Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 31st, 2016

 Yes, it is Sunday.. The last Sunday of January and of course time for my weekly rant...Yes the weather here in central Canada has gone a bit topsy-turvy over the last week, where at the beginning we were well into the -20C range, and suddenly a Pacific flow of air comes through and temperatures over the last few days were above freezing at around 2C.... But again, this is natural and occurs constantly this time of year and has nothing to do with the fraud of "Climate Change".... I for one am so disgusted that the criminals behind this fraud and our own governments had the nerve to actually come out and state that last year was the "warmest year on record" when it absolutely was not.... But so many people have fallen for that bullshit and will gladly surrender their money to these crooks and thieves when they put their "carbon tax" plans into motion... It is bad enough that the economies are going to hell, but these crooks will fleece people through more fraud taxes to boot...Yes, the economy is still going to hell in a hand basket, and what I have read over the last week, especially with the reports about the "Baltic Dry Index" (BDI) for world wide shipment of goods is quite alarming... Right now there is almost ZERO world shipments taking place as most nations are right now clamouring for buyers for their goods when there are none.. The basic fact is that nobody has any money to spend and right now it is costing more to actually send any ships in transit across the oceans than the goods these ships contain... Yes, the store shelves in our local department stores are still pretty well stocked with goods made in China, Japan, and other nations overseas, but very soon we will indeed see empty shelves everywhere.... It is only a matter of time before the wholesalers run out of goods for the retailers and the consumers will be left with nothing to purchase... Economists are still saying that what we are seeing is only a "momentary downturn" in our nations' economies, but from what I am seeing from the truthful alternative media reports, I am seeing a full fledged Depression approaching.. And this one will be far more severe than anything we have seen in our history.....Again I say that for those that say that we have nothing to fear to give their heads a shake and I honestly have to ask what these clowns that state that things will be fine what they are smoking?    I have long been a proponent of having everyone prepare for a severe downturn by having some emergency food supplies for a few months at least...... It is better to be safe than sorry....Of course to divert everyones' attention away from the dire economic situation that we are facing, we have the latest and greatest "disease" scare hitting the planet... I am of course referring to the "Zika Virus" scare that is all over the Jew spew media these days.... I am going to say it flat out here for everyone to understand... THE JEW MEDIA IS LYING, AND IS PROMOTING PURE BULLSHIT WHEN IT COMES TO THE THREAT FROM THIS ZIKA VIRUS!OK, lets get to the facts about this "Zika virus" that has everyone so fearful.... This virus has actually been around for decades and is well known across the African continent.... Very few people have gotten severely ill from this "Zika virus" and there have been almost ZERO cases of anyone actually dying from this disease....This virus has never ever been known to cause the cases of this brain shrinkage that we are seeing in children that are born from a mother that supposedly was infected by this virus, and I realized from looking at all the evidence that something else was afoot here.... And lo and behold we find many strange and troubling factors happening here....First, we must understand that the reported "outbreak" area in Brazil where this "strain" of Zika virus has caused this rash of "brain shrinkage" in newborn children was the same area in Brazil where some genetically modified mosquitoes, under a program financed by ... who else.. but the ultra criminal Bill Gates and his "Gates Foundation" were released into the environment..... This alone shows the criminal nature of this "Zika virus" scare and should show again how these sick bastards are screwing around with mother nature by even creating these GMO mosquitoes in the first place.... And of course with the Gates foundation we have now two years in a row where these bastards have been working in creating a monster... Last year it was the Gates foundation working in Africa with their modification and bio engineering the Ebola virus into a bio weapon, and now they are modifying Mosquitoes and possibly this Zika virus into a bio weapon as well.... I honestly have to ask why in the hell the Brazilian government allowed this sick and twisted program in their nation in the first place?  NO money from these sick pricks is worth the loss of possibly millions of innocent lives!Second, we have of course the reports of a massive "immunization" program that was recently put into place in Brazil where pregnant women were told to take a TDAP shot... It is absolutely no coincidence that the majority of women that have now suffered by having their babies born with this small head abnormality are the same ones that went and got that damn TDAP shot.... Knowing what we all should know by now about the nature of vaccines and how they damage our immune systems and can do horrific damage to children, I am at a loss as to how the health officials in Brazil got away with convincing these pregnant women to take these TDAP shots knowing full well of the consequences of having those poisons injected into their bodies..... And the evidence that the TDAP shot and not the "Zika virus" is the cause of the abnormalities in newborn children is shown by the Mexican government that has demanded their own pregnant mothers to be to NOT take the TDAP shots!   Yes, apparently Mexico knows something that even Brazil does not know.....Third... This "Zika virus outbreak" and fear mongering is absolutely part of a very nefarious and criminal plan to strike fear into the general public so that they, out of their own ignorance and stupidity, will clamour for their own criminal governments and health officials to do something to "protect them"... And lo and behold we have the news coming out over the last few days that the WHO and other "health organizations" are working "frantically" to perfect a VACCINE against the "Zika virus"!   This is so reminiscent of years back when we had that H1N1 "flu epidemic" scare that was all over the news and people everywhere frantically standing in long lines to take their "flu vaccines" that absolutely did not work and did more damage to these suckers' immune systems than actually fighting that strain of "flu"...... But again, there are indeed suckers born every minute and we will see the propaganda from the Jew spew media go hog wild with reports of this "Zika virus spreading" everywhere and people MUST go out and take their "vaccine" to protect them..... My advise in regards to this fraud "Zika virus" scare is the same with all the other bullshit "epidemic" fear mongering in the past.  Do not be fooled and absolutely do not roll up your sleeves and allow anyone to shoot poisons into your bodies....The bottom line when it comes to this "Zika virus" and all the fear mongering... The criminals in charge are wanting to push their programs of mass immunization aka mass sterilization program forward, and they know that with the awakening of the masses to their criminal behaviour and their plans for crashing the world economies to put in their world government plans, they have to make their moves now.... Be prepared, everyone, and absolutely resist ANY "voluntary" or forced vaccination plans......I absolutely cannot understand why there is no outcry in the United States right now in regards to their own criminal government's latest moves in both Syria and Iraq... The criminal Soetoro regime in Washington DC had the gall to say to the American public a few years back that they had no intention of putting any "boots on the ground" in Syria, but in reality that is exactly what the US is doing right now... I reported here over a week ago how the US has seized that air base in northeastern Syria in clear violation of Syria's own territory which in any book is an invasion... And now we find further reports coming out just last week of the US moving their special forces, armaments, and aircraft into that base for operations "against ISIS"...... The truth is of course that the US is moving these forces rapidly into that base in Syria, as well as moving their forces into the Mosul area of Iraq for the simple reason that they are now desperate to save their fraud "ISIS" from its own destruction.....The facts are now loud and clear that the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, have cleared out the Latakia area of western Syria and have launched full operations into eastern Syria and north towards the Turkish border.... They now have the fraud "ISIS" on the run, and the Americans know it.... The American criminal leadership and the other criminals in NATO know fully well that their dream of destroying Syria and having Bashar al-Assad removed from power is basically over... But as I said before, these crooks and liars are indeed 'sore losers' and they may yet up the stakes in Syria by putting forces on the ground in a full intervention into the conflict...But again, these forces have absolutely NOT been invited into Syria, period, by the Assad government... Therefore the US and NATO are now pushing for a full blown war with their forces directly invading a sovereign nation.... The big question is still, what will Russia do about it?   Russia is allied with Syria and their forces may very soon be in direct battles with these invaders.  Once that occurs the escalation to a full war with Russia (And China) will occur and we will see World War III in earnest.... Yes, as I have said before, the US is that sick and demented that they will risk World War III to save their plans in having Syria destroyed!Well, I have finally seen reports that came out last week that admitted that the vast majority of these 'refugees' that are destroying Europe and not "refugees" at all, but are in fact illegal migrant workers from Africa... .I have been stating that fact here for the last 6 months at least and finally someone else figures it out?   Lets face the facts again when it comes to this "refugee crisis" in Europe.. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT  a "refugee" crisis, but a carefully planned flooding of these migrant workers into Europe to destroy European nations and their cultures by none other than the Jews and especially the man that I have long called "Dr. Evil" himself, George Soros.... It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that to simply transport these migrants into Europe does not come cheap (who supplied and paid for the ships?  who provided these migrants with the money to go to Europe?) and that someone therefore financed the whole operation... And lo and behold we find the 'organizations' that were behind this migrant flood into Europe are indeed subsidiaries of George Soros' companies themselves....Yes, if you turn over enough rocks and get to the bottom of this migrant crisis, you find the Jews behind the entire mess...And for those naysayer, I keep telling them to just take a close look at the Jewish blueprint for world domination, their very own Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and then get back to me and tell me differently.....What should be happening in Europe right now is so obvious... Governments have to expel the so called "migrants" that are partaking in the horrific crimes we see.  All the rapists and murderers that are rampaging across Europe MUST be arrested and expelled and not coddled by governments that lack the balls and the guts to do the right thing.... As for the other illegal migrants that have flooded into these nations?  Expel them as well.......It is a fact that there is no future for the vast majority of these migrants in Europe with no hope of employment or a means of living, so the right thing is absolutely to send them home.... The shocking thing about this crisis in Europe is the fact that many of the governments themselves are refusing to act by throwing these rejects out of their countries.  This should be a wake up call for all of Europe that if their governments do not abide by the wishes of the citizens, then the governments themselves must be thrown out of office and leadership that actually does what the citizens want takes over.  In the case of Europe and this migrant crisis, that action by the citizens against the criminals running their countries is long overdue....I for one cannot understand how criminals in charge can actually have any morality or conscience when they constantly care little in regards to the very health and welfare of the people who have stupidly put them into positions of power... Their acts of cruelty against their own constituents came through loud and clear over the last few weeks when it was revealed again and again in cities across North America that citizens have been poisoned, purposely, by their own drinking water ....and that these criminals in charge knew full well of the poisons and their effects on their own people.... Basically, what happened in Flint Michigan is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg when it comes to civic officials knowingly allowing the poisoning of their own citizens with Lead and other heavy metals in drinking water.... I have stated many times that our governments have been purposely poisoning us all for decades through the usage of Fluoride in our drinking water and other chemicals in both our water and our food supply.... The fact is that these criminals have always known full well of the adverse affects of these chemicals on our brains.... The question then becomes...Has this all been part of a nefarious plot to damage our bodies and our minds?   Must I again remind everyone of the criminal Jewish plot for world domination and how it is written right in their own Protocols about the usage of poisons, especially "heavy metals" to destroy the Gentiles and subjugate all of humanity?    The bottom line in regards to the incident at Flint Michigan is that it should be a wake up call for us all.....Well, I have rambled on long enough..... There has been, as usual, so much happening in our world over the last while and I have only scratched the surface in terms of my interpretation of events... But as usual there is so much that I have not covered that people usually ask me to put in my own "2 cents worth" and I will touch on them here in my "last minute tidbits"....... OK, it was revealed just a few days ago in that psychotic Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton)'s "emails" that the entire war against Libya was done to prevent Gadaffi from bringing in his Gold backed Dinar to break the grip of the Rothschilds in Libya and potentially all of Africa.  No shock here at all, and proves everything that I and others have been stating about the fraud war against Libya...... And speaking of Libya today, we find reports that the US and NATO are again wanting to go in to "fight ISIS".  BUT knowing that ISIS itself is a fraud and a scam, it is obvious that the US and NATO are wanting in because their puppet regime in Libya is failing and the Libyan people themselves are now rising up against the US/NATO oppression.  Yes, we may see "Libya destroyed" part II shortly....... The news out of Yemen continues to not be good, especially for the Yemeni people who are facing a famine.   Little news has come across the Jew spew media of the fact that over a million innocent people could be dead very soon due to starvation.  But of course Yemen is being destroyed by the US's great "friend" Saudi Arabia, and the American people are therefore purposely being kept in the dark as to the real situation there.  It is indeed a most sick world we live in.........I had warned that a travesty was going to take place in Oregon with that ranch standoff.  And now very sadly a most innocent man, LaVoy Finicum, was indeed murdered in cold blood by the US government itself without any provocation.  The problem is that the government officials were hoping that this murder would have caused more violence to occur, but luckily nothing more happened.  I am waiting to hear and watch for the US government's own "explanation" for that murder, which of course will be full of falsehoods and lies.  The bottom line is the government wanted a provocation by the "militia" at that ranch to occur to give them their excuse seize the land, but never got one.  Hopefully the American people will finally wake the hell up once the true facts behind this 'stand off' come to light.........Well, lo and behold, we see another reason why the US government wanted that Oregon ranch land so badly.  For it seems that the Clinton crime family wanted the land as part of a deal their "organization" made with several foreign governments for its mineral rights including the Russian Federation.  Yes, Hillary the killer Klinton struck again...... And again, I must ask WHY would any American of clear conscience actually consider voting for that vile creature to become the next US President?  Honestly,   if Americans are that stupid, then they get what they deserve.......OK, it seems that more and more of America is now "falling in love" with Donald Drumpf (yes, the real name of "Trump" is Drumpf).   But knowing that Donald has always been in bed with big Jewish money, and has long had a history of sucking Jew dick, the American people should still be careful of what they wish for.......Last week was "Holocaust remembrance Day" across the world and damn it, I forgot to celebrate.  Considering that even questioning that part of our "history" is still most strangely taboo in so many countries, and that most of the "survivors" have now been exposed as frauds, liars, and scoundrels, one must wonder why a full investigation into the real truth about that time period is still not allowed.  I again must point out the obvious which is that someone does not want the real truth to be known.   I do hope that the day comes that Canada frees itself of the shackles of the fraudulent "hate crimes" laws and people are free to examine our real history more closely.  When that day comes, there will be hell to pay......Last week, the Arsenal Gunners took a bit of a tumble by losing again to the Chelsea Blues.  It has now been a full 5 years since the Gunners last beat the Blues, and the loss has pushed them down a bit from the top of the table.  Next week they take on the Southampton Saints and hopefully can avenge the New Year's eve debacle of losing 4-0 to the Saints.  And yes, I do love Soccer, even though just like other major sports there is indeed some fixing of the games.... Yes, I have finally been putting up more articles at this blog over the last while and it is indeed good to be back in the swing of things.  And hopefully soon Whitewraithe and I will finally get our Turbulent Times shows relaunched.  I will of course keep everyone posted..........And finally, my usual look at the waste of humanity known as the Kardashians.   Believe it or not, but my better half actually had me watch about 5 minutes of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" a few days ago.  Well, after having my mind go numb and blank, my eyes go blind, and spending the next half hour drooling, I guess I finally understand why the American people are so much in love with these skanks and trollops.   It is part of the master plan to turn Americans into brainless brain-dead zombies, right?  Honestly, I can think of no other explanation......More to comeNTS