Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 21st, 2015

  Yes, it is Sunday, June 21st, 2015... Father's Day, and time again for my weekly rant....I first must state that I was extremely busy yesterday taking care of a lot of personal business and I had no time at all to update this blog with any articles... Yes, with the most recent "shooting" taking place in Charleston, South Carolina, on everyone's minds, there have been many amazing and informative articles coming out of the alternative media that have done their due diligence in exposing some of the lies that are being perpetrated by both the Jew spew media and the crooked US government.... I usually do my best in getting some real truths out, but the situation yesterday could not be avoided.... Heck, I do write this blog usually on the fly anyways, and I do take the periodic day off for personal business... I ask that people just be patient and/or take the time to look at other real truth seekers have to say.....It is of course Father's Day, and I am a bit troubled by the reports and articles that I have seen that have been "downplaying" the importance of Father's Day and even fathers in general..... All over the so called civilized world, we find more and more single mothers having to raise children out there without fathers, and to me that is especially troubling... To me, it is always important in the upbringing of any children to have a father figure and to know their fathers.... Is it part of the Jewish plan for our own destruction that they have created the situation where more single mothers have to raise children without fathers?  You tell me....... For me, I always have my own father, who passed away from the ravages of Alzheimer's disease in 1999 in my own heart... He may have been stern but his knowledge about how the world really ticked did rub off on myself and helped to spearhead me into the man that I am today as well as why I do write this blog and am firmly in this "war" for our own survival... As I state every year at this time, I do miss you  Dad!OK, onto the South Carolina church "shooting" of late last week.... First and foremost, I have taken a look at all the reports coming from the liars in our Jew spew media and there are so many things that are extremely troubling, especially about the "shooter", Dylann Roof (weird name to say the least...) and his supposed "manifesto" that he wrote supposedly months before the shooting took place.... I have read the "manifesto" and I smell a complete and utter set up.... Honestly, who writes such rubbish, especially a 21 year old supposedly "troubled" young man?   The other thing about the "manifesto" is the fact that it is written into a complete website, but yet the website has this one single article only?  Come on, now!  Who in their right mind would pay for and open a complete website for months and have one single article such as this one in it for all that time?   To me this is obviously a "psy-op" and this phoney "manifesto" is just one of many faked evidence out there to vilify this individual as well as to make him look 'psychotic' enough to carry out that shooting....I am saying that this 'manifesto' was absolutely NOT written by this Roof character but has been written by the scriptwriters in the CIA for this false flag operation....The evidence that implicates this "Dylann Roof" is so spotty and full of holes, especially the one photo of him in a supposed wooded area wearing a jacket that seems to mysteriously change its decor.... One picture shows him wearing patchwork on the jacket that suddenly changes in another photo... A very poor case of photo-shopping indeed, and is indeed a "smoking gun" that this man is indeed the "patsy" for the shooting....And of course we have ALL of the  photos released to the public with the "shooter" having those typical "evil eyes" that we see in all of these patsies used in previous mass "shootings".... Dylann Roof's photos show the typical piercing and most evil facial expressions with dark sullen "evil" eyes... This act of photo-shopping to change the eye appearance is done purposely as a psychological weapon on people and gives again the impression of the "shooters" being "evil"...And yes, in most cases the public buys this bullshit....Aangirfan, over at his website, has done his homework very well in showing all the inconsistencies in this "shooting" that points to it being a complete psy-op.... His most recent updated article in fact points to shooting "drills" that were and were continuing to take place in and around Charleston. The fact is again that in every single 'mass shooting' taking place in America for the last decade at least, we find "active shooting" drills taking place before and even during these incidents.  And yet, the American people just blindly believe the lies and bullshit coming out of their own crooked and criminal government and still believe the shootings to be real?   I do wonder if the effect of Fluoride and other poisons have finally taken its toll and most Americans can no longer critically think!I could spend this entire blog just discussing the Charleston "shooting" that more and more appears to be a psy-op and indeed a false flag operation, but there has been other happenings around the world that should be mentioned.... But I will state here that I do believe that the American public do need to wake the hell up now because the crooks and scoundrels in their own government are now using that "shooting" to further crack down on the public and will try to rush through new legislation to remove the one last line of defense against America becoming a full police enslavement state, which is the the American people's guns.Of course, while the focus has been on this incident in Charleston, the world elsewhere is going to heck.... The Greek government has finally done the absolute right thing in telling the crooked IMF and Rothschild controlled European Union to take their debt and shove it up their asses... Greece has now officially defaulted on its debt using the rightful  premise of calling that "debt" exactly what it is...Odious debt!  Many people around the world have been (purposely) kept in the dark about exactly what "odious" debt is and how it gives every government the right to default on that debt without ever having to pay it back... The fact is that every nation has the right to tell the Jewish international banking cartel that if ANY debt has been accumulated by the usage of Usury and other illegal means (thus being "odious"), then that nation can legally cancel that debt without ever having to pay it back or the interest accumulated to these crooked Jewish banksters.....The Greek government has simply done exactly what all nations should be doing and labeling the "debt" as being "odious", and thus wiping that debt out completely.... Yes, the crooked criminal Jewish scoundrel bankers are not too happy and are quickly trying to prevent this action by Greece to spread to other nations, especially in Europe, but the proverbial "genie is out of the bottle" now, and I can guarantee that other nations will quickly follow suit... We may finally see the end of the crooked European Union that honestly should have collapsed years ago.So where does Greece go from here?  The Greeks should do the right thing and take themselves out of the crooked European Union entirely and join the Russian led BRICS initiative... It is a fact that the Russians and Chinese have already approached the Greek Syriza government and all indicators show that Greece may soon say adios to both the EU and even to NATO which these days has been nothing more than Rothschild's private army of destruction.....I have been saying that this is exactly what Greece should have done months back, but better late than never...Of course we are now finding what appears to be a media blackout of what is really happening in Ukraine... The Ukrainian government is now fully into their newest offensive against the innocent civilians in the breakaway eastern provinces and are equipped with the latest and greatest of American weaponry bought and paid for by sucker American taxpayers.... Few people are still even aware that this "war" against these provinces, who's only crime being to vote in a legal referendum to decide their own future, is indeed genocide and is fully supported by the criminal US government itself..... The now well armed Ukrainian regime will indeed be escalating the conflict very soon and the slaughter will be unfathomable.... But of course we will be spoon fed the lies by our Jew spew media that this "war" is against "Russian aggression" and the general public will continue to swallow the bullshit with little thought.....Honestly, my prayers are now with the innocent Ukrainian civilians living in the Donbas region, for they will shortly feel the onslaught...Of course little Jew spew news has been coming out of Yemen, and again that is being done purposely... The Yemeni people are now in a full humanitarian crisis, where all food and medical supplies have been cut off... There are some estimates coming out that upwards of 20 MILLION Yemeni civilians could die shortly from this crisis as they basically starve to death.  And yet, here we have the American government working hard with the criminal and psychotic Saudis and Israelis to make sure that genocide and outright murder takes place.  I am indeed shocked that few people truly understand the nature of this crisis and exactly what this "war" is truly all about. I see that done purposely by the crooks and criminals that run our Jew spew media and our Jew controlled governments......I do recommend that people take the time to look at factual and truthful reports coming out of the alternative media and inform others about the REAL situation in Yemen.....Someone last week asked me to comment on the recent activities by the Pope, head of the Roman Catholic church, and his ridiculous new report and support for the fraud known as "Global Warming".... I read some of the reports about the Pope's writings in support of Global Warming and I am appalled.   Personally I gave up on the fraud of religion years back, but this action by Pope Francis is beyond ridiculous.   I do wonder why the head of the Roman Catholic church has suddenly jumped on the fraud Global Warming bandwagon and calling for a world wide imposition of "carbon credits" on every single person on the planet.... Honestly, I see this as evidence that someone has got to Pope Francis and he has been bought off, which is a most dangerous precedent for a supposed religious leader to suddenly become involved in a political and most controversial issue.... It does appear that the crooks and liars in the Global Warming scam are now going to the most diabolical means necessary to have their lie become the law of the land by making it now a 'religious' issue..... The bottom line here is that Global Warming is of course a scam and a lie, and now, sadly, even the Pope himself can be added to the long list of crooks and liars behind and supporting the scam.....Watch soon as the patron saint behind the Global Warming fraud, Saint Al of Gore, now go out and say "See, even the Pope supports our efforts"........What else can be said about the Iranian nuclear deal other than the clock is definitely ticking towards the June 30th deadline to get a deal in place, and I can guarantee the "deal" will be ruined by the criminals in the US government and the psychotic state of Israel...The fact is, as I have said again and again, that Iran itself is absolutely not and never has been building any nuclear weapons... This nuclear "deal" has been a fiasco from the moment the Iranians tried to sit down at the "bargaining" table with the P5+1 nations.  There never was a chance of any "deal" because the P5+1 nations have always been controlled by their Jewish masters who want the Iranians to surrender everything and yet will give the Iranians nothing in return... The fact is that the Iranian representatives to these negotiations have already surrendered so much and have agreed to all demands including full inspections of their nuclear power generation facilities, and yet have had nothing in return including the lifting of any criminal sanctions against their nation....  It is a fact that the Jewish controlled American representatives have called for a full inspection of not only Iran's nuclear power plants, but ALL of Iran's military facilities, which no nation should ever accept....  The Iranians have of course refused such a ridiculous request and it appears that the "negotiations" are again at a standstill... The fact is that the criminal Israeli regime wants the talks to break down so that they can use their Jew spew media outlets to scream "see... Iran has never wanted a deal" and use that as an excuse to have Iran attacked and destroyed....  The fact is again that these negotiations were doomed to fail from the start simply because Israel does not want a deal but wants war and the destruction of Iran.   The negotiations are and always were a charade and used as a stalling tactic while Israel has made preparations for their planned assault on Iran... Watch and be weary everyone, for it is still coming...One quick note before I go onto my "last minute tidbits" and it concerns Whitewraithe... It appears that we will have to put the Turbulent Times shows on a definite hiatus for the time being while she still recuperates from her lower back and leg injuries.   She has contacted me and said that the shows may in fact have to be postponed indefinitely until later this year in fact.... It is regrettable, and yes, I have contemplated doing the shows alone, but it would not be the same without her being my fellow host....  I will see what happens over the next while, and keep everyone up to date at this blog.. Stay tuned...As usual, I have ranted about some of the major issues that are on everyone's minds, but have left others out and hopefully will touch on them here in my 'last minute tidbits'.......A shocking report came out just the other day that shows that Monsanto was well aware of the dangers of Cancer causing Glyphosate for over 35 YEARS now and still pushed it on the market as a "weed killer".  I have not talked much about how truly criminal Monsanto is, but this report alone should have everyone up in arms........The British people are up in arms and marching in the streets of London against "austerity"measures, and I wonder why more European nations are not doing the same.  The fact is that no nation should ever have to accept "austerity" and should tell the criminal Jewish banksters behind the fraud to take their "austerity" and put it where the sun does not shine!......A report came out a few days back that the Chinese stock market is about to collapse and this most serious issue is no where to be found in the Jew spew media.  Figures, considering they want only fluff and lies to be seen by the gullible American and Canadian public.  If and when that market collapses, the ripple effect around the world could be enormous and cause a domino effect of other markets collapsing as well........The Canadian government apologizes to the Aboriginal people of Canada for their horrendous actions of the 60's and 70's of abducting Aboriginal children from their families and giving them away to foster families.  That is great, but when will they ever investigate the criminal Royal family and their actions of abducting children in the 50's and 60's for their pedophile rings and outright murders?  Now THAT would be a real investigation!.......An interesting report came out showing how Psychiatry has indeed been nothing more than a scam.  This is what I have been saying for years, and makes sense when you consider that most "psychiatrists" have been criminal Jews who have been using the fakery of Psychiatry to tell the Gentiles what is wrong with them, when they themselves are the real mental cases........Yes, some Russian officials are considering an "investigation" into NASA's faked Apollo lunar missions, but again as I stated in a previous article, the investigation would only look at the missing data and rocks collected.  The Russians are not going far enough in calling the entire "missions" into question for if they did, they would blow the entire lie wide open..........Psychotic criminal Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) has the nerve to release a short video to the Muslim people for the start of Ramadan, and I was appalled by what I saw.  This monster has the nerve to use that short video to do nothing but attack Muslims (again) and try to call Israel such a wonder nation? The hypocrisy and lies are so blatant.........The Americans and Saudis have sent representatives to Moscow to work on trying to get Russia to stop supporting Syria so that they can destroy that innocent nation.  Yes, they will indeed try to bribe the Russians into withdrawing their support of Syria, and I truly hope for Syria's sake that they fail........The fraud known as ISIS is still making news across the planet, and sadly most people are still being gullible fools in believing that CIA/Mossad entity to be real.  The Jew spew media and our criminal governments have done a great job in brainwashing mindless fools and our work is really cut out for us all... And speaking of mindless fools, here is my weekly look at America's sweethearts, the Kardashians.  I just read a laughable article about "11" celebrities that supposedly "love" the Kardashians.  Yes, there are actually 11 other individuals out there that strangely are called "celebrities", and have had their minds turned to mush by these misfits, trolls, skanks, and trollops.  Yes, America goes to heck, but the American public still loves their Kardashians!And again, if you missed it.. Happy Father's Day to all the other hard working fathers out there...  More to comeNT