Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 10th, 2018

Yes, its Sunday again... And time for my weekly rant..As I stated in a previous post, I am extremely busy these days with a lot of business and personal needs to attend to.... I am seriously considering taking a much needed break shortly to get some desperately needed rest and relaxation.... I will let readers know if and when I decide to take a break for a while from writing here as well....Anyways, I figure I would start with the upcoming "meeting" between criminal US President Donald Drumpf and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un that is slated to take place in two days in Singapore... I have been watching and reading some of the Jew spew media reports on this 'meeting' and of course those coming from the alternative media.... Apparently the US State Department is still sticking to the demands that North Korea fully "denuclearize" before any deals can be signed in Singapore.... As I stated so many times before, it would be tantamount to suicide for Kim Jong-un to give up his nuclear deterrence against American evil intentions, and therefore I will predict that there will be a lot of photo shoots coming this Tuesday and a lot of bullshit coming out of the Jew spew media as well.. But in terms of real negotiations and any deals being reached, you can forget it.....I saw an interesting article just the other day where Russian military officials are stating that the only territory left in Syria that still has any "ISIS forces" left are in US held areas... This figures and should be another message to the world that the US is NOT in Syria at all for "fighting terrorism" but they are there to protect and ensure the survival of said "terrorists".... The facts are that this also shows definitive proof once again that ISIS itself is and always has been a fraud for the fact that this "terrorist" group is entirely composed of US backed and bought and paid for operatives and mercenaries.... It also proves once again that I have been right all along when I have stated over and over again that this 'war on terror' is a complete sham and lie... This "war on terror" is nothing more than pure propaganda bullshit, and it is for nothing more than regime change...We know that the US is not in Syria at all to "fight terrorists" but are there for the "balkanization" of Syria itself into smaller states as outlined in the "secure the realm" documents first put out in the early 1980's as part of the plan for Israel's total domination of the entire Middle East region... That plan is still in force to this day and the US is now in Syria for the break up of that nation and to see Israel continue with their expansion as part of their very sick and evil "Greater Israel" project... I have yet to find anything that has proven this to be wrong and I dare any readers to come forward and show otherwise.....I was reading in the news the other day that the "Miss America" pageant is now becoming a complete farce... The original premise was to promote feminine beauty and today that is being destroyed by the feminists out there that want to see the entire pageant ended.... The swimsuit part of the pageant is now gone and has been replaced by some type of question and answer session?  Look, I am a man that appreciates women for their abilities, but I am also a male that absolutely appreciates women for their looks.... To me, the entire pageant is now going to the dogs as the fraud feminist movement has taken over and destroyed it....  Many female readers may not like this, but I appreciate the looks of a beautiful woman and have had no qualms with pageants that appreciate such beauty.... Feminism be damned...And speaking of feminism running amok... I saw reports over the last week where some of these 'transgender' freaks of nature are being allowed to compete in female athletic events.... I just saw several videos of some junior transgender freak of nature run in races with young girls and of course the transgender freak won the competitions hands down... To me, this is absolutely unfair for any young lady that wants to compete with WOMEN in athletics... The danger is what will happen shortly with the upcoming 2020 Olympics in Tokyo where these transgender freaks will have an "equal footing" with other REAL women in competitions...... If that does happen then the Olympics will be destroyed permanently....I see that the Canadian government is trying everything possible now to stop the flow of illegal migrant workers crossing the border from the US into Canada... To me this is too little too late, as that idiot Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, opened the flood gates over two years ago to allow every derelict and scum of the earth to cross the border into Canada to seek "asylum" in this nation... Since that time these illegal migrant workers have found NO work and have been nothing but a massive burden on Canada's already ailing welfare system... We as hard working Canadians have been forced to share the burden by having our tax money spent to feed, clothe, and house these illegals while there are many Canadians that are real citizens of this nation are forced to live on the streets in our cities....To me, that shit for brains idiot, Justin Trudeau, blew it big time two years ago and now his Liberal cronies are desperately trying to find a solution to the "problem".... My solution to this problem is to simply stop giving these bums and wastes of human flesh any more free money and take the lot of them and have them shipped back to the hell holes they originated from.... Liberalism be damned, for these misfits have no place in Canada at all....I had warned in so many previous rants and posts that the criminal Ukrainian US puppet regime in Kiev is hell bent on forcing the breakaway Donbas republics back into Ukraine by force and right now all the weapons and forces are now in place for the Ukrainian army to attack the civilian populations of those eastern republics.... And just this last week, the Russians finally came out with a warning to the Ukrainians that they indeed will not sit idly by while civilians in the Donbas are indeed slaughtered.... The big question is not if but when the Ukrainian army is indeed unleashed and starts murdering civilians and what the Russian reaction will be?  It will not be pretty and there is indeed the risk of having this become a full fledged war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation itself....Someone asked me to comment on the massive trade war that is unfolding right now between the US and both Canada and Mexico...Most of my fellow Canadians are well aware of the US actions to slap massive "tariffs" on Canadian products such as Aluminum and Steel, with the Canadian reaction from the idiot in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau, to slap "counter-tariffs" on American goods as well... The whole thing will come to a head this coming July 1st when these actions by both the Canadian government and the US government become a reality, and I cannot see anything good coming from this... Canada is still the US's largest trading partner and of course what happens with the US economy does have severe ripple effects here as well.... I also have long seen this "free trade" agreement structure between the US and Canada to be a farce since it was created back in the Brian Mulroney regime days, since it also allowed the offshoring of jobs from this nation and the destruction of Canada's manufacturing industries..... The bottom line is this; Canada has more to lose in any kind of "trade war" with the much larger US, and the only solution would be further negotiations to try to restore some type of balance....  It will be interesting to see over the next while what the Trudeau regime does in Ottawa to alleviate the fears of Canadians by standing firm and wanting to negotiate, or whether or not he will bend over and continue to allow the US to screw us over once again... Knowing what an idiot we have running this nation, I am leaning on the latter..Could I have been wrong about Kilauea and its violent eruptions?  I have seen some reports coming over the alternative media about how some criminal (Jewish run) "geothermal" corporations have been running fracking operations near so many active volcanoes across the globe including right near the now fully active Kilauea volcano on the big island of Hawaii and right near that massive Fuego volcano in Guatemala that recently blew its top as well... Is there a connection between these operations and these eruptions?   As Greg Bacon, over at Goon Squad, wrote earlier this week (here), this "Ormat Technologies" that owns both the geothermal operations near both the Kilauea and Fuego eruptions is absolutely Israeli controlled and therefore in my books highly suspicious and suspect.... I am not yet sold on the idea that the Israelis would be this dastardly to cause both of these eruptions, but again knowing how truly evil these creatures can be, it does make everyone stop and say: "Hmmmmm..."I also saw this last week where the criminals behind NASA were slated to make some important 'announcement' in regards to their phoney Curiosity probe on "Mars".... Supposedly the announcement was that the "probe" discovered some "building blocks for life" on the Red planet... I would say that this was expected, since NASA needs more money for their phoney space missions to Mars.... And for those that have not caught on yet, I will lay it out here; Curiosity is NOT on Mars at all, since the method that NASA claims it used to land on the red planet was an impossibility... I have already written several articles at this blog pointing out the lies of the Curiosity on Mars probe including the fact that its "parachute" and "sky crane" landing apparatus were frauds... Conventional parachutes can NOT work in the ultra thin Martian atmosphere (supersonic parachutes have never been tested or used on any NASA missions as of yet), and there has been absolutely NO specifications, pictures, or even technical data on this phenomenal "sky crane" that supposedly landed the probe itself.... I have long called bullshit on both and I am sticking to my assertions that Curiosity is nowhere near Mars but is right here on good ol' Earth..... Therefore this "announcement" this last week was propaganda to once again sell the gullible American public on the need to send more "probes" to Mars..... Basically once again the reality is; 'NASA needs money'......Well it did take a while, but I finally got a "complaint" last week about my picture of the lynx at the top of these rants.... Honestly, is that all that anyone has to do is rather than complain about anything I write here, is to complain about that picture?   That picture will stay at the top of all of my rants for the foreseeable future, for I find it does show my nature in my wanting to be ready to "pounce" on anything that I find to be troubling in our sick world.....  Naysayers be damned...Well... I have rambled on long enough.... I have a LOT to do today and I will therefore be closing this rant once again right here with my usual "last minute tidbits".......I see the criminal state of Israel is still at it with its killing of innocent Palestinians this last week, and I did find it appalling that they have now been targeting medical team personnel as well.  But of course we will never have any outcry for these travesties from either our Jew controlled governments or the Jew spew media.......I got a laugh this last week when the Jew spew news services out of the UK wrote that the first batch of F35 "planes" were due to arrive in the UK but were delayed due to 'inclement weather'.  Lets be logical then, for these F35 flying POS "fighters' are the real laughers here, for all that any enemy has to do is to launch attacks on the UK on rainy days.  I really howl when I can just see the UK government call on their enemies to not attack unless on sunny days?....... Last week was that royal bitch whore's, the so called 'Queen' of the UK, 92nd birthday "celebration", and I again can not understand the mentality of the British people by allowing that slithering snake to be their head of state?  That creature should be rotting in hell for her crimes against humanity and her horrible acts of pedophilia for all I am concerned.... And speaking of pedophilia, I saw last week where a major pedophile crime ring was busted in Europe.  I really would like to see a full investigation into exactly WHO has been funding that ring over all these years, and I can guarantee that if that investigation was allowed and fully independent, it would find both European "royalty" and the Jewish pricks at the top of the heap!........I see Satan's right hand man, Benyamin Miliekowsky aka "Netanyahu" is in France on a "state visit" to discuss politics with France's criminal Prime Minister Macron.  But the French people are now fully aware of the psychosis of Benny the murderer and have held protest marches up and down the Champs Elyse  in Paris.   I am not shocked at all when I have also noticed that the Jew spew media has not been reporting on these protests against evil.  I say good for the French for standing up against that psychotic murderer!..........Quietly, the US Congress has been attempting to pass an idiotic "Antisemitism Awareness Act" into law in the US making any criticisms of the evil actions by the psychotic state of Israel punishable by either fines or jail time.  This is indeed an assault on free speech in America, for in no way should the psychotic actions of the lunatics in Israel be linked to 'hatred of Jews'.   I hope the American people do wake up and put a stop  to this before it is too late..... And again, I have been under attack over these last weeks by those who continue to scream that I am "antisemitic".   I openly challenge these fools to please show where I am wrong in my pointing out the evils of Judaism and its followers.  I also want to see if they themselves are actually "Semitic"!..........I got some new information passed my way via email about the status of Monika Schaefer and her brother Alfred.  Monika is still in "good spirits" it seems and is still awaiting her 'day in court' in Germany.  Alfred is also facing charges for his "hate crimes" as well but is wanting to have his day in court to face his accusers and his fraudulent accusations.  I will try to keep everyone up to speed here on what happens next, for it will be interesting to see.........The World Cup starts later this week in Russia, and I can finally be over my soccer withdrawals.   I do hope that the reports that a "false flag" attack may take place during these games turns out to be a dud, for I would love to see the games go off in Russia without a hitch and for the Russians to put on a great show.  I am still predicting a Germany versus Brazil rematch for the final...........I actually have to applaud Kim Kardashian for successfully going to the White House to get at least one prisoner, Alice Johnson, released from the American gulag system.   The problem is that this was only a "token" given by criminal President Donald Drumpf's administration, as there is no impending action to change the criminal US incarceration system that uses prisoners for slave labour or to see other prisoners that are wrongfully incarcerated set free.  Therefore skank Kim's visit to the White House will eventually be seen as a failure.... And speaking of which, I have nothing new this week to report on Kardashian skank ville, so I am giving those morons and wastes of human flesh a pass for this week, but this week only.....More to comeNTS