Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 5th, 2016

 Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant...I have indeed spending a lot of time away from writing at this blog, and once again I am always playing "catch up" on what has been happening around our world..... Yes, there was a time when I used to do as many as 4-5 articles a day, but with all of my other projects and demands I have had so much limited time to spend on writing articles here.... I am doing my best, and try to at least touch on the issues on everyones' minds right here in my weekly rant...First and foremost... I again am so troubled by the numbskulls out there that are saying that 2016 is the 'warmest year on record'... Honestly, I do not know what these rejects from clown college can continue to scream that "Global Warming" or as they like to call it now 'Climate Change' is happening and entirely manmade.... All that anyone with even the slightest intelligence has to do is to open up their doors and look outside for themselves... The planet is definitely cooling down as I and others have long predicted, and what is very rational considering the diminished solar radiation output from our parent star, Sol.   Yes, Sol is most definitely going through a cooling cycle and we will see very much cooler temperatures for the next decade at least.... And it clearly shows that mankind is not somehow harming the planet through increasing "greenhouse gases" into our atmosphere....The facts are that all this man caused "Global Warming" bullshit that we are being subjected to is exactly that.. Bull shit!But of course our governments, and even the Trudeau regime here in Canada is hell bent in imposing fraudulent "Carbon Taxes" on their citizens.... And yes these "Carbon Taxes" are also complete and utter bull crap simply because Carbon Dioxide itself is absolutely NOT a "Greenhouse" gas... Carbon Dioxide is actually a coolant and an essential compound for life on this planet... The facts are that with increasing CO2 levels on Earth over the last 1/2 century at least, plant life has exploded which is very much a good thing.... Therefore all of this "Carbon taxation" that we hear is being pushed by the criminals running our governments is nothing more than a fleecing of their own citizens pockets.... The problem is that the majority of people have fallen for the "Global Warming" bullshit and will allow their governments to get away with outright theft!I really do hate being right about what has been happening in Syria... I said from the moment the so called "ceasefire" was signed off a few months back that it was a ruse and that the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal would never honour its terms... And as I predicted the lull in the fighting due to that fraud "ceasefire" has allowed the US to ship in massive amounts of ordinance and weapons to the so called "rebels" and the fraud terrorist group called "ISIS"... Now these fully rearmed and reequipped groups are making counter attacks against the Syrian government forces and their allies and have gone on more rampages of genocide and murder against Syrian civilians.... I honestly hope the Russians and their Syrian allies have learned their lesson and will never ever again trust anything the US says....And just this last week, the Russian air force has begun once again to attack the fraud ISIS oil convoys that are now reequipped with brand new tankers (again thanks to the lull created by the fraud "ceasefire") that are still illegally running the petroleum out of Syria and back into Turkey..... It is so shocking to see now the US and Turkey blatantly supporting these shipments, and of course the Jew spew media has been once again hiding the fact that these convoys do in fact exist..... It does puzzle me that so many people still do not see the reality that the US is in FACT ISIS itself, and even when I point out the reality of these oil shipment convoys, most people are oblivious to that reality!OK, it is time for a reality check for everyone.. The US and Israel run and control the fraud "terrorist" group called ISIS... That is fact.... And now we find the US and the criminal NATO forces fully supporting the Kurds in northern Syria and Iraq in their fight against "ISIS".... What we have here is a sick and twisted game that is being played to fool the world.. With the US and their criminal Allies basically running both sides in this fraud "fight", it should be obvious that the goal of this game is to hand over parts of Syria and Iraq to these Kurds.... Yes, in a round about way, the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal will get their wish in breaking up both Iraq and Syria by using the idea of giving the Kurds their own "nation" as part of the plan.......It is indeed a sick and twisted game, and sadly so many people are being played as fools.....What can I actually add to the information that has been told about the criminal NATO nations and their buildup of forces on the border this the Russian Federation that has not already been stated in the alternative media...Lets face the facts here as well... The people of Europe are being played as suckers by their own governments that have been falsely telling them that this "build up" is necessary due to "Russian aggression"..... MY question here is simple.... WHAT Russian aggression?  The Russians have not attacked anyone for decades, period... All of this rhetoric that the Russians somehow 'aggressively' attacked and annexed Crimea is pure and utter bullshit, when you consider the fact that the Crimean people did absolutely vote in a free referendum almost two years ago to separate from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.. And the facts are that they voted OVERWHELMINGLY to do so!... So do not give me any cockeyed story that the Russians are some how being 'aggressors' when the reality is that they are absolutely not...So what is the purpose of this massive buildup of forces along the Russian Federation border?  The facts are that both the Rothschild controlled European Union and the US itself are facing certain economic collapse, and their criminal governments rather than do the right thing and end their debts are willing to go to WAR with a nuclear armed Russian Federation to somehow solve their economic woes... This is the insanity of the world that we now live on, and sadly with the Jewish criminals in control of the media, the people are being fooled into believing that war in inevitable and that the danger that the world faces is somehow the 'Evil Russians'...... Therefore my message to my European friends is this: Take your governments to task when they claim that Russia is a threat, and ask them flat out to prove it!And speaking of the fraud European Union... The good people of the United Kingdom are only weeks away now from voting for their nation's future... This "Brexit" vote is indeed one for freedom from tyranny and control by the evil Rothschild empire that has destroyed so much of Europe due to their idiotic "Union"..... And of course we find the Jew spew media everywhere crying out how bad the UK will be if it votes to leave the EU, which is pure and utter bullshit... The facts are that nations of Europe that are NOT part of that most insidious "Union" have been thriving and are truly economic powerhouses in comparison to the nations that have suffered as part of the EU... The UK will indeed thrive without the union, and their exit could indeed signal other nations to follow suit rather quickly....One other disturbing aspect of the fraud European Union came out just in the last few weeks when reports surfaced that stated that the EU was going to create its own "army" that would include forces from all of its member states.... THIS shows exactly what the EU was indeed intended to be, which is nothing more than the criminal Rothschild's own private empire... That empire would indeed have its own army, which would do its Jewish masters'  bidding, and now we see that coming to fruition....This also shows the importance of the United Kingdom to vote to get out of this "union" as quickly as it can.......I have already stated my position in regards to this "transgender" issue that has encompassed so much of the news coming out of the Jew spew media these days.... I absolutely do NOT support any laws giving these "transgenders" their own rights, period....To me, this issue is deplorable and shows how badly our society has indeed slid down the road to ruination.....And yes, this entire issue has now surfaced thanks to the criminal Jews and their want to use this issue to destroy our families and shatter our societies....Heck, it is written right in their own Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion about how they would use such filth and disgusting action to break down our societies to allow them to either destroy nations or enslave them..... And again for those who are shocked by my stance, I say to them to take a hike..... I stand for the truth and for family... I will not waver from my stance...I am also troubled by the reports about how bad things are getting in Europe with these illegal migrants running rampant and destroying the social fabric of so many nations.... It should be obvious to everyone that this "migration" was done on purpose for the destruction of European white culture, and we again can thank the Jewish criminals for their monetary support of this onslaught... Yes, everywhere you look now, these criminal "migrants" are raping and pillaging and basically are out of control... And yet we find scumbag government leaders such as that slithering snake Angela Merkel trying to say that not only "all is fine" but wanting even MORE of these migrants flowing into their nations.... I say to the people of Europe to finally say enough is enough... If their governments do not stop these migrants from ruining their nations, then the governments themselves have to go.... And that especially goes for criminals such as Merkel herself!Someone asked me why I never posted up anything concerning US Memorial Day last Monday... All I can say is that I do not want to slur the proud men and women who have given their lives for what they truly believed in...But the facts are that every single war that the US has been involved in was done for criminals.... The proud men and women that went off and fought those wars were indeed brainwashed into the false belief that they were fighting for "freedom and liberty" when in reality they gave their lives so that the real criminals that control this planet would achieve their world wide control.   Yes, I do feel so sorry for those brave individuals and their families, for yes indeed they were indeed lied to and they fought the wars and in many cases died for the wrong causes and especially for the wrong people!Honestly, I did have such high hopes when the Stephen Harper regime was thrown out of office in Ottawa, Canada last fall and replaced what at the time was a 'breath of fresh air" in the form of the son of former Canadian icon Pierre Eliot Trudeau, Justin Trudeau... But now almost 9 months since he became Canada's newest Prime Minister, that 'fresh air' has indeed turned quite foul.... Justin Trudeau did make the promise that if he was elected he would scrap that insidious Bill C51 that has taken away so much of Canada's citizens' liberties, and yet now we find that he is not only keeping Bill C51 intact but he is actually going to INCREASE its criminal actions, especially in regards to surveillance and curtailment of free speech.....I also find it so shocking that he has failed to even move on so many other "promises" and instead has now turned himself into a younger form of that criminal Stephen Harper!   Yes, sadly I did have so many high hopes for young Justin, but he is now showing his true colours and also sadly we are stuck with this idiot for the next 4 years at least.....Well, I guess that is enough for some of the issues that have had my attention over the last week.. Of course I have missed a few that are on most people's minds, and hopefully I can touch on many of them right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".....A significant report surfaced this last week that shows definitively that the US was absolutely behind the coup that just happened in Brazil.  No shock to me here at all, for I look at this action by the criminals in the US as their method of fighting back against the BRICS economic initiative by forcing Brazil out of that group.  Again, anything to save the US dollar hegemony!....... Reports coming out of Venezuela look very grim.  Yes, the government there is collapsing and the people are starving.  This Venezuela problem has of course also been created and pushed by the US who want not only a pro-US government in Caracas, but also want Venezuela's immense oil wealth for their selfish selves........ The wild fires near Fort McMurray Alberta Canada are still burning, but the city itself is finally safe enough for the citizens to return home.  And of course we find reports about due to the loss of production at the tar sand facilities north of Fort McMurray, there is now a gasoline "shortage" across much of Canada.  The result is of course prices for petroleum products suddenly rising rapidly due to that "shortage".   Why am I not surprised?  I said that the fires would have the effect of shutting down the tar sands facility and thus due to the shortage cause prices to jump due to lack of supply, increasing profits for the oil companies themselves.  And people wonder why I say these fires may have deliberately been allowed to burn?......Honestly, are the American people truly this stupid?  We have reports coming out this last week that claim that Hillary the mass killing freak of nature Clinton was not even aware of the emails on her own server because she did not know how to use a computer?  Seriously, how gullible and stupid can people be to believe such horse shit.   The facts are again that this monster should be in a jail cell or  hanging from a gallows for her horrific crimes against humanity rather than be allowed to run for the office of President.   Sadly there are idiots out there that will still vote for this demon!..... And of course we have Donald Drumpf who is still out there saying exactly what the American people want to hear.  But the American people should be careful of what they wish for, for Drumpf has many Jewish criminals who are guiding his policies, and if he becomes President he will absolutely kiss as much Jew butt as possible..... And again we have the "moderate" Bernie Sanders out there quietly making gains and could be the Democratic candidate come November.  But again, old Bernie is indeed a Jew and spent time in Israel years back.   I stated that this Jewish criminal is actually indeed the man that the Jewish power elite selected for President, and come November with the American public sick of the Hillary/Donald circus, old Mossad agent and Israel first Bernie may actually get into the White House........Yes, sadly Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali, passed away the other day, and even though I have never been a supporter of boxing as a "sport" this man was indeed a sporting legend.  It is too bad that the blows that he took to his cranium did cause his Parkinson's Disease that most probably helped accelerate his eventual demise.......More reports out this last week about how insidious this Windows 10 "program" has turned out to be, and yet we find the criminals behind Microsoft forcing computers to load this program even without user consent.  Yes, Windows 10 is indeed a crime, especially with its big brother surveillance systems built in, and everyone must do their damn best to NOT allow this operating system on their computers.  Linux and Mac still appear to be alternatives to this latest "program" from Bill Gates and company..........I can thank the soccer gods now, for Euro 2016 starts next weekend, and I will get my soccer fix for a few weeks leading into summer.  I do not want to predict the outcome, but I would like to see Germany there at the end......Whitewraithe is doing well, and is enjoying her new job.  It will still take a few weeks before she has the time to possibly get our podcasts going and all I can say again to everyone is to be patient.  Turbulent Times relaunch is coming...........Yes, I did watch the video of the Gorilla and child incident that happened last week in Cincinnati Ohio's zoo, and I find it amazing that the parents of that child are not being charged for their own neglect of the child and allowing him to climb into the Gorilla cage in the first place!..........Why am I not shocked by new reports that show that unvaccinated children are far more healthy than those who have been subjected to poisonous vaccines?   I again ask that everyone avoid any vaccines at all cost due to the horrific and deadly poisons that they do indeed contain.......And finally, I will once again take a shot at the rejects from society called the Kardashians.  Greencrow, a fellow Canadian truth seeker, sent me a link last week to a young Croatian woman who has spent time and an untold amount of money to make herself look exactly like that trollop Kim Kardashian!  I am indeed shocked, and especially in finding out that there is indeed someone else on this planet that wants to look like a skank and a two bit porn star.   But again, I and others cannot figure out why the American public is so intoxicated by this "family".  Honestly again, are Americans truly this stupid?More to comeNTS