Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 1st, 2014

It is Sunday, the start of a brand new month, and again time for my usual weekly rant...I have been spending a lot more time lately just simply turning off the computer in the evenings, and taking long walks.... It is now springtime here and everything is in bloom and trees are turning green... It was indeed a long harsh winter in this part of Canada (gosh darn that Global Warming!) and now time to enjoy this warm weather while it lasts.... To me, taking long walks not only helps to clear my mind, but also makes me realize how amazing our planet truly is, and why it is worth saving..I have said it before and I will say it again... I am disgusted by what I see on my usual walks, and time spent in local coffee shops.... I see young people (and many older people now as well) with their heads buried in their god damn smart phones, and totally oblivious to everything around them.... I have watched as people sit at tables and no longer use verbal communication with each other... Instead they are clicking away on their smartphones and do not even take the time to look up or at the people that they are with.... Honestly, what the hell has happened to our society?  We are supposed to be social creatures and we used to communicate freely using the spoken word.  Now I see people who no longer talk to each other, let alone make eye contact with each other..... I do wonder if this is part of the sinister plan by the Jewish elite to turn us all into non-thinking, non-socializing creatures.... If that is so, then we are truly in deep trouble..... All I can say to people is to turn off their god damn smart cell phones, look up, and actually take the time to look at people and the very planet that we live on.....So much is passing by those who do not take the time to see the beauty around us....So much has been already said about what has been happening in Ukraine already, and to me it seems that we are constantly being subjected to nothing but lies by our Jewish controlled media and our scumbag government officials.... Honestly, all you need to do is to take the so called "reports" from these sources and turn them around 180 degrees to get the real truth.   Right now, for example, we have had the reports about the Ukrainian regime in Kiev turning their army against so called "rebels" in eastern Ukraine.... The truth is of course that many of these eastern Ukrainians have had enough of the lies coming from that US controlled puppet regime and realize that their future no longer lies with a debt ridden Rothschild criminal banking controlled Ukraine.  These people of course rightfully voted in legal referendums for them to split from Ukraine and to first go their own way and potentially choose to join up with the Russian Federation.  Of course the US controlled government in Kiev does not want potential slaves to escape, so they have turned their heavy weaponry on these mostly unarmed civilians.... It has been disgusting to watch as more and more people have been murdered by these criminals, and I do wonder how long it will be before the Russian Federation decides they have had enough of the slaughter before they intervene.   It does make one ponder if this is exactly what the scumbags in the US and EU want, which is Russia to come in and give them their excuse to go to war against Russia itself.I have long said that the operations in eastern Ukraine are being done purposely to try to get Russia to intervene and therefore give the US their long sought pretext for war against Russia.  The fact is that the criminal US government wants that war, because Russia is now moving rapidly away from all trade in US dollars.  Such a move by Russia, and of course the other members of the BRICS nations spells disaster for the US which has long been able to maintain their massively insane debt due to the requirement of all other nations to have US dollars in their reserves for international trade.   Now those nations have had enough of the insane criminality of the US itself and have decided to dump the US dollar completely.   That move is disastrous for the US and could cause full economic collapse in America itself.    Therefore the insane rationality of the US government is to go to war to save their crumbling dollar.... And as I have said before, they care not that such a war would quickly escalate and possibly kill billions around the world.... They want the entire world to continue to use their debt ridden dollar!Is it just me?  Or is there something wrong when people do not see that this latest "election" in Ukraine itself for their President, as well as other positions in their "government" is a sham?   We witnessed this last week as the people of Ukraine "voted" for their government, but there was absolutely no freedom of choice to be made, because all candidates were already pre-selected by the criminal regime in Kiev itself.... What is especially troubling is that the "new" President of Ukraine, as well as the Prime Minister, are both Jewish.    This in spite of the fact that Ukraine itself has always been an eastern Orthodox christian nation with a deep resentment for all Jews, considering the long memory of most Ukrainians to the fact that the horrific Holomodor of the 1930's was conducted by Jewish officials and murderers under the Soviet regime.... To "select" these two to head the Ukraine nation is an absolute slap in the face for all decent Ukrainians, and shows again how the criminal regime in Kiev gets its marching orders from the Jewish Rothschild controlled IMF and European Union.  And people wonder why the Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine have had enough and want out??? The US, Israel, and NATO, are now definitely having a major headache take place when it comes to Syria.   Their lying media can no longer cover up the fact that Syrian people all around the world are rushing to polling stations to vote freely in advanced polls for the Syrian election that takes place tomorrow, June 2nd.... And these people are definitely voting overwhelmingly for President Bashar Al-Assad to be re-elected.... The Jewish controlled media has been harping lie after lie that this election is somehow "illegal" and that the resulting overwhelming vote for President Assad will be "null and void", but the truth is of course that the Syrian people are no dummies.. They have seen their nation torn apart by the criminal US/Israeli bought and paid for mercenary "rebels" and they see that President Assad is the logical choice for a truly free Syria.    After tomorrow, and with Assad elected by a landslide vote, the world will finally see the truth that the Syrian people have always supported Assad, and are all against the so called "free Syrian army" full of paid mercenary murderers...The Syrian people know the truth, and know that the criminals in both the US and Israel have long sought the total destruction of Syria itself. More and more I am seeing the evidence that this "Boko Haram" group (why do I think of the 70's British rock band "Procol Harum" when I hear that laughable name?) is a fraud.... We are seeing more and more attacks now by this US created "terrorist group" against civilians in Nigeria, and the world's Jewish controlled media is now harping constantly that a "humanitarian intervention" meaning invasion of Nigeria is needed to stop this group's attacks..... I have also noticed that reports about the fraudulent "schoolgirl abduction" in Nigeria have strangely disappeared now and the focus is now on "Boko Haram" attacking villages and killing innocent civilians....People have to wake up and realize that this "Boko Haram" is another phoney group for the phoney US "war on terror", along the lines of the equally fraudulent "Al Qaeda".  The truth is of course that the US wants into Nigeria desperately to seize Nigeria's tremendous petroleum and mineral wealth.   That move into Nigeria is also to block China which has been making trade deals with a multitude of African nations for both minerals and petroleum needed for the Chinese economy.    We have seen already where the US has used phoney "terrorist groups" as their excuses to invade other African nations, such as Mali, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Uganda, Congo, Libya, and the Central African Republic.  Nigeria is just the next target on their growing list......The world needs to wake up and see the sick game being played here by the criminal US government.We have seen over the last two weeks the latest phoney shootings take place in both California and Belgium... The shooting at the Jewish museum in Brussels Belgium is most definitely a fraud.  This "shooting" is reminiscent of the equally phony Jewish school shooting that took place a few months back in Kansas, and just like the Kansas fraud, we have no evidence of any deaths at all.....To me, that shooting was done to again somehow garner sympathy for the criminal Jews, and again most people are realizing that when examined closely, that it indeed is another hoax.... On the other side of the Atlantic, the shooting in California has more twists and turns all the time... We have reports and very strong evidence about a second person at the scene of the crime who was driving the vehicle that the shooter, Elliot Rodger, was in....Was that driver Rodger's handler?...... And of course the US media has been going wild with reports about the shooter, Elliot Rodger, being "white" when in fact he is a Khazar Jew, and absolutely not white at all..... Now to top it all off, we have that slithering snake Feinstein calling for "gun control" legislation in California needed as a result of that "shooting"....The evidence does show that Rodgers actually did this shooting, but nobody seems to even ask the questions if Rodgers was on some heavy SSRI drugs, or that he may have a mental disorder along the lines of Tay Sachs Syndrome which is predominant in the "tribe"....To me, the California shooting seems to be a set up, with the effect of trying again to convince the American people to surrender their last line of defense against the criminal US government itself, which is their firearms. In other news... I recently came across reports about the latest happenings with this fraudulent "Mars One" group in America that has been calling for human settlement on Mars by the year 2023.   All I see here is again evidence that there is a sucker born every minute!.... .The fact is that "human settlement" on Mars is impossible for any time in the near future, simply because just getting to Mars itself is clearly impossible with any technology at hand... People who have been gullible enough to actually sign up for this fraud are the same people that still believe in the fraud Apollo moon landings, and are unaware of the horrific radiation problems in space that to this date have still to be solved by any group, and especially NASA.    There is no way in hell that anyone can survive the tremendous radiation exposure from Earth's Van Allen radiation barrier, let alone survive the intense radiation of interstellar space while on the 8+ month journey to Mars.... This "Mars One" group is just another in the long line of dreamers, and possibly con artists..... The fact is that if they actually are ever to attempt their planned trip to Mars, it would definitely be a one way suicide mission....Being a long time exposer of NASA's fraudulent Apollo man on the moon missions, as well as recently exposing the truth about the fraudulent Mars probes, I had long believed that the best that mankind could do with the technology at hand has always been getting into low Earth orbit, and even building the International Space Station (ISS).... But recent articles and videos have called into question the ISS itself.... I put up an article in the middle of last week that contained an amazing and very concise video that shows evidence that the ISS itself is a fraud, due to the impossibility of its occupancy by humans for long or even short duration.   One glaring fact that that video does not discuss is that the ISS itself in low Earth orbit would be subjected to massive bombardment by all that space junk that is orbiting our planet from previous rocket and satellite launches.... That space junk is flying around Earth at many miles per second, and one small particle of that junk if it intercepts and hits the human occupied ISS would puncture its flimsy compartments and cause a massive decompression that would doom the astro-NOTS on board.... It is amazing that the geniuses at NASA, the Russian space agency, the Japanese space agency, and the European space agency, have not thought of that problem when they decided to "build" the ISS a decade ago....  Using critical thinking and now looking more closely at the ISS itself, I am beginning to see that NASA and other space faring nations have all been lying their asses off again..... The big question now becomes:  Have we been lied to about all space travel?   Stay tuned....On one personal note... I have again been subjected to slurs and hateful comments about some recent articles I put up that expose the nature of the criminal "tribe" of Jews that are working feverishly to enslave the entire planet.... I have long known the truth about these criminals, and especially their most disgusting "holy" books, the Torah and the Talmud..... I personally am not a "hater" as these people try to claim... I ask them many times to take a close look at their scriptures, especially their Talmud, and show me how these are not works of  intense hatred, and racism.   These books talk about the Jews being human while the rest of us are supposedly beasts.    And of course the Talmud itself talks about how it is ok to have sex with children!  How anyone can go out and call everyone else haters, when their own literature talks about hate and disgusting pedophilia is beyond me.... I say to these people who scream that I and others are haters, racists, or even the fraud "antisemites" to take a look at themselves first and foremost before they hurl insults at others....Well, I guess that is enough for now... There is still so much that I have not covered here, and I will touch upon those issues quickly in my usual closing "Last minute tidbits"...... The criminals at TEPCO are now openly pouring radioactive waste water into the Pacific.  But honestly they have always had no choice but to take this measure because storage of that waste was always impossible....More lies coming out of the Global Warming camp about how this planet is in danger from overheating.  And the timing is perfect because President Obama/Soetoro/Davis is definitely about to announce new "global warming" initiatives which will include fraud Carbon Taxes on the American people.  Lets hope the American people are not stupid enough to swallow this new BS.....Egypt had an election (did anyone notice?) and the preselected US controlled new President, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, was "elected".  However, the Egyptian people clearly showed their disgust at this sham by not voting at all.  Only some 38% actually "voted" (I suspect this number is actually smaller). People who know the truth are not stupid, and the Egyptians now know that their Arab Spring and their want to be free of US domination will continue to be an ongoing battle......More unrest in Libya as the people are again rising against their puppet dictatorship in Tripoli.   The "humanitarian" invasion of that country a few years back has turned into a farce, and the Libyan people, like the Egyptians, are not stupid.  A new civil war in that nation is fast approaching, and hopefully the Libyan people will be able to boot out the criminals who have wrongfully destroyed their once proud nation......The latest numbers on the US economy came out, and lo and behold, the entire US is in a steep economic nose dive.  But the evidence is clear if anyone living the US goes out and looks at all the businesses shutting their doors and/or declaring bankruptcy.  It is truly a shame to watch that once great nation in a tailspin to full economic collapse.... More news this last week about "missing" Malaysian flight MH370, as the US Navy finally admits that the "pings" that it has been hearing in the Indian Ocean are NOT from that aircraft.  I have two words for everyone that continues to look for that plane: DIEGO GARCIA......Even more evidence these last few weeks about how vaccines do not work and are actually deadly to human health.  And yet I find word that the Canadian federal Harper government may soon push for mandatory vaccinations for all Canadians!  Disgusting, and shows again the criminality of the Harper government itself......The criminal IMF will now "bail out" Greece to the tune of some $4.6 billion dollars.  The Greek people can never pay back this IMF loan, and the only solution has always been to kick these bankers out of their nation like Iceland did.  Greece should free itself from the shackles of Jewish criminal debt and tell the IMF to take a hike!.....The Bilderberg group is meeting in Copenhagen Denmark right at this moment in their annual get together to decide the fate of this planet.  It is hard to believe that such criminality and evil is able to gather together and yet nobody has the guts to go out and arrest these monsters for their crimes against humanity?  Absolutely disgusting..... And speaking of disgusting, here comes my usual shot at America's sweethearts, the Kardashian clan of trolls, misfits, and skanks.  Here is one that takes the cake and shows how sick these people are:  It seems that my favorite skank, Kim, went out and got a $5000 "toe liposuction" to suck fat out of her feet so that her feet could fit into her shoes for her wedding. (NO, this is not a joke) Talk about disgusting vanity, and shows again why I see these people as a plague upon humanity.   But hey, America loves their Kardashians.....More to comeNTS