Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 26th, 2016

 Yes, it is of course Sunday again... And as always time for my rant..I again have been busy over the last few days taking care of a lot of personal and business needs... I have therefore been entering new articles at this blog infrequently..... But of course I get the odd "comment" sent my way that complains about my not able to do articles on EVERYTHING that has been happening around the world... I say to these clowns to get a life and understand that my family and other requirements come first and foremost and they do put this blog on the back burner..... I will put up articles when I have the chance and when I have the time!OK, I am truly troubled by the absolute ignorance of people that I run into on a daily basis... Over the last few days  I have listened to brain dead people still talking about how "terrible" the Orlando "shooting" has been and as usual how "something has to be done" about these shootings and especially about the "guns"..... I of course try my best to explain to these morons that every single one of these "shootings" is and always has been a false flag event, and that in most cases NOBODY has died..... It is of course so amazing to see the wild eyed look of bewilderment from these people and that shows the propaganda brainwashing power of our Jew spew media at work.....I can understand that a lot of people cannot handle the truth and many just say "I do not want to hear about it" when I and others try to explain that they have been suckered like fools with these fraud shootings.. But hey, the truth hurts, and to me it is just too freakin' bad that people simply cannot handle the truth that they are indeed gullible fools for believing what the criminals in our own governments and the liars in the Jew spew media say when these fraud "shootings" occur.... I and others in the REAL truth movement will not stop in trying to tell people the real facts about these events no matter how unsettling they are.....Well, what has not already been said about this Orlando 'shooting' that shows it to be a laughably ridiculous fraud?   Many researchers have produced so many fabulous videos that explain how utterly ridiculous this event is, and how these criminals involved are using some of the poorest and dumbest crisis actors imaginable!  And yet here we are with the majority of the people living in America believing this to be a real event, and are now so willing to allow their crooked Federal government to strip them of even more rights and freedoms just for the illusion of "safety and security".....Must I again remind these fools of the old statement that says; "Any nation's people that surrender their rights and freedoms for security, deserve neither to be free nor secure"......But what the hell, America... Go ahead and give up your rights and your guns and sleepwalk your way into your own enslavement!One other thing about this latest and very laughable fraudulent "shooting" that I could not help but notice... Many of the rejects from clown college that have their own "websites and blogs" that had the nerve to attack myself and others for seeing these fraud shootings, especially the ridiculous Sandy Hook shooting, for the frauds that they are, and insisted that I and others were "kooks and nuts" for believing these "shootings" to be frauds, are suddenly very quiet when it comes to this latest laughing stock of 'shootings" in Orlando!... Yes, one of the major fools out there, the one that I call the Midget-man from Idaho, has been especially silent and unwilling to touch the reality of Orlando being a fraud.  That is due to the fact that once he realizes that Orlando was a fraud and a badly done false flag, then he would have to admit that every other "shooting" and "bombing" that we have witnessed across America for over a decade now are also frauds.... If we consider the fact that he has called these "shootings" as being real, then any admission of the reality that they are in fact hoaxes would be his undoing and would reveal to the world what a fool he truly is... Therefore the silent treatment on the reality of Orlando.... But the damage has been done, and many now see him and his entourage for what they really are.. A bunch of shills for the Government lies!The "Brexit" vote in Britain is to me a moral victory over the Jewish power elite.. But here is the catch... Even with the British people voting overwhelmingly (do not believe this was a "close vote".  The people attempting to fix the vote just could not swing the vote fast enough in the NO vote favour!) to get the hell out of the fraudulent and most criminal European Union, that will not happen for a few years at least if not ever..... The referendum was basically a vote to leave, but the real motion to leave has to come from the British Parliament.....And if we consider the fact that the Jewish criminal elite runs and controls the British Parliament and their members, then there may yet be some serious shenanigans that could occur that will prevent the United Kingdom from being truly free of the criminal Rothschild controlled EU......It is also not shocking at all that with the British people saying NO to the European Union, that other slave nations under that fraud "union" such as Greece, France, Portugal, and Italy, are all considering their own referendums on whether to continue to be slaves to that union or to be free as well.....The Brexit vote has indeed opened the flood gates now and the nations of the EU may finally disband that entity and send it to the scrap heap of history where it belongs.....BUT again, the Jewish power elite that controls the EU will do their damn worse at trying to find any excuses imaginable to maintain their control and they will get increasingly desperate... Yes, the Jews want to keep their dominance over Europe and they definitely do not want to see any of their slaves escape to freedom!Again, as we all are distracted by the Brexit vote, and of course the continuing escapades in Orlando Florida, the war to save Syria from the tyranny of the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal continues... The real shocker this last week were the reports that the Syrian army in its advances towards taking back the fraudulent "ISIS" terrorist haven of Raqqa, came under chemical weapon attack by the "ISIS" forces... And what was really astounding was that the chemicals used were Sarin nerve gas... I looked at the reports, and the big question that everyone should be asking is of course: How did these "terrorists" come into the possession of Nerve Gas?   The answer should be obvious that the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal supplied their mercenaries and agents in Syria with this chemical weapon.  But this begs the question as to why there is not one ounce of uproar from the liars in the Jew spew media about this outrageous change of events?  We had the criminals in our governments and the liars in the Jew spew media go nuts a few years back when they falsely accused Bashar al-Assad of using his chemical weapon stockpile on his own people which was proven to be a lie, and here we have these fraud "terrorists" using them now near Raqqa?  And again, not one "mainstream" media report of outrage about this dastardly act?...  This is so sickening and again exposes the fraud of "ISIS" once again as nothing but US/Israeli agents working for the destruction of Syria itself.....Yes, 'ISIS' most definitely used nerve gas near Raqqa... And we find other reports that these fraud terrorists and the other frauds called "Al Nusra" have been using a multitude of new and more deadly weapons supplied by the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal near Aleppo as well... It proves once again that I was absolutely correct about the ridiculous "ceasefire" that was supposed to be in place for the last few months to 'save the civilian population' but was instead used as a respite to allow the criminal cabal to rearm and reload their mercenaries and agents to again push for the destruction of Syria and to kill some more civilians along the way.... Yes, the Syrians and Russians were fooled once, but never again.....I saw in the Canadian Jew spew media last week where a 94 year old SS prison guard from the Auschwitz labor camp, named Oskar Groening, had been found "guilty" in a German court for supposed crimes against humanity and his alleged participation in the 'gassing' of Jewish labor workers....What I found was not only ridiculous but also the fact that it was put into almost ALL of the Canadian Jew spew newspapers for most of last week as well.... Yes, the world is waking up to the criminality of these Jewish crime masters, and apparently they are trying to put some 90+ year old  labor camp guards on trial as quickly as possible before they die now to try to keep the "memories" of their "Holocaust" of the second world war alive in peoples' minds to garner sympathy..... I find this so revolting and after looking into this Groening and what he was accused of, there is no real evidence of any of his "participation" in the alleged "gassings".  The only evidence that was presented was that he was actually at the camp as a guard!  Everything else was circumstantial, but again the Jewish criminals want their "pound of flesh" and will put these very old men up in Kangaroo court trials.....It is sickening to behold....Yes, I have not spoken much about the Jewish "holocaust" of the second World War simply because I do live in Canada, and the Jewish criminals that control this once free nation have placed their fraud "Hate crime" laws into this nation's judicial system... Anyone that comes out and flat out calls the Jews the liars they are and tries to even research the truths about the "holocaust" can be put into a kangaroo court trial and found "guilty" of the ridiculous notion of being a "holocaust denier"!  This is so ridiculous and so sickening when one considers that to research our history and get the real facts is something that everyone should do... To try to prevent research of that part of our history and possibly expose the truth about the "holocaust" means that something is absolutely false about that event... Truth never needs laws to support itself, only LIES do!Yes, this 'show trial' in Germany to railroad a 94 year old frail man for a crime he did not commit is sickening enough... But the real crime has been the lack of any reports about another most fraudulent "holocaust survivor" who was exposed last week for the LIAR he truly is.....Yes, a man named "Joseph Hirt" was exposed over the last few months by American history researcher Andrew Reid to be a massive liar and fraud... This "Joseph Hirt" claimed falsely that he was at Auschwitz labor camp, and that he not only met Dr. Joseph Mengele but he also met American track star Jesse Owens as well (!).. But after years of lying his ass off to everyone and especially school aged children,  this Hirt criminal had to confess last week that he LIED about every aspect of his past ....  This clown actually has had the nerve to not only ask for forgiveness for his crime but claims that he did it to prevent the history of the "holocaust' from vanishing.... I find this so ludicrous and this man should be in jail for his crimes of lying.  But his being Jewish will probably mean that he will only get a slap on the wrist and be allowed to keep the money he has garnered for his outrageous lies.....The facts are that this 'Joseph Hirt' character is nothing new, for there are countless other Jewish liars out there that for years have been trying to brainwash gullible people with their outrageous tales of being at these "death camps" and somehow surviving countless "gassings"... We of course have that Irene Zisblatt that gives the ridiculous story of swallowing and defecating diamonds on a daily basis while at one labor camp as well as surviving countless "gassings".  And of course we have another liar, Herman Rosenblat, that made a fortune peddling his falsehood that he got apples at a fence at a labor camp daily and then went on to finding this "heroine" after the war and then marrying her.  That tale was found to be a massive lie as well.......But the coup de grace has to be of course the master liar, Elie Wiesel, who claimed to be a survivor of a "death camp" but was discovered soon after making a fortune from his fairy tale book called "La Nuit" to be a fraud by another prison inmate who was at Wiesel's "camp" and came forward back in the 1980's stating that this Wiesel character was indeed a massive liar...... These and other reports about these liars shows the mentality of the Jews in their consummate ability to lie, and should have everyone questioning the entire authenticity of the "holocaust" itself... I actually challenge the Jewish criminals to go after these criminal liars for what they are doing is "tarnishing" and "ruining" the alleged true survivors of that part of history... But to this day these criminals are doing nothing about these criminal liars.... Yes, the tribe of criminals indeed protects their own.....OK, I guess I have once again spewed long enough... There is of course so much else that has happened across our planet this last week, and I will once again touch on many of those issues here in my last minute tidbits.......Yes, while the world's attention is deflected purposely by the Brexit vote and of course the fraud in Orlando, we have the continuing build up of criminal NATO forces along the border with the Russian Federation. The real criminals here are the liars in our governments and Jew spew media that are continuing to LIE to everyone that this build up is to "counter Russian aggression".  And yet once again when I and others challenge these liars to prove Russian "aggression" they can not answer.  The fact is that the criminals in the US and NATO are indeed gearing for war with Russia, for they think that the only way out of the economic disaster that this world faces is to have a new World War!  The sad part is that these criminals absolutely do not care that such a war could cost billions of lives........Russian President Vladimir Putin went on Russian television last week and challenged the west and NATO for their blatant build up of forces along his borders, and showed the evidence once again that there has not been any Russian aggressive movements as our criminal governments and liars in the Jew spew media claim.  Putin does see what is happening and he knows that the west is indeed gearing for a war that they cannot win and could indeed go nuclear in a heartbeat.........And of course we have the US moving more forces aggressively in the western Pacific facing China.  Yes, the US government is not only contemplating war with Russia, but is pushing for war with nuclear armed China as well.  Economic disaster is indeed on the doorsteps in America, and the psychos in Washington want a war, and in fact any war, now to save their necks.  Sadly it is the American public that will indeed suffer greatly if such a war is launched.....OK, what can I say about that demon Hillary (Killary) Clinton that has not already been said?  Sadly, I have been looking at the "polls" put out in the American Jew spew media, and they ridiculously claim that Killary is ahead of Drumpf in the run for President.  Honestly, I do wonder what type of psychos and lunatics they get for their polls?  And are the American people truly this braindead?   Again, if this creature attains the US Presidency then the American republic will die very quickly.......I have come under some fire for my stance that Donald Drumpf is the ONLY choice left for America for President.  Yes, it is the "lesser of two evils" but what  other choice is there with the corrupt "two party system".   It comes down to either Donald or death for America........I am still shocked that the Global Warming escapees from clown college are out there spewing their lies that this is the "warmest year on record".  What a load of bunk, and I again challenge anyone to come out and show that the planet is somehow overheating.  Even up here in central Canada the temperatures have been falling and this Summer will be one of the coldest on record.   The facts are simple in that the planet is not "overheating" but heading towards what could be a mini ice age.   The liars want us to believe that Global Warming is real for them to impose fraud Carbon Taxes to fleece us out of our hard earned monies........Will someone please let me know what the "benefits" of switching to "Windows 10" are?  I have had one of my laptops run that decrepit program for sometime now, and all it does is give me fits.  And apparently it allows "backdoors" for surveillance into that computer.  I have done everything that I can to prevent any "update" to this horrific operating system on my other laptops and home computers, and I would recommend everyone do everything to prevent "Windows 10" from taking over their own computers as well.......I saw where some "athletes" and "celebrities" are now reportedly not going to Rio de Janeiro for the Summer Olympics due to the fraud "Zika virus" scare.  Again, people must wake up to the reality that this "Zika virus" scaremongering is a scam, and being done to promote the poisoning of people from dangerous vaccines.......One comment in my last rant asked me about "Jennifer Aniston" and whether or not the rumours are true that she was actually born a man.  I have looked at this "Aniston" as well as the other men such as Michelle Obama and Serena Williams, and the evidence of her actually being a man is there and available to be read online.  I am still not sold yet, but if any readers have other evidence available, I am all ears....... Yes, I have been watching the Euro 2016 matches, and I am still wanting to see Germany in the finals. But you have to love that little Iceland, a nation of some 250000+ people is right there in the round of 16.  If Iceland does go deep in this championship, it would indeed be a great story.......And finally, my shot at the Kardashians for this week.  I see that the super skank, Kim, is out there trying to be a media pig by going after the US Senate for not doing anything about "gun control" in the wake of the fraud Orlando 'shootings'.  This again shows how utterly brain dead this trollop is in that she has not a clue about the reality of this latest fraud shooting, but instead is jumping on the gun control band wagon.  All I can say is for Kim to shut the fuck up, for she is once again showing her utter cluelessness about what is really happening.   Yes, America is falling to pieces and they continue to have their love affair with this family of misfits and trolls....More to comeNTS