Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 5th, 2014

It is indeed good to be back…. I missed last week's rant due to fear of having a heart condition, and I am now doing a lot of catching up….First and foremost, I truly want to thank Whitewraithe for helping me out at this blog during my short absence…. I really do hate hospitals, and even after getting a clean bill of health on my heart, I came down over the last few days with a very intense cold and fever.   I do suspect that I caught that during my hospital stay!   The angiogram is healing up nicely, but my right wrist does hurt like the dickens, and even as I type this rant, I am getting a bit of pain…..I honestly thought about skipping this rant for this week, but I am a stubborn man....I was actually back in the hospital clinic today due to one heck of a nasty cold... I most probably caught this bug from last week's stay where I had to share a room with two patients that both had pneumonia! I did complain to the hospital staff bitterly about this, but they said that was the only space available for me! That was bad enough, but I also just discovered that I may have had a severe allergic reaction to some over the counter cold medication that caused a momentary rise in blood pressure, intense perspiration, and constricted breathing over the last few days.... Luckily I caught that in time....It really does appear that in spite of my best efforts at trying to stay healthy, I have had a rash of real bad luck!   It also does not help that this intensely cold winter here in central Canada is affecting everyone and causing our hospitals to overflow with patients having a multitude of different colds, pneumonia, and influenza....I am glad to see that people are finally awakened to the Global Warming scam, or as the scam artists now call it… "Climate Change"…. Yes, it is a scam, and these fraudsters led by the great "Saint Al of Gore" were in this from the beginning for profit.   The "science" that these swindlers and hoaxers have used to try to sell the scam has now fallen to pieces, as people everywhere are now aware that this planet is absolutely not "heating up" as the scam artists constantly cry, but is right now going through a natural cycle of cooling….As I have said in previous rants, all you have to do is open your door and look around your neck of the woods… We are seeing a deep freeze everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere which will continue for the next few years at least… But again, fear not, for this again is part of a natural cycle between periods of hot and cold climate that has been going on for millions of years!But the Global Warming scam artists have recently tried again to push their agenda with the recent Russian  scientific ocean research vessel, the  MV Akademik Shokalskiy, was attempting to reach the Antarctic ice shelf to measure "ice melting" and try to confirm that "Global Warming" is indeed taking place right now.... The scam artists were actually attempting to show that ice does indeed melt in summer months, considering that it is high summer in the southern hemisphere, and sell this melting as a fact that "Global Warming" is real... But the joke was on them, because they never even got close to the ice shelves and instead got stuck in rapidly increasing ice flows that immobilized the vessel....What they failed to take into account is that even during these southern hemisphere summer months, the Antarctic ice shelves are actually growing and not receding!  Therefore all they did was actually confirm that the planet is indeed cooling!Honestly, I am still intensely troubled by the lack of reports by the Jew media on the Fukushima disaster... The liars and con artists in our media have lulled most of their listeners and viewers into the falsehood that "All is well" when it comes to this still ongoing world threatening disaster.....We already know that at least 3 reactor cores at Fukushima have fully melted down and are still continuing to bore through the containment at the bottom of the reactor cores.   I have long said that it will be only a matter of time before either reactor #1 or reactor #3 breaches this last barrier and starts digging into the Earth itself....But from recent reports about massive steam releases from reactor #3, I do wonder if this breach has already happened!   We may be seeing that "China Syndrome" that many have long feared, where the melted "corium" is now hitting ground water and releasing deadly steam into the atmosphere....The situation with the failed reactors at Fukushima are bad enough, but we may be seeing the deadly radioactive oceanic plume that has been slowly crossing the Pacific finally make landfall in the United States... Both Whitewraithe and myself recently posted up a very important video at this blog showing high levels of radioactivity on a beach in northern California!  This coupled with the strange actions of marine life all along the American and Canadian Pacific coasts means that the plume is already here, and we will now be seeing more and more reports of rising radioactivity as these coasts get bathed in Fukushima radiation.   Again, I really need to ask why the people of California, Oregon, Washington state, British Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii, are not up in arms over the government's ignorance of this deadly Fukushima situation?I have finally been catching up over the last few days on what has been happening around the world, and as usual, the criminal state of Israel is at it again.... We see recent reports of Israeli Mossad agent provocateurs launching their usual "bottle rockets" from the prison camp known as the Gaza strip back into Israel... For the longest time I have said that the "Arab terrorists" launching these "missiles" are real bad shots, for they always seem to land in open fields or nowhere near any Israeli cities.   Why has nobody even noticed that NO Israeli ever "dies" from these "rocket" attacks?  What are the odds?   OK, this recent attack did supposedly kill one "Bedouin" citizen.  But the Bedouins are Arabs, and not Jews at all.....Therefore again, this rocket attack is as phony as a three dollar bill, and being used by the Jewish run media for the new call for the entire destruction of the 1.7 million Arabs locked up in the Gaza strip itself.Then of course we have the supposed "rocket" attack launched by Israeli Mossad agent provocateurs from Lebanon back into Israel itself.  And again, these rockets have hit nobody and killed nobody.   BUT we see the insane psychotic Jewish leadership of Israel calling for a new war against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon itself.....The Israelis have always wanted to attack and conquer southern Lebanon because they want the fresh water of the Litani river for their own greedy and selfish needs...I do suspect that on top of Israel going all out for the destruction of the Gaza strip sometime very soon, these maniacs will invade southern Lebanon to seize the Litani river, under the false pretext of having Hezbollah destroyed!Of course in Israel itself we again see the fraudulence of the so called "Peace Plans" between the Palestinian Authority and the criminal Israelis themselves.... The Israelis are continuing to build even more illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, while laughingly talking of "Peace".    Lets face the facts here, and what I have always said, Israel does not want peace, period.  They only want territory and they want all of Palestine for their greedy selfish selves.  People need to finally wake the hell up and see that there cannot be any peace with these criminally psychotic Jews, and the only hope for the Palestinians is to finally fight for their very existence.  It is either fight or die, and with those choices, I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat....One other thing I did notice..... Ariel Sharon, the homicidal maniac that has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people is finally "dying"..... He has been in a coma now for some 3 years (!) and it does appear that the criminal Jews may be finally wanting to pull the plug on this maniac.   I suppose the delay in his death is due to the fact that Satan himself is not ready to have this mass killer sit besides him in hell.  He definitely does not want the competition!Yes, it is now 2014... And many have asked me about my predictions for this upcoming year.... I do see severe economic upheaval over the next few months as the American economy finally feels the ripple effect of the Chinese government no longer buying toxic US debt.    We have been watching as the fraud "Dow Jones" Industrial Average (DJIA) skyrocket on Wall Street, giving the false impression that all is well with the US economy... The truth is that this DJIA is a fraud and just a phony numbers game.   The real economy in the United States is as I have always said to be a train wreck in slow motion.   The criminal Jews behind the entire scam are right now fleecing what is left of the wealth of the American nation, and will very soon decide to pull the plug and let the whole thing collapse.   This is why these criminals have been rapidly moving the vast majority of their operations to the next hot bed of economic prosperity... China.....Speaking of China.... I am surprised that very few have come out and noticed that the recent Chinese probe that is right now sitting on the "moon" is nothing but a scam.   I personally watched and observed the reports of the landing of this "Jade Rabbit" landing probe on the "moon" and I was not convinced.   There were some glaring inconsistencies with this "landing" including the supposed cut off of the main retrorocket of the lander just a few hundred meters above the lunar surface and the lander miraculously "hovering" (?) for a few seconds... This is impossible, simply because the horizontal velocity of this lander had long been slowed to near zero by retrorocket "burn", which means that the only thing affecting the lander was the lunar gravity itself during its vertical approach to the surface. And yes, the moon still has gravity, and therefore with the engine cut off as the Chinese claim, this unit would fall like a stone and crash into the lunar surface.  "Hovering" is therefore impossible with main engine cutoff.... But here we have the Chinese sell this bullcrap in their video that shows the "simulation" of the landing itself.... That is bad enough, but the "pictures" released by the Chinese space agency show so many inconsistencies on the "lunar" surface, including the same lie that NASA pushed for decades that you cannot see "stars" from the lunar surface!  What we have here it seems is the Chinese again faking their latest space program accomplishment, much the same way that they faked their men walking in space a few years back by having them not in space, but actually in a very large water tank safely on Earth.   Hey, if NASA can fake its space program accomplishments and sell them to the suckers around the world, then why not the Chinese?Well.... I guess that is enough for now.  I still need to shrug off this cold that I most certainly caught during my recent hospital stay, and therefore I will close this with my usual last minute "tidbits".....As I stated before, we are watching the US get itself involved in the African nation of Southern Sudan for nothing more than seizing the oil wealth of that impoverished nation.  This is also the American way of blocking China's moves into Africa for its vast mineral wealth.......I see that the fraud known as "Al Qaeda" is again making headlines with their inroads in of all places, Iraq!  When will people finally wake the hell up and learn that "Al Qaeda" is a phony "terrorist" group created by the Israelis and Americans for their equally fraudulent "war on terror"?......A "terrorist" attack in Volgograd (Stalingrad), Russia?   I doubt it, and I like others smell Mossad all over this.   I suspect that we will see more of these "terrorist" attacks in Russia as the world prepares for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.......I see more and more American states pushing for the banning of GMO in their food supplies.  Good luck to that, because criminal groups like Monsanto absolutely do not want their poisons out of our foods as they continue to dumb down the American nation......I am still shocked that people out there still believe the Sandy Hook operation to be a real mass "shooting"!  And as far as "Mr. G" and "Mr. P" over at the "Tutankhamen" website are concerned, I have not the time for agents of disinformation....I see that Arsenal is maintaining there position at the top of the Barkley Premier League table, but precariously.  Manchester City has been playing recently like a team possessed and is ready to push Arsenal off the top very shortly.  At least I was able to watch some games while laid up in the hospital as well........I see the US congress critters are again trying to get the war on Iran going with their latest antics of trying to derail all talks and the easing of the "sanctions" against that peaceful nation.  When the hell will the American people finally say enough is enough and throw every single one of these Jewish butt kissers out of office?......Is it just me?  Or is there something wrong when the newest chairman of the Jewish run Federal Reserve is not only Jewish (no surprise here) but was in fact the head of the central Israeli bank?  This blatant act shows how these criminals are actually laughing right in our faces now as they do their criminal activities in the open with no repercussions at all!.....Maybe its time to get off the slamming of the Kardashians for a change?  Nahhhh.  I see that our favorite skank, Kim, has been busy showing off her "toned" body via Instagram.   Is it not amazing how much plastic surgery works wonders on a trollop that is already plastic and as bright as a bag of hammers? (Sorry, did not mean to insult hammers) .....It is indeed good to be back, and I really want to again thank everyone for their support during this recent "crisis".  And as usual....More to comeNTS