Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Sunday, and of course it is time for my weekly rant... As I have said before, there has been so much happening around our planet over the last week, and I will try to touch on several key issues here....First, today is of course Fathers Day, and I do want to say Happy Fathers Day to all those hard working dads out there.  I for one miss my own father who passed away years ago from the ravages of Alzheimer's Disease.   It was tough watching him disintegrate and all I could do at the time was to watch helplessly as his mind was slipping away....  I can never say how much I now appreciate him for his knowledge and especially his knowing about exactly who is responsible for the crimes against humanity we are watching today.  I do remember how he used to tell me that everything we are being "taught" in schools was nothing but lies and that the Jews are responsible for the horrendous shape our world is in today.  He saw through all the propaganda and the lies of our governments and tried to warn everyone.  Few listened at the time, and he passed away before knowing that I was awakened and am now carrying the torch..... I know now that what he was trying to tell people is the absolute truth, and that I am now seeking what he wanted... A world awakened to the dangers and free of tyranny.  I do miss you, dad....OK, onto other matters.... I and others in what I call the "real" truth movement are always bombarded by comments asking us that rather than point out all the troubles in the world, why not actually offer SOLUTIONS.   I had said previously that I would from time to time put up my thoughts about how to fix what ails this world, and I will spend the majority of this "rant" covering them in a point to point format....So, here goes...1.The first thing that has to be done is to ELIMINATE ALL DEBT from our societies.   Every dollar of Jewish Usury debt is artificial and a fraud, and what must be done immediately is to end that debt at the stroke of a pen.  One method is for our governments to call for an immediate "Jubilee" which was the method that kings in medieval times would end the debt to citizens through a celebration that took place roughly every 7 years.  Resetting all debts to zero is just the start however....2. ALL Private Jewish Usury central banks must be eliminated, and they must never ever be given the power to print every nation's currency at interest.  The finances of every nation and the power to issue currency must be done by the governments themselves.  Every dollar must be issued debt free and must be backed by the government itself.3. Income Taxation has always been illegal, and now must be phased out.... Even today very few people understand that Income Taxes have always been collected NOT for the financing of public services, but for the payment of the interest from the debt accumulated through private Jewish banks issuing our currencies at interest.   After nations eliminate those criminal private banks and their printing of our money, the Income tax can be diverted towards actual public services such as rebuilding our disintegrating infrastructure, public utilities, and of course industries such as manufacturing.... This spending of income tax on public services would fuel employment and help drive our economy back on the road to prosperity.   Once nations are on the road to economic recovery, the income tax can be and must be phased out and eventually eliminated forever.4. Corporations must be immediately investigated for their activities of "offshoring" jobs to other nations and elimination of jobs domestically.   Corruption in pursuit of greed seems to be the motto of too many corporations that have grown to the point that they control their host nations.   Governments must bring these corporations under strict controls and if necessary, nationalize many of them.  Forcing corporations to actually work for the benefit of their nation, and the people actually employed by them, must be enforced.  And there definitely must be a cap on how much money leaders of these corporations are to make.  It is ridiculous and insane when anyone takes a close look at how much executives that are CEO's of these corporations are paid.  The bottom line has been that corporations have long been under the belief that profit matters more than people, instead of the other way around and there must be a change in that policy, even if it is forced by governments.5. Jewish power and control over governments must be ended immediately.  The fact is that our governments are right now nothing more than mouthpieces for the criminal policies of the terrorist state of Israel.  Laws must be put into place to stop the insane policy of having every elected individual swear their allegiance to Israel instead of the very people who actually voted them into power.  Every elected official must be forced to swear an oath to their own nation and every "dual citizen" sitting in government must be forced out of office.  It is time for governments to work for the benefit of their own people instead of a foreign power.6. Jewish power and control over our media must also be ended immediately.  As laid out in their own evil and sick Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, these criminals have always known that they must control the media and therefore the message that the people receive if they are to attain their sick idea of world dominion.   It is a sad fact that right now some 98% of all of our media corporations are controlled by criminal Jewish interests, and therefore all of our news is now nothing more than propaganda with a pro-Israel and Jewish agenda.   Ending this Jewish control and actually telling the truth about the Jewish crimes against humanity and the sickness of their state of Israel is therefore a must. 7. Every nation must pass laws to restrict and disallow "dual citizenship" immediately.  Dual citizenship, especially when it comes to criminal Jews, is a fraud.   In most cases these Jewish "dual citizens" would sell their host nations down the river in a heart beat and do everything to help their glorious state of Israel first and foremost.  To me, these dual citizens are nothing more than traitors and must be treated as such in the court of law.    These "dual citizens" must be given the choice, either swear their allegiance to their host nations and be forced to live under the laws of that nation or be thrown in jail or deported, with all their ill gotten wealth gained in their host nation immediately confiscated.8. Jewish control over business and corporations must be ended and their influence severely restricted.  It is a fact that these criminals have long been in control over major corporations and in most cases due to their control over a nation's finances.   Through their dastardly actions of creating depressions and recessions, they are able to scoop up hard assets including businesses for pennies on the dollar, and thus today have a stranglehold on not only a nation's finances but the majority of that same nation's hard assets.... Taking away this control, seizing their ill-gotten businesses, and curtailing their power in host nations is a start.  Imposing laws to prevent them from ever gaining such control again is also a must.   History has shown that nations that have prevented Jews from gaining power over finance and business have indeed succeeded.  The best example was the Byzantine Empire that flourished for well over a thousand years thanks to imposing laws that prevented Jews from having positions of power in both government and finance.9. Our education system must be overhauled and this insane push for ludicrous "common core" principles being imposed on our youth must end immediately.  Control over our education system must be done by local governments and not by the interference of federal authorities.   Our children must be given the abilities to learn freely and be allowed to use their own critical thinking skills.  The push for having our children grow up to be mindless zombies working only for the benefit of large mostly Jewish run corporations must end now.10. Laws that restrict and curtail investigation into our true history must be eliminated.   It is sad that people do not understand that "hate crime" laws are a fraud and only benefit the real haters that want laws in place that would expose their own criminality and perversion of our true history.   Elimination of these fraud laws would open the door for proper investigation of our past and reveal the truths about the genocides of the last few centuries.   It would also allow for proper investigation into the greatest taboo of the last century, which is the Jewish "Holocaust" of the second World War.   People deserve the truth about our past, and investigation into that supposed murder of "6 million" is a definite must.   I have always said that if that "holocaust" was real, then it would definitely stand up to proper investigation.   So the question then is.. WHY are there laws in place to prevent that investigation?  The answer is simple:  Truth does not need laws to support itself, only LIES do!  If the truth is finally out that the "holocaust" is a lie, then there will be hell to pay...11 Immigration laws must be changed immediately.  We have seen what a disaster the present immigration laws in both the United States and Canada have turned our nations into cesspools.   In the US alone we find tens of millions of illegal immigrants that have flooded that nation and are now threatening to not only tear the nation apart but for the first time ever white Americans who have been responsible for the building of that once great nation are about to become a minority in the very land their forefathers conquered.   And here in Canada, the immigration policy better known under the fraud name of "multiculturalism" has indeed brought this nation to the brink of ruination.   Crime is on a rapid rise here in Canada and most can be directly attributed to criminal acts and violence done by immigrants from third world nations.  Both Canada and the United States should close their borders to these immigrants immediately, and actually start the policy of sending those immigrants living illegally in our nations packing to their nations of origin.  The sooner the better.12. Aid to the criminal state of Israel must be ended now.  TRILLIONS of dollars since the inception of that criminal state in 1948 has been given while our nations have millions living in poverty and/or on the streets in our once great cities.  To give billions annually to a nation that spends it on weapons to kill its own neighbors is madness.  The fact is that every single dollar ever given to Israel since 1977 is actually illegal due to the Symington Agreement in the United States that prevents any aid to any nation that is in possession of nuclear weapons and has never signed the Nuclear non-Proliferation treaty (NNPT).  Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and indeed has never signed the NNPT.   But of course due to Jewish control over the US government, they have circumvented that agreement and have had their American slaves continue to send billions in "aid" to their nation.  Cutting off all aid to Israel may finally force that state to actually learn to live with its neighbors and to stop its push for domination over the entire middle east.13. Full and independent investigation into the attacks of 9-11 and other crimes against humanity, must begin immediately and without the interference from government and criminal lobby groups.  The truth about what actually happened in those crimes and exactly WHO is responsible for those crimes must be revealed for the world to see.   And of course those responsible must be brought to swift justice.   It is sad to realize that these criminals have been able to get away with the murder of thousands and justice for the victims and the survivors of these horrific crimes is so long overdue....If the revelations show how the US government and the criminal state of Israel were the perpetrators of these crimes, then so be it.14. The poisoning of our citizens through the criminal usage of chemicals in our food and water, as well as poisoning through the use of mercury laden vaccines, must be ended immediately.   The ending of water Fluoridation of our public drinking water supplies is a good start.  Fluoride has long been known to be a neurotoxin and has been linked to the decline in the general intelligence of our present population.  Of course we must also remove danger chemicals such as Aspartame and Sucralose from our food that have been proven to be not only carcinogenic mind destroying chemicals, but instead of aiding in weight loss as promoted have actually been responsible for the obesity epidemic our nations suffer from right now.   And of course most people have been unaware that vaccines absolutely do not work but instead actually hinder the body's natural response to diseases.  To top it off, our modern vaccines contain a wide amount of dangerous chemicals including highly toxic Mercury that has led to our modern Autism epidemic and other neurological disorders in our children.  Well, those are 14 points that I could think of just off the top of my head.   There are so many others and I leave it up to readers to add to this list by putting up comments to this rant......As I stated, I wanted to spend the majority of this rant talking about actual solutions to what ails this world.  I have not forgotten about all the troubles we have seen over the last week, and I do want to touch on many of them here in my closing "last minute tidbits"..... The criminal US controlled puppet regime in Ukraine is pushing hard to create an incident for war with Russia so it seems.  Bad enough they continue to murder Russian speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine to try to poke the Russian bear, but to try to create incidents along Ukraine's border with Russia?  Yes, the US is definitely desperate for war, any war, to save their ailing economy......Russia is now definitely trading internationally in currency other than US dollars which means the beginning of the end of the US dollar itself.  Is it not strange that this is not discussed at all by the liars in the Jew spew media?  It seems they want to keep the mutton chomping sheep definitely in the dark about this impending disaster......Latest and newest phoney "Al Qaeda" group "ISIS/ISIL" has been making all the headlines and I do wonder if this is indeed part of the US/Israel sick game to finally get their long wanted war on Syria and even Iran going? Luckily the Iranians are not playing the game and are doing the right thing by offering assistance to clean up this problem in neighboring Iraq.  And about this "ISIS/ISIL" army?  I have seen reports that the "strength" of this "army" is only around 10,000 (!) and I wonder how such a small force can possibly do so much, or is there something more to this "crisis"?  Stay tuned..... 3 Israelis supposedly go "missing" and here we go with the criminal Israeli government accusing the Palestinians of their "abduction".  I smell a set up and just more of the "poor little Israel" crap so that the Israelis can again go about their business bombing the crap out of Gaza and stealing more Palestinian territory......Another week and another couple of fraud shootings taking place in America.   The recent Seattle and Santa Barbara shootings are proving to be frauds, and there are so many questions about the Las Vegas and Oregon incidents as well.  Yes,the US government is definitely pushing hard now for gun control legislation and are using the false propaganda of these "shootings" for this criminal agenda.  My advice has always been for all Americans (and Canadians) to never ever surrender their guns!......Should the Obama/Soetoro/Davis administration be investigated and should the US President be impeached for the Bowe Bergdahl fiasco?  Is the Pope Catholic?.......Why is there not more outcry in the US about the opening of the Mexican border to tens of thousands of children that have illegally entered the US itself?  Another reason for investigation into the US President and his "open door" immigration policy that has turned into a disaster......Everyone notice that the news about the Fukushima disaster that is still going strong has suddenly dried up in the Jew spew media?  It seems that rather than focus on this still Earth threatening disaster their solution is to try to avoid it and hope it "goes away".  But the reality is this will be with us for decades to come........Yes, the Los Angeles Kings beat the New York Rangers in the National Hockey League final game at the Staples Center in Los Angeles to win the Stanley Cup.  But the best news happened after the game when fans supposedly knocked a surveillance drone out of the sky near the Staples Center.  Good for the fans, and a step in the right direction for Americans that are sick of the prospect of having their skies filled with these surveillance and potentially armed machines of death......World Cup games going on strong in Brazil, and of course the media is focused in on the games themselves and trying to ignore all the violence and strife taking place just outside of these stadiums.  Billions of people glued to the games while the real situation in Brazil is conveniently ignored......I see President Soetoro/Davis/Obama is pushing the "global warming" charade on the American public in all of his recent speaking engagements across the US.   I have already warned my friends in America to watch for Carbon Taxes to replace his failed Obamacare fraud, and it seems the US Government is ramping up for those new taxes to be imposed on the American people very soon.......Yes, I have seen the news that the criminal banks all over the world have all started a policy of "confiscating" savings accounts, especially those that have been "idle" for a very short period of time.  It seems the nightmare of economic collapse is quickly coming, and these criminals are getting ready to seize all bank accounts to "bail themselves out".  If anyone has any money in banks, I would suggest you get it out NOW!......And finally, to close out this long rant (hopefully I have not put you all to sleep by now), I have my weekly look at America's greatest family, the Kardashians.   The two newlyweds, skank Kim and Kanye West, are going to festivals around Europe now to "adoring" fans.   What troubles me is the fact that there are actually still people out there that think these hoes, skanks, trollops, and media hounds actually matter and that people everywhere around the world actually line up to see these misfits.  Nothing like the Jew spew media to keep peoples' focus on these trolls, instead of the reality of what is actually happening in the real world. To call this sad is an understatement.More to comeNTS