Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 21st, 2016

 Sunday again... And as expected, it is time again for my weekly rant...I honestly do NOT like being sick... I came down with what I thought was a nasty head cold at the beginning of the week, and then after a few days of getting a bit of rest and taking some over the counter medication, I thought I was feeling better.. But it was an illusion for by Friday I was again ill and at the same time having one heck of a time trying to sleep.... I have been listless over the last few days and again was trying to up my Vitamin C and D intakes as well as just lying down and trying to sleep.... I finally got some decent sleep just this last night, and here I am writing this rant..... It has indeed been a very alarming and very strange world over this last week, and hopefully I will be able to cover some of the real topics that are on everyone's minds here....Lets face the facts here... I have been watching all the news reports from both the Jew spew media and even alternative media sources these last few days as they try to sell everyone on this idea that there are some "350,000 troops, 2,500 aircraft, and 20,000 tanks" amassed miraculously for a "Saudi led invasion of Syria" and I am calling bullshit on this..... I stated in previous posts the facts and it looks like I will once again put it here in detail for those that just do not get it...OK, lets start with this "350,000" troops that are supposedly now gathered in the deserts of Saudi Arabia supposedly and miraculously waiting for their orders to strike... Everyone must know that to build up such a large number of troops for combat is not a simple undertaking... Let us look at "Operation Desert Storm I" from 1990-1991 for example... For the US led coalition of forces for that strike force to gather took some 4 full months to put some 300-400 thousand into position along the Saudi/Iraqi/Kuwaiti border... The news reports about this "350,000" now gathered in Saudi Arabia has only been around for about the last two weeks in comparison..... It does indeed take months to gather such a force and put it into place, and I am not even including the logistics and support forces that also have to be in place for it to be combat ready.....And what we have here is again a force that supposedly has magically appeared in the deserts of northern Saudi Arabia, where their supply lines would be not only kilometres long, but would also require a vast amount of water and food supplies to boot.....And for those who say that the majority of this force is "ready" in Turkey, they can forget that as well... I pointed out before that the Turkish regime in Ankara has enough to worry about with its own citizens, and much of its military is already committed to fighting the Kurds in the southeastern provinces.  And on top of that, we must not forget how Turkey has now pissed off Russia, and must have some of their military ready along its borders with the Russian Federation to boot.....Therefore there are almost NO Turkish forces available let alone ready for an assault directly into Syria..... Anyone with any common sense can see what I am saying here is factual and shows again that we are dealing with an illusion.... There are NO "350,000" troops in place for an invasion of Syria at all, period, end of story...Next, lets look at that fantastic claim of some "2,500" aircraft ready for support of these non-existent combat troops in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, as well as to lead airstrikes against Syrian targets.... According to the great military reporting done by "Janes" and even "Wikipedia", the present strength of the Saudi Arabian air force is around 650-700 aircraft of all types... Therefore their true "combat ready" airforce is at most around 500 aircraft including helicopters.... BUT people so quickly forget that several hundred of these aircraft are already committed to that travesty in Yemen, leaving at most some 300 or so for a "strike" against Syria..... Then we have Turkey, with its air force also around the 650-700 mark, and its commitment of part of that force to "fighting" the Kurdish resistance, and those aircraft that are always violating Greek airspace, and others patrolling along the Russian borders, and what we have is maybe some 500 aircraft also "combat ready" for a commitment to an attack on Syria as well... That means some 1700 or so aircraft must come from this "coalition" partnership of other Arabic nations...But again, I have checked the numbers, and the most that the rest of this "coalition" can muster is around a few hundred aircraft... Add all the numbers, and you have at best maybe 900-1000 aircraft that could be committed to this "coalition" of force for an attack on Syria (I am leaving the possible US contingent out here, due to the fact that the reports say this "coalition" is almost entirely made up from the Arabic nations alone...)  and yes, the number is far smaller than this magical "2500" aircraft that is being reported.... OK, even if the US does commit its Middle Eastern forces of those three US naval carrier battle groups in the region, and those at NATO bases in Turkey into the fray, that still leaves this force some 1000-1200 short of this magical "2500" number......I again am therefore calling BULLSHIT here, and what we have is pure propaganda and fear mongering taking place...But the real laughable claim about this massive "strike force" is the reported "20,000 tanks" that was as far as I am concerned just a number "thrown out there" hoping it would stick.....Lets break it down here... According to Janes and Wikipedia, Saudi Arabia has some 1000 or so combat ready tanks in their entire arsenal... And again, many of those tanks are already involved in the Yemen debacle, and could not be readily shifted to the deserts of northern Saudi Arabia... That means that there would be maybe some 600-700 tanks that could be deployed by Saudi Arabia for that "massive strike force" for an attack on Syria.... And lets look at Turkey, for according to Janes and Wikipedia again, Turkey has some 3700 tanks surprisingly, and some 6000 or so of other armoured vehicles which of course are not "tanks" but could also be committed to an "invasion" force.. But again, much of Turkey's armed forces are spread across the nation, with many fighting the Kurds while others have to be ready to guard the border with Russia due to the stupidity of the Turkish regime in pissing off the Russians... Moving such a force to the border of Syria is again not an easy feat, and would require weeks just for the logistics.... I would say that maybe some 4000 vehicles including 2500 or so of the tank strength could be ready for such an invasion force from the Turkish side, but again could not possibly be ready and in place for an invasion of Syria for weeks at least....  Therefore, the total amount of "tanks" from both Saudi Arabia and Turkey if you add it up is around at best 4500, and NOT the "20000" that is so wildly reported..... And again, we have to look at the other "coalition" partners in the Arab nations, and at best they could commit maybe another 500 or so tanks to this "invasion force"and the number is now at the most 5000 tanks and armoured vehicles....ABSOLUTELY NOT this "20000" that is reported.....But again, we also have to look at the logistics in putting these forces on the borders of Turkey and in northern Saudi Arabia, and everyone can clearly see we are dealing with pure and utter bullshit..... The "20000" tanks reported for this "invasion force" is a LIE, PERIOD, END OF STORY....And the real kicker that shows that this "invasion force" is a phantom is just by looking at the map of the Middle East... Yes, considering the inadequacy of the American education system, few Americans even know that Saudi Arabia does NOT directly border Syria to the north... Between Syria and Saudi Arabia lies the two nations of Jordan and Iraq.... Yes, Jordan is supposedly a "coalition" partner for this supposed invasion, but to move the force into place into Jordan along the Syrian border means crossing extra hundreds of kilometres of desert.... It is bad enough of having the logistics to first gather this "invasion" force into Saudi Arabia, but now to have it in place in eastern Jordan and ready to go right now?  And of course we have Iraq, which is already pissed off enough by what the Americans have done to their nation... Does anyone think for one minute that Baghdad would be willing to allow a massive foreign invasion force to move across their territory to assault Syria as well?... Hopefully everyone sees my point here.... AND if anyone thinks that an "invasion" from Turkey into northern Syria would be easier, they can think again... Most of eastern Turkey is very mountainous, and the border regions between Turkey and Syria is also not a flat terrain which would be ideal for tanks to maneuver..... Therefore on top of the logistics for a Turkish invasion of Syria, we also have the topography of the region to worry about... I am therefore calling this "invasion force" for an attack on Syria for what it is.. .One of the biggest bluffs in modern times.... There is no way in hell that Turkey and Syria can pull this off due to not only the logistics and facts that I have presented, but they would endure the full wraith of the Russian Federation itself that absolutely will not stand idly by while their ally, Syria, gets attacked.... It is therefore a scam and nothing but fear mongering at its worse.... Hopefully everyone sees my points and lets others know that what we have here is fear propaganda, plain and simple....Now that the bullshit propaganda is out of the way, and put out of its misery, lets look at the real situation in Syria... And yes, in spite of the propaganda coming out from the Jew spew media, the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, are about to cause the collapse of the Aleppo pocket of last resistance by the American/Israeli/NATO fraud "rebel" forces, and with the fall of Aleppo, the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad will finally have achieved victory and be on his way to finally clearing his nation of these criminals.....It will indeed be a black eye for the US/Israeli criminal cabal that has always wanted Syria destroyed for the sick dream of criminal Jewish Israeli Hegemony over the entire region... And with the victory in Syria, hopefully other Arabic nations will take notice and finally make their own decisions to no longer live under Jewish/American control....Syria could indeed lead the way to a truly free Middle East......Yes, the rhetoric about that Medicines Sans Frontiere (MSF) hospital that was "bombed" last week in a rebel held area in northern Syria was all claiming that the "Russians and Syrians" did it... But again, common sense should be the order of the day here, and everyone must ask themselves the basic question..."Who Benefits?"... I am therefore not even going to bother to go into any great detail than to suffice to say that it was indeed done by the American government in a vain attempt (again) to somehow vilify both Syria and Russia, and again to vainly try to sway world opinion into the false belief that an "invasion" of Syria is somehow needed.....But they will not stop trying.....And about that "bombing" in Ankara last week?  Another false flag definitely... And one that went not according to plan and has been shown to almost be laughable if not for the deaths of innocent civilians from the blast... The Turkish government  has been looking for their excuses for more war and to get the Turkish people behind them for an "invasion" of Syria.  But the bombing in Ankara, now proven beyond any shadow of a doubt to be a poorly done 'false flag attack' has now blown up in their own faces, and they are desperately now trying to find their own excuses to prevent their own people from pointing the finger of blame directly at them!   Yes, Turkey is a mess, and the Erdogan government is indeed hanging onto power now by a thread... Again, you can forget Turkey being ready for a direct attack on Syria any time soon.....I am not surprised at all that with all the reports about war and troubles across the Middle East, few are even aware that almost 5 years now since the initial nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan, the disaster is in fact still ongoing, and that the 3 melted down reactors are still out of control.... The facts are that the entire region around the Fukushima Daiichi reactor complex is a vast dead zone, and cannot be occupied by any humans for the next several centuries at least...... On top of that, Tokyo Electric Power Corporation (TEPCO) has absolutely not a clue on how to fix the problem with the melted reactor cores... They are still in fact pouring tons of water over the facility and have allowed the radioactive water and other residue to continue to pour into the Pacific Ocean unabated....  And of course we have the still ongoing reports of biological damage to almost every living creature in the north Pacific Ocean due to Fukushima radiation that I would say are in most cases these reports to be factual... All that radiation has indeed spread right across the Pacific Ocean, and many would argue that radiation in small amounts is not harmful and that we have nothing to worry about.. But the damaging effects of radiation is accumulative and considering the half lives of some of the radioactive isotopes being found in Pacific Ocean water, the damaging effect due to long term exposure and accumulation of radioactive isotopes over time in living organisms, is indeed very real..... And again we are talking here about a disaster that is indeed still out of control and could take decades to fix.....To me, it is surprising still that there is a deafening silence when it comes to reports coming out of Fukushima.....  But as I have stated for years, the Jew spew media will only report on situations pertaining to their cherished nation of Israel, and those wars for Israel, first and foremost.....As it pertains to the political circus that we see happening in the United States right now, I would have to honestly ask where the hell the sanity of that entire region has gone?   Lets not pull any punches here, for I am again going to ask why an ultra psychotic criminal mass murdering Jewess freak of nature, Hillary Rodham Bligh (Yes, the real last name of Clinton) is able to run for President of the United States, when in reality she should be in jail, or hanged from the gallows for her acts of blatant treason?   Hillary, whom I have been calling "Killary" for years now, is a cackling psychopath with no morals at all, and yet the so called "Democratic" party in the US is indeed not only allowing her to run for President, but it does definitely appear that the Jewish power elite that is in full control of America has already anointed this monster to be the next person to sit in the oval office.... And therefore I again have to ask WHY there is almost no uproar or revolt by the American public in this?  Honestly, have the American peoples' minds been destroyed by chemicals, Fluoride, and other drugs now, that they will blindly like zombies actually vote for this psychopath?    IMHO if Killary becomes the next President, may what ever god that you may believe in have mercy on the entire planet.....I constantly get emails and comments, especially from trolls, that ask why I am so dead set against Donald Drumpf (Yes, the real last name of Trump), and how he is the latest and greatest "saviour" for the American republic... Lets not kid ourselves here... Drumpf does put up a great show and is saying exactly what the American people want to hear in these desperate times... But Drumpf has always been tied to big money and big corporations and they are of course in the hands of the criminal Jewish bandits that have already destroyed America.... Does anyone actually think for one minute that Drumpf is not in bed with these criminals?  He did not become so independently wealthy as he claims without kissing their Jewish hind parts, definitely..... We must also not forget how Drumpf's own daughter is married to a Jew and she herself converted to Judaism... Drumpf therefore has very deep ties to the Jewish power elite, and if he is "selected" to be the next US President, that same Jewish elite will definitely continue their control over the nation and will continue to lead the nation to its demise...... I for one am sick and tired of those in the United States that keep on looking for a "saviour" for their nation, when in fact the people themselves have to rise up and save the nation themselves.....One other point about Drumpf... Yes, he has stated this last week that if he is elected, he will get to the bottom of who is responsible for the attacks of 9-11.   But I can guarantee that he knows full well that the Jews are fully responsible for that false flag attack, and he will not bite the hand that feeds him..... Let us not forget that he is very much under the control of the criminal Jewish elite, and those monsters will never allow the gullible American people to know the truth that they did indeed do 9-11....Therefore, I would not doubt that if Drumpf does get into the oval office, he will indeed "blame the Saudis", as so many false reports are already claiming, for the deaths of almost 3000 Americans on 9-11 and once again the Jews responsible will have gotten away with mass murder.....Well, I hope I have covered some of the main issues that have been on everyone's minds this last week... But of course, for those that I missed I will try to quickly cover them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......Honestly, I am sick and tired of the Jew spew media reports that "economic recovery" is just around the corner, when all that anyone needs to do is just go down to their local mall or shopping centre and see the "recovery" for themselves.  Nobody has any money to spend, period, and most of the small business owners are now either hanging on for dear life or are in the process of bankruptcy.  There is NO "economic recovery" taking place, and the truth is the worse is yet to come.......Yes, I read the report from the other day about how the Chinese military can "see" US F22 raptor fighter jets that are supposed to be "stealthy".  But in reality, and as I have shown in so many reports already, "stealth" is a fraud and a phantom.  All that the fraud of "stealth" has done is to make plane manufacturers filthy rich in producing outrageously priced "stealth aircraft" that are absolutely not only not invisible, but useless in real combat.  The F35 flying lemon is the best example, and that farcical program alone is bleeding the US taxpayers to death to the tune of trillions of dollars......Again, has anyone else noticed how so quickly this "Zika virus" scare has almost disappeared from the Jew spew media?  It does prove that the attention span of the general public is so short lived, indeed.  However, we still find the reports out there that big Pharma is working on a new "Zika virus vaccine" that will be pushed onto the public shortly, and yes many gullible people will stupidly allow these criminals to inject their latest and greatest poison into their bodies.........Huge cyclone hits Fiji last week.  Surprising that there has been little news reports about this travesty and loss of life.  But again, wars for Israel and the destruction of innocent nations count first and foremost..........Yes, the world price of Petroleum is still below around $30 a barrel US, and as a Canadian, I truly have to wonder why the prices are still so high at the gas pumps?  It does appear that even with falling oil prices, consumers are at the mercy of big oil corporations, and for them, greed is good.......It appears that the last "survivor" of the so called "death camp" Treblinka has died this last week, and I do wonder what the Jews will now do to continue to fleece people for their "suffering" at these camps?  Will we now see "Holocaust" survivors rising from the dead to collect their "reparations"?   Again, I am troubled by the fact that real research into that period of our history is considered "taboo" in this nation, and people should always be asking themselves the real reasons as to WHY?..........Let me get this straight here.  All the false rhetoric for decades about Iran 'possibly' obtaining nuclear weapons, and now this last week Saudi Arabia admits that it possesses nuclear weapons?   It is not only ironic, but shows the sheer hypocrisy of the Israeli/American cabal, and the facts that all the rhetoric aimed at Iran was for nothing more than the destruction of that peaceful nation.  Nobody is suddenly pointing fingers at Saudi Arabia at all for their nukes, and it definitely shows how the US and Israel operate.......No soccer games this week in the BPL, and I am again going through soccer withdrawals.   Someone said I should maybe watch the "Great American race" the Daytona 500 NASCAR race today.  But honestly watching cars race around an oval track making only left hand turns for 500 miles is not my cup of tea.  Sorry, but I wonder if watching paint drying is better.  That or watching episodes of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians".... And speaking of that great American family of misfits, trollops, skanks, and losers.  You know that greed is good, and that the American public is truly this braindead, when Kim and Kanye are about to move into a $20 Million mansion in Los Angeles California!  Yes, the obsession of the American people for these trolls is what paid for this outrageous piece of real estate.  But hey, I am still waiting for answers from anyone as to why Americans do love these misfits and dregs of society.  If anyone can give me an answer, I am all ears.......Now excuse me while I pop a few more pills an try to get some rest from this nasty cold.  And as usual...More to comeNTS