Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Sunday again, and time for my weekly rant.... I have started vacation as of today, so I will try to keep this one short and sweet...First, I am very happy to see my friend and colleague, Whitewraithe, back in the battle... She has been MIA for the last few months dealing with personal issues, especially her ongoing health issues.  Her website, Pragmatic Witness II at was basically sitting idle with only my weekly rants filling the void over the last month.   Now she is back putting up articles about her favorite subject, the Entertainment Industry, at her site, and she has my full support in her endeavors...Yes, I am taking a vacation over the next few weeks, and will NOT be posting any new articles during that time, other than my weekly rants..... I need a breather and a break to recharge my batteries and just to get away from it all......I ask all of my regular readers to take a look at the other works by friends, colleagues, and other associates, that I have listed as "The Finest Bloggers That I Know" in the left hand column of this site during my absence.  You will not be disappointed...On to other issues... Yes, Egypt is in revolt, and I am really surprised that the criminals in both the United States and the criminal terrorist state of Israel have the audacity to try to put their puppet, El Baradei, into the office of Egyptian Prime Minister.   When the last "Arab Spring" happened two years ago, I and others warned everyone that this El Baradei clown is nothing but a shill and the predesignated Rothschild choice for their continued dominance over Egypt.   Just the other day I saw where the phony Muslim Brotherhood is saying they are "against" the selection of El Baradei for Prime Minister.  This is just a game being played on the Egyptian people to somehow fool them into the false belief that El Baradei is suddenly on their side, and "anti-US/Israel", when he most definitely is not. The Egyptian people need to find someone to replace the criminal US/Israel puppet Morsi, and they would be better off on finding someone that is not another puppet of these criminals.   The US/Israel replaced Mubarak back in 2011 with another of their puppets, Morsi, and now they want to replace Morsi with their next stooge, El Baradei.   This cycle of enslavement to US/Israel interests for the Egyptian people must end immediately.While Egypt is in revolt, we still see the build up for war against Syria going on at a quickened pace these days primarily due to the fact that the good guys, Al-Assad's government forces, are wiping out the so called "rebels" everywhere across Syria.... The cities of Aleppo and Hons have now been retaken from these mass murdering thugs, and "rebel" resistance across Syria is now almost wiped out.  The criminals in the US and their masters in Israel will not tolerate this defeat and they are again looking for any excuses now for open invasion of Syria itself.   I have said that people have to watch for something serious and very deadly to happen soon that these criminals can again try to blame on Al-Assad, and therefore have their invasion of Syria for their long sought "regime change" in that innocent nation.Of course while crises are going on in Syria and Egypt, the big prize for the criminals in both the US and Israel is the innocent nation of Iran.  I have seen reports this last week where people are finally realizing that one of the primary reasons for the destruction of Iran is for the imposition of a Rothschild central bank in that nation, one of the last few on Earth that does not have one.  That is true, as well as the fact that Iran is trading its oil products in currency other than US dollars which could doom the entire Petro-Dollar scam.   I still say that the US/Israel will still try to launch one of their patented "False Flag" attacks somewhere in the world soon and have it blamed on Iran as their excuse for invasion.  We must maintain our vigilance and be ready if and when these criminals have the audacity for such an operation....Some people have said that I should be putting up more articles about the NSA/Edward Snowden fiasco that is still ongoing.... I will state my thoughts about Snowden right here:  This man, if he is truly legitimate, is absolutely NOT a traitor to the United States.  He is a hero and has knowledge about the true traitors to the American public which is their own crooked government.   Snowden has information that could cause the criminal Soetoro regime to collapse, and rightfully so.... Any nation that allows criminal spying on its citizens is not free by a long shot, and the criminals behind such spying, which means the NSA, should all be charged with treason and rightfully put into jail immediately.  The time for true patriots that love America and truly believe in freedom and liberty to take a stand and take down the NSA and their cohorts is now....With that said, we have news this week that Snowden has been offered asylum in several Latin American countries, including Venezuela and Bolivia.  I say good for them... The problem will be in getting Snowden, if he is still in Russia, out of that nation and transported to these nations without the criminals in the US intercepting him and capturing him along the way.   The criminal Soetoro government will definitely stop at nothing in having him silenced, including outright murdering him!In other news... I see that the Canadian government tried again this last week in scaring the Canadian public with another phony "terrorist" attack, this time in British Columbia.  However, my friend "Penny" who writes Penny For Your Thoughts ( has been all over this fraud, including her most recent follow up report exposing this fraud that shows that the initial charges against the two men "involved" in this laughable terrorist plot had been under surveillance for months, and were charged with planning this attack back in March.  It also appears that the two "culprits" were heavy drug users, totally inept, living in squalor conditions, and therefore could not even remotely have carried out an attack on the British Columbia legislature in Victoria.   After seeing Penny's reports, this whole thing smells like a setup by the criminals in the Canadian government and the RCMP, and these two clowns were to be the patsies..... It does appear that Canada is trying just like the United States to scare its citizens into surrendering their freedoms with the periodic phony "terrorist attack"....Some people have asked me WHY I posted an article recently about the phony NASA Apollo Moon Missions.   Many have said that it is a "dead issue" and should not warrant any articles or reports (!)... To me that is a travesty, because the fraud NASA Apollo Moon missions are still considered "Man's greatest achievement", when in fact they are one of the greatest lies in our so called recorded history.  I have long stated that people have to fully realize that all of our history is packed with lies.   If these criminals can lie about putting a man on the moon and get away with it... Then what about the rest of our so called "history"?  The fact is that once anyone realizes that Apollo was a fraud, then they rightfully will ask the question: "What else have they been lying to us about?".   Once a mind is opened to that reality, then EVERYTHING gets opened to scrutiny... Including all of the lies perpetrated about the wars and genocides over the last century! (Holocaust anyone?)  That is why the lie of Apollo is so vigorously defended by the criminals in both NASA and the US Government to this day....And speaking of NASA... I have still been searching here and there about any information about that great "Skycrane" device that so precisely landed that "Curiosity" probe on "Mars" over a year ago.... Just like the phony LEM that put men on the "moon" in the 1960's-1970's, we have this latest technological "marvel" that there mysteriously seems to be no technical data. or even pictures, anywhere to be found.  This only supports my statement that with Curiosity, NASA is again lying through its teeth.... It is bad enough that NASA creates a red Martian sky when in reality the sky should be black for all of its "Mars Missions", but we have this latest fraud rover still plying away on "Mars" in its search for "life" there.   When it comes to NASA, once a liar, always a liar....Well, so much for short and sweet... But I will conclude this rant with my usual last minute tidbits... With all the attention in the US focused on this Snowden/NSA fiasco, have any Americans noticed that their economy is now definitely going to hell?.......Speaking of hell on Earth, I see that the Fukushima disaster in Japan is still going strong.  Again few reports about that disaster that is actually killing people, which to me is so sad......Of course with all the turmoil in neighboring Egypt going on to draw world attention away, the criminal Israelis are again building new settlements in occupied territory.  I stand behind my previous statements that the only future for the Palestinians now is to either fight for their survival, or die.....We just went through one of the coldest Junes on record, and the planet is definitely cooling.  Has anyone heard from Al Gore lately?........Yes, it is true. Deanna Spingola wants me on her show sometime in the future.  I will have to wait for a day off though, because her show time of 11am CDT definitely conflicts with my work schedule.   I will keep everyone posted and informed when that show does take place.....I see a court in the US finally ruled that vaccines cause Autism and brain damage.  It took this long for them to figure out that Mercury is no good for you?.....And finally, some people say I should take a break from taking shots at the Kardashians.  Let me think about it.  Nahhhhhh.   I see that Kanye and Kim took their daughter, named North West, out on the 4th of July in Malibu.  If there is an excuse for anyone to get the hell out of Malibu, California, having to endure that skank with her sick entourage and their twisted media circus is it....I will see everyone in two weeks, but will in the meantime still try to post up my rants over the next two Sundays.  Until then...More to comeNTS