Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 7th, 2018

Well, it is the first Sunday of the new year and yes it is time once again for my weekly rant...First, There is not much more that I can say about the weather... Yes, as I have said in two previous articles already over the last week, "Baby, Its cold outside"..... And again I do wonder what it will take for everyone to finally have had enough of those rejects from clown college that continue to try to promote the fraud of "Global Warming"?.... Honestly, I hope that even the most stupidest fool out there that has fallen for that lie has had an enlightenment by shivering and freezing their asses off...Again, I will reiterate that we are NOT heading for a new "ice age" as some idiots out there are now trying to promote... This cooling cycle is natural and is one of Sol's regular 44 year cycles between a periods of high and low solar radiation output levels.... But this cycle towards cooling also coincides with what is known as a 'solar minimum' where solar sunspot activity is also at a low level meaning Sol's magnetic field is also diminished..... The last time this planet had a "solar minimum" was back in the 18th century and that coincided with a period of massive global wide cooling called the "little ice age".... Yes, we are heading for a period of a decade at least where cooler weather will be all across the planet and with that cooling period we will see reduced food production for nations in higher latitudes such as Canada and the Russian Federation... Therefore the real danger is not having this planet 'overheat' but having not enough food supplies to feed the world's populace....But of course we have the stupid leadership in our nations charging ahead with their "compliance" to the fraudulent "Paris Accords on Climate Change" meaning the imposition of scam "carbon taxation" on their citizens.... This is a travesty and an insult to everyone's intelligence, for the money collected from that new scam tax will not go anywhere towards "saving the planet" but will be used to line the pockets of greedy politicians..... I again must point out how the stupid Liberal government up here in Canada under that criminal Justin Trudeau is absolutely hell bent on shoving this new tax up the asses of every Canadian citizen this year... Hopefully people across this once free nation will have had enough and will force the Liberal regime to take a step back from this fleecing..... If they cannot, then the hope is that Canadians will do what they should have done for decades; Have a massive nationwide tax revolt and refuse to pay "carbon taxes"....Well, while most Americans and Canadians are shivering across North America, there is some great news coming out of Syria right now, as the good guys aka the Syrian government forces and their Russian/Arabic allies are now moving rapidly into the heart of the Idlib "rebel" controlled pocket in northwestern Syria and are looking to split that entire pocket into two within the upcoming week... If they are successful, then that pocket will shatter and organized resistance in Idlib could collapse within the next few weeks... I am indeed crossing my fingers for the SAA to succeed in this endeavour, for it will once again give the Syrian government a clear victory over the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal and further unite the Syrian people for their stand against such evil.....AND, As I and others deduced early on, the fraudulent Iranian "protest" marches are fizzling out as the Iranian people have been launching counter demonstrations across their entire peaceful nation to protest the criminals in the US/Israel/NATO etc etc that were behind those fraud "protests" against the Iranian government in the first place... This has been a DEFEAT for the US and Israel, and they now have to go back to the "drawing board" to come up with another diabolical  plan to get their "regime change" in Iran... That or they will now go over to their "plan B" and get a nice little false flag going somewhere to conveniently blame on the Iranians and try to garner support for an outright attack and invasion of Iran itself....  Yes, these bastards are still hell bent on having Iran destroyed, and since this is the beginning of 2018, I fully expect to see in this year alone more dastardly crimes committed by these pricks against the proud people of Iran...Meanwhile, over in Europe I saw the news earlier this week where a proud Canadian, Monika Schaefer, was indeed arrested in Jew occupied Germany on trumped up bogus charges of violation of Germany's stupid and demonic "hate crime laws" for her video of 2016 entitled "Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About The Holocaust".. (Everyone can watch that video if they missed it here)... Yes, apparently Germany's stupid and idiotic "hate crime laws" stretch right across the planet apparently and they can arrest anyone that they feel like even if they are NOT German citizens!   Monika was in Germany of course to attend the sham "hearings" being concocted against another prisoner of thought and truth, Sylvia Stolz, and was arrested right in that court room that she was attending as part of the audience... And the German thought police have the nerve to say to Monika that if she wanted to be free she should never come to Germany!..... I for one am waiting to see if the Canadian government officials will do the right thing and demand an answer for Monika's incarceration...But apparently the Jew controlled Liberal lackeys in Ottawa are right now doing absolutely nothing about this outrageous act by the German government, which again shows everyone just how badly these psychotic Jewish pricks control Canada almost as badly as they have controlled and destroyed Germany....OK, I for one am always challenged on the truths about the Jewish Holocaust of World War II... Many out there are constantly calling me a liar and not a 'real truth seeker' because I do not say anything at this blog to expose the reality of the "Holocaust"... The facts are that I live in Canada, that used to be a free nation until the Jewish bastards screwed this nation up royally and forced the Liberal government under Pierre Eliot Trudeau in 1974 to impose "hate crime laws" on Canadian citizens (Most Canadians were never made aware of this heinous act by the Liberal government in 1974!).. As a result, anyone in this "free nation" that has challenged the "facts" of the "Holocaust" since that time has been forced to spend time in jail (Ernst Zundel is the primary example) or has had their lives destroyed thanks to the gullibility of the Canadian public to swallow the horse shit put out there by the Jew controlled Jew spew media in this once free nation... I for one am just a small player in this game, and even though I can see the reality of what actually happened in the second World War and know the truths about the "Holocaust", I cannot put them here in writing or else the Canadian "thought police" will be at my door to have me "arrested" on bullshit charges of "hate crimes"..... I therefore only ask that people understand why I am muzzled on this subject and for them to do their own research and discover the realities and truths about what really did happen in that period of our history... Most will be amazed and angered by what they find.....Well, I really do hate being right about North Korea... I called it quite some time ago that what we have is a lot of "fear porn" being generated by the liars in the Jew spew media and of course our own governments about this (almost) non existent 'threat' from that isolated and very much impoverished nation.... The facts again are simple in that all of that propaganda and fear mongering is nothing more than a sick game to get nations bordering North Korea to go out and enhance their "defensive forces" against "aggression from North Korea" by purchasing BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars in US built weapons.... This "North Korean threat" has been a boon for the US military industrial complex that has been making massive profits by their weapons sales to nations such as South Korea and of course Japan... Once again I will state that this type of fear is great for the weapons manufacturers and right now business is damn good.... So once again, if anyone actually thinks that there will be a "war" against North Korea, they really need to see the reality here...Of course while we are all so distracted elsewhere, the sickos in Israel are continuing their brutal crack down on the Palestinians who have been in an "uprising" since the Jewish pricks there decided to try to steal Jerusalem and call that city their own "capital".... I have seen the reports about how the Jewish psychos in the IDF have been killing innocent men, women, and children, and yet have the nerve to try to claim that their acts of murder are in "retaliation" for "attacks" by these unarmed Palestinians.... To me, nothing shows how "butch" these bastards are when they attack and beat the living daylight out of unarmed children... Yes, the Jew spew media continues to lie and promote the IDF pricks and psychos as the most 'civilized' army on planet Earth when the reality is they are the most murderous and psychotic mentally disturbed inbreds that this planet has ever seen....I saw over the Jew spew news last week up here in Jew occupied Canada, many new reports coming out saying that this season is the "worst flu season on record", and the first thing that came to my mind is: "What about this amazing "flu shot" that these same pricks have been promoting to prevent the flu?".... And guess what?  I have found some interesting reports that have said that the "present" flu shot being administered to gullible people across this nation is the WRONG VACCINE for this latest "influenza virus"!.... OK then... So WHY is big Pharma and the Jew spew media up here pushing even harder now for people to get their "flu shots" then, if the shot does NOT stop the flu???.... Do you all see my point then?... It is bad enough that the so called "flu shots" do NOT work at all, and now these monsters behind that poisoning of people have had the nerve to say that the shot does not even stop the flu at all!......And yet I was out and about the other day, and I ventured into the local Supermarket to get out of the cold and get some shopping done... And lo and behold I walked by the Pharmacy counter and there were at least a DOZEN people lined up there for their "free flu shots".....  I could have stopped by and told them all flat out that those shots are ineffective against the "flu" and that the shots were full of poisons, but why bother?  I can only reach those who have critical thinking skills and I realized a long time ago that it was useless to even try to talk to mindless automatons and sheep....Let these idiots roll up their sleeves and be injected by poisons, and I will not stop them.....I was also out and about taking a look at how sales were going in the local mall now that the Christmas rush was over... And what I saw was indeed disturbing... The mall did have a lot of people milling around, but nobody was buying anything... Yes, what I saw was a result of the intense cold outside where more people were wanting to be inside at the shopping mall rather than endure the -25C or colder temperatures outside..... And the reality is that people here in Canada have been overtaxed and are so laden by debt loads that they are "tapped out " and can no longer buy any goods for the next while... The result is to watch and see so  many businesses have no customers and basically hang on by a thread and desperate for sales to avoid bankruptcy and failure......  I have already read so many reports this last week about massive store closings about to happen in America, and sadly the same thing is about to happen up here in Canada as well..... We are definitely heading towards a severe financial crisis that everyone is ill prepared to handle, and soon....Well, I guess that is enough for the moment.... There is so much else happening elsewhere and I have of course left other subjects out of the primary part of this 'rant' as usual.... I will of course touch on some of those subjects that I have overlooked here in my "last minute tidbits"....... The war in Yemen of course rages on, with little reporting coming over the Jew spew media about the massive genocide unfolding thanks to famine from America's "ally" Saudi Arabia.  This is indeed genocide, and millions of people are going to die this year alone...... I have not filed any reports for the last while on what is happening at Fukushima Japan.  Needless to say, the failed reactors are still spewing their toxins into the atmosphere and into the Pacific Ocean with no end in sight.  The sad part to me is how the Olympic Games of 2020 are still a go in nearby Tokyo, and I cannot emphasize enough that I hope the athletes in attendance all carry Geiger counters.......Someone asked me the other day if I had some interest in that new "tell all" book coming out that apparently reveals some "truths" about Donald Drumpf.  I have no interests in that piece of garbage, for even though it may give the gullible American public more distractions, I have seen enough of Drumpf and his Jew butt kissing ways...... And of course we find reports about how Hillary "Killary" Clinton may finally face indictment for her crimes against humanity this last week.  But we have seen these same reports almost every week for the last year at least.  The reality is of course Killary will probably never see jail time for she knows too much and of course will simply destroy Washington DC and possibly bring down the entire corrupt government if she is ever charged........I did notice that with this intense cold happening here in Canada, there have been fewer "refugees" err..illegal migrant workers, crossing the Canadian border these days.  The reality is that these illegal welfare bloodsuckers come from hotter climates and are absolutely not ready for living in this cold tundra.  I say, great!  Lets pack them all up and ship them back to the hell holes they came from and good riddance......I see that other nations across Europe, such as Switzerland and Hungary, have had enough of the criminal Rothschild controlled "European Union" and are now calling for their own "exits" from that empire.  I honestly had hoped that with Britain leaving, the entire fraud house of cards would have collapsed by now.  Lets hope other nations in that fraud "union" get the hint and get the hell out while they still can.........Jew controlled "award season" is about to begin in the US, with the ridiculous "Golden Globe" awards (does anyone actually care about this garbage?) happening tonight.  Considering how badly Jewlywood has been ruined thanks to Jew pedophilia and so many Jewish monsters being exposed for their sexual deviancy, I am marvelled that the entire apparatus of filth has lasted this long and that they have the nerve to actually "honour" that entire organization with these laughable "award" shows..... Winter Olympics about to take place next month in South Korea, and again thanks to the sickness of the IOC with their "transgender" filth allowed to compete, I will NOT be watching.   That sick "political correctness" filth and garbage has ruined amateur sports............The figures have finally come out about the state of the National Football League after this year where idiot millionaire assholes decided to kneel for the American national anthem, and it does not look good for the entire organization as attendance has dwindled and people have turned off watching the games.   I say the entire organization needs to change their policies, or die.   I used to be a great fan of the sport, but now that some reality has come forward about how corrupt the league is, not any more...... It has been a dismal week for Arsenal, as the team was only able to manage 2 ties in Premier League play and is presently sitting in 6th place overall.   Unless they wake the fuck up, their chances of even playing in the Champions League will fail.  If that happens, I hope for a shakeup in the entire team for next year including a much needed coaching change........And again, I hope that nobody has any issues with my calling Taylor Swift a mentally deranged psycho, for I have found little evidence that shows otherwise..... And finally, I guess I will close this rant with my usual look at Kardashian psycho-ville. Apparently the Paparazzi and most Americans are all gaga over skank#2, Khloe, and her pregnancy news.  To me, it is bad enough that this skank is having a child, but that poor kid has to be raised in that mentally unbalanced environment of being around Kardashians?   I really wonder how fucked up he/she will turn out to be?More to comeNTS