Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 25th, 2018

Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant...Well... Apparently the worse is supposed to be over in regards to the horrific cold spell that we just suffered up here in central Canada.... The temperatures are supposed to "moderate" now over the next week to reach highs just above 0 degrees Celsius.... BUT even with this break in the intense cold, this has indeed been one heck of a brutal winter, and with the planet now definitely entering a long cooling trend, winters will be much colder for the next decade at least....The other day I saw a local news article where apparently ALL of Canada's Provincial Premiers (heads of provincial governments) are now "On board" with the fraudulent carbon tax that the criminal Trudeau regime has been wanting to impose on this once free nation, just to fleece the people of their hard earned money... I found it revolting that so few people have been willing to stand up against this fraud tax, for the money collected through that fraud will absolutely NOT be going to "save our planet" but will be used in general coffers of both the Federal and Provincial governments to line their own pockets.... That carbon tax fraud is now almost a go in Canada, and everyone here will start seeing the fleecing begin shortly....Apparently Canada's idiot Prime Minister, Justin "Trust In Jew" Trudeau has been romping around India over the last week and a half making himself out to be a complete idiot and a fool... He has been making one blunder after another and rather than show himself to be the "Prime Minister" of Canada, he has instead made himself a laughing stock and a buffoon..... I still cannot understand how anyone in this nation actually voted this guy into power?   I personally never voted for this clown, and in fact in the last Canadian Federal election I did not vote at all, for I saw every federal party leader as either an ass clown or a Jew suck up....Well, Honestly, What else can I say about the ridiculous "school shooting" in Parkland Florida?  The Jew spew media and the criminals in charge tried to push that fraud "David Hogg" out there as a "survivor" of that "mass shooting", when every stitch of evidence now shows that he is NOT this "17 year old" student of that high school, but is in fact at LEAST 19 YEARS old and was a graduate of a school across the country in California.... The evidence has become overwhelming now that this "Hogg" character is absolutely a crisis actor that was injected into this fraud shooting to push the agenda of gun control.... AND after all of the evidence that Hogg was indeed a fraud went viral within a few days the criminals behind "Facebook" and "Youtube" tried their damn worse to remove ALL evidence that exposed that fraud... Luckily people are now not that stupid and most smelled the rat and now realize that with Hogg being a fraud, that makes the entire "shooting" a fraud as well....One thing that I do find so appalling about the Parkland fraud is how the "shooting victims" rather than be frightened and in shock from the "shooting" have been boarding buses and other means of transportation to take their fraud stories about the 'shooting' nationwide across America to push the gun control agenda...  These frauds have been wined and dined everywhere they go, while they sell their bullshit fraud stories to the gullible American people... To me it is disgusting that the gullible Americans are swallowing their bullshit, and honestly if anyone had any guts, they would stop the buses carrying these frauds from entering their communities and in other cases have them tarred and feathered and shamed out of town!I have already beaten this fraud in Parkland Florida to death, and will probably continue with some updates when I find more evidence exposing the fraud.... It is to me so disgusting that so many people have fallen for this one, just like they did with the fraud at Sandy Hook..... But we must understand that the criminals are now pushing their want to strip Americans of their guns desperately now, for they know that America is an economic mess that could indeed collapse due to its massive crushing debt loads that can never be repaid.... The criminals know that they need to have Americans disarmed for when the collapse does happen, the American people will be very angry and will probably turn that anger against their own corrupt government that is responsible for the nation's demise....I have not discussed the failures of the American economy for a while, but all indications do indeed show that the nation is teetering on a serious economic "reset" that will make the great depression of the 1930's look mild in comparison.... And when the collapse does happen, and it will, there will be NO recovery due to the fact that America does not have the manufacturing base anymore for such a recovery.. .That coupled with the destroyed American agricultural base due to GMO's and other poisons, there is nothing left in America for a recovery.... I do not want to scare my American readers, but they have to wake up to the fact that there will be NO recovery when the economy implodes, and they should do their best to be prepared for the worst case situation that may occur...As I predicted, the Syrian government forces and their allies have now turned their attention to the "pockets" of "terrorists" and other so called fraudulent "moderate rebels" that are still active across western and southern Syria... And the one pocket that has now been targeted is that one sitting in the eastern Damascus suburb of "Ghouta"..... There are presently several thousand "terrorists" occupying the "East Ghouta" pocket, and these criminals have been using the estimated 100000+ Syrian civilians under their control as "human shields" to prevent SAA and allied actions against them... AND over the last few days, we have the US and other criminal governments try to rehash the "rebels in Aleppo" scenario where they are calling on the world to "save" the "rebels" holed up in East Ghouta much like they tried to "save" the "rebels" in Aleppo....  Thankfully these criminals failed in Aleppo and we can hope that they rightfully fail as well in East Ghouta!Meanwhile, things have indeed become a bit weird in northern Syria, where we see the Turkish advances against the "Kurds" in and around the town of Afrin continue.. And just mid last week, we saw the reports about a "convoy" that was supposedly heading towards the town of Afrin itself that the Jew spew media and other sources claimed was spearheaded by SAA and other Syrian government forces... But everything about that 'convoy' just did not make sense, for the Syrian government is not this stupid that they would send in any forces to help the "Kurds" at all and entice the Turks to attack them as well as the Kurds.....I for one had some serious questions about that "convoy" and as "Penny" from Penny For Your Thoughts and other truth seekers said, it apparently was a trap and a method of having the US and other criminal nations come running in to attack Syria, and especially the Syrian government forces, itself... Luckily the Syrian government did not swallow the bait, and news about this "convoy" has now "disappeared".....  I wonder what the US and other criminals will try next to get directly involved in Syria, and I would not put it past them to try another one of these fraud false flags shortly..And... As I and others have been saying for years.. The US is NOT going to leave Syria itself, ever, unless forced out of that nation... The US plans to stay in northern Syria illegally as well as at their illegal base at Al Tanf in southern Syria indefinitely or until they get their "regime change" in Syria which of course means the removal of Bashar al-Assad by force if necessary... To me, this is madness, and shows absolutely how the US government is 100% subservient to the criminal state of Israel and to the Jewish bastards that absolutely want to see Syria crushed.... It also means that we will see further escalations in the war in Syria where the US will be attacking and killing Russian soldiers much like we saw earlier this month in Deir Ez-Zor province... Yes, the US will indeed continue to try to escalate the conflict and will indeed risk World War III just to please their Jewish masters...OK, I figure I have covered and beaten most of what has been on everyone's minds to death by this point... I have of course some important personal news to share that I have told most readers already over these last few rants... Tomorrow, I am getting that surgery done to correct my breathing and sinus problems that I have suffered from for decades... The procedure is of course a "deviated septum" operation that will tear open my sinus cavities and my nasal passageways and allow me finally to breathe normally.... The procedure is about an hour long tomorrow morning and the recovery period will be several days afterwards.....  I am crossing my fingers that there will be no complications, as I have heard that this type of procedure has almost a zero complications rate...  I will most probably not be able to post any new articles at this blog for a few days, and I will let everyone know if the operation is a success....OK, Enough gibberish for now.. Time for my closing "last minute tidbits"..... OK, The Olympic Games snore fest is now over, and nations involved can now come back down to Earth and return to reality of what really matters across our planet.......And of course now that these "games" are over in South Korea, I can guarantee the vilification of North Korea by the US will start up once again.  Yes, the US is hell bent on using that fear mongering to get their Asian allies to buy a wide variety of good ol' American made weapons.  Fear mongering is indeed great for the US military industrial complex..... I will also state that the real goal of all of this North Korea bashing in NOT aimed at North Korea, but at China.  Most people are not even aware that the American think tanks have long been working on scenarios for war against China, and it is time for them to wake up and face that reality that the US is hell bent on stopping China's ever growing influence in Asia.......Reports coming out this last week stating that the US is never going to leave Afghanistan.  And yes, I told you so, for the US is not there to "fight terrorists" but to make sure the Opium keeps growing and flowing out of that country to poison the planet........The Ukrainian army is now almost ready and fully resupplied with American and Canadian weapons and training for a planned assault on the breakaway Donbas provinces.  It will be a slaughter once the assault begins, for that army will be attacking and killing civilians.  And again we must ask at what point the Russians can no longer tolerate the slaughter and they directly intervene..........The ridiculous "Russia Gate" bullshit is still going strong in spite of all of the evidence that it was Hillary "Killary" Clinton that did the criminal and illegal dealings with the Russians.  I find it amazing how the Jew spew media continues to spin this fraud to try to vilify US President Drumpf, and does their utmost to protect the true evil, Killary herself.........US is intent on moving forces into the Black Sea to "counter Russian actions" including their "annexation" of Crimea.  I find this astounding since the Crimean people have for most of their modern history always been Russian, and even voted overwhelmingly just a few years ago to rejoin Russia.  Honestly, how much longer can the criminals continue to stoop this low in their vain attempts to vilify Russia?......... Interesting that while the world is once again distracted by the fraud mass shooting in America, the criminal and psychotic lunatics in Israel once again launch air attacks against the Palestinians locked up in the world's largest "open air prison" known as the Gaza Strip.  Sadly the world cries out to the "victims" at Parkland, and yet overlooks those being genocided in Gaza.  Hypocrisy at its best, obviously..........And of course we find no reports this last week about the innocent civilians being brutally starved to death by the Saudis and Americans in Yemen.  Again, we see glaring hypocrisy here as thousands of innocents are dying by the week now due to starvation......It is bad enough that the criminals behind Lockheed Martin have been scamming the American public with their disastrous F-35 program, but I caught the news that these same criminals are now working on the "capsule" that is intended to send men to Mars.   Knowing how botched the F-35 is, I would assume that this "capsule" will be a huge and very costly disaster as well........Try as they might, but the Flat Earth retards are not quitting and are continuing to try to push their bullshit through my comment section.  Obviously they are retarded, for they still do not understand that their "comments" are automatically spammed and are never read, even by me!.........Arsenal plays Manchester City later today in what is called the "Carabao Cup".  Good luck to the Gunners, for beating the Citizens will not be easy............OK, I will no longer slam psychotic and mentally unbalanced Taylor Swift at this blog for her insanity.  I have found no evidence that shows her to be normal, so I will instead concentrate on the Kardashians....... And speaking of that lunatic asylum called the Kardashian clan, supposedly  they are now celebrating "10 years" of their ridiculous show called 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians".   I for one cannot understand how these sickos, trolls, trollops, and misfits actually lasted 10 years on Talmudvision.  Yes, it apparently does show just how low the intelligence level of Americans has indeed fallen...More to comeNTS