Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 25th, 2015

  Good morning... It is Sunday, January 25th, and as usual I am sitting back and just now typing my usual weekly rant..  I usually use this rant to cover as many issues of the week as possible and to cover and touch upon some of those issues that I may have missed....I have gotten into the habit now of using Saturdays as my "down time" and to spend the day on catching up on personal and family matters.... I had a load of different articles prepared to post yesterday, but instead I figured that I would cover the material in my Sunday rant.... So here it goes.....First, someone asked me to put up either a few comments or an article covering that horrific "American Sniper" POS movie that has been produced by Jew spew Hollywood (or what I like to call "Jew"lywood), and honestly I cannot understand the massive hype that garbage is getting... Lets get right to the point on this here... This movie is based upon the life of one "Chris Kyle" who wrote a book just a few years back called "American Sniper".... In that book, this mass killing freak of nature describes his time in the American military and especially when he was part of the American invasion/occupation force in Iraq... During that time he was called upon due to his superior shooting skills to go and kill innocent women and children who in most cases had the only crime of being Iraqi civilians caught up in the fighting and being in the wrong place at the wrong time....In his book he claims that he personally killed some "160" people, but I suspect the number is actually significantly higher... To me, there is something seriously wrong with the American mindset and the American psyche that they are glorifying this murderer, and I am appalled that the Jew run "Academy Awards" has the gall to give this POS "movie" some 6 "Academy Awards" nominations....The sad part is that this load of garbage and pure American propaganda BS "movie" called "American Sniper" may win many of those nominations and thus again show how these "awards" are complete and utter crap.. Does anyone remember how that garbage Jew spew movie called "Zero Dark Thirty" won several awards a few years back and was nothing more than pure bullshit and lies about the "killing" of "Osama bin Laden" in that fraud raid in Pakistan back in 2011?  Just a heads up for everyone that still is living in their dream world...Osama bin Laden (US CIA agent Tim Osman) died in mid-December 2001 from natural causes (complications due to kidney failure) and was buried with the usual ritual Islamic ceremonies in the mountains of northern Afghanistan.... That "raid" on the "compound" in Pakistan back in May 2011 was pure propaganda bunk and bullshit... There was no "bin Laden" at that compound, and the entire escapade was a stunt conducted by the United States itself to finally "kill" their boogeyman "bin Laden" and to somehow promote that lying POS President Barry Soetoro as some kind of hero.....I really have had to laugh that some 9.5 years after the real bin Laden died, that these criminals finally decided to put their phoney bin Laden out of its misery....Sadly, too many stupid and ignorant people have fallen for that deception and still believe it to this day!But getting back to this "American Sniper" POS movie....Joe Cortina put out a most amazing article some 2.5 years back (link here) that is a serious must read by everyone... Joe blasts that "American Sniper" book by this Chris Kyle freak of nature, and calls him exactly what he is... A mass murdering psycho..... I personally have not read that book by this Chris Kyle character (thank goodness) but from what I have read over the alternative media, Joe Cortina is absolutely spot on..... To glorify the murder of innocent people and to some how justify it is just plain wrong, and shows the sickness of the American military and the American psyche that it is promoted so highly in a "movie"..... I personally have had no intention of actually watching that "movie" but in a conversation with Whitewraithe just the other night, she asked me to watch the movie online and to give her my impression first.... I watched a bit of it last night, and all I saw was pure American propaganda at its worst again.... The bottom line here is I am worried about the entire state of American society now considering that there have been so many people that have actually gone and paid their good money to sit in movie theaters to watch this "movie".....Honestly, has the state of America slid this far down the road to ruination?  As far as I am concerned for those who have not seen this "American Sniper" yet.. Save your money and not pay homage to the killing and slaughter of innocent people....Today is an important day for the declining European Union... Today the good people of Greece are voting in what is supposed to be a "fair" general election for the future of their nation.... Today, the proud people of Greece are voting for all 300 seats in the Hellenic Parliament, and my hopes are that the Greeks finally put an end to the sniveling cowardice of the previous Parliament who did nothing for the Greek people other than to vote for horrific "austerity" measures for the Greek nation that would have permanently put Greece into the enslavement of Jewish Rothschild banking interests.... The Greeks had suffered for the last decade at least under horrific measures imposed by the criminal IMF and of course the European Union that has turned Greece's economy into a wasteland... The criminals in charge of their government have allowed the criminal Jew run IMF to impose one "austerity" measure after another that has crushed Greece under a debt that absolutely can never be paid off....The people have finally had enough as far as I can see, and hopefully they will first throw out all the bums in their Parliament and then push for Greece itself to go the Icelandic way and get OUT of the European Union and at the same time tell the Jewish banking scum to take their "austerity" and put it where the sun does not shine....Greece needs to have a government that does not bow down to Jewish criminal interests and especially to the Rothschild scum....The talk is that the opposition "SYRIZA" party is going to handily win this election and possibly pull Greece out of the EU, but considering how every "election" that we have ever seen seems to be now full of so much corruption and criminal high-jinx, I doubt if this Greek election will be both fair and have the outcome reflect the will of the Greek people....If the outcome shows corruption and cheating, as expected, then there may be no hope for the Greek people other than a violent revolution.....I put it as straight forward in my most recent article about what the hell is going on in Ukraine right now, and I am deeply shocked that it never got the viewing or response that it should have... Right now, we all are being LIED to about the true situation in Ukraine, especially about the fighting in the eastern provinces... The criminal US bought and paid for regime in Kiev is right now launching a major offensive using American weapons against innocent civilians in the eastern provinces who's only crime was to vote in a legal and binding referendum to end their association with the criminals in Kiev....Much like the good people of Crimea who voted overwhelmingly in a referendum back in the spring of 2014 to free themselves of the tyranny of the Kiev regime and rejoin the Russian Federation, the people of these eastern provinces had enough and also voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine.... The criminal Kiev regime would not accept the results of that referendum and have for the last 8 months or so turned the Ukrainian military loose on the eastern provincial cities and has committed acts of genocide against innocent civilians.... To top it all off, we have had these recurring stories that the forces of NATO would not be involved in the Ukrainian "civil war" simply because Ukraine itself is NOT a NATO nation.  The NATO charter has always called for the "defense" of its neighbors against acts of aggression from outside forces against such nation or against the entire organization... However, and this is important here, NATO was never formed to be an "offensive" pact and thus is not supposed to operate outside of its scope and charter of being "defensive" only.....BUT over the last few years, the true nature of NATO has now been seen in its true ugly light... First we have had the "war" against Libya a few years ago where NATO was used as an aggressive offensive force to attack and destroy that nation.  That was a clear violation of the entire NATO charter and has signaled to the entire planet that NATO has changed and has indeed become an offensive weapon.... NOW came interesting news out of the Russia Today news service just last week that when the so called "rebels" fighting for their very survival in the eastern provinces of Ukraine reconquered the embattled Donetsk airport, they came across fighters that were NOT part of the Ukrainian army, but were distinctly in NATO uniforms!   I have poured over many articles over the last few days, and NOWHERE have I seen anything coming over either the alternative or Jew spew media that states that NATO has committed its combat troops to the Ukrainian side in their civil war!   What we have here is clearly the criminal NATO organization sending in their forces to help the Ukrainian army destroy and kill the civilians of the east without telling the entire world and especially the Russian Federation.... NATO is clearly lying to the entire planet when they say that they are not "involved" in Ukraine, when in reality they are again circumventing their charter and are being an aggressor..... It is also a dangerous game that NATO is playing because they are now directly poking the Russian bear and could invoke a serious response by Russia itself..... I have said it before in many articles and rants that the psychos behind NATO and the United States are pushing for a war directly with Russia itself, and their violations in Ukraine could trigger such a war.... I am not ready to see billions of people die as a result and I sure hope that others feel the same way.In other news... The King of Saudi Arabia died last week, and I am troubled by the response we are seeing by so called 'world leaders' for the death of the mass murdering Jewish criminal Saudi King Abdullah.   Saudi Arabia has to me always been one of the most backward of all Muslim nations, where the Jewish house of Saud has ruled that nation with an iron fist and the people of Saudi Arabia have lived under tyranny for decades... Saudi Arabia has always committed barbaric acts against its own citizens where a common method of justice is still the beheading of criminals.... But of course Saudi Arabia has always been one of the major oil producers of the planet, and thus has basically had many nations such as the United States do its bidding when it comes to world affairs.....It is pathetic to see the outpouring coming from the government of the United States and so many other nations, including my own here in Canada, in paying tribute to that mass murdering freak that occupied the Saudi throne and placed the Saudi people under such brutality, but hey... Oil and money talks......The fact is that the incoming new leadership in Saudi Arabia is just as brutal as the previous one, and of course is still Jewish.... The people of Saudi Arabia may have dreams of change, but that change is not coming any time soon....I again have to ask why the American people would ever allow that mass murdering freak of nature who calls himself "Benjamin Netanyahu" (real name is Benyamin Miliewkowsky) to speak in front of the US government House of Representatives this coming February 11th, in spite of no approval from Barry Soetoro's own government itself?   This action by that sniveling POS John Boehner and a few other Jew butt kissers is clearly a violation of American law, especially in their own government, and smells of treason.... I am very shocked that most Americans are now so chemicalized and dumbed down by the poisons in their food and water that there is not more public outcry by this criminal action by their own so called 'elected' representatives.... This mass murdering psychotic freak of nature who calls himself "Israel's Prime Minister" will go in front of the American government and basically give each and every one of the "Congress critters" their marching orders when it comes to the innocent nation of Iran.....This blood thirsty freak of nature wants again for his American slaves to attack and destroy Iran for the glory of his freak nation of Israel.... The truly sad part will also be when this war criminal starts talking and then gets standing ovation after standing ovation by his slaves and minions in the US Government.....Pathetic is an understatement here.... I truly hope that the American people take a stand against this atrocity and take a good hard look finally at the fact that their own government does not represent their nation, but is totally subservient to criminal Jewish interests....Yes, while Americans are lulled to sleep, their own government is again pushing for a war against Iran (again)... Sadly we are again seeing the ramping up of lies about Iran and its non-existent "nuclear weapons" program, and we see the criminal and psychotic state of Israel doing the prodding for war......Again, the real hypocrisy in all this is the simple fact that Iran does not have one nuclear weapon, period, and has no intention of ever building such devices... And yet we again have that psychotic nation of Israel sitting there with hundreds of nuclear weapons and the will to use them to destroy at least 1/2 the planet in their insane "Samson Option"..... But again, these criminal Jews and their control of both governments and media are harping the lies that Iran is such a "threat" and that an attack on that peaceful nation is a necessity.... It is pathetic to see so many people these days still brainwashed by the lies of the Jew spew media about Iran, and many are being fooled into the belief that a war is required that would destroy that nation and kill millions of innocent people...I cannot understand the mindset of most Americans (and Canadians as well) these days... Our economic collapse is now a reality, and yet all the news coming over the Jew spew media this last week was about a laughable incident that happened in the glorious National Football League just last weekend... Supposedly the game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts has now been "tainted" by allegations that the Patriots "cheated" by "under inflating" their footballs for the entire first half of that snorefest of a game.. I am deeply shocked that this has taken up so much of the "news" for the entire week, and to me I keep saying "Are you kidding me?"..... It shows how pathetic and troubling America has become that while their nation is now a train wreck in slow motion, so much of their time has now been taking up in worrying that one professional sports team may have "cheated" to get to the "big game"..... Honestly to me, who cares about this "deflate-gate" garbage?  Has America slid down the road to its self destruction so badly now that this is "news"?Well.... I guess that is enough for now.... I know that I may have missed a few headlines so far in this rant, and as usual I will try to touch on those here in my usual "last minute tidbits"...... Al Gore and his phonies behind the "Global Warming" fraud are now calling for the planet to invest some $90 TRILLION dollars to build more "compact" cities to eliminate the need for automobiles and thus cut "carbon emissions".  To me, this stinks of the entire "Agenda 21" plan which has always been to force people out of rural areas, and squeeze them into large and condensed cities only.  I have always said that Al has had an agenda, and we may finally be seeing it.......Why am I not surprised by the reports that show that the Rothschilds themselves bought that phony "Charlie Hebdo" magazine just a month back?  That entire fraud "shooting" stunk to high heaven from the start, and now we are seeing more and more of what it truly was all about.  I hope the people of France now enjoy their crack down on freedoms and their new police state.......Jew run Disney is now banning people from their "theme parks" unless they provide proof of vaccinations? Yes, Disney parks have had a rash of outbreak of Measles, but to demand that everyone that attends their atrocious parks be "vaccinated" stinks to high heaven.  My suggestion to everyone is to avoid these parks and save your money.....Yes, reports came out that Jewish criminal George Soros (who I call Dr. Evil) fully funded the so called riot groups that stirred up so much trouble in Ferguson, Missouri last year.  That figures, because the Jews want their nice little race war in America and are indeed using the blacks as their pawns in such a war.  I have to ask why George Soros is not in jail for this act of crime?  But again, there are laws for the chosen ones which are different than the laws for everyone else.....The Jews are moving now to "criminalize Antisemitism" at the United Nations.  I knew this was coming in the aftermath of the fraud "Charlie Hebdo" shooting, and I sure hope that people do take a stand against this atrocity.   I need not go into detail about the facts that these criminals have to be actually Semites first before they can even scream their lies of "antisemitism".......I saw new reports this week that shows clearl evidence that so called "mental illness" has been badly and falsely misdiagnosed for the last century at least.  I have said in previous articles that the entire world of "psychiatry" is a fraud and that since most of the so called "psychiatrists" are Jews, that most are definitely frauds.  Some people, especially my favorite "commentators" have long said I was "nuts" but now I can show them clear evidence that proves otherwise ;-).......Whitewraithe and I have taken the plunge and have now formed a "Blog Talk radio" show.   Our first show is coming, and I will alert everyone when it happens.  We will have a call in number and the shows will be "live" when possible.  We are also going to get our "Turbulent Times" chat room going again.  I hope that everyone takes the time to tune in, and I do thank them for their patience.......NO Barkley's Premiere League soccer this week, and I am going through a withdrawal.  Arsenal plays Aston Villa next week and thanks to their win last week against Manchester City Citizens, things may be finally looking up for the Gunners......Hey, with no soccer, at least I have the Kardashians.  Yikes.  OK, lets see what is happening in the world of my favorite trollops and skanks.  Actually it appears to be a quiet week for a change.  I again think it is about time that I gave up on my reports on these trolls.  There are so many other so called "celebrities" that are dregs to humanity out there.  Any suggestions for a new target?More to comeNTS