Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Sunday.... The week after the great American diversion away from all the troubles that ail them called the Super Bowl, and time again for my usual rant...It is remarkable even here in Canada that everyone ignores all the troubles and real crisis facing the world, and all I heard all last week was..."So what do you think about the Super Bowl"?   Honestly, for the longest time I have always seen professional sports as a terrible past time for our society, considering that most if not all of the professional teams are owned or the majority of the shares in the team are controlled by Jews... All that anyone has to do is investigate themselves this as being a fact... It is not surprising that the jewel of professional sports here in North America, the National Football League is almost totally Jewish owned and controlled, and these bastards make BILLIONS of dollars in profits every year by giving the dumbed down Gentiles their modern gladiator sports spectacle every Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and sometimes Saturdays, from September to the beginning of February....Well, to answer the big question... Yes, I did catch a lot of last Sunday's Super Bowl game...I live in a household where my son is a big football fan......It did not surprise me one bit that the Seattle Seahawks prevailed, because I did state in my previous rants that defense wins the big game... The history of the Super Bowl spectacle shows this to be true... But I could not help but again think about how this game, like so many others, was already "fixed" and that the Seahawks were already pre-ordained to win.... Several friends sent me several Youtube videos the last while showing how this game, and the previous game between the Seahawks and the San Francisco 49'ers was terribly fixed by so many blown calls by the "referees".... But again, it does vindicate what I have always said about professional sports and how the games are indeed fixed!.... Lets face it, these teams, the entire league, and the Las Vegas casinos and bookies that have heavy betting on these games, are all either Jewish, or controlled by Jewish interests... Considering the intense criminality of this "tribe", I can guarantee that they want to control the outcome of ALL professional sports games and rake in the money off of the Gentiles!People ask me why it is that the sport that I do follow is Soccer, and primarily British professional Soccer... Well, I grew up with a love of that game.  I did play it in my youth, and in spite of others in my neighborhood playing Hockey, which of course has long been considered as Canada's sport, Soccer stayed in my blood.... Yes, the one team out of the United Kingdom that I have followed for years is Arsenal, and I have been following the ups and downs of this team for over 40 years now.   Yes, I know that professional sports has been suspected as being fixed, and the primary ownership of the Gunners are Jewish... But I do need an entertainment outlet, and it is probably the only sport that I do watch and follow on the Electric Jew.... I followed this team long before I became Jew wise, and I will probably follow them for years yet to come....Yes, the Olympic Winter Games are on right now in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Russian Federation.  It has the usual fanfare, and the usual political controversies as well.. The Jewish criminals are attempting to tarnish these games with their latest ridiculous accusations that the Russians are being "unfair" to homosexual athletes and homosexuality as a whole... This stems from the recent reports that the Russian government has been cracking down on the homosexual lifestyle  as a method of saving innocent Russian children from that horrendous lifestyle... I fully agree with the Russians on this one, and have long avoided answering any questions about how I personally felt about homosexuality, until now....I look at the "lifestyle" of Homosexuality as immoral, and a detriment to the human race as a whole...I do not even need to go into any details here about how homosexuality is biologically against the human species as a whole... What people forget is that it is the Jews themselves that are behind all the promotion of Gay and Lesbian "rights"... These arch-criminals have used that "lifestyle" as a means of again destroying the Gentile family unit, and have now been openly promoting it in their sick media....And in case anyone has been wondering, it is even written in their "Protocols" as another method of undermining and destroying their primary opposition, the Caucasian race, as a whole!  Therefore, Yes, I am against homosexuality and I say that promotion of that sickness must be stopped...If people want to continue that "lifestyle" that is their choice, and they should not be allowed to openly promote it in our schools, media, or any public venue....What they do behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors and should not be rammed down our throats through the Jew spew media....If people don't like my statements about this sickness, too bad....OK, On to news that really matters.....As I long suspect and have stated many times before, the so called Geneva "Peace Talks" over Syria have collapsed..... It did not surprise me because these peace talks were a complete joke!  The criminals in the United States went to the "table" demanding that Bashar Al-Assadm the popularly elected President of Syria step down from power.  The criminals in Israel and the United States put this impossible demand on the table expecting that the Syrian government and people would never accept this insane idea, and they got exactly what they wanted... Now they are again ratcheting up the Jew spew media with fraudulent reports that these laughable "Peace Talks" collapsed due to the Syrians themselves walking away from the talks.... Now the Jews will cry out to the world again that Syria must be "attacked" and will definitely try some shenanigans very soon to again try to convince a more pessimistic world that an attack on Syria is warranted... Be ready for another bogus  "Assad travesty" in Syria everyone, or even a "false flag attack" to be conveniently blamed on Syria...It is truly remarkable what is happening in the Ukraine right now... The people of the Ukraine have a real tough decision to make very shortly, because the criminals in the US and the criminal Rothschild run "European Union" are trying to force a civil war in their nation as a means of somehow convincing them that their only hope for peace and the future is to join this criminal union and therefore surrender their sovereignty to the criminal Jews.   I sure hope the Ukrainians are able to stop these criminals and their sick goal, and to take their own nation on a true path of independence and hope for a future where the Ukrainians can truly be free... That future may still be in a loose economic union with neighboring Russia, but considering the sordid past that the Ukrainians have had with Russia (Holodomor anyone?), and the Ukrainians will never forget the 10 million that died in the brutal Jewish led bloodbath of the 1930's, it would still be prudent for the Ukrainians to avoid falling into the Russian sphere of influence.   An independent path that benefits the Ukrainians first is still their best option...Elsewhere, we see more and more reports about criminal Jewish fears of rising "anisemitism", and their push to have nations curtail this rise.... First, I again need to ask the basic question about these criminals:  Don't you need to actually be Semitic before you can go and scream "Antisemitism"?   Why have people not asked the big question about how these criminals that are mostly Asiatic-Turkish Khazars that have not one drop of Semitic blood in their entire lot, can go out and scream to the world the term "Antisemitism" every time someone attacks or criticizes their evil doings?  The true Semites are the Palestinians that these criminals are daily murdering and stealing land from, and yet we are to somehow believe in a twisted way that these criminals are Semites???  Second... I really need to ask why these criminals scream that people are against them, when people are no longer blinded to their evil ways?   Is not being a criminal still being a criminal?  As I have said before, if these criminals stop their criminal ways, stop killing innocent people, and give up their sick dream of wanting world domination, then the rest of the world may actually welcome them into the human race!I have always been asked why it seems I "hate" Jews so much?  Honestly, I do not hate anyone other than criminals and evil-doers... And again, if anyone just takes the time to examine and research this group that call themselves "Jews" they would indeed see a sickness and a group of mentally deranged misfits that have it in their own writings their need to dominate the world and to see all non-Jews either killed or enslaved... THAT is why I have a deep dislike for this group, and I see their plans and their ways.  Again, if they would give up their evil machinations, actually stop trying to kill innocent people,, and give up their want for world domination, I too would welcome them into the human race!  BUT that may never happen, because these criminals are programmed from birth to HATE all non-Jews and to picture themselves as superior to everyone else... Now do you see what is not to like about this group?  Honestly, I wish people would take the time and actually read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which is their blueprint for world domination that they are following to the letter... It is all laid out there in black and white and in spite of these criminals denial, they are indeed following it to the letter!On to other news.... I am still troubled that people do not see the writing on the wall and the fact that we are fast approaching financial Armageddon on a planet wide scale.    There is no hope for our monetary system, because history has shown that any and all nations that adopt the criminal Jewish Usury debt system always collapse.... The present situation is just history repeating itself, and full economic turmoil is just around the corner.   The real problem also stems from the fact that our governments are fully under control of Jewish interests and are full of self centered greedy individuals that care not about their constituents, but only serve their Jewish masters.... All nations can end their Jewish controlled debt instantly by just saying NO, but again their governments and leadership are fully under the Jewish yoke..... A few nations have turned against their Jewish masters, such as Iceland, and they are on the road to full economic recovery and stability.. But the big players on the planet are still completely under Jewish control and will suffer immensely when the collapse happens.... I am shocked that the collapse has not already happened, but it is still coming and people must be prepared for the worst....Someone sent me an email a while back with an article attached that stated that the criminal and most evil Queen of England, Elizabeth May Battenberg, and the present Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron have been named in a lawsuit pertaining to Pedophilia and Child Abduction in the United Kingdom... Why am I not surprised?   I put out several articles in the past that linked that lizard Queen and her sick entourage to child abduction and pedophilia right here in Canada.  It therefore comes as no shock that these monsters have been named in this latest case concerning pedophilia and child abduction in the UK itself.  The Queen herself is Jewish and probably one of the biggest mass killers on the planet....So many children in orphanages here in Canada alone have disappeared since the 1960's, during the time that the orphanages themselves were run by groups linked to that creature..... I would therefore not dismiss her involvement and the recent lawsuit also naming the involvement of that other Jew, David Cameron.  I do wonder if this lawsuit will gather steam, and the reality of the true evil nature of the heads of state of the United Kingdom will be out in the open for all of the British people to see for themselves!And speaking of Canada... Yes, there is still a pending court case against that Jewish shill, Stephen Harper's bandmate drummer for child molestation..... But why does this not surprise me?  So much of the Canadian government here is full of misfits, and scandals and corruption linked to these misfits seem to be the rule of the day.....The Jewish controlled Canadian shill Prime Minister is definitely showing the mark of the man he is by the company he keeps!Well... I guess that is enough for right now.... I will close this rant again with my usual tidbits..... I am still waiting on more reports about Fukushima radiation detected off the North American Pacific coast.  When they come, I will put them in this blog for all to see.  From some of the news so far, the problems associated with rising radiation along that coast are only going to get worse......I am still troubled by the shills and idiots that cannot see that Sandy Hook was indeed an operation.  It is also laughable that so many of them are saying that the Boston Marathon "bombing" was indeed a fraud, and yet call Sandy Hook real?  These people are either too ignorant for their own good, or are disinformation agents that have exposed themselves.....Since the homosexual card has failed with the Sochi Olympics (so far), the criminal Jews may try the alternative at trying to give Russia a black eye by pulling off a "terrorist" attack that will have their Mossad operatives as the perpetrators.  Yes, so far the Russians and Vladimir Putin have done a fabulous job with these games.  But again, it is only the beginning of these Olympics and knowing the criminality of the Jews, a false flag is still possible...I have been in conversations with John Kaminski, and he said that he will get to the bottom of the problems we are having with Deanna Spingola.  John has been friends with her for years and is troubled by her recent antics, expecially when it comes to siding with those who see Sandy Hook and other frauds as real.  When I hear from John what he finds out, I will let everyone know......NO new news from NASA about that mysterious rock that magically appeared next to the Opportunity probe a few weeks back.  I guess NASA is still looking for an excuse to avoid the obvious whistleblowing that their probes are NOT on Mars at all.  When will people learn?.........And finally, my usual report on America's favorite family of skanks and misfits, the Kardashians!  It appears that my favorite skank, Kim, is now attending Pole Dancing classes to "spice up" her exercise routine. Hey, what better for a skank and trollop than pole dancing?  This should be something Kim is quite used to!.... Yes, I have been asking for another target for my weekly rants, and several people have said that the blood dripping murderer Hillary Rodham Clinton would be a logical choice.  Actually Hillary who I call Killery the Krazy Killer Kackling Kankled Kommie Kike Kunt Klinton (KKKKKKKKK) has a special place in upcoming rants, considering this mass murdering psycho may soon be running for the office of US President, and the people of the US may actually consider electing her to power!  It does show again how far the US has fallen!More to comeNTS