Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 31st, 2016

 Sunday again, and once again time for my weekend rant...I covered so much material on my Thursday "special rant", but there is so much else that has been missing that I missed... Hopefully I can cover much of that right here and to give my usual "two cents worth" of opinion....First and foremost, I got several interesting comments sent my way asking me why I never have anything "good" to say and why I always show the so called "dark side" of our society... .I honestly am sick of these clowns and their efforts to somehow put out the false claim that I am evil for posting only "doom and gloom"... I have an answer for these idiots and that is... I am in this fight to expose the REAL criminals on our planet, which are of course the criminal psychotic group that thinks that it can control the entire planet, and that is of course the so called "tribe" who call themselves Jews...... I have long been against the bullshit that we see in our controlled media that I have rightfully now for years called the "Jew spew" media... With the Jewish control over our governments, our media, and most corporations, they are now almost in full control of our very lives, and it is therefore essential that I and others in the "real" truth movement get out there to show their evil at work.... I will not sway from my efforts, and for those that look upon it as "doom and gloom", I again say to them to give their heads a shake, and if you do not like what I have to say, then there are many other sites out there on the internet that can give you that "warm and fuzzy" feeling that you want... The fact is that the truth is absolutely brutal at times but must be told.....WHY am I not surprised at all from what I have seen happen this week at that farce that calls itself the "US Democratic Party Convention (DNC)" in Philadelphia?   It was absolutely a coronation of the most evil and sinister person on the planet today, JEWESS Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton, and it was indeed a sham and a farce.... I especially had to laugh when the facts came out that the auditorium for this "convention" was actually very much empty and that the DNC had to put out advertisements on the internet and in Philadelphia newspapers asking for "seat fillers" to create the image over the Jew spew media outlets that the convention was full of "supporters"!   Let us be clear that the American public are not all that stupid, and even the so called "Democrats" absolutely HATE Killary's guts....And yes, it appears that there are indeed stupid enough people in Philadelphia that are willing to sell their own souls for a measly $50 US to go and fill the empty seats in that convention centre and "cheer wildly" for Killary!   Yes, America, this "convention" was indeed an example of how far your own democracy has fallen!One thing that really was disgusting about this DNC "convention" in Philadelphia was how the criminals in charge used this "convention" as a mouthpiece for their push for stripping the American people of their last line of defence against the criminals turning the entire nation into a police state.. That is of course their 2nd amendment rights to bear arms.... It was especially shocking when the partakers in that fiasco started rolling out the crisis actors involved in the complete and utter bullshit Sandy Hook "mass shooting" of well over 3 and a half years ago... I could not believe it when they brought these idiots onto stage with their prepared scripts trying to sway the delegations and any idiots that actually tuned into that garbage with their messages that the only way to stop the violence was to disarm.... Yes, the criminals behind this "convention" could not let a good opportunity to once again lie to the entire nation and push their frauds and hoaxes, go to waste....The second laughable thing that I found from this fraud of a "convention" was how the DNC and the demon seed Killary Clinton's own camp were once again trying to sell the bullshit that Killary's email "hacking" was being done by the Russian Federation!  Honestly, how preposterous is that?  And then we have the laughable allegations that the Russians are going to somehow "hack" the entire US election process running right up to the vote come November as well.... Honestly, this is to me desperation on the cusp of madness by that mass murdering freak of nature Killary Clinton herself, and a convenient "excuse" for her failures, while overlooking the obvious that the majority of the American public flat out hates her guts!OK, it is indeed time to attack Killary Clinton, and yes to me she is indeed a demon from hell... I have spent some time looking at videos of this foul creature, and I did notice a few odd things about this demon... First and foremost, when she speaks her eyes show such blackness and she gives that "wild eyed" approach in most of her talks.... I have been a pretty good judge of people just in their eyes and how their eyes react, and Killary's show definite signs of someone that is quite mentally deranged and very much insane!    Second of course.. When she laughs, she indeed cackles like a demented psychopath.... Her most famous show of being a demon from hell was shortly after her nice little war in Libya resulted in the death of a great man, Muhammar Ghadafi, and she sat there in her interview stating "We came, we saw, he died" and then she breaks out into an absolutely demonic laugh... Honestly, how psychotic is that?  To actually use that quote and to apply it to someone that was just murdered by US forces shows this person (if she even is one) is indeed a demon from hell....Yes, America.. You are about to get Clinton crime family part II this coming November, thanks primarily to the criminals in charge that will pour out billions of dollars over the brainwashing Jew spew media to try to make Killary actually look "Presidential"... And of course failing that, we have the infamous Diebold voting machines that will indeed be switching over votes come November 2nd like crazy to try to give the demon seed from hell a "slight victory" over Donald Drumpf.... The fix is in, and with Killary getting the Oval Office, America will indeed be going to hell....How bad will a Killary Presidency be?  Many have asked this question to me, and I can state it in two major terms... First, Killary has long said that one of her first jobs as the President will be to attack the peaceful nation of Iran.... Once again, we have a madman (or woman) that wants to see Iran destroyed for no other reason than to appease their masters in Israel... And Killary given the keys to the White House is truly that insane that she will indeed order an attack and thus trigger a massive world war with both Russia and China that have alliances with Iran!  This indeed shows the lunacy and the mad intentions of this foul creature that she cares not that such a war would kill billions of people on planet Earth... And of course we have the most recent news that just came out this week where Killary as the "President" would call for a "reset" of the war in Syria... Honestly, there can be no "reset" of the conflict in Syria with the good guys winning that battle to free themselves from the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal without a direct military intervention by US forces themselves... And once again such a "reset" by this madwoman would cause a direct confrontation between US forces and Russian forces which would indeed escalate into World War III!   The fact is that with Killary in the White House it will mean an "end game" for the US itself and the destruction of the republic.... The bottom line here is that Killary MUST be stopped by all means necessary to make sure she does not get into power....One last thing about Killary and the entire Clinton crime family of murderers and psychopaths... I was asked to put the following video out for all to see as it is imperative that THIS one go viral... It shows the criminality of the Clintons and how they were able to siphon off so much money for their own personal greed and their lust for power... It is entitled: "Clinton Cash" and shows the diabolical nature of the Clintons and their most fraudulent "foundation".... Here is that video:I honestly want to see this video go viral and to be seen by EVERY American.... Yes, Killary must be stopped at all cost for the sanctity of the entire planet...I said in my Thursday rant that the Turkish "coup" that we saw happening just a few weeks ago was indeed bought and paid for by the US Government.... Now we have the US government having the audacity to send one of their top military men to go to Turkey to try to talk to Erdogan directly?  I would say that the US blew it big time by this coup attempt and that military mission is for nothing more than to try to seek peace with Erdogan and to in fact offer him a bribe to keep him and Turkey within the American/Israel sphere of influence...But I am standing by my assertions that Turkey should NOT take any bribe or any attempt of appeasement from the criminals in the US government and absolutely get the hell out of NATO.... Turkey should also demand all US and NATO forces out of Turkey immediately and the closing of that huge US base at Incirlik..... And I would just love to see Erdogan seize those 90+ American nuclear warheads at Incirlik instead of allowing the US to take them out of Turkey.... Then Turkey should immediately seek agreements with Russia and put a halt to any NATO support or supplies to the criminal mercenaries operating in neighbouring Syria....  That would be the ultimate black eye for the United States and finally indeed put an end to the war in Syria itself.....  The question right now is how will Erdogan react once given proof positive that the US tried to have him removed from power or even murdered?  This coming week will indeed be interesting....Someone asked me this last week about my thoughts on the new "Pokemon Go" smartphone and computer application that has gone viral around the planet... From what I see, this is again nothing more than another attempt to gather as much personal information from the gullible users of this "game" along the lines of "Facebook".... I am so sick to see that with all of the madness going on around our planet, that we have suckers and fools out there that are going "nuts" about this "game" and are spending their time playing this foolish program..... It does appear that this is nothing more than another distraction from the reality that people should be concentrating on....  My recommendation is to avoid this "program" all together, much like those other spy programs called "Twitter" and of course "Facebook"...Why am I not surprised at all by the severe censorship being conducted by the search engine called "Google"?    "Google" is in itself entirely controlled and operated by the Jewish power elite, and they will absolutely not tolerate anyone that comes flat out and attacks their control apparatus..... The tough part is that "Google" is so well known world wide and is being used by the vast majority of people who do surf the internet and are dependent of the information that "Google" provides.... Sadly we can do our best to try to use other search engines and hope that they are not biased, but until more people wake up to the criminality of the Jews, then the policies that "Google" conducts will continue and continue mostly unabated....Well, I guess that is it for now... Of course there is still so much that I did not cover in this and even my last Thursday "special" rant, and hopefully I will touch on those issues right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"...... So let me get this straight, the US was supposed to conduct some naval exercises just off the islands of Hawaii, and instead they "decide at the last minute" to move those "exercises" to the South China Sea?  I have to ask when the South China Sea has suddenly become US territory?  And why would the US government do this other than to once again provoke China and push for an all out war?   Yes, the insanity of the US government is becoming more and more apparent by the day.........Yes, I did notice how Billy boy Clinton fell asleep during his "wife" Killary's acceptance speech at the DNC in Philadelphia last week, and it was laughable.  Either Bill was exhausted or he was so bored that he fell asleep.  I would bank on the latter and once again shows some truth about Killary and how the Democratic Party in America is indeed a mess..... And one other point about Billy boy Clinton here.  Did anyone else notice that when he went on stage, the button on his lapel was in "Hebrew"(!)?  Yes, the Jewish power elite does indeed control the United States, and Billy and his demon seed wife showed their true masters how they bow to them by this button that Bill had.  And yes, America, it again shows who exactly does control America.........So let me get this straight (again).  The criminal Jew run IMF had the nerve to apologize to Greece for their diabolical attempts to destroy that nation through their criminal and absolutely odious debt enslavement on that nation?  I said before that Greece should have told these criminals to take their fraud debt and shove it up their asses, and yet the Greeks instead bowed down and allowed their nation to be crushed.  The fraud "apologies" from the criminals is too little too late... I hope that others noticed the alarming news that the US conducted "secret" military exercises over the last few weeks with Israel?  What this is alarming and signals that these two criminal empires are going to do something diabolical very soon. A direct invasion of Syria via Israel possibly?............The priest "beheading" in France last week is proving to be as much a fraud as all other false flags that we have seen for years.  Nothing new here, and yet again the French government is calling for more rights of the French people stripped and for France to be more "involved" in the war against the fraud of "ISIS".  Yes, as I stated in last Thursday's rant, the French may indeed be that gullible!........Even though I have not trusted "Wikileaks" for the fact that these "leaks" never attack the real nation of evil, Israel, I am very much interested in the material that has been released concerning Killary's emails.  There may indeed be a lot of truth there and these "leaks" do show how diabolical this creature truly is........ Lets face reality here.  I have long had a major question about this fraud "ISIS" and it should be a red flag for everyone and show how phoney it truly is, and it goes like this:  WHY HAS ISIS NEVER ATTACKED ISRAEL?.......... I again cannot understand how the Justin Trudeau regime in Ottawa has now bowed down to Lougheed Martin and will surrender to them by accepting their POS "fighter" the   F35 at a cost of possibly upward of 100 BILLION dollars?   Yes, what Lougheed Martin did was indeed blackmail, and what Trudeau did was a slap in the face for the Canadian people.......I caught the report where researchers are now seeing evidence that the planet is indeed cooling.  Apparently the western part of Antarctica is now freezing up and the ice shelves are indeed expanding.  Sadly, the Global Warming hucksters are still out there and our nations are indeed about to be inundated with calls for fraud "Carbon Taxes" to save the planet.......Whitewraithe finally sent me an email this week and it appears she is doing fabulously with her new job.  Now when she gets the chance we can decide if and when we will get our podcast shows restarted!...........The English Premiere League starts again next week and I can hardly wait.  I did catch the Arsenal-Major League Soccer All Star game the other day on the Jew tube, and the Gunners do look good for this year.   They have the pieces in place to make a run for the top of the table and I am crossing my fingers...........You want to see how the bullshit called "Political Correctness" is running rampant in America and must be stopped?  How about this example; Supposedly children in some schools in America can now be arrested for "burping" in classrooms!  Honestly, America, how stupid is that?  And it is a message for parents that if you can homeschool your children, then do so!..........OK, a researcher named Joseph Atwill, publishes a report showing that the entire religion called "Christianity" is a hoax.  All I can say is it is about time!  But honestly, ALL religions are indeed nothing more than frauds to control the minds of people.  I stated before that the ways to enslave people are as follows: (1) put them in shackles (2) give them never ending debt, and (3) give them a religion to blind and corrupt their minds.  Sorry, all you bible thumpers out there, but reality does bite!.......And finally, with all the evils of Killary Clinton coming out and flooding the news, there is nothing new to report on the Kardashian family of idiots for this week.  But there will be plenty of fluff on these rejects coming soon, for they are indeed media hounds and love being out there in the limelight.  So stay tuned...More to comeNTS*Please note that I have put this rant out a bit earlier than usual and actually around midnight local time.... I will be busy most of today taking care of other business and therefore I started writing this rant on Saturday night!