraft fiasco, and I do wonder when nations will finally pull the plug and stop their purchases of that flying lemon.  I again must point out that the F35 program is a massive TRILLION dollar mistake, and that the plane itself is a white elephant that will weaken any nation's defensive capabilities if they are gullible to actually deploy it in their own air forces.   But money and greed talks and there are indeed suckers born every minute......Israel is calling the BDS movement the "greatest threat" to that criminal psychotic nation's survival.  Good, because the best way to hit these murderous thugs hard is indeed in their own pocket books by damaging their economy........No more BPL soccer for this year, but there is indeed the Women's World Cup here in Canada.  Believe it or not, I actually watched parts of the opening game yesterday out of curiosity.  Honestly, it was a snore-fest (sorry ladies...) and hopefully the games will get more interesting as the tournament progresses........OK, will someone please explain to me why the outcry by the fraud feminists and their sudden infatuation with "manspreading"?  Honestly these idiots truly need to get a life!.......And speaking of needing to get lives, here comes my usual closing Kardashian news.  Yes, it appears that my favorite skank and trollop, Kim, is pregnant again, and 6 months or so from now will give birth to "South" West.   Amazing how all the Jew spew media is gaga over this skank's pregnancy while America goes to hell in a hand basket.  But again as I have always said; for some strange reason that even I cannot fathom, America truly loves their Kardashians!More to comeNTS