Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 4th, 2015

  Yes, Sunday again.. Another year and it does look like 2015 will be a make or break year in this fight against the criminals out to ruin our world...Right now in central Canada it is around -35C with temperatures plunging overnight to -40C with windchills around the -50C mark... It is near record cold here, and across most of Canada and in fact most of the Northern Hemisphere, and yet we do find all of the liars in the Jew spew media and their compliant shills harping again that we must do something to halt "Global Warming".... I am so shocked and I say to these clowns and misfits to just come up here and stay for the next few weeks as January rolls along with bitterly cold temperatures.. Then tell me to my face that it is due to "Global Warming"...  Lets face it, this Global Warming scare is such a joke and I am so surprised that there are still gullible people falling for such crap.I really did not want to put up the last article, because some people may look upon it as a slam against other researchers.. But lets face the facts here... NASA has been lying its ass off for decades about its space exploration program and especially about its manned missions... I have looked at all of their data and information now for decades, and I am not amused.... Being a man who has a massive background in science, especially Physics, I quickly discovered years back that much of what we have been told about space has been complete and utter bullshit.   NASA has had an agenda for decades and it is not for the expansion of knowledge,but rather for the money.....Yes, Project Apollo was one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the human race... Even today there are so many gullible people out there that believe everything that these criminals have spoon fed for decades about man on the moon, and they believe it without any question...I came across the fraudulence of the Apollo program early on back in 1979 ( I still cannot believe it has been that long ago..) and with time my understanding of how they faked the entire program to fool the American public and the entire world as a matter of fact has grown... And yes, I was one who marveled and at the time believed it when NASA followed up Apollo by landing Viking on Mars' surface back in 1976 to celebrate the American bicentennial.It was not until sometime in the mid-80's that I began to question not only Apollo but ALL of NASA's missions, even the robotic ones, that I began to look more closely at Viking on Mars....What sold me on it being a fraud was asking the question as to HOW in the hell did they land Viking using conventional parachutes in a very low pressure atmosphere... (Mars' surface atmospheric pressure is some 4/1000th that of Earth).    I stated it clearly in the last article posted here all the facts about NASA and their bullshit about using parachutes to land on Mars, and there has been absolutely nothing that has come out to prove me wrong.....  Basically, NASA followed up the Apollo man on the moon bullshit landings with bullshit robotic landings on Mars in the 70's!The bottom line when it comes to NASA and all of its space missions is this: "Once a liar, always a liar".... NASA got away with the lies of Project Apollo and made off handsomely with billions of US taxpayer dollars...And therefore they figured they could do it again with all of their subsequent missions... Therefore if someone comes out now and says that there are relics and "Mayan heads" on Mars, I call bullshit right away.... Again, once a liar, always a liar must be remembered....My take is that the recent findings on Mars are exactly what NASA wants us to discover, and they will promote these falsehoods as a method of getting the funding they want for their future fake Man on Mars missions which will cost trillions of dollars, use plenty of CGI, and be as fake as Project Apollo was....In my last rant, I went over some of the subjects that really piss me off, and I did leave off several that some commentators said I missed that were just as important.. One is of course the fraud shootings happening all over the planet and how it pisses me off that people just do not get it that they are being played as suckers and fools.... This last week for example we find the final evidence that should definitely blow the fraud of Sandy Hook finally to hell... It does appear that the criminals have gotten very brave now with their shootings and realize just how gullible and stupid the general public truly is... These criminals have had the gall to use the same stock photos that they used to pass off as "Noah Pozner" at Sandy Hook for a victim of the school "shooting" back on December 16th, 2014 in Pakistan.....THIS above most everything else finally shows that Sandy Hook was indeed a fake and nobody died, because if one victim is a fake there, then it does not take brains to realize that ALL of the victims are fake as well.....It also calls into question the entire shooting in Pakistan itself and I do have some suspicion and speculation that nobody has died in that massacre..... The problem that I see is that most people do not use critical thinking skills and swallow all of the BS pushed by the Jew spew media about these shootings without question...And then of course we have the clowns out there, especially those who occupy "TUT-land" and the so called writer from Chicago, who have pushed the lie that Sandy Hook was real and all of us who question it are idiots... Well, I have news for these clowns in that now with Sandy Hook finally fully exposed, THEY are the idiots and clowns and are unfit to be in this alternative media... I have long suspected most of them are the real agent provocateurs with an agenda of ruining or misleading the so called "truth movement" and now my suspicions are proven right... I said it before and I will say it again, it is time for them to disappear for they are the promoters of the same pure evil that the rest of us are fighting against....One other thing that pisses me off that I left off the list is of course the Jewish problem... I could do entire rants just covering that subject, but needless to say it does piss me off that a group of "chosen ones" who number less than 1% of the entire population of this planet, and follow such a bullshit religion with such evil writings, have been able to seize control over our planet..... I am so pissed that our forefathers did not have the fortitude to stop these criminals in their tracks and instead have allowed their evil to grow to the extent it is today.... It also pisses me off that so many people are so blind to this problem, and will only awaken when they have achieved their sick plans for world dominion.  Then it will be too late to stop them....Yes, it is another new year, and everyone is of course waiting for the economic collapse that we have all warned about....The nation wreckers, aka,the Jewish criminals are almost ready to pull the plug on the entire world's economic system and send it crashing down.... Sadly, trying to get the message out to get people to  prepare for this has fallen on deaf ears... I do see this year, 2015, as a year of turmoil with the first shoe to drop shortly with a severe stock market "correction"..... The fact again  is that with the collapse of world Oil markets, the Derivatives that have been used to gamble in that market will be "exposed" and we all will be on the hook to pay off the TRILLIONS of dollars involved... The crooked Jewish bankers at the top of this crooked pyramid have indeed forced nations to change the rules when it comes to investments and savings accounts, and all of that hard earned money that you and I have saved for years will be gone to cover those "losses"..... I have said it before and I will say it again...If you have any money tied up in investments and savings, get it out now... Only leave enough funds to cover debts, loans, and mortgages.. Everything else will be gone when the bust comes and governments and the criminal banks declare their bank "bail ins".......I came across a most interesting article just the other day that shows clearly that the fraud "ISIS" has indeed been working with the criminal Israelis (and the American CIA) to "undermine" the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad... But have I not been stating that here for over a year now? .... When the hell will people finally get it that is exactly why the Americans and the criminal Israelis invented their latest scam "ISIS" or as they call it now.."Daesh" in the first place?   Lets get the facts straight here again... Every other scam that the US and their masters in Israel have tried over the last few years to destroy Syria and have Assad removed from office has failed.. Their so called "rebel" forces (paid mercenaries) have failed to overthrow the Syrian government, so they went first to their "Plan B" which was of course the laughable fraudulent "Assad gassing his own people" scam... When that fell apart, they decided on a "Plan C" which is of course to invent ( a reinvention of the scam "Al Qaeda") this "ISIS" threat as the latest back door to get into Syria.... And of course we have the Jew spew compliant media and the Jewish controlled governments everywhere promoting this "ISIS" or "Daesh" as the latest "threat" to "world peace".....I have said it so many times that people are such gullible saps and suckers, and this "Daesh" bullshit has been going on for so long and yet people everywhere still believe it to be real!.....Yes, the criminal Israelis and the criminal Americans will push this "Daesh" fraud, and if that fails, a new "Plan D", until they get exactly what they want, which is the destruction of another innocent nation Syria!Yes, this last week the Palestinians applied for membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC) and I am appalled that the scumbags in Israel and the criminals in the United States government have demanded them not to.... Lets face the facts here, in that Palestine has every right to seek help from the ICC for the crimes against humanity committed by the psychotic state of Israel.  And it shows the true colors of the United States government and exactly who they answer to,  when they also tried to stop Palestine from joining the ICC... Yes, the psychotic Jews do not want the world to see the truth about their slaughter of innocent people in Palestine and especially in Gaza, and the criminals in the US Government do not want to be exposed as being accessories to those murders... One thing before I go onto my last minute tidbits... The "homeless man" in Anaheim California that has been immortalized on a Youtube video where he took $100 from a helpful person, and then was video taped as he went and rather than spend it on booze or drugs, bought some food to give to other homeless people, seems to finally be proven to be an elaborate hoax... I said it in an update to that video that I posted up in a previous article here at this blog that this is so sad simply because there are indeed so many people out there that are really homeless and would indeed not be selfish and instead give to others in need.....I honestly want people to not suddenly take this scam in California and suddenly stop helping those in need.... There are indeed so many out there that so desperately need our help that we should not give up in caring....OK, I figure that is enough for this rant....But as usual, I will close it with covering some of the subjects of the day and those that I may have left off, in my "last minute tidbits".....Report came out this week that shows conclusively that radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster is definitely hitting the west coast of North America.  There has been increasing spikes in Cesium 137 detected in the Pacific Ocean water, and that increase is expected to increase over this coming year.  Fukushima is now hitting home and yet we find very little to fix this still ongoing disaster. But again, wars for Israel count first and foremost!......I did see the report about that scumbag Prince Andrew being linked to a sex ring in the United Kingdom.  But I have already stated that the entire scumbag "Royal Family" are murderous pricks that have links to not only sex rings, but to pedophilia rings, and child abductions and child murders,across the planet.  Every single one of these monsters should be in jail, and as far as I am concerned anything "Royal" in the United Kingdom should be dissolved.....The US declares the war in Afghanistan over and that "victory" has been achieved. A laugh considering that there are still tens of thousands of troops there as "contractors", and their real job is and always has been to protect the Opium poppy fields.  Afghanistan cost the US over a trillion dollars and the only ones who benefited and continue to benefit are the Rothschild drug lords and their Afghan Opium........I see Greece is again falling to pieces as I had expected. The fact is again that the people of Greece should do exactly what Iceland did and tell the Jewish scumbags to piss off.  That goes for the rest of Europe as well which is right now in danger of full economic collapse thanks primarily to the Rothschild criminal banksters....Has there been a catastrophe at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine?  The world wonders, but of course with the Americans propping up the criminal regime in Kiev and trying so hard to prevent the truth about how Ukraine is now an unmitigated disaster of their making from being known, I doubt if the truth about this disaster will ever be made public.....I am not calling the recent plane crash of a Malaysian flight over Indonesia a false flag like the MH370 and MH17 flights.  This one does have a lot of questions, but this one is being properly investigated with plenty of wreckage and bodies found at the crash site.  It does raise a thought that someone is definitely out to ruin Malaysian airlines though.  It does make one wonder who that could be considering how much Malaysia has been pissing off the Jews, especially with their support of Palestinian rights?.....Arsenal loses a tight game to Southampton on New Years Day 2-0, and sadly with that with this loss, the Gunners will be out of the chase for the top of the table. Another rebuilding year for the lads, it appears.......And finally, another year, another shot at the greatest American family of misfits, the Kardashians.  It appears that the so called "entertainment world" has been gaga this week over trollop Kim and her photo on a British tabloid called "Love Magazine".   I looked at the picture and I was not impressed. Besides my nose starting to bleed and my eyes about to explode from looking at the skank, there is nothing shocking to behold.  Yes, this makes news instead of the reality of the world economy going to hell, but again America loves its Kardashians!If I did not say it before.. Have a Happy New Year everyone....With all the turmoil about to unfold shortly, we will need it!More to comeNTS