Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant...Today of course is "Super Bowl Sunday" in the formerly great United States of America, and this is the day that most Americans and others around the world celebrate the great American modern gladiator sport of Football with its championship game in Phoenix, Arizona....I have been watching a bit of the hype here in Canada over the Jew spew media outlets periodically, and to me it is disgusting to see that when most Americans should be waking the hell up to how their government is leading them down the road to ruination and very possibly annihilation, they instead have their minds brainwashed by the fixation of this game...Yes, this afternoon the two teams, the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots, are going to clash in Phoenix Arizona in front of some 78000+ spectators at University of Phoenix Stadium.... That spectacle will also be watched by an audience estimated at just over a billion people world wide....I have been asked constantly over the last two weeks by coworkers and other associates as to what my prediction is for the outcome of this clash, and honestly I do not care which team wins, for the real winners will be the NFL itself with its entirely Jewish run and Jewish owned teams....Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots is most definitely Jewish, and Paul Allen , owner of the Seattle Seahawks, (most probably a crypto-Jew as well) will indeed make out like bandits from massive profits due to this big game...Many people have asked me if I will be watching the game.  Soccer always has been more my sport, but I will probably watch parts of the game tonight here in central Canada.....My prediction just in case anyone is wondering: I picked the Seahawks over the Patriots by a 28-24 score...I want to try something a bit different for this rant....I realized years back that everything that I had been taught to in schools were nothing but lies, and even today I see the world around us where we are still inundated by lies and falsehoods from our governments and our Jew spew media....Therefore, I want to go over many of these lies in what I will call "We have been lied to about..."  We have definitely been lied to about our monetary and financial system.  I could do an entire rant going over the details about how our present financial system has been destroyed due to the greed of Jewish bankers and their debt based monetary system...  I recently discussed with a colleague at work about how money is created out of nothing, and I find it astounding that most people still do not have a clue about the truth that our present concept of money is nothing but an illusion.... I have stated many times that all debts are in fact artificial, and that most nations could simply write off their debts to the Jewish banking scoundrels with only a stroke of a pen....It is also a fact that in ancient and medieval times, rulers would simply cancel all debts approximately every 7 years in what was called "Jubilee"... Only in our more recent times has the concept of debt cancellation been eliminated and we can thank the Jewish Rothschild banking empire for that.......Now we live in a world of unending debt which will indeed bring about full world wide economic collapse... It is a fact that throughout history, any nation that hands over control of its money to private central banks soon collapses under the weight of the debt load incurred by those who control those banks.... The only solutions to this problem of debt is again of course debt cancellation and having only our governments print our money and with no interest....We have been lied to about our history,...Especially about the wars and genocides of the 20th century... It is indeed shocking when you tell people that the wars of the 20th century were fought not for saving the world from "dictators" that were out to "conquer the world" but were in fact mostly fought for Jewish interests and their criminal banking empire only... The first World War for example was indeed a Jewish banking war where millions fought and died in Europe for nothing more than to destroy the last monarchies on that continent, to make Jewish bankers rich, and to introduce Communism to Europe with the eventual enslavement of Russia....The second World War was of course not to stop Adolf Hitler from "conquering the world" but to stop him from possibly freeing all of Europe from the evil grip of Jewish Rothschild criminal private central banking.  The second World War also created the story of the "Holocaust" that helped to create the criminal Jewish state of Israel... And of course the second World War was fought to enslave much of eastern Europe, and parts of Asia,  to Jewish Communism..... Many people do get startled when you tell them these basic truths about our last century....It especially riles a lot of people when you tell them the truth that Adolf Hitler himself was not the villain that we have been brainwashed to believe, but fought to free Germany from Jewish tyranny....The real shocker is of course when you begin to examine the truths about our history, and realize that when it comes to the wars, and especially the second World War, we definitely fought "on the wrong side"......We have been  lied to about religion.... Tricky one to discuss here, considering how many people are absolutely brainwashed by that scam..... And yes, religion is a scam..... I have said many times over the last few years that religion itself is one of many mechanisms of control......Rather than chain people up or turn them into slaves, give them a religion to brainwash them instead.... I could go into detail exposing the frauds of the so called Abrahamic Religions, but suffice to say that what is written in their books is pure bunk... There never ever was a so called "Exodus" or a "Passover", simply because those stories are pure fantasy.... The enslavement of the "Israelites" in Ancient Egypt in the fraud story of the "Exodus" for example, is actually a twist and distortion of history due to the fact that the story is actually based upon the real story of the Hyksos who invaded Egypt and enslaved the Egyptian people before the Egyptians finally revolted against their control and sent them fleeing for their very lives....The real touchy part in exposing the lies of religion is trying to tell people that the idea of Jesus Christ himself may indeed be fantasy due to the fact that much of the writings about Christ are also based upon other writings and stories in other cultures... The story of Christ mirrors much of what was already written and passed down in Egyptian stories about "Osiris" and even "Horus" for example....We have been lied to about Judaism, and the concept that there are some "good Jews" out there... If anyone truly wants to see what true evil is all about, then I ask them to study up on the "Talmud" and its writings of pure filth.... I cannot fathom how in this modern world that a religion actually exists that promotes the idea that one certain group of people are somehow better than another.  THIS is truly what "racism" and "hatred"  are all about..... That is bad enough, but the Talmud actually promotes the terrible aspects of child pedophilia and child abuse through its assertions that having sex with a child under the age of 3 is "nothing".... It is sad that we have a "religion" that absolutely wants to see the destruction and/or enslavement of the rest of mankind to their will, and yet we are supposed to believe that "persecution" of this group is taboo, considering the damage that this "tribe" has done to mankind throughout our history..... It is also false to believe in the concept of the "good Jew" when you consider that they are purposely brainwashed right from birth with a hatred for the rest of mankind...And we must also consider that if there are any "good Jews" out there, then they are a rarity indeed, considering that the majority of this "tribe" even if they are not directly involved in the evil machinations of their fellow tribesmen, do almost nothing to stop their crimes... Many are "cheerleaders" for the criminality of their tribe knowing full well about the crimes that they commit... That makes them guilty by association and/or they are accessories to the crimes.....We are being lied to about "terrorism".... I and others have put up a continuous stream of reports showing clearly that the so called "terrorists" that we see in our world today are actually frauds and phantoms... The fact is that the criminals running the United States and Israel have created and funded ALL of the so called "terrorist"groups that fill our Jew spew media reports on a daily basis.... I and others just put out articles this last week, for example, where a so called "ISIS terrorist" came out and clearly admitted that he was fully funded and armed by the United States itself..... Many people then ask me then "What is terrorism?" and I answer them that modern terrorism is being used as a propaganda weapon of fear and control.  Our own governments create and foment terrorism to get some of their evil and twisted agendas passed into law... For example, we have the recent acts of "terrorism" now being used by my own government in Canada to get new "laws" into place to turn the Canadian nation into one huge surveillance state. Under such a state, the freedoms that most Canadians have enjoyed will now be stripped away for the lie of more security.....We are being lied to about the situation in Ukraine.....The United States started that mess by funding the overthrow of the elected government in Kiev earlier last year that replaced the government with a de facto US proxy dictatorship... The Ukrainian people were suckered into believing that their lives would improve with the new leadership, but all that leadership has done is to ruin the Ukrainian economy and put the people into  a state of unending poverty... The people of the Crimean Peninsula rightfully saw that their future no longer was with the Ukrainian government in Kiev, and voted overwhelmingly in a legal referendum to split with Ukraine and be returned to the Russian Federation... There was NO Russian "invasion" of Crimea, unlike what the Jew spew media continues to promote... Crimea was formerly part of Russia itself, and they always had a choice to return to the Russian Federation by a simple vote.....The situation in the eastern provinces is much the same where the people there also voted in a referendum to split from Ukraine.  But of course the Kiev regime did not want to lose the eastern provinces with their heavy industry, and rather than abide by the legal referendum, have sent in Ukrainian forces to crush the civilian population....The fact is that the so called "war" against "rebels" in the eastern  provinces is actually an Ukrainian genocide against a people who's only crime was to  want to be free......We are being lied to about Russia.... Russia has NOT invaded Ukraine, period, end of story here... The liars in our Jew spew media have been going absolutely wild with false reports about "Russian aggression".   Russia again did NOT "invade" Crimea as previously noted, and has absolutely NOT sent in any Russian forces into the eastern provinces of Ukraine.... Our crooked and criminal governments have done everything possible to vilify Russia and lie about Russia itself, in what appears to be a build up towards a call for war against the Russian Federation for its non-existent "aggression"...... Our crooked governments have even called for "sanctions" against Russia, citing these "sanctions" were somehow "necessary" to "curb Russian aggression"!  We also have the fact that the United States has been working in conjunction with Saudi Arabia to purposely implode the world price of Petroleum, knowing full well that a Petroleum price collapse would hurt and possibly destroy Russia's economy... All of these plans to try to  ruin Russia economically have failed due to the Russian Federation now making deals everywhere to bypass the "sanctions" and to trade their Petroleum directly with other nations to bypass the US and Saudi schemes.....I am truly sick of the lies being promoted by our governments and media, for any further escalation with nuclear armed Russia could indeed lead to a war that could devastate the entire planet....We have been lied to about ALL of the "mass shootings" and bombings....... The recent "Charlie Hebdo shooting" was a fraud where nobody died....It was a set up and definitely a false flag that has turned France into a police state where the French people have lost many of their freedoms for the lies of "security"..... The Sydney "shooting" was also a hoax and a false flag, with the results being much like what we have seen more recently in France,  where the Australian government has called for more "surveillance"......The same goes for the fraud Ottawa shooting, the fraud Seattle shooting, the fraud Santa Barbara shooting, the phony and outright laughable Boston Bombing, the fraud Sandy Hook shooting where no children died,  etc, etc, etc.....The purpose of all these false flags has always been to use the propaganda of fear to have people stupidly give up their freedoms for the lies of more "security"...We have been lied to about vaccines and the need to 'vaccinate'....The fact is that vaccines do NOT work, period.   Most if not all vaccines contain many harmful chemicals and especially Mercury, that weakens our bodies' immune systems.... More and more we are seeing people coming down with diseases AFTER being vaccinated against said diseases.... It is still shocking to me to see so many people line up like brainwashed sheep at pharmacies, getting ready to accept their prescribed "flu shots" into their bodies..... I have long said that vaccines must be avoided at all cost... Proper food, hygiene, and sanitation are the proper methods for fighting diseases, and not to roll up sleeves to allow criminals to inject poisons into our bodes...We have been lied to about "Global Warming" and "climate change".... I really hope that I do not have to go into great detail here about the fraud of so called "Global Warming" that we see on a constant basis.. The fact is that our planet is presently cooling, and NOT "overheating" as the scam artists behind the Global Warming fraud falsely promote... This planet goes through natural heating and cooling cycles that are driven entirely by our Yellow Dwarf star, and not through man made pollutants added to our atmosphere.....It was especially shocking to me to see all the reports that 2014 was the "warmest year on record" being promoted by the liars in our own governments and media... The fact is that 2014 was in fact the opposite and all indicators show that last year was in fact one of the coolest years ever recorded!  It does make one wonder what the agenda is behind the Global Warming scam, and the answer is the scam artists want to see our governments pass laws to introduce "carbon taxation" to the general populace... That 'Carbon Taxation"  is a fraud that will be used to fleece the general public out of more money for government coffers.... The bottom line here is again "Global Warming" is a lie and a scam being used to make the criminals behind the scam filthy rich....We have been lied to about space exploration, and especially about landing men on the moon.... Yes, everything that NASA promotes seems to be one big lie after another... I  have known for over 35 years now about the scam of Project Apollo and the fact that the Apollo moon landings are a fraud.... I really do not have the space here at this rant to go over all the details of the fraudulence of NASA's so called missions.  I just ask that everyone take the time to research them for yourselves and you will most definitely come to the same conclusion that they are all scams....Just recently another writer whom I trusted for years for putting out truthful information came flat out and said that the landings on the moon were "real"... It was startling considering this individual is well aware that NASA has constantly lied and continues to lie about their space programs to this very date..... I have put up article after article here at this blog for years exposing NASA's lies, and I do stand behind my findings... Everyone must remember that the moniker "NASA" when it comes to questioning their so called space missions does indeed stand for "Never A Straight Answer".There, I figure 10 points about "We are being lied to" is enough for now..... I will touch on those and others in future rants.... I always ask that everyone not take my word as fact, but to do your own investigations into everything I write, and to never ever accept what our media and our so called "history" books have written...Much of the truth about our past and present has been purposely hidden from us, and people must ask the big question.. WHY?..... And while you all wrap your heads around that important question, I will go onto my usual "last minute tidbits" to cover some of the news of the day and other important issues......Yes, sadly, Anthony Lawson has passed away.  I am still a bit peeved that I did not find out about his death on January 8th of this year until just yesterday.  Needless to say, Anthony did so much good work with exposing the criminality of the "chosen ones", but some have criticized him for not coming out and calling the criminals "Jews".  I would say that in spite of that small error, his work is fabulous and a must see by everyone.....Israel is massing troops again along the Lebanon border and has launched several false flag incidents this last week and trying to blame "Hezbollah" for the incidents.  It does appear that criminal nation is again going to invade southern Lebanon, because they do still need the water of the Litani River for their own selfish needs......Yes, Greece is under a new government, and that new government wants to get the hell out of the European Union and NATO.  I applaud what they are doing, but they do need to tell the Rothschild led IMF to take their austerity and shove it up their asses.   Hopefully, the Greeks do go the way of Iceland and send the Jewish scumbag banksters packing.....Almost a year after MH370 "disappeared" somewhere while on a westward trek over the Indian Ocean (on its way to Diego Garcia) and now reports come out claiming it was "accidentally" shot down by the US military. I would go with that story, if not for the fact that there has been absolutely NO WRECKAGE of this craft anywhere, zip, nada.  Until shown otherwise, I am sticking to the story that the plane was purposely flown all the way to Diego Garcia.....OK, where the hell is the US public outcry about that mass murdering freak Benyamin Miliewkowksy (Netanyahu) who is about to go in front of the US Congress soon to give his minions their marching orders when it comes to Iran?  Are the American people this brainwashed and dumbed down now?......Yes, I saw the report that "Global Warming causes volcanoes" that came out last week and was even promoted through "Time Magazine" and I have to laugh.  Are people truly getting this irrational and stupid over the lies of Global Warming" that they have to come up with this bull crap?.......Whitewraithe and I are definitely working on more "Turbulent Times" shows, and the next one will be done soon, time permitting.  I will do my best in alerting everyone well before that happens....  Arsenal just destroyed Aston Villa this morning by the score of 5-0.   Looks like the Gunners are now on a roll, but will still have a very hard time overtaking Manchester City and Chelsea for any title hopes....... And finally, after this very long rant, one more "lie" for everyone to absorb which is of course the Kardashian clan of misfits and trollops.  Apparently, skank Kim posted a picture on "Instagram" that has Kanye, herself, and President Barry Soetoro in the photo that was taken back in October.   It must be a slow news period for these misfits that this somehow makes news now, almost 4 months later... Yes, America is such a mess with its failing economy and wars for Israel.  And yet, Americans do love their Kardashians....More to comeNTS