Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 28th, 2016

 Sunday... Almost the end of February already... And as usual time for my weekly rant...It definitely has been a most interesting week... I started out this week by posting up a most interesting article that claimed that women were the cause of the demise of our society... I showed clearly in my own interpretation of the video the facts that this claim was without merit, and that the real cause is obviously the criminal Jewish elitists and their tribe of thieves and scoundrels.. However, I came under a bit of attack by many women that somehow thought that I personally believed everything that the video claimed!  It is so amazing that it created such a kerfuffle and so much anguish amongst my female readers...Lets face the facts first and foremost about the above mentioned video... Women absolutely do think differently than men.... As I said in my Valentine's day rant, there is a bit of truth about the famous saying that women are from Venus while men are from Mars... In so many cases the thinking processes of women and men are so different that it does appear that we are at times from different worlds... But for me to think that women are the cause of the downfall of our society? No way... The fault absolutely lies elsewhere and primarily with the tribe and their evil intentions to dominate this planet....OK, Now that I hopefully have cleared the air on that issue, it is time to focus on the most important issues of the last week.....We have of course the so called 'ceasefire agreement' between the warring parties in Syria... And of course from what I have observed, that "agreement" will absolutely not hold... To me, there should have never been an agreement for any ceasefire at all, period... The good guys meaning the Russian/Syrian alliance was winning the war, and had their primary target to end the conflict, the city of Aleppo within their grasp.. Now this ceasefire is in effect and the criminal American/Israeli/NATO cabal will use this respite from fighting to rearm their mercenary armies and their CIA/Mossad operatives, and push again for the destruction of Syria....And of course we have all of the reports coming out about a "Plan B" that the US/Israeli/NATO scoundrels have actually been pushing all along... This "Plan B" calls for the imposition of a secure area of northern Syria to remain separate from the rest of the nation, which the criminal cabal calls a "safe haven" from the Syrian government forces... In reality, this "safe haven" is nothing of the sort and a complete fraud... It has been in the works since the Syrian "civil war" started back in 2011 as part of the infamous Israeli plans for the breakup of Syria under their 1980's report called 'Securing The Realm"... The whole conflict in Syria has been orchestrated under the guidelines of this "Securing The Realm" document that states that for Israel to obtain their hegemony over the entire Middle East, they would have to foment civil unrest and wars in their neighbouring Arabic states to force these states to breakup into smaller secular nations... Once these smaller secular nations are created, the criminal and psychotic nation of Israel would easily either conquer or dominate these entities and allow Israel to expand as part of their 'Greater Israel' project.....Yes, the "Securing The Realm" initiative for Israeli dominance in the Middle East is very real and has been the driving force behind that criminal nation since its inception in 1948.... Many people forget that the "Greater Israel" plan is absolutely part of their whole sick and twisted mentality and is right there on their own national flag!  The criminal "Star of David" on their flag is between two blue lines representing the Nile and Euphrates rivers... The Jews in Israel are also driven by their own biblical "prophesies" that state that their nation was given to them by their "god" and that it will indeed encompass all the lands between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers..... The "Securing The Realm" documents showed the way how the psycho state of Israel would obtain this goal and they are indeed following its guidelines to the letter....These monsters care not for the millions of people that are tagged to be either exterminated or forced to become permanent refugees under this twisted dream of expansion of the Jewish state.....It also is no shock to me at all that the Jewish controlled US Government is pushing for the new "Plan B" for the breakup of Syria, and is also pushing for some 30000 US/Nato forces to "secure" this new state in Syria once that nation is broken up..... But these fools have of course forgotten about Russia in this plan and how the Russians and Syrians are absolutely refusing to go along with this intended "break up" of the Syrian nation..... Therefore this "ceasefire agreement" is again just a ruse, and there will be no peace in Syria as long as the Americans are subservient to their Israeli masters and willing to be the driving force behind the break up of Syria as part of the "Greater Israel" project....And by the way... What has happened to all this false rhetoric of some "350000 troops, 2500 aircraft, and 20000 tanks" about to attack Syria?  Well, guess what?  I was right!  For there are absolutely none of these forces anywhere to be seen... In fact the only reports that I saw all week of any movement of any "forces" for such a planned "invasion" of Syria was the report of 4, and yes only 4, Saudi aircraft moved into Turkey..... Again, here is a reality check...This so called "invasion force" that was all over the news and alternative news outlets was total BULLSHIT.... It was done for pure propaganda and pure fear mongering....Sadly so many people actually fell for it which is the real sad part....Of course while so much focus has been on the situation in Syria, little attention has been played to this now being the second anniversary of the so called "Maiden Uprising" in Kiev back in 2014 that  basically turned Ukraine into an American puppet nation....And now two years later, how are the Ukrainians liking their nation now?  Well, it seems that the Ukrainians have indeed had enough of the American controlled Junta in Kiev and have indeed taken to the streets in a new uprising... However this time there has been little reporting about his unrest and the Ukrainian people demanding their freedom back.  No shock here, simply because the Jew spew media does not want the world to see that these people have had enough of watching their nation turn into a dismal failure and instead are trying to sell the image that Ukraine is somehow 'thriving'..... The truth is exactly the opposite....On top of Ukraine being an economic disaster, the Poroshenko US controlled puppet government supposedly has again been "demanding" that Russia give the Crimean peninsula back to Ukraine... But again, Crimea was never theirs to begin with, due to the reality of history..... Must I again repeat here that Crimea was originally part of Russia but was given over to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic back in 1954 by Nikita Khrushchev with the full understanding that sometime in the future the Crimean people could vote whether to stay with Ukraine or be returned to Russia... And of course when the Soviet Union first broke apart in 1992, the Crimean people actually wanted to return to Russia, but the Ukrainian government agreed to give Crimea "special status" under Ukraine to allow them a sense of autonomy and a way of bribing them to stay with Ukraine... But of course in 2014, with Ukraine falling apart economically, the Crimean people again saw no future with the criminal Junta in Kiev and voted OVERWHELMINGLY in a fair and fully UN monitored referendum to first split from Ukraine and then in another vote to join Russia....The bottom line here is that Ukraine has absolutely NO rights to Crimea, zip, nada, end of story... All this rhetoric and demands for Russia to "return" Crimea to Ukraine are ridiculous and nothing but the criminal Ukraine government blowing hot air and trying to divert attention away from their failures in running their own nation properly.....One thing that I found absolutely atrocious this last week was where the American commander of US forces in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, came out and said that the US must be prepared to fight and "win" a war against the Russian Federation... I thought to myself that this nutcase is absolutely bonkers and should not be in charge of a boy scout troop let alone American and NATO forces in Europe... Is this the thinking of the insane asylum that now occupies the Pentagon?  Yes, they are looking for any excuses for their want of a $600 BILLION "defence budget" that will consume over half the entire US budget for this year, and here they are trying to justify that insane budget by saying that the US military must be prepared to fight and win a war against Russia.... Honestly with the US now basically a failing and collapsing empire, the last thing the American people need is an overblown and out of control military that would lead the entire nation to its destruction... The ideal situation would be for the US government to slash military spending and divert the money to fixing the social, economic, and infrastructure problems at home instead of planning for more wars of destruction....But considering the hawkish attitude of the US government these days, the military nut jobs will indeed continue to have their way, and the world will, sadly, continue to teeter on the edge of total annihilation for some time to come.....What else can be said about the continuing "migrant crisis" still ongoing in Europe?  The facts are simpler now that the "ceasefire" is now in effect in Syria, and the Syrian government has basically won their war to keep Syria free.... Send the "refugees"  home where they belong!   These "refugees" have absolutely no future at all in Europe, and many have indeed discovered that Europe is not the 'paradise' that they have been told and absolutely lied about... Many are wanting to return home and again as I said before the governments in Europe should oblige them and have them sent back to their originating nations.....Instead we continue to find reports of these "refugees" and illegal migrant workers wrecking havoc in most nations around Europe and causing so much economic and social upheaval... I have said all along that this "crisis" was always artificial and that the criminal Jewish elite have long planned to use these migrants flooding into Europe as their means for the destruction of European culture.... Now that most people living in Europe have figured out for themselves the truth about these migrants being used to destroy their nations, it is time for them to take to the streets and demand or revolt against their governments, and force these migrants and "refugees" out.....Again, the bottom line here is that these "refugees" and migrants are themselves wanting out, so it is indeed time to send them home!I continue to come under fire from the idiots behind the "flat earth" bullshit theory, and I again say to those rejects from clown college to give it up or go back to the hole they came from... I have already shown in previous articles how they are flat out wrong in their "theory", and again they just do not seem to want to quit with their harassment... But I of course am onto their game, and I refuse to give them the time of day here at this blog....It is a fact that many in the so called and very laughable "flat earth" group are indeed trolls and/or government employees hired specifically to attack Internet sites such as this one as part of the sick game of "poisoning the well" and to try to link people such as myself to other "kooks" out there... But it will not work, and all I can do is to laugh at their antics.....So how is that "Zika Virus" scare going for everyone?  It should be apparent to everyone with any common sense by now that the entire "Zika Virus" scare was indeed a sham along the lines of the infamous "Influenza" scare of a few years back... And the goals are much the same as back then, which is to get gullible people to be stupid enough to roll up their sleeves and allow the criminals behind the Pharmaceutical industry to inject their bodies with the latest and greatest "vaccine" to counter this newest "epidemic".... Lets not be fooled on this one, for we see what damage their "vaccines" can do.....One thing before I get onto my usual "last minute tidbits"... I continue to come under attack, as I have long expected, for my stance about Donald DRUMPF (YES, Absolutely the REAL last name for "Trump") and how he is absolutely NOT the 'saviour' that Americans are gullibly led to believe... I again have to give my head a shake when I see all the news and especially the alternative news outlets fall for this Jew controlled lackey..... Must I again remind these fools about how they were falsely led to believe that "Ron Paul" was the one and the saviour for America some 4 years back... And how did your "saviour" Ron Paul pan out?  And here we are some 4 years later, and we have the all new bonafide superhero of the day, Donald Drumpf, that is to step into the White House and make America "great" again... Fat chance of that happening, considering how much this one sucks and swallows his Jewish masters like the rest of them..... Drumpf is NO hero, plain and simple, and if he does achieve the Presidency, it will be business as usual for the Jewish power elite as they continue to basically bleed the US to death.... The bottom line here is, if the American people truly want to save their nation from the scoundrels responsible for the nation's demise, then it is time for them to no longer cower in fear and actually fight to take their nation back and save it themselves.....Well, I guess I have pissed off enough people by now... If anyone does not like what I am saying, too bad... You can either live with the truth, or there are so many other websites out there that will give you that "feel good" sense of euphoria.   Yes, reality does suck, doesn't it?  And in the meantime, here are my last minute tidbits......I keep on seeing the reports about how Hillary the psychotic mass murdering freak of nature continues to "win" states on her way to becoming the US Democratic candidate for the US Presidency, and I honestly wonder if the "Democrats" are on crack?  This foul creature should be in either a lunatic bin or a nice prison cell for the next 20 years at least for her crimes against humanity, and here she is even allowed to run for the Presidency?  My, how America has truly fallen........ And of course some people have asked me my opinion of Bernie Sanders, who of course will be the fall guy for Killary Klinton in her run up to the White House.  Bernie puts on a great show, but because he is a Jew, he can absolutely never ever be trusted.....Is it not interesting how another "social media" outlet, "Twitter" has now been outed as just another spy and blackmailing program?  As with "Facebook" and other so called "social media", these are being used to gather personal information from their gullible users to eventually be used either to control or destroy them.  And all I can say is thank goodness people such as myself have never been suckered into joining these bull shit "social media" outlets........I see that Fukushima is still going as strong as ever, and of course the Jew spew media is avoiding talking about that disaster at all cost.  But eventually something will have to be done about this disaster.  But in the meantime all that radiation along the west coast of Canada and the United States probably is giving the citizens there a very healthy glow..........I see that Great Britain is having so many social and economic problems these days, and yet their government is about to embark on an 'upgrade' of their nuclear capabilities by wanting to purchase one or two new multi-billion dollar "Trident" submarines along with their destructive missiles.  Yes, rather than divert the money into actually fixing their economic mess, the government will spend billions on weapons of mass destruction.  And people wonder what is wrong with the British government?.... And speaking of wastes of money, I see that the US air force is definitely going to continue with the wasteful F35 fighter aircraft program, even though they are fully aware that the aircraft themselves are "flawed".  Yes, hundreds of billions of dollars in waste on aircraft that are flying lemons rather than spending it on fixing America's own social and economic woes.  Isn't America great?....... I see that the war in Yemen is going so well for the criminal Saudi government these days, especially with the reports about how the Yemeni forces are making the war a living hell for the Saudi troops and their allies.  Why does the war in Yemen remind me of the American Vietnam war fiasco?   Yes, the old saying does go, especially in regards to the present quagmire in Yemen, that for those who have not learned from history, they are doomed to repeat it!...... Big game this morning, as Arsenal is playing Manchester United right now in Barkley's Premiere League action.  With Leicester City winning yesterday against Norwich City, it is imperative that the Gunners win to keep pace with the Wolves for the top of the table... Still a dozen games to go in this season, and I am still crossing my fingers for the Gunners to reach the top.......And of course, none of my rants would not be complete without my closing look at the outstanding world of the Kardashian clan of misfits, trollops, and skanks.  Well, what Kardashian news would not be complete without rumours of another divorce?  It seems that all is not well in Kim/Kanye land, and it appears that these two misfits may be headed for divorce.  Yes, I can hardly wait for the paparazzi to go hog wild with this speculation, and all of America's attention to be focused in on this garbage.  Again, I for the life of me cannot figure out why America has such a love affair with these idiots and poor excuses for human beings.  If someone can answer me that, I am all ears.... But in the meantime...More to comeNTS