Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 28th, 2015

 Sunday... Almost the end of June and now at the beginning of Summer 2015, and time again for my weekly rant...First and foremost, I will be taking some extra time off this Summer for much needed vacation and I will alert everyone in advance when that happens... With the absolutely laughable and yet disturbing "massacre" in Charleston South Carolina that has taken up so much of everyone's attention this last week (on purpose), I figured I would spend a bit of time here going over each false flag shooting and bombing that we have seen in this century alone and give my perspective of what really happened by tearing them to shreds....The "granddaddy" of the major false flag attacks of this century is of course the Israeli attacks of 9-11, and again I can assure everyone that those were indeed conducted by the Israeli Mossad and their useful idiots in the US Government.... The twin towers of the World Trade Center were well packed with high explosives and were hit by absolutely empty remote controlled flying bombs to both create the propaganda spectacle of "hijacked" aircraft flown into the buildings, and to create the illusion of towers being felled by planes.... It was also the first time "crisis actors" made their appearance in their usage strategically in the crowds in New York City to help sell the illusion that the towers were felled by the fires created by the planes hitting the buildings...The Pentagon was of course hit by a missile, which of course was strategically placed and exploded exactly in the wing of the building that housed the offices of US Naval Intelligence... The same Naval Intelligence that was handed the task of investigating the "disappearance" of some 2.3 TRILLON dollars of US taxpayer money that criminal Donald Rumsfeld admitted was missing just the day before... Wiping out that wing of the Pentagon wiped out the collected data for a full investigation of that theft.  Not a coincidence at all...Flight 93 was shot down by an American A10 warthog over the Pennsylvania countryside because it does appear that yes the passengers were able to take control of that flying bomb and the US government had to have that plane destroyed and the passengers killed or their entire plan would have blown up in their faces.  Flight 93 was to be the flying bomb to attack the Solomon Building, aka "Building 7" that was in fact the building in New York that stored data and information on the Enron and other major political scandals that threatened the Bush crime family... Once WTC1 and WTC2 were felled earlier in the day due to explosives, the flying bomb of Flight 93 would have a clear shot to hit the Solomon building.... But with the plane now down in Pennsylvania, the criminals decided that the public was already "sold" on the lie that fires could take down a building and decided to set off the explosives placed much like in WTC1 and WTC2 and have the building collapse....Basically "9-11" was a well orchestrated and well planned act of mass murder by both the Israelis and their compliant slaves in the US government to not only wipe out vital information that would have exposed the corruption of the American administration, but of course to get the US involved in the wars for Israeli expansion better known as the fraud "war on terror".... It has worked in the last 14 years beyond these criminals' wildest dreams....The London Bombing of July 7, 2005, was absolutely a well planned and orchestrated Mossad hit.... The fact is that the Mossad had 4 Arab stooges or "patsies" to carry high explosives in back packs onto 3 London subway cars and one double decker bus, and have the explosive devices go off with perfect timing during one of the busiest times for passenger travel in London...... 52 people are said to have lost their lives in this bombing....  As expected, there has been so much coverup over the last 10 years about this obvious false flag attack, including the fact that there were "drills" being conducted the day of the explosion right across London in preparation for such an attack....The fact that the coverup continues indicates that the British government is indeed hiding the truth from the British people, which points again to this being a well planned attack, and thus the involvement of the Israeli Mossad...The sad result of this "bombing" was to have the United Kingdom firmly committed to the fraudulent "war on terror" and the British people have foolishly indeed followed the United States into wars for Israel against innocent nations in the Middle East....The Aurora "shooting" of July 20th, 2012 has always been a mystery to me and there are indeed so many holes in the "official" story that even the poorest of amateur sleuths could drive a mack truck through them... To this day there is still the question as to the 12 "victims" of this supposed massacre and if there was ever any "victims" at all..... There is of course evidence of a set up and a possible hit team that was sent in to do the "killings".... And of course we have the suspect "James Eagan Holmes" that has been so heavily drugged up and basically has had his mind turned to mush since the attack.... With his ongoing trial for the victims of the Aurora shooting now in full swing, he supposedly no longer has the mental capacity to stand trial, and his defense team has no choice but to plead insanity....Now Holmes will face the death penalty and the real truths behind this shooting will die with him....The Sandy Hook "massacre" of December 14th, 2012 in Newtown Connecticut is one for the books.... It is  possibly the one false flag incident that could, when fully exposed, take the US government down for their part in the operation and the coverup of the truth.... Yes, there can be no shadow of a doubt that NOBODY died at the Sandy Hook Elementary School the morning of December 14th, 2012, and all evidence now shows that the "shooter", Adam Lanza, never existed at all..... This Sandy Hook 'massacre' was a well orchestrated and planned operation that incorporated the usage of dozens of crisis actors and a very compliant Jew spew media..... The whole purpose was to strike fear into the American psyche and to push for legislation to remove the one method left for the American people to defend themselves from a corrupt and tyrannical American government, which is of course their guns..... The fact is that thanks to so many independent investigators who pointed out all the inconsistencies, and the outright lies especially from the crisis actors themselves, the Sandy Hook operation failed leaving the government and the stooges in Newtown Connecticut scrambling to maintain the coverup....The one other note of importance from the Sandy Hook operation has been the part played by the disinformation agents right here in the alternative media to continue to lie and push the criminal US government's "official story".... By now many of them have been exposed as the liars and fools they truly are, and as I have said before, they all should just disappear.... They sold their souls and were paid off handsomely for their lies and should never ever be trusted again, period....  I do not need to give names here, for most of my readers know exactly who they are...The Boston Bombing of April 15th, 2013 is also one for the books... It was another well planned and carefully conceived drill that went "live"... The bombs themselves were very loud concussion smoke bombs that were set off across from the Boston public library near the finish line on Bolyston Street for the Boston Marathon running that day as part of the drill... Hell, even the loudspeakers near the finish line were repeating over and over again "This is a drill... This is a drill".....  The "victims" of this "bombing" are another big joke.  One prime example was that "crisis" actor, "Jeff Bauman" who supposedly had his legs "blown off" by one of the explosions and rather than get immediate help to seal the leg wounds to prevent him from bleeding to death, was put into a wheel chair with his blown off legs fully exposed and raced down Bolyston Street for the Jew spew media to film as a propaganda stunt....It has been later proven that this "Jeff Bauman" is in fact an Afghanistan war veteran who had his legs blown off while in combat there.  He was hired as a crisis actor for the Boston Bombing drill due to his amputated legs and was used to create the illusion that his legs were suddenly blown off from the bombs going off during the Boston Marathon. To me, the Boston Marathon Bombing was indeed a drill that went "live".  It was sold to the American people as being real for its shock value, and has been used by the criminal US government to further their agenda of stripping freedoms away from the American people.. The truly sad part of the entire fraud bombing has been the conviction of a very innocent man, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, for the bombing that he absolutely did NOT commit... That innocent man has now been sentenced to the death penalty by the crooked American kangaroo court justice system and as I said before, true American justice is now officially dead....There were of course some smaller incidents across America since the fraud Boston Bombing, including the fraud incidents in Santa Barbara California and Seattle Washington that pushed for gun control legislation... And of course the shooting of two people in Kansas City at a Jewish run theater a few years back where the victims were conveniently two Gentile actors while the gunman was supposedly such an evil "anti-semite" that he missed shooting anyone in the Jewish filled audience....  Every one of these incidents has proven to be a set up, and yet we again have the Jew spew media and the criminal government using these events to strike fear in the American public and to whip the citizens of the United States into a state of paranoia... The Ottawa "shooting" of October 22nd, 2014, right here in Canada, was another false flag with the purpose of getting the Canadian people on board for the very fraudulent war on terror, but has allowed the criminal Harper regime to pass its much needed "anti-terrorist" bill C51 to turn Canada into a police surveillance state... There have been so many questions still unanswered about the "shooting" itself, including if anyone actually died by that war memorial, and how it was that the Canadian Jew spew media was "conveniently" in place along the main hall towards the Parliamentary House of Commons chamber when the gunman entered the building.. There were also absolutely no RCMP sharpshooters or officers in place as the gunman was allowed into the building without being stopped... There is also evidence of "anti-terrorism" drills (surprise surprise) taking place that very morning right there in Ottawa, and that again shows that we are dealing with a drill that went "live"...... Sadly, the Canadian people swallowed the bait and the Harper regime has been able to ram through their "antiterrorist" legislation without much public outcry.... Canadians will indeed feel the effect of their ignorance as this horrendous bill now takes effect and their freedoms disappear....Honestly, I could spend this entire rant going over the FAKE Charleston "shooting", but what is the point?  Most Americans will again swallow the koolaid and the lies by their own crooked government and equally crooked Jew spew media and will blindly accept the notion that their guns are to blame for these "incidents"....One other result from the fraud Charleston "shooting" has been the ridiculous push for political correctness that has now exploded across America.... To me, the idea of removing the Confederate "Stars and Bars" battle flag from every place across the American south is beyond ludicrous... The "Stars and Bars" was never the official flag of the Confederate States of America, but was actually first incorporated as the battle flag of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, and has since symbolized resistance from tyranny...It is absolutely not a symbol of "slavery" or "racism" as the Jew spew media has been promoting, but symbolizes not only resistance but the rights of the individual to stand up for justice and freedom.... Heck, the entire American Civil War was not even fought over "slavery", but was actually fought for the rights of the southern states to stand for "state's rights" against the imperial power of the federal government out of Washington DC....  Therefore, to push the removal of the "Stars and Bars" is just another push by the criminals to remove the symbols of resistance from tyranny.....  I may not be an American, but I would be proud to wave the Stars and Bars here... OK onto my "last minute tidbits" where I will touch on what has been happening in our sick world for the last week...... I saw a report the other day that the criminal Poroshenko regime in Kiev has now committed some "60000" Ukrainian troops to the war in the eastern provinces.  With these troops now well armed with deadly American weapons, the slaughter of civilians who's only crime was to decide their future was not with Ukraine will now begin......While the Jew spew media has been so focused on the fraud South Carolina shooting, there has been a new "freedom flotilla" on its way to try to break the illegal blockade of the open air prison camp known as the Gaza Strip.  Yes, the criminally psychotic Israelis are again threatening to stop this flotilla and I fear we are going to witness a new Mavi Marmara incident with many innocent people murdered.....The lunatics in the US Pentagon are now saying that they are preparing for a "nuclear confrontation" with the Russian Federation, due to Russian "aggression".  I again say to these nutjobs: What Russian aggression?"  Russia has attacked nor threatened no one, and has rightfully stayed out of the mess in Ukraine other than to send humanitarian aid to starving civilians in the eastern Ukrainian provinces.  These lunatics at the Pentagon are pushing for nuclear war with Russia and they care not that such a war would devastate this entire planet........What the hell is the matter with the Greek government?  We are seeing them still trying to somehow make deals with the crooked EU and IMF, when in reality they should have quit these criminal organizations months ago.  No government should ever accept "odious debt" and basically tell the criminals involved to take their debt and shove it up their asses.  Greece has to cancel their debt obligations immediately, quit the EU and even NATO, and seek partnership with the BRICS nations.  The very future of the Greek people is at stake.......Notice that with the US and Israel pushing for the invasion and destruction of Syria, right on cue we have these 'terrorist' attacks happening all at the same time with of course the fraud known as "ISIS" to blame?  There is absolutely no coincidence, and yes we will indeed see all of our governments now call for an immediate attack on Syria to "remove the ISIS threat".   When will people ever learn that the entire 'war on terror' and even "terrorism" itself are shams and used as propaganda tools to fool gullible people to support invading innocent nations?.......And speaking of the fraud of "ISIS", notice how the Jew spew media is going hog wild with reports that "ISIS" is planning an attack on the United States on the 4th of July.  If such an attack does take place, I surely hope the American people will be smart enough to put the blame where it belongs,which is of course their own criminal government!......Iranian nuclear deal was set to be signed off on June 30th, just two days away, and it looks like the deal will fall through.  This is exactly what the psychos in Israel want, for they want no deal but to see Iran attacked and destroyed by their American puppets.......One other report from Ukraine that is disturbing.  It appears that there are now some 900000 refugees from Ukraine that have fled that nation since the American led coup of March, 2014.  That huge number of refugees shows how absolutely wonderful the new regime in Kiev has been for the Ukrainian people.  I do wonder how the Jew spew media will spin this one?.......Notice the media blackout on the so called "Trans-Pacific Partnership" agreements that were signed off while attention was purposely focused in on the fraud shooting in Charleston?  Yes, little data is available on the terms of that 'deal' but it appears that it is just another move by corporations to take over nations and take the freedoms of their citizens away.  It is so amazing that the American people were purposely kept in the dark about that horrendous deal while the criminals in their own government passed it into law.  Many are unaware of the implications of the TPP, but I can guarantee we will see them soon enough........Someone asked me my opinion of Donald Trump running for US President, and honestly, who cares?  What ever clown gets that office will be nothing more than a stooge of Jewish interests, so what has changed?........And speaking of clowns and stooges, I will close this rant with my usual shot at America's favorite family of trolls, trollops, skanks, and misfits, the Kardashians.  It appears that Kanye and Kim are now aware that their second child will be a boy.  The so called entertainment media is now focusing in on what they will name their newest son.  Honestly, who cares? One thing for sure is that child will be so screwed up being raised as another Kardashian misfit that the name does not matter. Yes, even I still cannot understand the love affair by the fawning American public with these idiots.More to comeNTS