Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 14th, 2015

   Sunday, June 14th, and time again for my weekly rant...It is hard to believe it is already the middle of June, and yet in most parts of the northern hemisphere, we are all suffering from "unusually" cold temperatures.... Even here, it has been cold and wet with temperatures only reaching into the high 10's to low 20's Celcius (thats high 60's to low 70's for those stuck with the old Fahrenheit scale)... Gosh darn that Global Warming and the planet heating up....Lets face it... The entire Global Warming scam has been fully exposed as just that... A scam.... I have been stating for years that the planet is not heating up, but is heading into a long cold cycle due to diminished solar radiation output from our one major source of heating, which of course is Sol..... Sol right now is well into a so called "solar minimum" that will last for at least the next decade or so and the result will be much colder temperatures here on Earth... It does not matter how much "greenhouse gases" we pour into our atmosphere for those have little or not influence on this trend to colder weather....  I have been keeping track of the laughable reports coming out of the Jew spew media and the idiots running our governments about how we need to save the planet from "Global Warmig", and I wonder how these fools can say what they do with straight faces....The reports from the Global Warming scam camp have reached outrageously insane levels of ludicrousness.  But beyond the insane machinations of these fools, one real laugher was watching that clown that calls himself Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, state on Talmudvision that he is committed to having Canada end all usage of "fossil" fuels by the year 2100!... Yes, this is not a typo and he did indeed say that Canada was all in for ending its enslavement to petroleum for fuel, but not until 85 years in the future when most of us are long dead and buried... And people actually fall for this crap?Speaking of Canada's Jew loving Stephen Harperstein and his entourage of idiots and misfits out of Ottawa... Yes, he finished his visit to Ukraine by pledging Canada's support for the Poroshenko US puppet regime, and stating again that the Russian Federation should be kicked out of all economic summits due to their "aggression" against the Ukrainian nation.... I do wonder if Stephen received my memo about how Russia had nothing to do with the mess that Ukraine is in, and that the US itself is fully responsible for the debacle?  I will not go into long detail here about how the US has ruined another nation for I covered that in my last rant.... Suffice to say Stephen just showed himself to be a complete and utter moron with no understanding of Geo-politics... And yet this clown calls himself the leader of Canada?Yes, the Ukrainian situation is a mess, and fully created and financed by the criminal US government as well as money supplied by groups run by Jewish criminals such as George Soros....And the situation will now become much much worse with the Minsk ceasefire agreement now at an end.... I stated before that this "ceasefire" was a scam and was being used by the Ukrainian US puppet regime in Kiev to reload, reform, and rebuild their forces.... These criminals used the ceasefire to have US heavy weapons bought and paid for by US taxpayers put into the front lines for their planned all out offensive against the civilians living in the breakaway eastern provinces.... Now with the ceasefire officially over, these weapons will be turned against innocent people and we will be seeing a slaughter and genocide......It appears that the Ukrainian government will indeed be "going for broke" in their pathetic attempt to crush and subdue the Donbas region, even if it means the murder of thousands of innocent Ukrainians..... Sadly too, many people around the world will still be in the dark about the truths about Ukraine due to the propaganda of our Jew controlled governments and the Jew spew media.....I for one am very sickened by the constant Russia bashing that has filled the Jew spew propaganda outlets these days.... It is bad enough that these liars can say what they with straight faces, but the real pathetic aspect is how much the people are actually believing the bull shit.... I and others have stated many times that Russia has had nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine, and the Putin government has done the right thing by just sitting idly by because they know that the Ukrainian situation would implode on its very own due to the massive corruption and ruination the Kiev regime has put on the Ukrainian people themselves.... Basically Ukraine is a complete mess and would have indeed collapsed on its own accord, and the Ukrainian people would have already been in a new revolution with a new government in Kiev,  if not for the billions of US taxpayer dollars being sent to prop up the regime at the expense of American taxpayers themselves... Yes, money that is desperately needed to try to keep the failing US economy and infrastructure alive at home is being shuttled to Ukraine instead..... And most Americans are not even aware of this travesty......I again must state clearly that the Russian Federation is absolutely not this great villain that our governments and media are insanely portraying and has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine.OK, many have been wondering again about my stand when it comes to Russian President Vladamir Putin... I will say it clearly here for all to understand... I am not into this Putin worshiping, period... The fact is that Russia is still firmly under the control of Jewish forces and their Oligarchs are still running the show... Putin himself may appear to be doing much to free Russia from Jewish influence including trying to change Russia's central banking to free it from Jewish control, but the fact is he may indeed be part of their game... The simple fact is that NO leader can ever rise to power in any of our nations now without either being Jewish themselves or be fully under their control.  If any leader was to ever turn on their Jewish masters, they would have several bullets in their skulls and the Jewish criminals would just put another one of their puppets in as a replacement....Basically if Putin was to ever turn against his Jewish masters, he would have already suffered such a fate.....I also want everyone to remember the Protocols and where it states clearly how they would control all nations and especially all "opposition"....  Therefore, I see Putin as just part of the Jewish game and firmly under their control... Quite sadly, I have yet to see anything that proves otherwise....It has been a while since my last report on the Fukushima disaster that is still, over 4 years since the original meltdown of 3 reactors back in March 2011, going very strong with no solution in sight.... Basically there is no hope of ever fixing this mess due to the simple fact that the technology to actually attempt a fix is still not even in place nor has been invented yet.... Recent reports have come out that are especially disturbing, such as the admission, finally, from TEPCO themselves that they have always since the initial disaster been dumping the radioactive waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean.  Now 4 years later, the effect of that dumping can be seen all over the north Pacific, with so many marine animals and fish dying off as well as increasing levels of radioactivity being detected right across the ocean all the way to the American and Canadian west coasts.....That is bad enough, but one report last week I found quite alarming, where it appears that all removal of spent fuel rods sitting above failed reactor #3 has been suspended and will not be resumed for at least 3 years.  This is especially disturbing considering the entire spent fuel rod storage structure there is still in danger of collapse with the resultant release of radiation being catastrophic.... I for one have always been puzzled as to the complete lack of interest by our governments, and media about the need to actually demand world wide attention to fix this planet threatening catastrophe.  But again, as I stated before, our governments and Jew spew media have only one interest in their minds, and that is the welfare and love of the criminal state of Israel....Yes, the criminal and psychotic state of Israel is still causing as much havoc and damage that they can in the Middle East... It is bad enough that they have gone into a satanic partnership with neighboring Saudi Arabia in the destruction of the innocent nation of Yemen.   But they also are gearing up right now for more planned invasions of their neighboring Arab nations.... Lebanon especially has always been in their bullseye for the simple fact again that Israel wants the water of the Litani River to replenish their own supplies that they have drained due to ignorance and selfish self interests... The funny thing that happened recently when it comes to that criminal state was the complete and utter disregard by the entire world for Israel's screaming for world support and sympathy from the recent "rocket attacks" that they claim were being launched by Arab terrorists from Gaza into Israel itself.  What has happened here is that the world's people are no longer fooled by these phony "rocket attacks" and most now understand the truth that these 'attacks' have always been launched by Israeli agent provocateurs and that the rockets never ever hit anything of any importance....The Israeli criminal regime has played this game once too many times now and their vain attempt to garner sympathy has now fallen on deaf ears..... Yes, these criminals have now been sent "back to the drawing board" and have to come up with something new.... I suspect that they are now working on a new plan of destruction and will indeed use their complete control over our governments and media to sell it to the gullible people... Watch for it, for it is coming......Is it just me? Or is everyone just sick of this "ISIS" fear mongering that is constantly being pushed in our faces by our Jew spew media?   It still troubles me that most people just do not get it when it comes to ISIS and the fact that it is a complete fraud and scam...... I feel like a broken record in always trying to tell the truth that ISIS is an American CIA and Israeli Mossad invention and is completely run by their operatives and financed by the US gullible taxpayers themselves.....Basically we are watching a complete propaganda show in action being used to strike fear into people so that they will indeed be stupid enough to support our own criminal governments in the equally fraudulent 'war on terror'..... The real pain is trying to explain to everyone that 'terrorism' itself is also a scam and a fraud as well.  I again must point out how almost every single 'terrorist attack' conducted over the last century at least has been either run or fully financed by the Jewish criminals and have also been used to strike fear into the general public....Yes, these criminals have always been the masters in knowing how to use the psychological effect of fear to get suckers out there to support their wars against innocent nations and to have the same suckers surrender their hard earned freedoms for the illusion of "security"....One other note before I go onto my "last minute tidbits".... I am really sick of the liars out there that are passing themselves off as members of this fraud 'truth movement'.... I look at many of them as true gatekeepers who have done their jobs well in telling a bit of real truth and leading their readership like the Pied Piper of Hamlen... Only to throw them for a loop and leave them disillusioned by turning a complete 180 degrees and spewing complete garbage....  Yes, there are so many of them out there and as Whitewraithe has said many times to me, it is so hard who to know and trust.... I always say to everyone to do their own research, their own due diligence, and trust their own gut instincts... If it smells rotten and something seems amiss, usually it is.....Well, enough of my general spewing.... Time for my usual "last minute tidbits"......Yes, I saw all those reports about how US Democratic (I had originally thought he was a Republican...Ooops...) Presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders, has been "offended" by those claiming he is a dual citizen Israeli.  The truth is that if Sanders is proven to be Jewish, then he automatically is considered a citizen of Israel and therefore yes, he is a dual citizen.  The real question should always be as to where his true loyalty lies, with the US or Israel.  Considering the track record of all other Jews in America, we know where it will be.......The criminal state of Israel is working hard to have the Iranian nuclear deal destroyed before its June 30th deadline for its signing.  Nothing new here, for Israel wants Iran destroyed, and they want their American slaves to do all the fighting, and dying, for that destruction.  I can guarantee the deal will fall to pieces and the blame will of course be put on the innocent nation of Iran.  Watch and see......That sinister psychopath, Pamela Gellar, is at it again with more 'hate Muslims' propaganda.  I do wonder why that ugly troll is not in jail for her actions and hateful propaganda.  But again, as I have always said, there is one law for the "chosen ones" and one law for everyone else.  The best course of action to take to stop this Gellar creature is for everyone to simply ignore her!.........The annual "Bilderberg" convention of criminal world leaders and complete psychopaths is going on right now.  Yes, these monsters will again decide the future of this planet for the upcoming year, and supposedly one of the subjects on their evil agenda is abolishing all cash for any transactions.  Hopefully people everywhere will not fall for this trap, for if we ever remove cash from our every day finances, these criminals will finally have complete control over our lives.......The horrific anti-terrorist bill, C51, has now passed into law in Canada.  My time in writing this blog may soon come to an end when the criminal Harper regime calls myself and others who criticize evil as "terrorists", and the clock is definitely ticking...... Even more reports came out this last week about the damage inflicted on gullible people through the use of poisonous vaccines.  It is especially saddening to myself when I see the reports about children dying after being subjected to these poisons.  When the hell will people finally wake the f@#$ up and realize that vaccines do NOT work, period!....... Interesting reports came out these last few weeks about how truly terrible the newest Apple gizmo, the "Watch" truly is.  I have seen the reports, and considering how truly expensive and a waste of time this device is, it is startling that people are still lining up wanting this POS on their wrists.  Yes, people are like mindless sheep these days and only care about the latest and greatest offering from Apple rather than care about what is actually happening in the world around them......I said last week that I found the Women's World Cup of Soccer games being played right now in Canada to be "snorefests", and I have yet to find after a week of play anything to show me otherwise.   Hopefully the level of play will increase as the teams get ready for the "knockout" rounds coming shortly.  Being a true soccer fan, I truly hope so.......And one other sport note.  I have caught the last few games between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Tampa Bay Lightning in the Stanley Cup finals in Ice Hockey, and they have been intriguing and very exciting games indeed. I am still hoping for the Lightning to pull it off and win the title, BTW.......I hope that everyone that reads this rant will go over to Whitewraithe's Pragmatic Witness site ( and vote in her poll to have her continue after her planned July 1st day set to terminate her blogging activity.  I have said to her to not give up the fight and just take the time to rest and recharge.  She also still has the option open to her to come in here as a guest writer if she wants....... And finally, what everyone waits for, my weekly look at that scumbag family of trolls, trollops, skanks, and misfits, America's most loveable Kardashians. One commentator said to me on last week's rant that Bruce Jenner was MK Ultra'ed and brainwashed into being the psychological mess he is today.  Yes, that is possible, but his gender bending could actually be a result of years of having his brain turned to mush by being around the other Kardashian brain melting trolls.   Yes, America truly does love their Kardashians and it does explain why the nation is so truly screwed up!More to comeNTS