Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 7th, 2016

 Sunday... And again time for my usual weekly rant....First, I want to answer again so many of my critics that constantly come forward and put their "comments" in the comment section of my articles...Many come in just to spew their hatred of me, and of course I get the periodic "comment" from the JIDF/Hasbara trolls that again I call my "favourite fan club"... To them, I say they can stop wasting my time for I usually add them quickly to my spam listing or just delete their "comments" without reading much into them...But of course there are others that come in and constantly ask me my opinion on a wide range of subjects... To them, I say that I do not have the time to put up articles covering everything that is happening in our sick world, and prefer to concentrate on some of the issues of the day..... If I did not have a job, and have so many other projects on the go, then I probably would be a full time blogger and write up a storm... Who knows, for I am planning to retire from my present job within the next few years, and as long as the world has not gone to hell before that time, maybe I will get into writing more and actually open up a full blown website rather than a simple blog.....OK, WHY am I not in the least bit surprised by what I am watching unfold in the Middle East right now?  I have said countless times that the twisted and sick game the US/Israel/NATO cabal has always been playing is to see the innocent and peaceful nation of Syria destroyed to clear the way for the criminal and psychotic state of Israel to expand as part of their dream of a greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers..... Hell, it is right there on their sick star of David flag where the two blue lines signify the Nile and Euphrates rivers as their boundaries as chosen by their so called 'god' Yahweh... Lets not kid ourselves then and realize that Syria and other nations in the region stand in the way of that territorial expansion for the psycho Jews and they need these nations destroyed to fulfil that equally psychotic biblical "prophesy"......Yes, the Israelis are behind the entire scheme for Syria's destruction, and years ago worked with their American slaves and minions to create the fraud "terrorist" groups including "Al Qaeda" for that plan... But along the way the plan has failed and the timetable that these bastards wanted for Syria's demise has not been fulfilled... Soooooo... A few years back the American and Israeli "think tanks" got together and someone came up with the idea of a rebrand of their failed 'Al Qaeda' by renaming it and making it appear more 'sinister' in the form that we now call "ISIS".....  But again, anyone with even 1/2 a brain knows that ISIS is an absolute fraud and is nothing more than US CIA and Israel Mossad agents as well as paid mercenaries....Well, the planning of the US/Israel/NATO cabal was working so fine until Syria called on their Russian allies for help... And for the last 4 months now, the Syrians, along with a coalition of allied forces including Russia, have been blasting and beating the snot out of the so called "rebels" and especially the US/Israel bought and paid for bad guys called 'ISIS'..... And now after the Syrian forces have been clearing and flushing out the so called "ISIS" threat out of western Syria, they have finally been able to concentrate their efforts in removing the last threat to Bashar al-Assad's popular government in Syria at Syria's largest city, Aleppo.....Of course last week we had the ridiculous and laughable "Geneva Peace Conference" that was called by the "warring parties" to try to settle the Syrian conflict "peacefully"...But that conference was a sham and a fraud from its inception...The criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal was hoping to use that "peace" conference as a stalling tactic so that they could bolster what is left of their "ISIS" forces that were in danger of being cut off at Aleppo, and also hopefully get a "ceasefire" in place so that those forces could consolidate their positions in northern Syria under the hope that they could stay in place permanently and eventually relaunch their campaign for Syria's destruction... The good guys, the Syrian government forces, were not fooled at all and even while that sham conference was going on for the last few days, their allied forces moved quickly and have now cut off the fraud "ISIS" forces in Aleppo and are now ready to annihilate them.... It is no wonder the US/Israel/NATO cabal has now canceled that fraud "peace" conference, and have tried to sway world opinion that the conference 'failed' due to Syrian 'aggression'.....Again, the facts are now apparently clear that unless the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal can directly intervene into Syria itself and save what is left of their fraud "terrorists" at Aleppo, their war to destroy Syria is over and the Syrians will have won their nation back....THIS is exactly why now we see that criminal cabal try another scheme which is to have their minions in Turkey as well as their "allies" in Saudi Arabia intervene (invade) into Syria..... Yes, the US/Israel/NATO criminals are now wanting to risk an all out war with both Syria and even Russia just to "save face" and try to turn their failure in Syria somehow into a success....Well, here we are today, Sunday February 7th, 2016, and the world is now on the brink of another world war as the Turks and the Saudis are massing their forces for an invasion of Syria... These nations have had the nerve to claim that they want to "intervene" into Syria to "fight ISIS", but that is only for the gullible people out there.. The reality is of course far different and yes this is an invasion of a sovereign nation...... The big question will be what Russia and its other allies will do?  The reality is that the moment the Turks and Saudis cross into Syria, they will instantly be not only at war with the Syrian government forces but with the Russian Federation (and possibly China and Iran) as well... I can see this situation quickly escalate out of control and we could indeed see a full blown world war coming as quickly as this week.... Honestly from where I am sitting and what I am watching unfold, I do fear for this planet.....One thing that bothers me is while the US government is getting ready to go to war and possibly begin World War III, where are the American people?   It is so sad that most Americans are now so totally brainwashed by the lies and propaganda of their government and the horrendous Jew spew media that so few know exactly how rogue and insane their leadership has become.... Yes, the US economy is in turmoil and yes the outlook for the rest of the year seems to be becoming worse,  but to actually think that a new world war is just the ticket to get the economy going and to save their own necks is beyond insane......BUT these lunatics are definitely planning such a venture and they care not of the consequences of their actions, and especially the possibility that the United States and much of the planet will cease to exist by their folly......  My hopes are that if the US government does commit itself to an all out war that there are still decent individuals in the military and in government somewhere that will take matters into their own hands, revolt,  and take down these criminals before they ruin our planet.....Lets not kid ourselves here.. The economic situation is getting worse by the day and even here in central Canada I see it in my own line of work and my every day interaction with people... People everywhere are not buying anything for the simple reason that they are all "tapped out" and in most cases are in debt up to their eye balls..... And I have indeed been talking to so many businesses that are right now just "hanging on" for dear life hoping for an economic "upturn" that is not coming... I reported in last week's rant the dire situation with world wide trade and especially the fact that very few goods are being shipped and transported around the world even as I write this rant... I again ask anyone with common sense to just look at the Baltic Dry Index and other reports concerning shipping and they will see for themselves that we are watching a real disaster unfold..... And for those that keep asking me for a "solution" to this situation?  I keep telling them the same thing that I have stated for years... (A) End all fraud debts instantly (B) Arrest the criminal scoundrel Jewish bankers who created the mess, and strip them all of their ill gotten wealth (C) Put laws into place that force governments to print their money debt and interest free forever.... Those three points are a start, but will never happen as long as our own governments are fully controlled by these same Jewish scoundrels.....I really do hate to be right about this entire Zika Virus bullshit "epidemic" that is still being sold to the public by the liars in the Jew spew media......  It should be apparent to anyone that just does a little bit of research that this Zika virus has been around for at least the last 1/2 century and never before has it ever caused such a thing as this "brain thinking" that we are witnessing in Brazil... Common sense should therefore dictate here that something else is causing those babies to have shrunken heads and smaller brains, and lo and behold we see that criminal introduction of that Tdap "vaccine" that was forced on pregnant Brazilian women months ago.....Now after the introduction of that vaccine we are witnessing children being born with shrunken brains and people cannot see the link between the two?  Honestly, how gullible can people really be?The reality is of course that the criminal US/Israel cabal that still wants to rule the world does not like any of their slave nations to break their grip on power... And of course less than two years ago, Brazil decided to break those shackles of slavery to those monsters by announcing that it would join the BRICS initiative and free itself of American financial and corporate domination...  Of course the US/Israel cabal does not like what Brazil is doing and it should be obvious that this "Zika Virus" fraud epidemic is part of their plan to ruin Brazil economically and politically with the hope that the Brazilians will come crawling back into their control......Lets also face the facts that Brazil is spending a small fortune in preparing itself for the 2016 Summer Olympic games in Rio De Janeiro, and anything that would drive both the athletes and the spectators away from those games would be an economic disaster for the nation....Therefore it is no wonder that the US/Israel cabal has concocted this "Zika Virus" outbreak in Brazil now, with the latest touch being that this "virus" causes "brain shrinking" in new born babies to boot......Fear is the biggest propaganda weapon right now, and these criminals are indeed wanting this fraud "epidemic" to ruin Brazil.......The other side of the coin when it comes to this bullshit Zika Virus "epidemic" is of course to convince so many gullible people world wide that the only solution for this "disease" is a brand spanking new "vaccine".... And of course just like so many of the other so called "epidemics" that were scammed on the public over the last decade, the propaganda machine of the Jew spew media is now working overtime in brainwashing the idiots out there that they must line up like dumb ass sheep and take the new "vaccine" once it is produced by Big Pharma......And yes, the 'vaccine' is coming, and it will have the dual effect of not only making Big Pharma filthy rich but also allow more poisonous immune system and brain destroying chemicals into our bodies..... As with the so called "flu epidemic" that was a fraud a few years ago and yet so many people had their minds and bodies destroyed by the poisonous "vaccine" then, in regards to the new "vaccine" against the non-existent threat of the "Zika virus", I have to ask the question again .... When will people learn???Must I really state the obvious again in regards to the mess happening in Europe with all those illegal migrants flooding into its nations?   Every single European nation must halt its ridiculous open border policies immediately to stop the flood of these criminals into their nations and in most cases start shipping these criminals back to where they originated from.....Many of the migrants themselves are now realizing that the brainwashing that they were told in their originating countries that Europe was the "land of opportunity" was a lie and that there is no life or future for them in Europe at all...And as expected many are now wanting to go back home where they belong....Lets face the facts here that this attempt by the Jewish criminal elite to destroy European culture by creating this migrant crisis has turned into a dismal failure and the rightful policies should be for every single European nation to close its borders to these illegal migrants and expedite their rightful return to their points of origin....The bottom line is that these illegals have no place in Europe at all and should indeed GO HOME.....OK, someone asked me why I have not posted any articles to give my 2 cents worth about the fiasco happening in the United States right now with its Presidential "primaries", and especially the absolute fiasco that just happened in the state of Iowa.... Lets face the facts here... The entire US Presidential race is a sham and a circus... What happened in Iowa was indeed a massive fraud and swindle and yet most Americans are just too stupid and gullible now to do anything to stop that criminality from happening in all the other 49 states...The fact is that the Jewish criminal elite that runs America have already selected their person to sit in the oval office and apparently that person is ordained to be "Killary" the cackling psychotic mass murdering freak of nature that should actually be in a prison cell for her crimes against humanity rather than in the highest office in the land....I would say that most Americans are indeed now brain dead sheep that will not stop that lunatic from becoming their next President, and even the other Jew lackey, Donald Drumpf (real name of Trump) is part of the game...... I also have to ask why Americans have done nothing for at least the last few decades when they have known full well that their votes are useless?   Yes, the ludicrous election process in America makes the United States indeed the laughing stock of the planet......Well, hopefully I have pissed off enough people by now.... I would not be seeking the real truths out there if I did not step on a few toes from time to time.... Love it or hate it, the truth really does hurt... Oh well, onto my last minute tidbits.......Donald Drumpf's private jet has 'engine trouble' while en-route to Little Rock Arkansas last week.  Hey, how blatantly obvious is it that the Jewish elite may be a bit pissed off at Donald from swaying away from their commands and may have wanted a "convenient" plane crash to occur?  Donald should watch himself, for the next step may be a planned RFK style assassination attempt.........I actually watched a video sent my way last week that contained the best of Killary Klinton cackling away like a hyena.  Honestly, I do believe a hyena is much prettier than that vile creature, and the woman is indeed quite insane.  And yet so many stupid Americans are still wanting to actually support that creature to be their next President?.........Let me get this straight.  It snowed last week for the first time ever recorded in southern Vietnam and even in Kuwait?  Yes the planet is actually getting much cooler, and gosh darn that Global Warming!... And considering the weather here and the snow we have been getting, I still want to have Al Gore come up here so that I can bury him in a snow pile.  Hey, I can dream, can't I?........You want to know who controls Hollywood, aka Jewlywood?  I just saw an interesting article that every nominee for the Jew run Academy awards this year gets on top of other gifts a $55,000 trip to Israel to boot.  Therefore again I must ask those who ask "Who runs Hollywood?" to give their heads a shake and wake up!......Yes, the criminal Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) "agreement" was just signed into law last week in New Zealand, and yet so many people still haven't got a clue what this "agreement" is all about?   They will find out very soon as this "agreement" makes corporations their new masters and their own rights and freedoms are now lost.  Is it no wonder that much of this "agreement" was made in complete secrecy?  For if the people finally did wake up and realize what it stood for, there would indeed be hell to pay.........Iran is opening new trade deals with Europe for its oil, and is demanding payment for Iranian oil be made in Euros!  Is it any wonder the US wants Iran attacked to save their fraud "Petro-dollar" scam?...........Why has there been so little reporting of that massive methane leak just outside of Los Angeles?  Supposedly besides methane gas, the leak is also throwing tons of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere to boot.   But like the still ongoing Fukushima disaster that nobody wants to talk about, the Jew spew media avoids these issues and continues to concentrate on wars for Israel instead......The war against Yemen is not going so well for Saudi Arabia it seems, as the Yemeni people are proving to be worthy adversaries.  But the war still overlooks the humanitarian crisis where millions are on the verge of death by famine as the world looks the other way.........Arsenal plays Bournemouth this morning, and it is indeed a must win for the Gunners to keep pace with front running Leicester City for the Premiere League championship.   The Gunners have indeed looked pathetic in their last few games, but I am still hoping for a better effort today........ And someone has asked me about the "big game" today in the National Football League.  OK, I may not be a true blue football fan, but I can see the Panthers of Carolina beating the Broncos of Denver by a score of around 45-10.   Yes, while the American economy is going to hell, and the US government is about to launch world war III, the American people will be glued by the spectacle that is Super Bowl L..........And speaking of spectacles, as usual this report would not be the same without my look at America's sweethearts, the trollops called the Kardashians.  The paparazzi went gaga this week when my favourite skank Kim stated that her new born son, Saint, looked just like her.  Yes,  every child wants to look like, and/or grow up to look like, a piss poor actress, trollop, and porn star has-been.  I actually do feel sorry for that child.   But hey, America is still going to hell but the people do not care as long as they have their Kardashians!More to comeNTS