Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 10th, 2016

 Sunday... The middle of January is upon us, and again time for my weekly rant...Yes, the climate here in central Canada has finally turned with a massive cold front now entrenched over this part of the mid-west.... The average daily temperatures are finally more January like, with highs in the mid -20C range (Thats about -10F for you Americans on the old Fahrenheit scale)....The El Nino effect in the Pacific that brought unseasonable warm temperatures is now over and we are back to what we normally get this time of year... And yes, gosh darn that Global Warming lie about the planet "overheating".... The sad part is that a lot of people have been foolish enough to believe in the scam artists behind "Climate Change" and again are so willing to surrender their hard earned money by being fleeced by the fraud of "carbon taxes"... And yes, even here in Canada, those idiotic taxes are definitely coming....Well, I have received a lot of emails and comments this last week asking why I have not taken a closer look, or made any comments here at this blog about that incident that happened in Cologne Germany on New Years eve..... I figured I would take the time here to give my 2 cents worth...Yes, there definitely were a lot of sexual assaults that happened at that subway station in Cologne Germany on New Years Eve, and all of the claims state that these assaults were carried out by "Muslim immigrants" and/or "refugees".... But I am troubled due to the fact that even in the Islamic religion, raping or sexual assaulting of women in any manner is a serious crime and we find no where else in recent history that Muslims have actually carried out such attacks against women... I therefore am smelling a rat, and I do wonder if these attacks were a set up to again vilify Muslims.... Agent provocateurs?  CIA?  One thought that did cross my mind is that the attackers at that subway station in Cologne were not Muslims, but most probably those illegal migrant workers from North Africa that I have said are the real "refugees" flooding into Europe from my previous articles.... That would make sense considering again that raping of women is strictly against Islamic laws......OK, if the assault on German women did take place in that subway in Cologne Germany, then people should be looking at the state of Germany's own push to allow a flood of "illegal immigrants" and migrant workers into their once proud nation.... I also find it peculiar that the mayor of Cologne did not make any statement condemning the attackers but instead came out making outlandish statements condemning the women that were assaulted!   Yes, that mayor had the nerve to state that the women should have "defended" (!) themselves against their assailants... This mayor, Henriette Reker (sounds Jewish) is "pro-immigration" and somehow I cannot figure out how she could make such a ludicrous statement attacking the women, instead of going after the assailants, and still be able to hold onto her office as Mayor of Cologne!   Honestly, how can any woman be ready to 'defend' herself against a larger assailant at a moment's notice? Especially when she is living in a city such as Cologne that is supposed to be civilized and she should be free to walk into a subway not expecting to be sexually assaulted?   It is no wonder most Germans are now up in arms and have taken a stand against Germany's immigration policies that have allowed these criminals to come in, turn their nation into a sewer, and assault their women without any consequences......The bottom line here is that these type of criminal actions in European nations will only increase thanks to the Jewish criminals in charge of the European countries, and the entire European Union, opening the floodgates to a further influx of these illegal immigrants, "refugees" and illegal migrant workers......We are watching European nations such as Germany, Sweden, France, Norway, and the United Kingdom, no longer have any identity as predominantly white nations, but instead have turned into massive hell holes and sewers thanks to the flood of immigrants primarily from North Africa..... I have seen many reports over the last while in Sweden, for example, where sexual assaults against white women by these illegals has increase by the thousands. And the government in Stockholm has done nothing to stop those attacks as well as other crimes committed by these criminals.....It is no wonder reports are now coming out where Swedes are leaving (and fleeing) their own country, and the Caucasian population in Sweden could become a minority within the next few decades!   It is a travesty to all of Europe, and again I do believe it is by design by the criminal Jewish elite (Yes, written right in their own Protocols) that wants their major opposition to their dream of world empire, the Caucasian race, destroyed.....And one other thing about this Cologne incident... WHERE are all the so called "feminists" out there that should be doing the right thing and making statements against these male assailants?  They are no where to be found, apparently, and are unwilling to come forward and support the women that were attacked... But that makes sense considering the entire "feminist" movement is nothing but a fraud and Jew run to destroy families....Lets face it, the problem of these "migrant workers", "refugees", and "illegal immigrants", is not only happening in Europe, but here in North America as well... Again, it appears that the Trudeau government in Ottawa, Canada, is hell bent on bringing in as many of these "refugees" into our nation as possible... I have stated before that bringing them in creates social and economic upheaval considering that most of them will never be able to find proper employment in Canada, and will only become a burden on our already overburdened welfare system.... And of course I have been troubled about how this government in Ottawa is so hell bent on bringing in these "refugees" when Canada has an atrocious homeless problem already!   There are tens of thousands of people living on the streets in Canadian cities with no homes, no money, no employment, and no hope for a decent future... And yet Justin Trudeau brings in these refugees from other countries?  The hypocrisy is so overwhelming....I want to share something here about what it is really like when these "refugees" and/or "migrant workers" come into Canada, and this is not for the squeamish.....  Most of my readers already know that I try to stay physically fit as much as possible... I have in fact increased my workouts due to the heart scare I had three Christmas seasons ago...... I make it a habit of going to the local YMCA (fitness centre) at least 3 times a week...Usually the YMCA facility that I attend is pretty clean and the cliental is respectable and clean... But what you are about to hear is beyond disgusting...Over the last few weeks, after my workouts, I have talked to several of the maintenance people that work at the YMCA... Their jobs are of course to keep the change rooms, and washroom facilities as neat and tidy as possible... One worker, that I will call "Vincent" told me about an incident that had occurred over the last month concerning the family change room facility and especially the washroom within.... About a month ago, some parents approached the management at the YMCA and were livid that something had to be done about the washroom in the family change room... Vincent was sent in a month ago to check it out and what he found was revolting... Someone, or a group of people, had smeared human excrement all over the walls, the toilet seat, the toilet, the washing sink, etc....... Vincent reported back to management what he found and he and several other workers spent hours cleaning up the mess.... The next week, at the same time, the same incident happened again, and the YMCA had to find out who was doing this nasty deed.....Well, Vincent and several workers noted at the time of this incident that there was one family that was always in attendance and before they used the family change room, Vincent and another worker went into the washroom there to verify the facility was clean.... Sure enough after that particular family left the family change room the washroom was again in atrocious state with human excrement on the floor and in the sink!    The YMCA workers reported to the managers, and after cleaning up the mess, there had to be a decision as to what to do about the family that was responsible...Oh, did I mention that the family that was doing this act of filth and pure disgust was BLACK?.. And apparently from what Vincent and others told me, they are "refugees" from Africa!  Apparently, the YMCA management has not done the proper thing by expelling this family and charging them for the mess they created because they are Black refugees and the YMCA is now "worried" about the implications, especially from Canadian "human rights" groups, if they expel this family from going to the YMCA!   This is unbelievable, and again shows how terrible this "political correctness" bullshit has destroyed this nation.... The right course of action is absolutely to have this family thrown out of the YMCA all together... But apparently, they are going to "talk" to this family the next time they come in and WARN (!) them that their actions in abusing the washroom has to stop.....One point to ponder.. If this family is doing that type of foul action at a fitness centre, then what is it like at the government provided housing where they live?  I can only imagine..... You would figure that one of the first things shown to them when they come to this country is how to properly use a washroom!Yes, this is what happens when we open our doors to the dregs of the earth that do not even know about proper human hygiene.... If a white person such as myself did such an atrocious act at the YMCA, he would not only be expelled but the police would be involved and he would be charged under the Canadian criminal code.... But because it is a "refugee" family that is doing the disgusting act, we are all to turn our backs and ignore it, and believe that it did not happen?.. Yes, this is what is happening here in Canada, and this nation is about to allow up to 50,000 more of these "refugees" to come here and bring their customs and diseases with them.... Unfreaking believable!Well, enough of my take on the so called "refugees"... I stated many times before that the solution is not to bring them into our nations and have our customs destroyed, but to send them home.... Considering the fact that the good guys in Syria are winning their war to free their country from enslavement, then the best policy is again to send these Syrian "refugees" back to Syria so that they can fight against the criminal insurgents and help to rebuild their nation..... It is far better than bringing them in here to create havoc and turn our welfare systems into a nightmare..... I stand behind my assertion that sending them home is far better than bringing them here and I have yet to hear anyone show me any different....And I am sick and tired of those who say I am "racist" for my views on these "refugees", "migrant workers", etc... The whole term of "racism" was created artificially by the same Jewish criminals that created the fraud of "antisemitism"... The term is used to smear anyone that criticizes these criminal policies that these same criminals created to destroy our nations....  Facts are facts that these "refugees" are indeed destroying our nations, and I find nothing to the contrary... Am I a "racist" for stating fact?  I do not think so....One piece of good news this last week, as Whitewraithe is definitely back, and we have been planning (finally) for the relaunch of our "Turbulent Times" shows via Blogtalk radio..... I have been so busy these last few months, and with my ridiculous work load over the next while I will not be able to do much in terms of setting up for our broadcasts, and therefore I have agreed to turn over the majority of the production over to her.... In return, I am paying for the entire Blogtalk network time via my Adsense funds obtained from this blog..... We will see how things go over the next while and the first show will probably be this coming week... I will of course alert everyone here when it happens with enough advance notice, so stay tuned......One thing I can say is that it will not be "G" rated by a long shot.....Well, I spent the majority of this rant talking about my views on this fraud "refugee" issue, and there has been of course so much more happening around our sick planet... Hopefully I will touch on those here in my usual last minute tidbits......As I stated in my article last week, nothing good will come if the "militias" attempt to take a hard stand against the US Government at the Hammond ranch in Oregon. It does appear that only the planted agent provocateurs want an incident and have the stand off become a shoot out.  It would only give the criminal US President, Barry Soetoro, another excuse for his fraud gun control legislation..... And speaking of Barry Soetoro, is it not amazing that this criminal can cry fake tears over the fraud shootings in America and not shed one tear for real mass murders like what has been happening in Gaza?  Or in Yemen? Or...... I again must ask most of the intelligent Americans out there, if there are any left, as to WHY that ultra-criminal mass murdering freak of nature, Jewess Hillary Rodham Bligh (Bligh is the real last name for the "Clintons") is not in jail for her crimes against humanity?  Yes there are new Emails and other revelations that came out last week about her criminal actions everywhere, and yet instead of being incarcerated, she could still become President of the United States? Unbelievable is putting it mildly......I finally went and saw the new "Star Wars" movie last weekend, and the hidden messages about the present state of our own society is all there, including the idea of a "First Order" trying to dominate the galaxy that is a direct take on the "New World Order" trying to dominate our planet. Even their symbol showing a six sided figure is a direct take off of the criminal Jewish hexagram of evil.  Overall though, I thought the story was pretty good with lots of action.   But again, it is a "Jew"-lywood production that will make a fortune for these criminals......The good news out of Syria gets better and better as the good guys, the Syrian government forces, continue to retake their country by leaps and bounds.  Again it will only be a matter of time before all of Syria is free unless the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal finds a new excuse to intervene........Saudi Arabia trying to pick a fight with Iran is ludicrous.  The Saudis would not stand a chance against Iran in any war, and therefore what we have is of course a provocation to have the US come running and attack Iran for them.  Yes, Israel has long wanted Iran destroyed and they are indeed behind this provocation.........Interesting that the Jew spew media is purposely trying to divert everyones' attention away from the failing economy that is indeed now coming apart at the seams.  But this is of course exactly what the Jews responsible for the mess want while they extract what little wealth is left and then pull the plug allowing the whole mess to come crashing down.  Watch carefully everyone, and be prepared.  The next few weeks could see the economic collapse that I and others have long warned about finally come.......North Korea sets off a nuclear device and the entire world is so focused on North Korea now and its non-existent threat.  Look, North Korea is a shambles economically and could not fight anyone.  If it was to actually try to set off a nuke in South Korea for example, the US and other nations would turn the entire country into glass in a heartbeat.  I actually agree with Donald Trump when he said last week that North Korea is China's problem and not ours.  All of this North Korea reporting and bashing is nothing but more deflection away from other problems including our economic woes........A week off from BPL action, and someone asked me for my take on the National Football League and their playoffs.  Ok, I see the Kansas City Chiefs going deep on the AFC side, and Seattle upsetting a few teams along the way on the NFC side.  Superbowl L though?  That is a toss up, but I would like to see Kansas City against the Carolina Panthers in the final.  Hey, what do I know, considering I am a Soccer fan?..........And I guess I may as well stay with tradition and close this rant by blasting the Kardashians again.  It seems that the paparazzi are again going gaga over skank Kourtney re-entering the dating scene, especially with her sister trollop Khloe stating that everyone wants to "bone her". Yes, she said that, and I do wonder if anyone with any intelligence would want to 'bone Kourtney' ?   You have to love it when a nation is going to hell but the people there have a steadfast infatuation with this "family"!More to comeNTS