Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 19th, 2016

 It is once again Sunday, and as usual time for my weekly rant...Today is of course Fathers Day, and I of course want to give a special shout out to all those hard working dads out there... I of course take time to reflect on my own father that passed away back in 1999 due to the ravages of Alzheimer's Disease..... I am indeed the man that I am today in part to the teachings of my father...One thing that I do want to share with everyone about my father is the fact that when I was young and watching and listening to all the propaganda coming out of the Jew spew media outlets mostly in America, my father would always say "Don't believe what you are watching and/or listening to".   At the time of course I did not know exactly what he meant at the time....But after years of researching and finally understanding the real criminal Jewish power elite that controls our world, apparently my father was a man decades ahead of his time.... I could never understand why he would never go into any details about what he did know, but suffice to say he knew the real truth about these criminals, and rather that be called a "racist" or "bigot", he preferred only to give his sons and daughter a warning....It is too bad that he was not able to pass his knowledge down and instead took it with him to his grave..... I really do miss my dad at times....Well, here we have just had another week, and now after months of no false flags the US government and the compliant Jew spew media has just come up with a real doozie in Orlando Florida..... It is still shocking to me that there are truly so many gullible people, even up here in Canada, that simply have closed their minds to any deductive reasoning and are willing to accept the LIES that this was a real event!......Let me make  it clear here...When this "shooting" occurred back last Sunday morning, the 12th of June, I honestly thought that the criminals in charge would not possibly try to pull off another phoney gun shooting, due to the fact that a lot of people are wide awake and would of course pessimistically look at it immediately as a false flag.... But yet here we have it again with their shenanigans..... Only this time apparently they have upped the stakes by the claim that the victim count was "50" with another "53" wounded.... Being a pessimist myself, I knew right away after hearing about this on Sunday morning while I was writing my last rant, that something definitely stunk to high heaven.....OK, I have already done a multitude of articles that have fully exposed this "shooting" as another fraud.... Honestly, what else could it be?  The kill count and wounded by this "lone gunman" "Omar Mateen" (You have to love these names!) was in itself an impossibility for one man firing a semi-automatic gun that would require RELOADING after it fired off its 30 round magazine... What?  Did this "Omar" stop after firing off his rounds and say to the audience; "Hold on everyone while I reload?".... That alone makes this situation ridiculous...But the big "coup de grace" in my books was the reports that this "gunman" had the audacity to take a "break" during his shooting to whip out his cell phone and make a call to both 9-11 and a local TV station, saying that he was the "gunman" and that he was doing this "shooting" for none other than "ISIS"... Yes, you cannot make this stuff up if you tried.... To me this is so laughable... What?  Did "Omar" stop shooting and then announce to the audience: "Hold on again everyone while I make these phone calls?" in the middle of his shooting spree?   I honestly wonder where the mindset of the American public is that they will swallow this garbage?And finally what had me laughing was the usage of the "piss poor" crisis actors for this event... We have of course Gay boy, "Chris Hansen" (real name is Andrew Bowser, and a very bad actor that did some skits for a show called "My Pet Has Talent"  Yes, look it up!) wearing of all things a shirt with the American flag all over it (obviously for the propaganda value..) everywhere and helping out with the "victims"... I took one look at this clown and his antics and wondered myself where the hell all the EMT's, aid workers, and even doctors were, that should have been on scene and helping these alleged victims.  Real medical staff would have not allowed this clown anywhere near these victims..... But the real nail in the coffin for this very bad crisis actor was when the criminals in charge of this event let him and others CARRY some of the victims as part of the act for cameras to see.  However, the coordinators for this event blew it big time for they let their crisis actors carry the "victims" TOWARDS the Pulse Nightclub rather than logically AWAY from the club!   Yes, it was filmed on video and is right there on Jew tube aka Youtube for everyone to see for themselves....Apparently now that homosexual in charge in the White House, Barry Soetoro, now has his newest false flag in Orlando with a multitude of agendas attached.... Originally they wanted to have the shooter be "anti Gay" by his attacking a Gay nightclub in Orlando, but that fell apart when proof came forward that this "Omar Mateen" was in fact homosexual... Then they tried the "radical Islamist" approach with the "ISIS shout out" by this alleged shooter, but that has also fallen apart with no credible proof of any links to the US fraud "terrorist" group called "ISIS" as well as again this "shooter" being Gay which of course is frowned upon in Islam...... And of course we have the gun grabbing agenda which of course is the primary purpose of these fraud shootings.... Orlando is basically the fraud Sandy Hook shooting on steroids with a far greater kill number of 50 compared to some 28 in that other slop......  And of course the majority of the American people will be stupid enough to support a gun restriction bill without understanding that even in Orlando, if that was a real shooting, it would have been halted quickly by just one or two patrons or doormen armed with weapons of their own!Honestly, I could go on and on at this rant showing everything that is so wrong with this latest false flag event and further proof that it was indeed a set up where it is possible once again that nobody has died..... The real irony about this shooting is the fact that it happened at just the right time for the US government as it DISTRACTS the US public away from real issues that are happening right in the United States right now and around the world.... To me the biggest distraction is of course away from the collapsing US economic situation where reports have shown that for the last two years the economic status of America has been in severe sharp decline.... The catastrophic failure of the American system which I and others has warned about for years is definitely here, and the US government is now desperate to avoid that catastrophe by any means possible including having America involved in a full blown world war.....Yes, while everyone was distracted by Orlando this last week, the US and the Rothschild controlled private army under "NATO" has been moving even more forces to the eastern border with the Russian Federation.... This buildup of force has been sold to the general public under the lie that it is a counter to "Russian aggression"... But as I pointed out in my last rant and I will state it again here, there has been absolutely ZERO "Russian aggression" at all.... The Russians have NOT "invaded" Ukraine as the Jew spew media falsely claims, and any assertions that Crimea had been "annexed" illegally by Russia are again totally false.... The Crimean people voted in a fair and honest "referendum" to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia.... There has been NO invasion, and NO Russian aggression, period......But again the US wants this war for the criminals in charge wrongly figure that the only way out of an economic disaster at home is to go to war and kill millions of people in the process....Yes, the "Brexit" vote is going down this Thursday, June 23rd, in the United Kingdom, and honestly I do want to see the British people vote overwhelmingly to leave the crooked European Union....I could again go over so much that is wrong and evil about the "EU" here, but suffice to say that when the EU was formed, it was indeed the first attempt by the Jewish power elite for a One World Government using Europe as their first "test" for their world dominion... And the EU has indeed failed miserably and most of its members are now economic failures and basket cases.....It is no wonder that these Jewish criminals do not want to see Britain leave their empire, and they are indeed working crookedly and clandestinely behind the scenes to have the voting tarnished and ruined... I can guarantee that come this Thursday, there will be so many voting "irregularities" and that much like the Scottish Referendum of a few years back that was tainted and crookedly fixed to prevent Scotland's independence, this vote will be "close" and we will most probably see the "NO" vote win by a very narrow margin.....Once the NO vote wins, then hopefully the good people of Britain will see the reality that their vote is worthless and they themselves will revolt and force the issue......For the people of Britain to be free from tyranny, the only choice they really have is to overwhelmingly vote "YES" this Thursday!On a side note about this "Brexit" situation, we have the assassination of a British Labour Party Parliamentarian "Jo Cox" in the United Kingdom this last week by an alleged "Neo-Nazi" (yes, they do bring these frauds out of the woodwork from time to time..) which to me has made no sense at all... Apparently the NO Brexit group are behind this shooting and they had hoped that it would generate fear in the YES camp and sway British public opinion away from voting for Britain to leave the EU...But this sad episode has indeed backfired, for many polls taken shortly after this killing have shown that the YES vote to leave the EU has actually increased dramatically.... Apparently the attempts to sway the British by this horrific action has backfired in the criminals' faces....The "shooting" in Orlando has also, and very purposely, distracted the American people from the reality right now in Syria.  Yes, the good guys, the Syrian army and their Russian allies, have been making serious progress in their attempts to end the conflict quickly now.. Their forces have been on the offensive in and around Aleppo and especially in Latakia province where the fraud "Al Nusra" is losing town after town... The Syrian army is also rapidly approaching the "ISIS" stronghold of Raqqa, and if that city falls, and expectations are that it could be as early as this week, then the "ISIS" incursion into Syria itself will have failed..... The US/NATO/Israel criminal cabal has been looking for anything to change their dismal outlook in Syria, and that is why they tried to have this Omar Mateen "linked" to their fraudulent "ISIS".... They have assumed the American public would be gullible enough to fall for this "ISIS terrorist" trap in Orlando, and thus have that public stupidly support an increasing effort in Syria itself..... Luckily with the exposure of the ISIS link fraud in this shooting, we can only hope the American people are not this stupid....Yes, the Syrian situation is going from bad to worse for the US/NATO/Israel criminals cabal, and THAT is why we have suddenly seen an upswing in the push for an illegal "no fly zone" over Syria itself by criminal and treasonous 50+ members of the US congress just last week.... These criminals know now that Bashar al-Assad cannot be defeated by their proxy armies, so now they want this fraud "no fly zone" as a means of shutting down all the Russian/Syrian air attacks on their proxies and allow their own air forces to fly unmolested over Syria itself to bomb and strafe Syrian army forces as well as continue to blow up Syrian infrastructure and kill civilians..... The Syrian government itself will never allow such a "no fly zone" over their own nation, but what about the Russians?  Yes, Russia will not allow this "no fly zone" over Syria, and if the US government is stupid enough to try to impose it, it will lead to a full blown war against the Russian Federation!Yes it has been a very tumultuous week around the world... There is so much that I have left out of this rant and hopefully as usual I can cover those issues here in my last minute tidbits..... What else can be said about that demonic Hillary Clinton that has not already been said?  This demon is most definitely one of the most sadistic and evil creatures on planet Earth, and yet rather than rotting rightfully in a jail cell, she is still out there and wanting to become the next US President.  I honestly cannot understand how in the hell ANYONE with even one brain cell can vote for this disgusting creature?  Are the American people truly this stupid?..... Yes, I did say in my last rant that the only choice left for Americans to avoid a world war and their nation becoming hell on earth is to vote for Donald Drumpf.   Many say that I am wrong with this, and stating that this is the 'lesser of two evils', but I ask them to state what alternative is left for America?  It is either death under Hillary or at least a chance under Donald!..... .I saw this last week where the criminal state of Israel has said NO to any more "peace talks" with the Palestinians that would be based rightfully on the return to the 1967 ceasefire lines.  The psycho Israelis have said absolutely no to the 1967 lines, and therefore these latest "talks" are a sham just like all the others before it.  Lets face reality here, for Israel is an expansionist criminal monster that wants ALL of the land for themselves, with no room for the Palestinians.  That is fact.........The US is still making provocative moves against China over those small islands in the South China Sea.  Yes, while attention is focused on the build up of forces in Eastern Europe, little attention has been paid to the US buildup in Asia.  Apparently if the US cannot get a war started against Russia, they think that war with China is "option B".  I honestly do not like the prospects of any war against a nation of 1.4 billion people that is also armed with nuclear weapons.....Some have asked why I have not reported for the last few weeks on the situation in Fukushima Japan.  But nothing has changed there, for the nuclear meltdown is still ongoing with the crippled reactors still spewing their waste and garbage into the adjacent Pacific Ocean.  This problem is far from being fixed and will continue for decades to come.......Amazing that there has been little reporting about what is happening right now in Venezuela.  The Venezuelan people are now starving to death as the criminals in the US put the screws to that nation.  The US wants to see the Caracas government toppled so that they can bring in their latest puppet regime to take its place........And what about Brazil? There is serious trouble brewing in Rio De Janeiro, site of the upcoming Summer Olympics, where apparently the place is an unmitigated disaster.   There are even calls coming out  for the Rio Olympics to be either moved or "postponed" due to the disaster......One good thing that has happened in Brazil however is the government in Brazilia coming out and banning all US crap GMO "crops" from coming into their country.  So yes, the Summer Olympics in Rio may become a disaster, but at least the Brazilian people will not be poisoned by US crap!...... And of course we have the reports this week of the Russian Federation being banned from Rio due to allegations that their athletes have used chemicals and drugs to cheat.  I would say that considering the mess Rio is in right now, the Russians would be better off to not send anyone there, period.........I had one comment about my statement that Michelle Obama is actually a man from last week's rant, ask me about the tennis "star" Serena Williams as well.  Suffice to say that both her and her sister "Venus" were very much born as boys, but were surgically altered as children.  Is it cheating? Absolutely, and all done for the money........Colder than usual temperatures for this time of year, and yet the escapees from clown college under the fraud "Global Warming" banner are still out there spewing their lies that this is the "warmest year on record?".  Honestly, I do again wonder what these fools are smoking?........And finally, my usual look at the American ridiculous "love in" with the Kardashian phonies.  Can someone please explain to me why the Jew spew media constantly reports on what these rejects are wearing as well as doing while real news that should be on everyones' minds is put to back pages?  Honestly, I do not give a damn about what these rejects flaunt in public, and yet here we have the paparazzi going hog wild with their reports.  As usual, this is all fluff and distraction away from what should concern Americans and sadly most Americans do gobble it up!  Yes, America is going to hell in a hand basket, and yet they still love their Kardashians..More to comeNTS