Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 15th, 2017

 Sunday again.. Mid January... And time once again for my weekly rant...As I said in last week's rant, it is freaking cold here in central Canada right now, with very little relief anywhere in sight....  But last week had to take the proverbial cake, for the average daytime temperatures hovered around -25C (Thats below -10F for you Americans on the old Fahrenheit scale...) and the overnight lows were a bone chilling -35C for the whole week!   To top it all off, we had a good old fashioned Blizzard here on Thursday, and I spent the last few days once again having to shovel out some more of that great Al Gore white stuff that clown said would be a 'thing of the past'...... And yet, we still have the fools out there claiming that the world is overheating... As I constantly say, I DARE those idiots that make such a false claim to come up here and see reality for themselves.... It is insane that anyone with any common sense would actually believe in this "Global Warming" bullshit, but once again the majority of fools out there will swallow that bullshit and bend over to take a brain new tax up their collective asses!   I for one am not fooled, and see any "carbon tax" as a fraud and nothing more than a fleecing of citizens... Hopefully my fellow Canadians are not to be fooled and will tell that Justin Trudeau and his cronies in Ottawa where they can stick their carbon tax!OK, One week left before we can say adios to what was probably the worse President in the history of the United States... Buelahman sent me a comment a few days ago asking WHY I do not call Barry Soetoro the worse... But there are more Presidents still to come and history will indeed dictate if Barry was in fact the worse, and that history has not been written yet.....Lets face it... Barry Soetoro was an unmitigated disaster for the United States... He came in 2008 with so much fanfare and hoopla... Especially on his "catch phrase" of CHANGE... BUT I and others were not fooled, and from day one at this blog, I constantly went after that homosexual reject for his policies and corruption..... And for the last 8 years we all watched as he went to work destroying the American republic and getting America involved in a near record amount of wars on foreign soil.... AND we cannot forget that under Barry's watch, there was a record amount of fraudulent "shootings" and "false flags" across the world and especially in the United States.... Barry and his henchmen definitely wanted to see Americans scared out of their wits with gun violence from coast to coast, and wanted that violence and fear generated to try to convince Americans that the 'solution" to the problem was for them to surrender their last vestiges of defence against a corrupt government, their own guns!  Luckily, most Americans were not fooled, and actually thanks to the fraud "shootings" and violence, many more Americans are actually wide awake and see the reality of how truly corrupt their own government has become....The laugher for me was this last week when Barry Soetoro went to Chicago to deliver his "farewell address" as the President.... As I said in a previous article as I teared that ridiculous speech apart, this lunatic actually had the gall to claim that his Presidency was a "success".... And I could not believe the words that he used in that speech as he constantly focused in on his catch phrase "change" and constantly patted himself on the back for the "great job" that he claims he did... Egotism in the extreme....Yes, Barry Soetoro is gone as of this Friday... And he will "ride off into the sunset" with his homo boytoy Michael and his adopted children, and hopefully we will never see his face again.... I say good riddance and to Barry and his homo buddy Michael...Get out and don't let the door slam you on your butt on the way out....OK.... Barry is gone as of the 20th of January, and Donald Drumpf is supposed to be coming in this Friday with his inauguration and his supposed want to "Make America Great Again"... However, there seems to be trouble brewing as the crybaby Liberals are doing their utmost now to try to ruin that inauguration and even try last ditch efforts to prevent Donald from getting into the White House....There have even been some comments and emails still coming in saying that there is a good chance that Donald may be assassinated this week or even on January 20th.... I will say that there apparently is indeed a war going on between Donald and the US intelligence services especially the CIA, but the facts are that Donald is indeed the Jewish elitists' pick for the next Presidency and I can see this Friday's Inauguration going off with very few problems... Of course there will be the expected "protestors" but they will not stop a Drumpf Presidency, and the so called Liberals will have to live with it..... Well, what can I say about the fraud "Russia Hacking" and of course the more laughable "Golden Showers" accusations by the Jew spew media FAKE NEWS over this last week?  I honestly could not stop laughing when I saw and read the reports about how they "claimed" that Donald Drumpf was controlled by the Russians and how he supposedly was in some Moscow hotel suite a few years back and had "hookers" and himself involved in sexually explicit actions including "golden showers" (Hopefully everyone knows what they are, and how ridiculous this sounds..)...  And for the life of me, I cannot fathom anyone with any common sense and logic falling for this crap!   BUT believe it or not, those phoney accusations against Drumpf even made the national news reporting here in Canada....  What this has done in reality is expose the real truth that the Jew spew media outlets around the world are indeed the REAL "Fake news" that everyone has been hearing about, and these laughable stories have made them all laughing stocks....As expected though, the cronies in Washington may have indeed been trying a last ditch effort to get a nice little war with Russia going in a vain attempt to stop a Drumpf Presidency, or as I said before "gift" Donald with a global war in his first term in office... We are all well aware of the massive US and criminal NATO build up of forces along the border with the Russian Federation, and what has been needed to start a war is a provocation to get the Russians to react... Apparently these criminals did attempt such a provocation just a few days ago by having their great ally, Israel, bomb that military airfield outside of the Syrian capitol of Damascus.... That attack was an unprovoked act of war, and I can guarantee these lunatics were indeed hoping that the Syrians would retaliate by launching airstrikes against Israel itself... IF Bashar al-Assad was foolish enough to retaliate, then the US thanks to its ridiculous security treaties with the criminal state of Israel would have automatically come running to Israel's "aid" and attacked Syria.... THAT attack on Syria would have guaranteed a Russian response, and voila, that nice little war by the US against the Russian Federation would have been off and running... Luckily for all of us, Bashar al-Assad is no fool and sees the sick Israeli game here and has not taken the bait... He is instead holding off on any "retaliation" until after the 20th of January with the hope that with Drumpf in the White House there would be a massive change of policies in the US in dealing with the Middle East.....  We will indeed see after January 20th....Yes, there is some hope that after the 20th of January, there will indeed be changes to US policies in regards to the Middle East and especially in Syria... But honestly, Drumpf has inherited a mess, and he most probably has already been informed or will figure it out that every single trouble in that region that we see right now has been caused by his predecessors...... The big question will be whether Drumpf continues the criminal US policies of running and supporting that fraud called "ISIS" or if he is indeed smart enough to pull the plug on the funding of that CIA run monster and possibly put an end to the entire fraudulent "war on terror"..... It would indeed be a change for the better and possibly put an end to the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal's sick dream of using that fraud "terrorist" group and other fraudulent "rebels" to have the peaceful nation of Syria destroyed... Yes, we will indeed see very soon how Drumpf handles the situation, and we indeed can only hope.....Of course the "war" in Syria is still going strong, and the news over the last week, in spite of the criminal Israeli attack on Damascus, is still good for the good guys, the Syrian government forces... Apparently more and more villages and towns that have been held by the fraud "rebels" and "terrorists" for years are now accepting the reconciliation offered by Bashar al-Assad and are laying down their arms and accepting amnesty.... The facts are that many of these fraud "rebels" can see the "writing on the wall" that with Barry Soetoro out as of this coming Friday, their support from the US may indeed dry up and they will be at the mercy of the Syrian government forces... Many therefore have now decided that the "jig is up" and that amnesty and actually working with the Syrian people is better for their own future...Well, what else can I say about the fraud "shooting" that we just saw in Fort Lauderdale Florida?   I called it right away that it was another "active shooting drill" that went live, and we can clearly see the evidence of that fraud through some amazing videos and articles presented at this blog and other real truth seekers..... The real laugher is once again how the Jew spew media has been going almost nonstop with their FAKE NEWS reports about this 'shooting' and especially in their interviews with some of the worse crisis actors that we have ever seen.....  And over the last few days I have been watching one of those actors, an individual named "Annika Dean", go onto every Jew spew media outlet to tell her ridiculous and laughable story about how she was 'saved' from the fraudulent shooter by having a 70 year old man "fall" on her to protect her... Mind you, that 70 year old man did not have the courage to fall on his own 'wife' who was with him in the airport to protect her, but instead laughingly chooses to 'fall' on Annika instead!   THIS to me shows how poorly the criminals involved choose their "crisis actors" for their fake shootings, and once again we clearly have the hard evidence of the entire charade being a fraud and a planned drill.....I for one am waiting for that certain group of "truthers" out there to come forward and show how this Fort Lauderdale shooting is real, especially since they have had the nerve to call every single "shooting" before this one "real" as well....... The facts are simple that these clowns that have tried to ruin the real truth movement are now trapped in their own lies, simply because as paid shills for the CIA and FBI, they have since the day they called the Sandy Hook fraud shootings real, been forced to claim that EVERY subsequent fake shooting across America to be real!  For if they ever call any of these fraud shootings fake, then their own followers will begin to question why they called some 'real' while claiming others to be "fake"..... They cannot have it both ways......As some of my commentators have said, these clowns are simply avoiding these fake shootings at their websites, which again shows their arrogance and ignorance....  We all know who they are, especially that clown that hails from Idaho, and as I said before we should all avoid them like the plague....Well, as I said in last week's rant, there is a new movie out called "Patriot's Day" as of Friday, January 13th, that is there to try to keep the American public brainwashed with the lies about the fraud Boston Bombing of April, 2013..... And yes, we have seen these movies, like the ridiculous "Twin Towers" or "Flight 93" before it, being pushed out there as propaganda and pure brainwashing to try to prevent people from seeing what really happened in those events.... But I am especially troubled by "Patriot's Day" for besides the fact that it stars Mark Wahlberg, whom I used to actually like as an "actor" out of Jewlywood, it leaves people thinking that the bombing was not only real, but justifies the horrific actions by the government right after that fraud in how they actually imposed a form of martial law in the Boston area.....  And it tries to also vilify the Tsarnaev brothers who were indeed the "patsies" for that drill that went live.....  I for one hope that people are not stupid and will avoid this "movie" like the plague.... It is pure fiction, lies about what actually happened at Boston, and justifies the killing of one innocent brother while the other, who is also innocent, still awaits the death penalty..... Save your money and hopefully nobody with common sense sees this piece of filth...OK, I guess I have spewed enough for the moment.... There has indeed been so much going on once again this last week, and I have only scraped the surface here... But of course I will indeed touch on other subjects on everyone's minds here in my usual "last minute tidbits"...... I saw news this week that incoming President Drumpf is wanting to keep the fraud "sanctions" against Russia in place "for the time being".  Well, this again shows that Drumpf is not as people hope, and that he may say he wants to make deals with Russia, but in reality is wanting to continue the criminal US policy of stabbing Russia in the back!.......I am seeing constant reports of illegal migrants all across Europe continuing to rape women, destroying property, and doing unmitigated damage everywhere they roost.  And again all I can say is, why in the hell don't European nations do the right thing and gather up these illegals and send them back to the hell holes they came from?........Again a reality check for those who somehow think I support Drumpf.   He is definitely part of the Jewish elitist's plan for the Presidency, for if he was ever against the real controllers of America, they would never have allowed him to get this close to the White House and instead would have had a bullet put into his head a long time ago.  Be weary, America, for you will not see anyone making America great again any time soon.....As I had said, the war in Yemen has indeed turned into a humanitarian disaster for the Yemeni people. Thousands are indeed now dead due to starvation, and the criminal Saudis continue to slaughter thousands more in their air strikes using American (and Canadian) provided weapons. But of course the world has turned a blind eye to that slaughter which is most disgusting.......The fraud "battle for Mosul" continues as expected.  Penny over at Penny For Your Thoughts brought forward a most interesting aspect to this battle that it may indeed be part of a sick plan to ethnically cleanse the region for the establishment of a Greater Kurdistan.  That may indeed be part of the long term plan, but for the moment I see the fraud in Mosul as part of the US scheme, through the liars in the Jew spew media,  to sell the American public with the false idea that they are actually "fighting terrorism".......Interesting report about how some aspiring Law Students in America have such a tough time in paying off their insane student loans and in fact cannot find jobs in the law profession, that some have turned to stripping in strip clubs to make ends meet.  Yes, this does show how bad the economy and real job prospects have become in America.  And yet, outgoing President Barry has the nerve to say that the US economy is "stronger than ever"?  The nerve......... And up here in Canada, the Christmas season is over and the local malls are now ghost towns.  It is shocking to see so many retailers shutting their doors, and others facing bankruptcy.  It again shows the truth that there is NO economic recovery going on anywhere.........Again as I stated before, apparently that criminal spy program "Facebook" and others such as "Twitter" are now working to stop their idea of "fake news" by going after the real truths exposed in the alternative media.  I again must ask WHY anyone with any common sense still uses these phoney "social media" platforms?   If you do, close your accounts immediately and stop dealing with these liars!.........As I showed in a previous post, the fraudulent "Jerusalem truck attack" has been fully exposed as another psy-op.   The purpose of that 'attack' was clearly to once again vilify the Palestinian people, and hopefully anyone with common sense can see through that charade..........Arsenal won in a blow out against Swansea yesterday by the score of 4-0.  But again, the real challenges are coming with games against Manchester City and especially Chelsea.   If the Gunners win those, then there is still a chance at a title.  I hope this is not wishful thinking!.......And finally, my parting shot at the Kardashians and their sickness.  Apparently some of Kim's own entourage has now been charged with their involvement in that phoney "heist" in that Paris hotel room last year.  I again see this as a set up to bring attention to this attention grabbing skank, and these people were selected to take the fall for this charade.  But hey, it does make great publicity for these trolls and trollops, and once again so much of America's interest will be focused in on these losers.  Yes, only in America!More to comeNTS