Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Sunday... And it is that time again... Time for my usual rant....First, and foremost, I must state that I did listen earlier this week to the "debate" between Jim Fetzer, who has been researching the fraud of Sandy Hook for over a year now, and Keith Johnson from the TUT crowd and a firm supporter of the "official" story behind the Sandy Hook "shooting"....I was NOT impressed... I was especially disappointed in Keith Johnson that came into the "debate" with absolutely NOTHING... NO hard evidence, no facts and figures to back up the "official" story, and therefore had nothing to actually defend the "official" position at all.. It was obvious from the moment that "debate" started that the TUT crowd representative would be on a "witch hunt" and would only do his utmost to basically "shoot the messenger" and attack everything that Jim Fetzer presented in the debate!  I have always been under the firm understanding that a debate is supposed to be an EXCHANGE of different viewpoints, and that each party is supposed to bring forward their INFORMATION to support their positions... Keith Johnson did neither and preferred only to make the debate into a mockery and distasteful attacks on Jim Fetzer's information and his own character.  I therefore not only firmly believe that Jim Fetzer not only "won" this circus of a debate, but it shows the absolute WEAKNESS of the TUT group themselves in that they have NOTHING at all to actually defend their position that Sandy Hook was real.   They have only made themselves look worse than ever and have exposed themselves fully now as nothing more than disinformation agents...People have been asking me what makes Sandy Hook so important today considering that the criminal operation took place over a year ago.... I state that it has EVERYTHING to do with the state that America and their failed education system is today.   The psychological result of the Sandy Hook operation was exactly what these criminals have always wanted... To turn America into a paranoid society where nobody trusts anyone any more.... The net result of the Sandy Hook operation was to make the false term "random acts of violence" a common statement in American society where everyone is now thinking that the Sandy Hook type of "shooting" could occur anywhere and at any time.... It has also turned American schools into basic prisons where students themselves have to be absolutely "politically" and psychologically "correct" at all times... The best examples of this paranoia has been the recent horrible situations where young students were thrown out of schools due to simply drawing rough pictures of guns on paper in class rooms, and the amazingly stupid incident where a young American child was banned from school for simply forming his hand into the shape of a gun (!) and pointing it at a fellow student!    It does seem that the innocence of our youth, especially in America, has now been lost and this again is primarily due to the paranoia generated thanks to the Sandy Hook fraudulent operation!  Again, I have really wanted to stop talking about Sandy Hook, because I thought by this time that everyone could see the obvious that it was indeed a criminal operation where nobody died.... But I was wrong, and there are still fools out there that cannot see the obvious and continue to promote the lies of it being real.  I am truly saddened by these people because they have done nothing more that rip this movement against the Jewish criminals behind most of these fraud attacks to smithereens.   It is also sad that many in these groups who call us all "Sandy Hookers" and "nutters' have had the audacity to claim that we, as independent researchers, should "back out" of this battle and leave the fight against the Jewish criminals to the "experts" (!) which they falsely claim to be.   Again, these people are clowns and misfits and they themselves should back out and leave this battle to those who are truly fighting for the right reasons and are not in it for greed, selfishness, and self glory.On to other matters... Yes, the criminal Prime Minister of this once proud country, Canada, is now back home... Honestly I had hoped that he would have stayed in the criminal and psychotic state of Israel, simply because he has no love for his fellow Canadians, and would indeed sell this country out in a heartbeat to please his Jewish masters...Lets face it... Stephen Harper did everything possible to suck up to and kiss the butt of his Jewish masters during his short time in Isra-Hell.... It was bad enough that this fool went and stood in front of these most evil criminals in their "Knesset" to grovel and spew out lies and drivel.  I did spend the time in a recent article ripping every part of that "speech" to pieces, and I found nothing that shows that I was wrong in my statements of fact.   Harper had the nerve to call Israel a "democracy" and yet everyone with common sense can see clearly that it is not... It is a theocracy where only privileged Jews have power and everyone is basically treated as either subhumans, misfits, or slaves..... It is also a fact that Israel does not and has NEVER wanted to see an independent Palestinian state.  Harper lied in his statement that Canada was in "support" of a Palestinian state simply because his Jew loving government were one of the first to condemn Palestinian rights in the UN and walked out of the UN when it came to the vote for a Palestinian state just to please their Jewish masters.....I have always said that Canada is now a lost cause and is firmly in the hands of Jewish criminals.... It is so sad that most Canadians cannot see this for themselves, primarily due to the full Jewish control over our media here in Canada.   We used to be seen around the world as a true beacon of freedom, but now the world sees Canada as just another Jew butt kissing nation, just like the United States is...Of course we continue to see the continuing push by the criminal psychotic Jews for their lust for war against the innocent nation of Iran.... Right now, the world is supposed to be sitting down with Iran in the so called P5+1 meetings to further discuss the resolutions for Iran's non-existent "nuclear weapons" program, and to further lift the criminal "sanctions' against that innocent and peaceful nation... But lo and behold, we find the United States, urged on by their Jewish masters, trying again to hijack these important meetings and basically force Iran to walk away from these meetings... This has always been the plan by the criminal Jews, which is to have Iran walk and have the Jewish controlled media scream to the world that it is all Iran's fault and that they do NOT want peace at all.... That way they hope they can convince a more skeptical American public to support a new war of conquest and destruction against Iran itself....And of course what is not being talked about is the horrible economic situation that the world is now facing... There has been almost NO media attention (no surprise here) being paid on the upcoming economic shock that could happen as early as January 31st, which is just this coming week... On that date, there is a strong chance that China could default on some $32 TRILLION dollars, and send every stock market and financial institution on the planet into a tailspin..... The ripple effect of this default could be catastrophic and signal the beginning of the world wide economic collapse that I and others have been saying has been coming.. The world wide economic "bubble" that has been building for quite some time has never been sustainable and even the psychotic criminal Jewish scumbags behind the entire mess with their Usury ponzi debt scheme can see the writing on the wall....  I would say the solution is again obvious.. Tell these scumbags to take their debt and shove it... But instead we may see bank runs, and people at the mercy of these scumbag bankers that will seize their assets just to keep themselves afloat for just a while longer....While the world teeters on economic collapse, we continue to see the "unrest" in the Ukraine, where so called Rothschild bought and paid for "protesters" continue to try to create political chaos with the sole purpose of trying to force Ukraine into the grip of the Rothschild controlled European Union.  Honestly, I am glad that the Ukrainian government sees the truth and has repeatedly refused to even consider such membership into the Rothschild empire.  They know that their future still is to be fully independent and to work closely with their neighboring countries, especially Russia itself....The fact is that the European Union has always been a disaster... Its member nations have watched their own economies turn into fiascoes, and they would indeed be better off to ditch the entire "union" and go an independent course... They must also do what always has been necessary and tell the Rothschild scumbag bankers to take their debts and again stick that up their butts!People have again been asking me this last week about the situation with Fukushima and the radiation that is supposedly hitting the North American Pacific coast right now... I have never liked the reports by those who say it is a life or death situation, like what has been reported by the Infowars group... I would not say that all is well either, and that the truth is between the two extremes... Yes, there is definitely a rise in radiation levels along the Pacific coast, and that radiation is not from the "natural sources" as some have claimed, and could indeed be coming from the radioactive plume that is definitely just off the coast right now... But it is not the death knell to people living along the coast (at least not yet) as many are now screaming.... The situation is indeed a serious one, and people must do what is necessary to strengthen their immune systems to combat a rise in radiation.   I am dead against those who are pushing Potassium Iodide tablets though, and I look at them as pushing panic in the public just to sell their pills....I have looked at the recent reports coming out of Japan itself, and I have read some articles about the rising amounts of radiation in steam especially around failed reactor #3.... I again am stating what I have said in previous rants.... This steam is due to the melted cores now coming into contact with ground water.   Luckily for TEPCO and Japan itself, these melted cores have hit very small amounts of water, BUT if any of them ever were to hit a very large pocket of water, the result could be catastrophic!  Such an explosive release of radioactive steam could pour an immense amount of radiation into the environment and possibly doom Japan itself.....Honestly, I am not surprised at all by the reports I have read over the last while about the truths about vaccines and vaccinations themselves... More and more reports have surfaced that show that vaccines simply do NOT work, period.   But this makes sense, simply because vaccines do not help our immune systems but actually hinder our bodies' ability to fight the diseases that they are supposedly designed to fight.... It is also a fact that vaccines contain Mercury and other dangerous chemicals that weaken our immune systems, and lead to horrible side effects including the continuing reports of the links between Mercury in vaccines to autism.... With this being Influenza season, I still implore people to avoid vaccines, period.... I recommend that everyone take natural supplements and do what they can to naturally reinforce their immune systems to properly fight off diseases...Someone asked me to expand on what I think is happening on Mars, especially with the reports that have come out recently of a mysterious "rock" that has suddenly appeared near the decade old Opportunity probe over a week after a picture was taken at the spot showing no rock there at all.... I will not make speculations, but I will say that considering that most of these "probes" are shams, and are actually taking place right here on good ol' Earth, I would not dismiss the idea that the criminals at NASA when they changed around the props setting for their Opportunity set, one of the stage hands accidentally moved that rock into that position... It is no wonder that NASA is now scrambling for an "explanation" for this mysterious "rock" that popped up out of no where..... Is this whistleblowing from someone out of NASA that is disgusted by their lies?  You decide...Well, I do guess that is enough for now... I will close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits.... I still receive laughable comments from the JIDF/Hasbara gang of idiots with their usual insults and slurs. I am troubled that these idiots still do not get it that their comments will never be published.  But it shows again the idiocy of these morons and how they are losing the battle......I am as shocked as everyone else that there are still clowns out there trying to push their "Global Warming" agenda.  Are these people really this gullible?.......Some people asked me why I did the article on the dangers of Soy and Soy protein?  I have always said that health issues are very important, especially in the need to keep ourselves as healthy as possible in this war against the Jewish criminals......And speaking of these Jewish criminals, I see a new push by the criminals to have any criticisms of the evil and twisted state of Israel associated with "antisemitism".  I again ask them to show me how these criminals are even Semites, and then also explain how criticisms of evil actions by anyone can be "antisemitic"?  Criminal acts are still criminal!.....About Deanna Spingola and her association with the TUT crowd and the Sandy Hook believers.  It is still everyone's choice if they want to continue to listen to her and to buy her books.  But personally, I have washed my hands of her and her actions....No Barkley's Premiere League soccer this week, sadly.  Arsenal goes back at it next week and has some very tough games down the road as they continue to battle for the top of the table....... Everyone has asked me about the upcoming Super Bowl game between the Broncos and the Seahawks.  Personally, I do look at this game as just a distraction to keep the American public diverted from the real problems America faces.  But for anyone's interests, I do like defense and I would like to see the Hawks take this one......Just so everyone knows, I am fine these days and it appears that the heart concerns that I had recently are over and done with.  I have a strong ticker and am back into my health regimen including losing the last few pounds off my midsection.....And finally, my look at America's twisted #1 family, the Kardashians.  Well, it seems that the speculation that Khloe was "pregnant" is not true after all.   Thats all we needed anyways, another trollop Kardashian offspring to pollute the American media with more BS news while the country goes to hell..... Honestly, I am sick of the Kardashians anyways, and am looking at another bullseye target for my rants.  If anyone has some great suggestions, send them to me in my comment section.More to comeNTS