Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 12th, 2016

 Sunday... It has indeed been an extremely busy week for yours truly... And time again for my weekly rant...Yes, I have been extremely busy this last week with so many home and work projects.. I find in my advanced age that I do not recover from the hard work that I continue to do with my job in the way I used to, and it does seem to be harder and harder to find the time to just sit down and surf the Internet on my various computers and laptops... And once again this blog tends to suffer from my absence....One thing that I did notice that was brought forward by a few other Canadian bloggers and truth seekers is this.. I used to check periodically via Blogger, and other Internet sources, that would give me hopefully an accurate account as to who is reading my articles and where... And of course how my readership numbers were doing... But I did find it strange that after years of steady growth at this blog with my numbers exploding at a hyperbolic rate that suddenly over the last year my "numbers" have fallen off.... In fact I found it astounding and absolutely impossible that when I used to get tens of thousands of readers a day that suddenly my daily counts are only in the low thousand only... This to me is impossible, and I can only deduce that my readership numbers are absolutely being manipulated to try to make me assume that nobody is reading my material.....I absolutely think this is being done purposely to try to discourage my efforts and to make me believe falsely that nobody gives a damn about what I have to say..... And yes, many other bloggers are finding the same problem with their own numbers way down and obviously being manipulated as well..... The only conclusion that I can come to here is that Blogger, being owned and controlled by the criminal tribe of Jews, is purposely LYING their asses off and not portraying the real readership numbers..... Purposely? You bet!Over the last few days,  I received a few outrageous and ridiculous "comments" from obviously those in the so called LBGT (idiots them all...) community of sexual deviants that do not like my articles attacking their "rights" to transgenderism.... I say to them to take a hike... If they do not like what I stand for, then too bad.. I will not lie about the truth that their sickness is destroying wholesome family values and are a detriment to society..... I also point out to others once again that do not like my stance to see exactly WHO is behind all this "political correctness", "transgender rights", "feminism",etc, etc... And you guessed it?  It is none other than the criminal Jews.... Heck, it is written right in their own Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion blueprint for world domination that they will use these sicknesses as their method of destroying families and family values...... And here we have so many people out there fooled and actually backing all these deviants and wanting them to have "rights"? One thing that has bugged me about Judaism for quite some time is this... And this is fact... Judaism absolutely 100% hates all women.. In that sick satanic "religion" women are treated almost as bad as dogs... Jewish women are abused, especially sexually, and many are left scarred for life from the abuse they take from their own religious leaders, family members, and others in their sick cult.... I always wondered WHY these Jewish women put up with this crap?   Is the brainwashing that intense from birth that many Jewish women cannot see that this abuse that they endure is not natural and is absolutely disgusting?   Heck, is it not true that there is a Jewish prayer that Jewish men say that states that they thank their god Satan, or as they claim "Yahweh", for not being born a Gentile or a WOMAN?......  I honestly have to give my head a shake when I look at the deprivations of that sick religion and especially what it does to their own women......I have been looking at the news coming out of Syria over the last few days, and what I see is heartwarming, and yet disturbing... Yes, the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their Russian allies, have finally had enough of the lies coming out of the United States about their "ceasefire" and are finally going all out to end this "civil war" once and for all.... The city of Aleppo is finally being cleared out of the so called "Al Nusra" rebels, and the Syrian army is advancing rapidly on the fraud terrorist group "ISIS" stronghold of Raqqa.... It will only be a matter of time before Raqqa falls, but the battle for Aleppo will go on for a while before that city is finally cleared of these fraud "rebels".... Once both are secured, the war by the criminal US/Israel/NATO scumbags to destroy Syria will be essentially over... Unless the US and Israel find their "excuse" to intervene directly.....  And yes, it appears that both the Syrian government and the Russian Federation have had enough of any fraud "ceasefires" and are going to keep going until the job is done.....One thing that did happen this last week that I must applaud is how the Russian Federation flat out turned down the psychotic state of Israel's demands that they get to fly their combat planes over Syrian air space without any reaction by the Syrian air force... These psychos in Israel were obviously wanting the green light from the Russians to fly unopposed over Syrian air space so that they could bomb and attack Syrian government forces.... The good thing is that the Russians have refused and Israel is once again being blocked from directly intervening into Syria, and such intervention would indeed see their aircraft opposed by Russian and Syrian fighter aircraft...And one other thing that has not been mentioned in the Jew spew media is this... A report came out this week that French special forces were setting up a "base" of operations near the city of Aleppo in northern Syria, and I have to ask this question: What in the hell are the French thinking?  France has now done exactly the same thing that the Americans did a few months back by building an air base in northern Syria, and that is to blatantly invade Syria.... Yes, the French, much like the Americans before them, have not been "invited" by the Syrians into their nation and to build this "base" is a blatant act of war and invasion and against every international law.. It would be the equivalent of the Mexicans coming into the southern US and building a military base there.. The American people would not like that, so how do you think the Syrians feel?OK, I will say it... The American people have really lost it and are nothing but a lost cause by allowing a murderous criminal freak of nature namely that satanic demon Hillary Rodham Clinton, to finally secure the Democratic "candidacy" for the November 2016 Presidential race... And yet, we find that this career criminal that has left a trail of hundreds of dead bodies in her wake gained that candidacy through fraud and corruption.... It is so amazing that every exit poll in every state in the United States that this demon gained showed that she was clearly in second place and in some cases even third place, and yet she won those states?  Lets be blunt here.. Exit polls do NOT lie... Exit polling is a simple process of asking the electorate to state who they voted for after they cast their ballots, and has never been prone to inaccuracies until this fraud US election circus....... Yes, America... Now that the Jewish wet dream of having their psychotic demon in the White House in the shape of this Hillary creature is nearly fulfilled... You are truly fucked!Honestly, what is left for the people of the once free United States to do now?  I am NO fan of Donald Drumpf, for I see him as a Jew butt kisser and controlled by big Jew money... Many people so quickly forget how Donald went and made his speeches to those pro-Israel groups and stated clearly that he was not only an Israel firster, but that he would do anything to support that psycho state and its insanity against its own neighbours and the Palestinians.... I am sick and tired of those who state that Donald is not for Israel, and I point out his own words and his own speeches that he made to these psychos.... BUT, and this is a big BUT, given the only choices left between a psycho freak that would launch the US into never ending war and possibly doom the planet in the form of Hillary, and Donald Drumpf on the other side, I would take Donald in a heartbeat... The only other alternative left for the American people is to either spoil their ballots or consider voting for a "third party" candidate... But with no strong third party in the United States, the only choice now is to vote Drumpf..... Hopefully most Americans are not brainwashed, and the rigged polling booths do not hand this upcoming election to psycho Hillary for the sake of America and the entire planet...Just for a change of pace, I went with my family and caught that movie at the local theatre, called "X-Men: Apocalypse" the other day, and I would say that it was not that bad... One thing that did of course show once again how Jew-lywood is once again running false propaganda and brainwashing of the masses was the part where "Magneto" was brought by "Apocalypse" to 1980's Auschwitz "death camp" to try to get him to be more angry than he already was in having his wife and daughter killed (oops spoiler alert..) and thus support "Apocalypse" in his desire to both dominate and destroy the world.... I watched it, and quietly said under my lip "bullshit"!.....Yes, it does appear that once again Jew-lywood is hard at it in trying to promote the Auschwitz labor camp as a "death camp", and of course the millions that watch this "movie" will fall for it..... I again as always question the reality of that part of our "history" as to try to examine and even question the authenticity of the "Holocaust".... Living in Canada means that we as Canadians cannot of course even question that part of "history" or face jail time.... But of course Jew created movies, though fictional, will try to push their "Holocaust" narrative every chance they can.......I see that according to British "polls" just last week that the "Brexit" vote to get the United Kingdom out of the evil Rothschild criminal empire called the "European Union" is not only gathering steam but is well ahead of the support for Britain to stay in that fraud "union"..... And according to many alternative news sites and especially from those out of the UK itself, the Brexit vote is actually ahead so much that the vote on June 23rd should be an absolute landslide... However, what we are seeing is an absolute repeat of the fraud Scottish referendum of two years back, and there is absolutely a lot of corruption unfolding in not only the polling but the ballots themselves.... Yes, the criminals in the European Union are absolutely pulling out all stops now to stop the Brexit vote and will absolutely, and you can mark my words here, steal that vote and declare on June 23rd that the vote to stay in the EU "won by a slim vote"..... The people of the United Kingdom must therefore wake the hell up and absolutely vote overwhelmingly to leave the EU. Only by an overwhelming vote will that defeat these criminals and absolutely make sure that even with the cheating that will happen, that Brexit will pass!One last thing before I get onto my "last minute tidbits"... I wanted to give everyone some status on my friend Whitewraithe and how she is doing... I have not spoken to her at all these last few days, but from our last conversation she is extremely happy with her new job and now has gotten her self confidence back.... Yes, it was a terrible last few years for her and it is about time something good happened to her... I will keep everyone posted on her status when I hear from her, and once again I am waiting on her for finding the time for relaunching our podcasts.....Well, I have rambled on long enough... So much has again been missed that many say I should  delve into, and hopefully I can cover much of that right here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......I have been watching as the US and that other criminal group NATO have been both running 'exercises' and moving so many of their forces right up next to the border with the Russian Federation, and yes it would say it is being done provocatively.  Is the US and NATO this insane to want war with Russia?  If you consider the economic mess that they are in, I would not bet against it...... And yes, the US is still sparring for a fight with China over those islands in the South China Sea.  It does seem that the US is that close now to full economic disaster that they want a war with anyone anywhere it seems!.....First it was Brazil, and then Venezuela in South America, and now comes news that the US is attempting to overthrow the government in Bolivia as well.  Yes, the US is once again creating havoc in another nation that it has absolutely no business what so ever to be in.........I see that the so called "refugees" and illegal "migrants" all over Europe are causing so much havoc and are still out there raping and killing Europeans with no repercussions.  I again will state that the best thing for Europe to do is to not only refuse any more of these "migrants", but send the majority of those who are illegally in their nations back to their places of origin where they belong.......Someone asked me a while ago my opinion on the 50 year mystery as to whether Paul McCartney of the band the Beatles actually died in an automotive accident on February 9th, 1966, and was replaced by a 'double'.  Lets put it this way: A man does not suddenly grow 2-3 inches as such was the case with Paul before/after that accident, and therefore I would say to the idea that Paul died and was replaced, Yes!  And why? Because the controllers behind the Beatles did not want the cash cow to end.......And someone also asked me about whether Michelle Obama is actually a man?  Lets put it this way in that Barry Soetoro is a flaming homo, and he has called Michelle "Michael" on many occasions.  And from my own research into that issue, I would say that absolutely yes to Michelle actually being a transgender/transvestite.  And of course most Americans are just that stupid to not see the obvious.........What the heck? France has threatened "action" against the United Kingdom if the British people vote for Brexit as expected later this month. Honestly, what are the French going to do if the British vote to leave the EU?  Declare war and try to invade the UK?  Good luck to that........Absolutely unseasonably cold here in central Canada for this time of year.  And once again I have to ask those who are screaming "Global Warming" to give their heads a shake.  I again must ask what those rejects from clown college are smoking?..........Yes, Muhammad Ali has died and his funeral was just two days ago.  I again have never been a fan of boxing, but I must give the guy credit for talking the talk and walking the walk.  Ali was indeed a most outspoken individual........ And sadly, one of the true icons of Ice Hockey, Gordon "Gordie" Howe, passed away just two days ago at the age of 88.  I do remember watching Gordie Howe play when I was a kid during his time with the Detroit Red Wings hockey team, and was very impressed that he played as a pro well into his 50's with the Hartford Whalers.  But I also remember how he made famous the so called "Gordie Howe hat trick" which was a goal, assist, and a fight, in the same game!...... Thank goodness Soccer is back, with the Euro 2016 matches going on.  I have indeed been catching some of the matches, and am still hoping to see Germany in the finals.......... The 'secretive' Bilderberg meetings are going on right now in Germany, and once again the "elite" of the planet are attending to decide what kind of damage they can inflict on humanity for the next year.  Guaranteed they have already decided both the outcome of this "Brexit" vote and who will be the next US President as well.............And finally, I guess I will close this rant with my usual look at the pride of most Americans, that filthy and disgusting group of misfits known as the Kardashians.  Well, the paparazzi are once again going gaga over my favourite skank, Kim, for her posing in a bathing suit showing off her body soon after her last pregnancy.  Yes, I did actually look at the pictures and I would say it shows what plastic surgery and lots of money can do to any body, and especially the one of this former soft porn star and trollop.  Again, as the world goes to heck, the American people continue with their strange infatuation with this family.  No wonder America is a disaster...More to comeNTS