Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 18th, 2015

  Yes, it is Sunday again, and it is time to get back to doing my weekly rants on Sundays!It has been an amazingly frustrating week for myself... I thought I was over that horrific Influenza bug that tortured me last weekend, and instead I spent the best part of last week still suffering the side effects of the Flu and having one heck of a wicked head cold.....To top it off, I have had constant headaches all week along with a cough that seems to persist and never go away.... I decided to take yesterday as a day to just lie back, get some proper rest, take a multitude of different concoctions to fight this cold, and do nothing.... It is hard to say if it helped at this point, but at least the headaches have disappeared....Yes, it is frustrating being ill and still trying to both work, do family business, and write articles here.... There has been so much going on this last week that I have overlooked at this blog.  Most of my previous articles concentrated on the economic situation as well as touching on that Charlie Hebdo FRAUD shooting in Paris, France that was just the first of many false flags that are yet to come in 2015.  I hope that I will be able to at least touch on some of those other important issues that I have missed......I finally went out to the local coffee shop the other day after missing my favorite coffee due to being ill, and as usual I sat back with my portable netbook in tow surfing the internet and listening to other peoples' conversations.... I could not help but pick up the periodic chatter about local issues,  but I was especially interested to hear what people were saying about the fraud shooting in Paris, France... It did not take long to pick up on what people felt about that issue and what I heard was indeed alarming....It is shocking to myself that people just do not get it?  Here we have a failed crappy politically incorrect publication called 'Charlie Hebdo' that somehow prided itself on being a force for "free speech" in France, and all it did was purposely go out of its way to insult and slander as many people and religions as possible... To top it all off, this POS publication never ever touched anything with a Jewish slant, and preferred to launch its tirades against both Christianity and especially Islam.... It did come to my attention and it should be noted to everyone that the few times that this POS "Charlie Hebdo" ever delved into a Jewish issue, it not only retracted its stance but a few years back actually fired several of its own writers for their "antisemitic" writings.....Therefore when the so called "media" (Jew spew of course) has been claiming that this "Charlie Hebdo" is for free speech, it is not telling the real truth... Their interpretation of 'free speech' means to insult and take shots at everything, but the true evil which is Judaism itself....As I said in my last rant where I touched on this fact, this is hypocrisy to the extreme.....Yes, the fallout from that fraud "Charlie Hebdo" shooting where I stand behind my claim that NOBODY has died, is still being felt everywhere.... That failed publication suddenly has a new lease on life thanks to that false flag attack with its most recent publication selling all of its 5 million copies in print within the first day it came out to the newsstands last week.. No shock there considering the gullibility of stupid people.... But the real kicker has been the sudden rush to "protect" sensitive sites around Europe from "terrorist" attacks.... People everywhere are saying that they have no qualms about more "security" from so called "terrorism" but the real problem is the SITES that are being protected!   Security details across Europe are concentrating only on Jewish only sites, including their evil Synagogues and their schools for brainwashing their children...Now, is it just me, or should they not be protecting ALL schools and "sensitive sites" such as churches and mosques as well?   I asked before and I will ask it again... WHY are the Jews suddenly so "special" that they alone get all this special treatment?   Is it not amazing how "God's chosen" seem to get all this attention while others are neglected?The other fallout from this fraud "Charlie Hebdo" shooting has really both puzzled and alarmed me, and it should for everyone else.... The European Union has now been called upon to pass new laws to allow Jews and Jews ONLY to carry weapons to "protect themselves" from the fraud of 'terrorism'.     This is the most alarming report that I have seen come out of that fraud shooting and one that should be a wake up call for everyone... If our nations are this stupid and ignorant to pass such a law to give this evil group the exclusive right to "protect themselves" then there is something definitely sick about our society over all..... I for one cannot fathom these group of psychotic criminals being given the right over everyone else to carry weapons, and if you consider that THEY themselves are the real perpetrators behind all terrorism across our planet, that is doubly disturbing....To me, to give these monsters suddenly the right to carry guns is a definite sign and should be a wake up call for everyone, that they have complete control over our societies and have achieved the psychotic control over our nations that they have long craved.... It is especially shocking that the criminals behind the European Union are actually considering such a passage of law that would arm the criminals themselves!  I have to ask where the hell the people of Europe are in all this?  And why the hell would they even consider such an insane law?  On the Charlie Hebdo false flag attack itself, I have had the usual commentators come out with their spew saying that I was nuts when I state that NOBODY HAS DIED in that false flag attack..... I have stated it clearly that this is the first of many false flag attacks to come this year, and this fraud 'SHOOTING' is so full of holes that you could definitely drive a Mack truck right through it..... Jim Stone over at Jimstonefreelance has already done so much in exposing the frauds behind this 'shooting' that  again I need not delve into great details here... Facts are facts, and this Charlie Hebdo "shooting" is as phony as all other previous false flag attacks such as Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, the Ottawa Shooting, the Sydney Shooting, etc, etc.... I just wish that people would get it finally that we are always being played as suckers....It is just too bad that the majority of the sheep in our society continue to get their brains destroyed by the crap spilling out from the Jew spew media that many do not take the time to simply apply common sense and look at all these shootings more closely... The fact is that the more you look into each of these false flag attacks, the more you do see the frauds everywhere.....I stated in my previous articles that I look upon this Charlie Hebdo "shooting" as a distraction to keep people's minds away from what should matter at this point in time... The biggest crime going on right now is not these shootings, but how the Jewish criminal bankers are imploding our economies..... It is a fact that while news was diverted elsewhere these last few days, the European nations are reeling from the after effects of the move by the Swiss National Bank to basically no longer buy foreign currency by abandoning the set 'ceiling level' (price cap) on the value of their own Swiss Franc.... This move by the Swiss has caused European banks to reel, with many suddenly either collapsing just in the last week, or on the verge of full collapse.... It has opened the door now to full economic disaster across Europe itself....What has not been told is the fact that the European Union itself is an unmitigated disaster with its nations all suffering from severe economic and financial turmoil.  For years, the only safe haven to many of the financial institutions across Europe has been the Swiss National Bank itself, but now that the Swiss have had enough, the other nations of Europe are now teetering on full economic implosion..... I have long said this was going to happen and in previous rants I did point out that the breaking point and the first dominoes to fall would occur in Europe... Again, I do state it clearly that for the survival of Europe, the European Union must be dissolved immediately and all nations must do their utmost to get out of the fraud debt based monetary system imposed by the criminal Rothschild IMF as soon as possible... The problem is the massive grip that these criminal scumbag Jewish bankers seems to be unbreakable thanks to the Jewish control over almost all of Europe's governments themselves... Europe is indeed reeling right now and I can guarantee the worst of this economic upheaval that the Swiss started this last week is yet to come....The side effect from the Swiss National Bank "disaster" that has not been talked about is the push now by investors to buy physical Gold and other precious metals.... I have not delved much in the last few months into how Gold and Silver have been purposely devalued to scare investors away from precious metals, but the fact  is that the economic turmoil over the last few weeks has very quietly pushed the price of Gold and even Silver higher.... Lets face the facts here that both Gold and Silver are and always have been good hedges against economic turmoil, with the prices of both now still being drastically undervalued... It is a fact that if full economic collapse does occur, the price of these metals will definitely skyrocket and in most cases will be the only bartering methods left for any trading for goods and services.... To have some physical Gold (absolutely no paper "gold or silver certificates") or Silver on hand is again something to always consider.....There have been more reports that have suddenly surfaced this last week where people are suddenly waking up to some bitter truths about that fraud "ISIS/Daesh" scam in the Middle East... I saw a news article earlier this week where it was stated that again more US weapons were "mysteriously" appearing in "ISIS" hands... I read the comments made to that article, and it appears that many people finally are waking up and realizing that there is no mystery at all... The criminals in the US/NATO/Israel are indeed air dropping weapons directly to their proxy "ISIS" army to be used against not only the Iraqi forces but primarily against the Syrian government forces in Syria itself.....It does look like a lot of people are finally awakening to the reality that this "ISIS" has always been a sham and a lie, and that its only aim is for the overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria itself..... It is however very shocking that the Jew spew media everywhere is still promoting this "ISIS" as somehow being a threat and those liars are still calling for more action to be taken to "stop them"....Luckily, most people are now no longer fooled.......I do wonder when the American and Israeli criminals will hatch a new "ISIS" threat, and I do suspect that yet another "false flag" attack is just over the horizon....Some good news in that Whitewraithe has secured a great new job for herself.... Just in the last few days, I have noticed a change in her persona and attitude in our conversations.   She is much more chipper and feeling a lot better about herself than she has over the last few months..... She has also discussed our getting our "Turbulent Times" shows relaunched, and I am looking forward to them once I get over all of this illness..... Again, I will let everyone know when those shows occur, and to thank everyone for being so patient....Stay tuned....One other note before I get onto the usual "last minute tidbits" and it concerns the scam of Global Warming... I did see several reports this last week where the scam artists are reaching into their bag of tricks and now saying that the temperatures of our oceans are "drastically" increasing and that they are absorbing a massive amount of Carbon Dioxide as a result and 'acidifying'.   Honestly, I do wonder where the so called 'scientists' that are now behind this latest scam are getting their information.....  First of all, there has been NO evidence at all that our oceans are "warming", when in fact all real data that I have seen shows our oceans are actually cooling along with the rest of the planet... Then they have this promotion that CO2 gas that is supposedly and suddenly "building up" in our oceans is 'acidifying' our oceans which to me is hogwash... Our oceans have always absorbed and regulated Carbon Dioxide for billions of years, and considering the fact that Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a "greenhouse gas" as the liars keep promoting (I have done many articles to prove this as fact), their arguments fall apart.....It does seem that with their lies about our planet warming and "2014 being the warmest year on record" all falling apart, they are reaching for anything else in their bag of tricks to keep the lies going......The bottom line here is again.. "Once a liar, always a liar" and these criminals can no longer hide the fact that this planet is indeed into a very long cooling trend...... But be ready and aware everyone, for these scam artists will continue to push their lies with their ultimate aim being the introduction of a new "carbon tax" that is nothing more than a huge tax grab....Well, I guess that it enough for right now...  Time for my usual "last minute tidbits"....... The situation in Ukraine continues to make some news, with the Ukrainian government now going all out in their attacks on the so called and non-existent "rebels" in the eastern provinces.  It does indeed seem that US proxy is pushing hard to goad the Russian Federation into an all out war.......Petroleum prices continue to fall worldwide and the repercussions are slowly being felt.  Canada especially with its dependence on Petroleum exports and a need for a high Petroleum price is finally feeling the ripple effect with severe "economic downturn" now being forecast here.  From what I have seen in terms of people shopping and the bad retail economy from my own travels, the worse is yet to come.......Again, I got into an argument with someone about the "head on Mars" stories, and they are still saying that NASA and every astronomer has been lying about Mars having a thin atmosphere.  Do they not get it?  If Mars does have a thicker atmosphere, then we have been intentionally lied to for decades at least!  And it only backs up my assertions that as far as NASA goes, and their fraud space missions. "Once a liar, always a liar!".........Again, nothing new coming in from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, with still no news now after almost 4 full years of this disaster about what they are going to do with the spent fuel rod pool that is still sitting there above melted reactor #3.   The failed cores are still spewing out their poison relentlessly after almost 4 full years and poisoning our environment.  Sadly again, nothing is to be done because our governments are still focused on wars for Israel.  Their Jewish masters have indeed spoken........New statistics came out showing that the seasonal "flu" vaccine is only about "12 percent" effective in the people that are stupid enough to actually take these shots.  How about the real truth being told that their poisonous vaccine is absoutely 100 percent ineffective and actually weakens the poor suckers that are gullible enough to take these shots?......As expected, one other fallout from the fraud Charlie Hebdo shooting is a sudden call for even more "surveillance" on everyone in our societies.  There is an old saying that goes something like: "If people ever surrender their freedoms for the fraud of "security", then they will wake up one day no longer being free or secure"!   It is so true and should be a wake up call for everyone..... Arsenal is playing Manchester City as I type this report, and honestly the Citizens are a much better team than the Gunners right now and it will be an uphill battle at best.  Arsenal is in a fight for its life to try to secure a Champions League position yet alone try to battle for top spot in the Premiere League.....Charles Giuliani returns to doing Internet live shows with his joining the American Nationalist Network for his usual time slot starting tomorrow at 8am EST.   I will be listening in, definitely.....The only news coming out from the skank and trollop Kardashian front for this last week are wild rumors that Kim and Kanye West are headed for divorce.   I could see that happening, simply because these people are the dregs of the Earth, and like all other fraud "celebrities"  marry and divorce for PR stunts at best or worse.  Yes, the financial demise of America is happening right now, and the Jew spew media just keeps most brainwashed Americans out of the loop by filling their heads with "celebrity" drivel....More to comeNTS