Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Sunday... And again time for my usual rant about what I perceive is truly wrong and sometimes right in this world..First, for those who have been wondering... My friend, Whitewraithe, is alive and well... She has not posted any new material in a while over at her Pragmatic Witness website ( because she told me honestly that writing has not been on her mind over the last while... Getting some employment has been her #1 goal for quite sometime, and now I can let everyone know that she finally landed a decent job!... She says that once she gets some much needed money flowing in, and gets her health back in order, then she will look at putting up new articles at her blog.   I surely wish the best of luck for herself....With all the real issues going on in this world, and especially the ramping up for more wars for Israel, we have the news that the Royal demon seed, Willy Battenberg, and his bride with the annoying smile (probably caused by a lobotomy... They cannot allow another Diana to ruin their sick dream world..) Katey, gave birth to a son that they have named "George".....It is amazing that the entire world has gone gaga over the week, especially in the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth, over the birth of this future heir to the Jewish controlled British throne.... This while the economy of the United Kingdom and elsewhere is going to hell in a hand basket...  Personally, I do not see what is so "special" about this birth, considering what I know about the true nature of the so called "British Royalty" especially the fact that the demonic Elizabeth May Battenberg herself is a murderous pedophiliac monster.    I have stated it before and I will state it again... The United Kingdom would do itself a great favor by eliminating this so called "Royalty" crap and turn itself into a republic... That time is very much long overdue...I could spend an entire rant talking about the evils of the British crown and how it has control over approximately 1/6th of the world's surface as well as being the richest entity on this planet next to the Jewish Rothschilds themselves.... That wealth should honestly be used to end world poverty and strife, and not be concentrated in the hands of these murderous scoundrels and false heirs to the British crown.... Hopefully the day will come when the British people themselves wake up and throw these murderers into jail for their crimes against humanity....OK... Onto other matters... I see that the good guys, the Syrian government forces under Assad, are now close to complete victory in their battles against the murderous mercenary insurgents, the so called "Rebels".   The reports from Syria this last week have all been good news, with Assad's forces finally wiping out the last pockets of "resistance" around the northern city of Aleppo, as well as news about the Kurdish fighters eliminating Rebel resistance in eastern Syria.   And... We find more reports about the so called Rebels fighting each other, as well as some Rebels seeking amnesty and surrendering to Assad's forces en mass!But all is not rosy with the Syrian picture, because the criminal Soetoro regime in Washington has now passed a bill in the Jewish controlled US Congress calling for full arming and support of the murderous Syrian rebels..... This was expected, because the Jews do not like to lose, and now are having their puppets in the United States fully arm these murderous criminals... I said before that in spite of Assad now approaching total victory in Syria, these maniacs will not give up their sick dream of having Syria torn apart.....One other issue that came out this last week that I truly find troubling... The US Government has stated that information and the name of the forces it is supporting in this war on Syria have now been "classified".    Lets face it, we were told for years now that the US was supporting "Al Qaeda" in its war against Assad (strange considering that it was supposed to be "Al Qaeda" that attacked the United States on 9-11, but don't tell the American suckers that!), and now they are refusing to divulge to the American people the name of the forces that they are giving money to?   Does anyone else see something idiotic and strange by this, or is it just me?And of course the situation in Egypt is still up in the air, with the United States and Israel still trying to force the issue with another of their puppets to take over after their previous puppet, Morsi, was forced out by the Egyptian military and a popular uprising....There was also the report this last week that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the so called "Muslim Brotherhood" is absolutely nothing more than an Israeli/US entity that wants to seize power in Egypt as well as other Arab nations and afterwards break each nation apart into smaller fiefdoms that would be ripe for the picking by the criminal state of Israel itself.     I will say again that the Egyptian people would be better off by finding a leader that is NOT an American/Israeli puppet.It does seem that FINALLY the issue of the Fukushima disaster has reared its ugly head again this last week, with reports flowing in that the reactors that have long been reported (falsely) as being "shutdown" have been releasing more radioactive particle laced steam into the atmosphere, and more radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.  TEPCO itself finally "admitted" this last week that they have had no choice but to release radioactive waste water into the Pacific, and have been doing so for over a year at least (imagine my surprise).    There are also reports about rising levels of radioactivity around these failed reactors, now almost two full years after TEPCO had again falsely reported that the situation was "under control".    It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that these reactor cores are absolutely not contained or under any control at all, and the fact that over two years after the initial disaster, there is absolutely no plans in the works at all to cure the situation!    Reactor #3 is still spewing its deadly radiation into the atmosphere which has continued to pollute the entire northern hemisphere of this planet, and its spent fuel pool with hundreds of tons of plutonium laced fuel rods is still in danger of collapse which could bring about a disaster this planet has never seen before!.... I for one am surprised that for almost two years there has been a near total blackout of reports coming from Fukushima, and only now new reports coming out showing that the situation is still out of control that should absolutely not shock anyone.... What is indeed troubling to me has always been the fact that the world's attention has been focused on wars for Israel and the birth of one single baby, while this life threatening disaster continues....The Edward Snowden circus and sideshow has been bothering me for some time now.  I am now in agreement with others that this sideshow may be indeed nothing more than a circus to distract people away from real issues elsewhere.   I said it before and I will say it again... If this Edward Snowden was indeed legitimate and had information that could bring down the criminal NSA and the corrupt Soetoro regime, then he would have put that information out months ago.   I know I and anyone with honesty and integrity would have done the same and sung like a bird instantly!.  Everyone needs to ask the same question about this Snowden fiasco.... What the hell is he waiting for?  My message to this Snowden character is simple:  What are you waiting for?  Spill your guts!But beyond the Snowden fiasco and circus is the issue that most Americans should be addressing, and that is America rapidly becoming a full surveillance and police state.   The lack of resistance by the American public while the criminals in their own government takes away their freedoms is absolutely shocking to me.   I does raise an important question:  Have the American people been so brainwashed by their sick media and dumbed down by the chemicals in their diets now that they are unable or incapable of resistance?   Sadly, the answer seems to be yes....One thing about the criminal NSA and its laughable and fraudulent "war on terrorism" that has bugged me for some time now..... Why has the American NSA NOT caught any criminal Israeli agents that are the real terrorists in America today?  And why is it that NO Israeli spies that have so heavily infiltrated all levels of the American administration have never been caught or arrested for their crimes against the American people?   I think that everyone should know the answer by now... The Israelis control America, and are in total control of the NSA itself!  This means that the NSA is nothing more than another arm of Jewish power in America today.... Was there any doubt?One other issue that seems to never go away is the fraud called Global Warming...Especially how in spite of the overwhelming evidence that this planet is entering a long period of cooling, the criminals behind this fiasco are still pushing for Carbon Dioxide emission "curbs" in major industrialized nations, especially here in Canada and the United States.   But thankfully most people are no longer fooled, and see this push for "carbon taxation" for what it truly is... Another money grab by criminals..... It is also amazing how the chief proponent behind the Global Warming fraud, Al Gore, has disappeared from the  public and makes fewer media appearances in recent months..... Honestly, I am wondering why this man has not been arrested for pushing this Global Warming fraud on the American people in the first place....But that time may still come...Well, I guess that is enough for today.... I will be spending a lot of time over the next while taking a course to upgrade my skills at work, and therefore may have time for fewer articles during the week.  But do not worry, because ol' NTS is not giving up by a long shot, and I will post articles when I do have the time..... And before I go.... Here comes my usual last minute tidbits........Why am I not shocked at all by recent reports linking Vaccines to a vast myriad of diseases, and how vaccines used against Polio possibly introduced horrible Cancers to millions of victims?  The problem is that people are still lining up and taking these shots like mutton brained sheep in spite of our warnings..... When will America finally give the entire Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman fiasco a rest?  Soetoro failed in his efforts to get a race war going and it is indeed time to move on......While almost every other nation on Earth is now rejecting GMO foods outright, the United States Government is actually increasing exposure of its own people to these poisons.  And most Americans again are doing nothing to stop them?.......It bothers me that people do not understand that the recent Gold/Silver pricing roller-coaster was definitely part of the criminal Jewish agenda, considering that THEY fully control, "fix" and adjust the prices themselves.  I too have been wondering why and for what ultimate purpose.   These criminals are indeed up to something diabolical.....I see the American Jewish dual citizen John Kohn (Kerry) is not doing so well in his attempts to get the laughable "Peace Process" going again in the Middle East.  But why would anyone expect this Israel firster Jew to do any better than the previous Israel lovers in talking "Peace" with the Palestinians?   "Peace" or as it should rightfully be spelled "piece" to the criminal Israelis is taking "this PIECE of Palestine, or that PIECE of Palestine"for themselves...... And finally, the weekly news on America's  true first family, the  Kardashians!  We have news that Kim Kardashian is obsessed with another Jewly-wood washed up mental case, Amanda Bynes.  Why am I not surprised?  "Birds of a feather......."More to comeNTS