Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

  Sunday again... And time as usual for my weekly rant....Here I am sitting in central Canada right now, with the outside temperature hovering around the -35 Celsius mark... That is -31 Fahrenheit for those Americans still using the non-metric scale.... I really have to shake my head when I still see and read all the fools out there that are still trying to push the fraud Global Warming agenda... I sometimes wish that many of them would come up here and spend 5 minutes in this northern climate to see for themselves what their "Global Warming" is all about....Yes, I have seen all the recent reports that are now claiming that we are now about to enter a "mini ice age" and to me, they are partially correct... I do see a massive cooling trend continuing over the next decade at least as our Yellow Dwarf Star, Sol, continues on its present trend of reduced solar radiation output.... However, this cycle is again a natural one, and Sol is expected to start a natural increase in radiation output which will result in a warming trend for this planet....Again, these cycles are natural and have absolutely nothing to do with the amount of "greenhouse gases" that we pour into our atmosphere.....  Honestly, I am sick and tired of listening to the liars in our governments and media that continue to try to frighten the general public with all of this fear mongering that we are going to die soon from a "Heat death" unless we curb emissions, especially in Carbon Dioxide..... The fact is that the majority of the general public still actually believes anything being promoted over the idiot box, or what I call the "Talmud-Vision" and will stupidly and yet gladly accept "carbon taxation" legislation!   Yes, there truly are suckers born every minute....Some people have noticed that my articles over the last while have become more hard hitting and to the point.... I have been labeling the so called Mainstream media as the "Jew Spew" media for the last 6 months at least, and this is due to the fact that people do need to wake the hell up and realize that these media outlets are controlled, owned, and fully operated by the so called "chosen ones" aka.. The Jews.... Honestly, why cover up the truth?  Anyone can do their own research and quickly see for themselves that this "tribe" does indeed control our entire media.... And this is exactly in line with their own blueprint for world domination, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which clearly states that for these criminals to take control of the planet, they do indeed need to control all avenues of information, aka... The media!I have also been ripping into our governments which are also under the full control of this "tribe" of criminals as well.... Lets not "pull any punches" here... Every single government in the so called "western" world is fully under the machinations of the criminal "chosen ones".... This group of criminals controls every single member of our governments through bribes, blackmail, and other nefarious means... It is a fact that it costs a fortune these days to run for public office, and the private funding for anyone seeking higher office does come in large part from these criminals and their businesses.... The problem is that our so called "elected" representatives sell their souls to these criminals in return for being placed into power.... The criminals' demands of course are that their slaves in our governments keep them in control of our finances, our media, and our corporations... They also demand subservience when called upon and do everything to "protect" their evil nation of Israel.... We only need to look at the case of Cynthia McKinney who was in the US House of Representatives until she turned against her Jewish masters... These criminals made sure that Ms. McKinney was never to be elected again and purposely financed her opponent in the next US elections,  vilified her in their media outlets, and assured her defeat!OK, Now onto what the hell is happening in our world right now.... I am sick and tired of the Jew spew media lies about exactly what is occurring in Ukraine right now.. Yes, the good guys, the civilian militias that are fighting for their lives against the criminal US financed Ukrainian army have won some major victories recently..... The fact is that as of where that civil war stands today, the nation of Ukraine has lost its battle against the "separatists" in the eastern provinces.... The fact is that the Ukrainian public themselves are absolutely fed up with the criminal Kiev regime and yes, there is indeed rumblings of a new "revolution" that could occur to see the US puppet regime overthrown... However, the US itself has been pouring in billions of dollars in "bail out" funds as well as heavy weapons now to prop up their failed regime, and it does appear that the Jew spew media has stepped up their ridiculously false assertions that Russian troops have "invaded" the eastern provinces themselves.... This to me is a "last gasp" attempt by the liars in our media and our criminal governments to somehow expand this war, that has seen the slaughter of so many innocent people in Ukraine, into a full blow war against Russia itself...Lets face reality here... Ukraine today is a complete disaster... The US and the criminal Rothschild controlled European Union went in over a year ago now and overthrew the democratically elected government using the lies that the new regime would improve life for the Ukrainian people... But beyond the theft of all of Ukraine's gold reserves by these criminals, Ukraine has been in an economic downhill spiral where its criminal government has turned to the Rothschild controlled International Monetary Fund, the IMF, for "austerity" funds that have now permanently made slaves of the Ukrainian people to a false debt load that can never ever be paid off.... The Ukrainian people have suffered under immense poverty since the "Maidan revolution" and again many are now ready to take up arms against the criminals in Kiev...... To me, I look at Ukraine now as being the same as what happened with Libya, Iraq, and every other nation that the US has stuck their noses in over the last few decades... Another peaceful and prosperous nation that has been turned into a disaster thanks to US interference....I am truly sick and tired of the lies being promoted by our governments and media about this fraud "ISIS" threat.... I have been trying to reach as many people as possible between my writings here and even out in the streets to get them to understand that ISIS is a massive hoax, and fraud.....  It has been an uphill battle, because the Jew spew media is constantly at it day in day out with their fraud reports about "ISIS terrorist acts" and the "threat" of ISIS.......The fact still stands that ISIS itself is the creation of the US CIA and Israeli Mossad organizations.  ISIS is fully funded and manned by the US and Israeli governments and its primary directive is for the overthrow of the Syrian government itself... If anyone takes the time to just do their own research, they will find quickly that not only is this "ISIS"  the offshoot of the failed US backed Syrian "rebel" forces, but it is being directly aided by the Israelis and NATO forces in Syria itself for the goal of removing Bashar al-Assad from power...Must I even point out the recent success by the good guys, the Syrian army, as it finally surrounded the so called "ISIS" forces in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo to show exactly what ISIS is truly all about?  After the Syrian forces surrounded Aleppo earlier last week, and began their push to wipe out ISIS in the city itself, we find Turkish special forces and other outside forces suddenly involved in trying to "relieve" the embattled "ISIS" forces bottled up in the city!   Everyone should be asking the big question as to "why"???  Are we not supposed to be out to destroy "ISIS" who have been proclaimed in the Jew Spew media as the "bad guys"?   And here we have Turkey, the US, and Israel again helping this so called "enemy"! The bottom line here is that the battle for Aleppo has finally exposed the truth about this "ISIS" as being a fraud, as the US/Turkey/Israel are now battling to relieve their CIA/Mossad agents that are about to be annihilated by the Syrian army.....Another clear example of the fraudulence of this "ISIS" is the recent "beheadings" of some 21 Christian Egyptians by this fraud "ISIS" supposedly based out of Libya, and the response by Egypt into attacking across the border into Libya itself....And yet we hear that the US government stating clearly that it will not back Egypt in its attempt to destroy this "ISIS" threat?  I thought the US government's goal was to destroy ISIS as it claims to the American people?  Again, why is the US thwarting attempts to have their main "enemy" destroyed???  If this does not show exactly what ISIS is again all about, then nothing will......  I have been saying for some time now that ISIS does stand for the "Israeli Secret Intelligence Service" and the evidence is coming out crystal clear that this is absolutely true...Yes, our Jew spew media has indeed been working its magic in trying to scare the crap out of gullible and ignorant people that are too blind to see that they are indeed being played as saps.... It is more so here in Canada where the criminal Harper regime is indeed about to pass its draconian "terrorist bill" that will strip away the freedoms that have been so long enjoyed by most Canadians... That horrendous "bill" will also give the Canadian spy agency known as "CSIS" the power to basically arrest and detain anyone they want under the false pretence of being "terrorists".... Anyone will be presumed guilty without a chance of proving their innocence!   Canada will become a police state, and sadly there are so few of us out there trying to get the real message to the people that this "bill" is a lie...... The Canadian Jew spew media has been absolutely working hand in hand with Harper's regime in making sure the truth about this "bill" is not revealed to the Canadian people.   The propaganda of fear by crying 'terrorism', 'terrorism', terrorism' constantly has indeed been drilled into gullible Canadian minds.....  I have done my best in trying to reach as many Canadians, but sadly few are again listening.... The fact is simple here and I have said it before again and again... If any nation ever surrenders their freedoms for the concept of more security, then the people of that nation will wake up one day with no freedoms and absolutely no security..... Canada has indeed fallen under such tyranny....I am today very pissed off by what I am watching unfold in Greece.... I have said it clearly for the last few months that the best thing for Greece to do is to absolutely say NO to the European Union and their criminal "austerity" measures that would enslave the Greek people for eternity... Considering that all debts are a "phantom" and only numbers on a computer, the easiest means for any nation to take control of their finances is to cancel all debts by simply wiping them out... But after all the fanfare of the Syriza government and its win in Greece under the appearance that they would indeed tell the EU and the criminal Rothschilds to take their debts and shove them up their asses, we find the Greek government now bowing down to the IMF/EU demands and "prolonging" the Greek agony of debt crushing for another 4 months.... This is outrageous and should be a message to the Greek people that if their new government does not bow to their demands, then they should throw them out of office like all other previous regimes.... The future for Greece is clear... NO to the phoney debts, NO to the criminal EU, NO to the criminal Rothschild run and controlled NATO, and YES to economic ties with Russia and the  BRICS nations....Well, I guess that is enough for the moment in covering some of the major issues of the last week... I have not forgotten some other critical happenings that have occurred around the world, and hopefully I will touch on them here in my usual "last minute tidbits"......Now over 3 years since the Rothschild controlled EU and the United States "liberated" Libya, the people again have had enough and a new battle for Libyan freedom is about to unfold.  Again, Libya was turned into a disaster by US interference and the Libyan people are rightfully about to fight to take their nation back from these criminals.....Reports coming out about new "spikes" in radiation around the Israeli Mossad Stuxnet virus destroyed reactors at Fukushima, Japan.   It has now been almost officially 4 full years since that original disaster and meltdown, and the disaster is still basically out of control.  Shockingly, the Jew spew media continues to avoid Fukushima like the Plague, but again as I have said many times, wars for their glorious state of Israel count first and foremost......Is it not great to know that your "smart televisions" can now spy on you and know everything about you even against your wishes?  That is bad enough, but now we find even more spy programs purposely encrypted onto new computers and computer software!  What a society we now have, and the surveillance network of "big brother watching you" is now in full force......Huge tower in Dubai has a major fire that engulfed a large portion of the tower just the other day. Yes, that tower is about to collapse at any second now.  Wait for it.  Damn it!  Well, it did happen on 9-11 due to "fire", remember?.......More reports came out  last week showing the clear links between mercury laced vaccines and autism.  But hey, if people are gullible enough to go and roll up their arms to take their shots of poison, who am I to judge?.... And speaking of which, where are all the reports this last week about the "measles" outbreak that the Jew spew media was so rampant about?  Amazing how that suddenly died off as the Jew spew media went off about "ISIS".  It does show the limited attention spans of the typical American citizen.....Well, the Turbulent Times show tonight for 7PM CST on Blogtalk radio has been delayed, again.  Whitewraithe has had some serious family issues that came up, and I am crossing my fingers and toes that nothing will stop Whitewraithe and myself from doing a show sometime early this coming week.  Yes, I did jinx it by originally stating on this rant that the show was definitely a go for tonight  My apologies to everyone for this untimely delay......Arsenal Gunners won a close one yesterday against Crystal Palace, 2-1 in the BPL.    The fight is definitely on for a Champions League spot for the Gunners.  I am crossing my already crossed fingers (again)...... Another Jew spew "Awards" show tonight, with the annual ritual of the "Academy Awards" which is nothing more to me than Jews getting together to show their dominance over Jew-lywood and the so called "movie" industry.  And I can guarantee that POS "movie" American Sniper is up for some major "awards".  Sickening is a better word for these fraud awards, definitely......And speaking of sickening, I guess I do need to torture myself and others this week with another Kardashian report.  Well, it appears that I did miss one major incident, where it appears that transgender Bruce Jenner was in a major car accident about a week ago, outside of Malibu California, where supposedly he caused the accident that killed one person.  Watch though as proper justice will not be served and Bruce will probably get off with nothing more than a wrist slap.  It shows that there again is one rule of law for the privileged or so called "celebrities" and one for the rest of us.   And again, even though the nation is going to hell, America sure loves their Kardashians....More to comeNTS