Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 21st, 2013

I am back... Suffering from a bit of jet-lag, and in need of sleep to readjust to this time zone... Other than that, it was a much needed vacation and something that I desperately needed to recharge my batteries...Several people already know that I went to Hawaii... Yes, Hawaii in the summertime!   We decided to go to Honolulu as a present for both my better half, and my son.    It would have been hard to take him out of the Canadian education system during the fall-winter with him entering his last year of High School... Therefore summer was our only alternative.  Besides, my better half always wanted to go to Honolulu since she was younger, and I figured this would fulfill her dream.   I also had always wanted to go to Honolulu to see Pearl Harbor, since I am a student of true history.   To see the memorials of that fateful day, December 7th, 1941, for myself was a life long dream.There are some things about Honolulu and Oahu itself that I want to cover here before I get onto other matters.... There is indeed a wide disparity between rich and poor in Hawaii, and this time I saw it glaringly obvious when walking along the streets of Waikiki, and its beaches..... The boardwalk and road along Waikiki Beach has some of the most spectacular hotels and expensive shops and restaurants you can imagine.   We saw huge stores for "Coach", "Gucci", "Rolex" and "Tiffany" for examples, and I actually walked into several to check out the merchandise.  Believe me, it was an experience in sticker shock, and I could not imagine anyone paying such outrageous prices...But many do, and it seemed that the majority were the tourists themselves....Few Hawaiians themselves can supposedly afford such luxuries.... But between all the expensive displays of American gluttony and avarice along Waikiki Beach, I saw some of the most down trodden examples of the real poor living in Hawaii that anyone could imagine.   At the beaches, nestled back in the shade of palm trees were the homeless.  Yes, the homeless were everywhere along Waikiki, and elsewhere in Hawaii.  It was hard to believe that in a place that is supposed to be paradise that there is such a huge homeless population.  This glaringly showed the huge disparity between rich and poor in our society and it did trouble me immensely.   Knowing what I and others know about the true nature of American society and how the rift between rich and poor is tremendously increasing was painfully obvious by my own observations....The true highlight to this vacation was still taking the tour of Pearl Harbor and the many memorials around the naval base.  We had a tour guide, and I did listen to his telling of the events up to and including the attack of December 7th, 1941....I can say that his telling of events was about 70% accurate at best, and did not include some truths that many of the tourists are absolutely not told!  Basically, I listened, but was not pleased by what I heard.... After part of the group started towards the exhibit, the tour guide came over and talked to me, saying that I looked a bit miffed at his report.... I then spent about 15 minutes going over some of the details that were wrong in his presentation.....For example,  He said that the Japanese carrier task force (Kido Butai) was under "radio silence" while it sped across the north Pacific, and I stated to him that was a falsehood....Kido Butai actually sent over 1000 messages back to Japan as it steamed across the north Pacific to its launch point some 200 miles north of Oahu.   I stated that listening stations at both Oahu and Dutch Harbor picked up these radio signals and were able to show the exact position of Kido Butai all the way up to and including the morning of December 7th, 1941.   He also said that one American aircraft carrier, Saratoga, was off of the Phillipines (!) the morning of December 7th, to which I stated that it was actually returning to Pearl Harbor from the American west coast, at the time of the attack.   He also said the American navy had only 6 carriers at the time of the Japanese attack, when in actuality it had 7 (Enterprise, Hornet, Lexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, Wasp, and Ranger),  He was deeply amazed at my facts, and I said to him that I had studied the attack for years, and to visit Pearl Harbor fulfills a lifetime dream of mine...I can guarantee, he was impressed, and I asked him to look all of what I stated up after the tour for verification.....One of the booths leading into the Pearl Harbor exhibit area had several writers who were selling their books on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and I stopped at two to talk to the authors..... I was amazed about how one of the writers was totally unaware of the "McCollum Report" of October 1940 that is basically the definite "smoking gun" of the entire Pearl Harbor attack, and I spent about 10 minutes talking to both authors about what the US Naval Intelligence report was all about, and how it was indeed followed to the letter by the criminal Roosevelt regime in getting scrap metal World War I hunks of junk into the harbor as bait for the Japanese.  The one writer who had never heard of the McCollum Report said I "did not know what I was talking about", but the other writer said he had heard of the McCollum Report, but had dismissed it as false, and nothing more than "fantasy" (!).   I left the tables shaking my head, and realizing that some 71+ years after the attack that was a total setup by the criminal Roosevelt government of the day, we still have our work cut out for us on getting the real truth out.To visit the Arizona Memorial was indeed a very solemn occasion even for myself.... I knew that those 1177 men that perished on that ship the morning of December 7th, when a Japanese VAL dive bomber dropped its 500lb bomb directly into the ships munitions magazine, were murdered by the Roosevelt regime just to get America into a war against Germany through the Japanese "back door", and my heart did indeed sink.... Seeing the rusting wreck sitting there in shallow water, with many men still entombed, made me realize just how important it is that the real truth about Pearl Harbor must be known by everyone.... People do deserve the truth about Pearl Harbor, no matter how painful it is to the American psyche. But beyond the visit to Pearl Harbor, the island of Oahu did impress me..... In spite of the all the troubles happening in America right now, the island still maintains a laid back approach.   Lets just say that I would indeed return in a heartbeat, in spite of the huge cost... And believe me, it was not a cheap vacation!One other note about this vacation... Some have asked me... Why travel to the United States at all considering how much I write about the corruption in that nation?  Lets get the facts straight... I have many friends in the United States, and I have absolutely no qualms against the American PEOPLE.... I am against corruption in their government and its policies... Just as I am against corruption and policies in any government, including this corrupt one here in Canada. OK.. Enough of vacation talk.... On to real matters......I have spent the last day between sleep surfing the net and catching up on what the hell has been happening in our sick world... Believe me, I am not impressed...First of all.... What the hell is going on in Syria?   It is bad enough that the criminal Israelis pull off an air attack on a Russian munitions depot over a week ago and the world's Jew run media fails to report the truth about this act of war (can't paint Israel in a bad light, right?), but now with the good guys in the Assad government forces now at the point of victory against the murderous mercenaries..errr.. "Rebels", we find the US Government again trying to focus on Assad's non-existent "chemical attacks" on his civilians.... It does appear again that the criminals in both the US and Israel are absolutely desperate to get their nice little invasion of Syria going, and are again gambling by "raising on a busted flush", or trying to sucker or bluff the entire world into supporting an invasion.   Luckily, most people are no longer fooled....Yes, it does appear that the Assad forces are finally at the point of total victory, with the last pockets of "resistance" in cities such as Aleppo finally being eliminated.  I for one know that the criminals in both the US and Israel will not accept this defeat, and will indeed try a new scheme very shortly.... The US and NATO have painstakingly placed all those forces around the nation of Syria for a planned invasion, and they do not want those efforts to go to waste....With regards to Egypt... I am glad that efforts by the criminals in both the US and Israel to undermine Egypt have supposedly failed.... In fact, I read several reports just the other day that shows evidence that the US/Israel were planning to turn Egypt into another "Syria", with the idea of having Egypt broken up.   It has always been the dream of the criminals in Israel to have their neighboring Arab nations broken up into smaller and weaker states, and therefore easier for destruction by the Israelis themselves... Luckily, it seems, the Egyptian military has sided with the people of Egypt and has restored some order to the nation.   However, Egypt is not "out of the woods" just yet, because there have been rumblings of a planned Israeli invasion of the Sinai peninsula, and that the Israelis have been banking on turmoil to continue in Egypt so that they could reconquer Sinai with little opposition.    Thank goodness that much needed upheaval in Egypt has not happened.....Of course while Egypt and Syria have had their problems, we have the new and laughable agreed to "meetings" to talk "Peace" in Palestine between the criminals in Israel and the Palestinian authority.  But lets get this straight once and for all... Israel is absolutely, positively, NOT interested in "peace" at all.   They want ALL of Palestine for themselves, period and end of discussion.   Under their sickness called "Zionism", there is absolutely NO room for a Palestinian nation, or for the Palestinian people, period.....I have stated it before that these "talks" about a "Peace Process" are a red herring, and nothing more than stalling tactics while the Israelis continue to build and accelerate their building of illegal settlements in occupied territory.   There is absolutely today NO chance of a separate "Palestinian" state in Palestine itself...I will finally state that I will never back down from my previous statements that the ONLY hope now for the proud people of Palestine now is to FIGHT against the evil Israeli aggressors, or accept their complete demise. Lets face facts, if anyone had a choice between either fighting, or facing extinction, I know what choice I would make in a heartbeat.I finally got around to reading the reports that have been around the internet the last few days about how the American medical industry PURPOSELY injected cancer causing viruses into people under their "polio vaccination" policies of the late 50's to 60's.... Supposedly, some 60+ million Americans ( and many Canadians as well) were exposed to these cancer causing agents when they obediently took their "polio shots", and I do indeed wonder if this was done PURPOSELY..... We know now about the plans by the evil Jewish run "NWO" for population control and reduction, and I do suspect that many were well aware of the future cases of Cancer, and the resultant deaths, of victims due to their "vaccines"...... This again shows exactly how vaccines do NOT work, and that they are actually DEADLY to human health..... Again, I will reiterate what I have always said... Absolutely do NOT take any vaccines, period!I see that the Edward Snowden situation is still ongoing, and again as far as I am concerned, this man is indeed a true American hero.   But I am again troubled that he has not begun to "spill the beans" so to speak about what he does know.  If his information can destroy the criminal NSA and possibly take down the criminal Soetoro regime in Washington, then all the better that he act now in exposing their criminality.   This delay does puzzle me, and leads to the possibility that there is more to this episode than what we have been told....I also saw that a true hero to every American, Helen Thomas, passed away just a few days ago at the age of 92.   This woman had the guts to tell the truth to the world when she stated that the false invaders of Palestine, the so called "Israelis" do NOT belong there at all, and should get the hell out and go back to the lands that they came from... (Khazaria in central Russia primarily).    She sat in the press conferences of 10 Presidents, listening to their lies and double speak, and was not afraid of confronting them openly through honest questions.... Helen Thomas was a true warrior and shows exactly the way that the press should be not afraid of getting the truth out and not sucking up to Jewish interests!   She will indeed be missed....Well, I do guess that is it for now.  I will be back to posting more articles shortly.  There is a lot of catching up to do.... In the meantime, I will close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits...... I saw a report this week that 90% of the Japanese people firmly believe that they are being lied to about what is happening at Fukushima. Now the question is of course, what will they do about it?.......Noam Chomsky has come out and said this last week that he now believes that Osama bin Laden had "something to do with the (Israeli) attacks of 9-11" (!).  OK, what did it take to get Noam Chomsky bought off?  I wonder......The Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman circus and sideshow has gone on long enough.  The Soetoro regime's planned riots and uprisings have not happened, and it is time for Americans to move on......I did not see any drones in the skies of Oahu, but just like every American city, they are coming.  How do you like your surveillance state, America?....July 17th was the 17th anniversary of the Aegis missile shootdown of TWA flight 800, and yes it was a missile "accidentally" launched from a US Aegis cruiser.  It does make you wonder how long the US Government can continue with the lies and coverup......Targeting for an August date for a show with Deanna Spingola on her RBN internet show.  I will keep everyone posted when it happens.....And finally, it is Kardashian circus time again!   I read earlier how Kris Humphries ex-girlfriend, Myla Sinanaj, is going to release a sex tape that she claims will rocket her to "Kardashian" style fame and fortune.  How sick is American society today that you have to be a porn star wannabe to be rich and successful?   And you wonder why I see America going down the toilet.....It is good to be back, and as usual....More to comeNTS