Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 15th, 2015

   Yes, it is Sunday again.... And with this world going to hell, it is time again for my weekly rant....Yesterday was of course Valentine's Day, and I decided to take the 'day off' to spend time with my better half who has been  putting up with me for quite some time now....She has been with me for 20+ years through thick and thin, and has been sort of a "silent supporter" in this blog that I write.... To be honest, she does not fully agree with me in many of my writings, because she cannot contemplate all the evil that truly exists in our world.... Slowly she has been coming around to the criminality of the "chosen ones" and has begun to surf the Internet for herself to get all the facts....The day may yet come when she may become one of the "co-authors" of these writings.....To be honest, I do wonder how she has ever put up with me all this time!One thing to clear up before I get on to other matters.... There has been some very atrocious writings that were made by a certain group of individuals who took the "incident" of February 6th, 2015 during Charles Giuliani's morning podcast that was obviously made in error, that have been directed at myself.... These people have called me "mentally unbalanced" and their ring leader and webmaster has even called me a "gerbil"..... I honestly have to laugh, and as I pointed out in one comment, my son has had many pets over the years, and gerbils are actually quite cute and cuddly....I guess that means I am cute and cuddly too?  On the matter of being "mentally unbalanced", when I read that part of their ridiculous assertions, I could not help but laugh... Many who know me personally know that I am one of the most insane...errr... sane... persons out there.... I have had many different commentators at this site, along with other blog writers, call me a multitude of slurs and slanders over the years, but "mentally unbalanced" is a new one..... To be honest, for their "leader" to go on his tirade and to launch such a stupid attack against myself who was absolutely NOT to blame for the "incident" shows their true colors, and calls into question the sanity of that "webmaster" himself... I have said to many of the followers of that atrocious website to watch themselves, for if they ever "turn" on their almighty "leader", they would feel his wrath and he would try to destroy them!  My advice to anyone that follows the trash at that blog site is to run.......I have spent the last while surfing online to find out what exactly has been happening in Ukraine with the so called "ceasefire" that was to take effect this morning, and the findings are not good.... I said that the ceasefire agreement was going to be purposely wrecked by the Americans who only want war, and it appears that I am correct again....The American led Ukrainian puppet regime in Kiev has begun new mortar attacks as of this morning on "rebel" positions in the Donbass region which means the "ceasefire" is officially over....Honestly, I knew that the terms of the ceasefire agreement that was hammered out in Minsk Belarus were doomed from the start... There was absolutely no way in hell the criminal Ukrainian government was going to allow the eastern provinces to form an "autonomous" region of Ukraine with the strong possibility of seceding from Ukraine itself sometime in the near future... The Donbass itself is still the major manufacturing and heavy industrial  part of Ukraine and there was no way in hell the Kiev junta was going to let that get away from them....What truly has been shocking to me again this last week was the complete lack of any truth that our so called Jew spew media has been telling to the entire world about the situation in Ukraine... As I stated in previous articles, I have turned on the Jew spew media outlets here in Canada from time to time just to see what these liars have been saying....And what I have seen is appalling... The news outlets are continuing to falsely state that this "war" in Ukraine is Ukraine defending itself against "Russian aggression"!   It seemed that this "Russian aggression" lie permeated every single news telecast, which of course is the Jew spew media's method of brainwashing the masses with untruthful bullshit propaganda....Lets get the facts straight once and for all time... There has been absolutely NO "Russian aggression" when it comes to this "conflict" in Ukraine... Russia has absolutely not "invaded" Ukraine as the criminal Ukrainian government has constantly tried to promote... Heck, even this last week the criminal Kiev regime tried to sway some US Congress-critters with pictures that they said were recently taken showing Russian tank columns in an "invasion" force moving into Ukraine... Swiftly, however, the truth came out that the pictures were actually of Russian tanks columns on maneuvers in Russia from back in 2008!... Luckily the truth about the pictures came forward and the US Congress-critters did not fall for that pure bullshit propaganda...But it shows how low the US led regime in Kiev is going now in pushing their lies of a "Russian invasion" of their nation....And if we again consider the fact that the US Government itself runs that regime, then we have a case here of the US Government pushing a lie to promote an escalation of the war in Ukraine to one against Russia itself.....Lets face it... Our media and governments have been lying so badly about the true situation in Ukraine that it is no longer funny... I have been putting up article after article at this site just to try my best at getting the truth out about exactly what is happening in Ukraine and exactly WHO the real criminals are... I really do not want to rehash the facts, but lets just say that this is not a war in the least sense, but pure aggression by the criminal Ukrainian army against a civilian population in the eastern provinces that committed no crime other than to decide they have had enough of watching Ukraine go to hell under the Kiev regime and decided to go their own way.... It has been a massacre of civilians and being done purposely so as to goad Russia itself into stepping in to stop the slaughter!  The criminals in the US government decided some time ago to use Ukraine as a bait for a bigger war against Russia itself, and it is up to all of us to get the real truths out before the situation escalates into a full blown world war....And news about Ukraine itself has gone from bad to worse, no matter what the liars in the Jew spew media try to falsely promote... The Ukrainian economy has turned into a shambles since the "maidan uprising" of last year... The Ukrainian currency has collapsed, and the criminal regime has had no other choice but to turn to the criminal IMF again for another "austerity" loan... Ukraine is now a huge mess with a debt that can never, ever, be paid off and it does appear that the Ukrainian people themselves are finally waking up to their nightmare and may yet again turn against the Kiev government...Yes, the United States itself created this mess, as usual, and another innocent nation has been destroyed through their constant interference....I honestly cannot understand people these days... Everyone of my age must remember a time when if we came down with diseases such as "Mumps", "Measles", Rubella" etc, etc, we would not panic, and our parents would obviously do the right thing and just have us rest at home and let the disease take its proper course... But not today, thanks to the liars in the Jew spew media that are constantly harping now that these childhood ailments that never ever killed anyone have suddenly turned into "pandemics"!   The panic generated by the bullshit and spewing from our media outlets is outrageously overblown with reports everywhere about "Measles outbreaks" in cities all over the world and calls from these liars for everyone to go out and get themselves immunized ..... The real tragedy is that the so called "vaccines" that these criminals are promoting are even worse than the diseases that they are supposed to fight.... Many people are just too unaware that they are being fooled into taking mercury laced, autism causing, poisonous chemicals into their blood streams.  I for one am shocked by all the false rhetoric about these diseases, and even stunned that local and federal governments here in  Canada are calling now for "forced" vaccinations of EVERYONE....How many times must I keep repeating the same truths over and over again that vaccines absolutely do NOT work and in fact they weaken the body's natural immune system... It is also a fact that our bodies actually do need some of these diseases to occur in our systems, because exposure to these diseases actually strengthens our bodies!   And yet we find no such reports coming from our so called medical industry or even big Pharma about the facts that the best way to fight diseases such as Measles is to actually let the disease take its course...And again, I really want to know where in the hell they are getting their facts and figures about people that supposedly have "died" from these common childhood diseases?   Here it is in a nutshell again:  Vaccines do not work, period... The collapse of these diseases during these modern times is primarily due to better sanitation and hygiene, NOT from vaccines.... I will challenge anyone to show me otherwise....Yes, many of my reports over the last while have concentrated on the fraud of "vaccines" and of course the dangerous situation in Ukraine... I have not touched on the "Global Warming" fraud and the facts that what we are witnessing with the intense blizzards and cold over much of the northern hemisphere of this planet is indeed due to the decline in solar output from our Yellow Dwarf star, Sol, and in no way can be attributed to the lie of "Global Warming"... Common sense should have taken hold, especially for those living in the New England region of the United States, that we have been suckered and played as fools by the scam artists behind the Global Warming fraud.... But try as we can in trying to use common sense, we find the scam artists now trying their best to state that this intense cold weather is actually due to "Global Warming"!   It is so laughable and shows that these fools are indeed raising their bets on a "busted flush" so to speak.... It is also a fact that with the horrific failures of the "Obamacare" program in America, their own criminal President will most definitely be pushing for his newest brainchild, which will be the imposition of a "carbon tax" on the American public... That carbon taxation will be a fleecing of the American people and will be promoted through the lie of cutting "carbon emissions" to "save our planet" from the fraud of "Global Warming"... Let this be a warning to my American readers that this is definitely coming.....Must I even bother talking about the fraud called "ISIS" in this rant?   It is so laughable that there are too many gullible and basically stupid people out there that cannot even think for themselves and logically and rationally investigate the facts about ISIS, and come to the conclusion that it indeed is a scam... The criminals in both the US and their master regime in Israel must be laughing their asses off about how they have been able to push this scam on gullible people now to the point that the criminal US President himself is about to sign off on a horrific bill that will give him dictatorial powers to fight this fraud "ISIS".... The American people are about to lose what is left of their own freedoms and to see their nation finally be turned into a full police state that will wage war everywhere across the planet under the fraud of "fighting ISIS"..... This is so tragic, and yet we find absolutely no public outcry anywhere from the American citizens...Basically the fraud "war on terror" is about to escalated into a full fledged "war on everyone".... So while the American people sleepwalk again, their once free nation will now be the bully of the planet and  greatly increase the risk of full fledged nuclear war.This weekend marked one very tragic event in our human history, and one that has been purposely hidden thanks to the criminality of our Jew spew media and the lies promoted in our so called 'history books'... That is of course the genocidal "fire bombing" of the German city of Dresden on the night of February 13th-14th, 1945..... Yes, 70 years ago yesterday the criminal Allied leadership sent almost a thousand bombers to the city of Dresden loaded primarily with incendiary bombs... The city of Dresden had not been bombed yet during the second world war, due to the fact that it had absolutely nothing of military value.. There was no heavy industry, and it was not a major transportation or communication center... It was however overloaded by early 1945 with refugees trying to escape the onslaught of the Russian armies proceeding steadily westward towards Germany itself... By January 1945, it was estimated that Dresden had at least some 1/2 to 1 million refugees who at the time felt safe for the fact that Dresden had no military value.... But the insanity of the Allied leadership finally showed itself when they called for the destruction of Dresden itself and the raid was launched... The fact that it was indeed a criminal act of genocide against innocent people lies in the fact that the attack was to use "incendiary bombs" which are not high explosives, that are usually used against military targets, but are used to burn structures and to kill civilians!   Yes, this attack was an act of cold blooded calculated murder that killed some 1/4 to 1/2 million people.. None of these civilians that were burned to death were from the German army, or had any military value, period... It now appears that the whole goal of the Dresden firebombing was indeed to murder only these civilians.... And I do smell the genocidal maniacal machinations of the "tribe" in this event for the simple fact that the Dresden firebombings occurred on of all dates... Ash Wednesday, in 1945!  The timing could not have been more perfect and showed the insane "chosen ones" lust for major destruction, especially of Gentiles,  to occur on religious dates....History may still eventually show the truth about Dresden and how those insane leaders, Roosevelt and Churchill, probably ordered that act of genocide which indeed makes them both some of the greatest mass murderers in human history....Well, I guess that is enough for this rant.... I have missed out on a few other happenings around our sick planet, and I will cover some of them in this, my "last minute tidbits"..... The fraud terrorist group, Boko Harum" is back, with new reports that they have now 'spread' from Nigeria to neighboring Chad.  Yes, while so much is focused in on Ukraine, the US and Israel are having their other fraud terrorist groups stir up trouble elsewhere.  Yes, "Boko Harum" is indeed another CIA/Mossad fraud, and it is working its magic across western Africa.......And while world attention is purposely focused in on Ukraine, the criminal and psychotic state of Israel has announced that it will level some 20,000 homes in Arab controlled East Jerusalem.  When will people finally wake the hell up and realize that these psychos want all of Palestine for themselves, period.  The so called "peace talks" are nothing but a farce and delay actions while Israel seizes all the territory.  Under these circumstances there is no choice for the Palestinians other than to fight against these monsters......The Greek Syriza Government will make its decision shortly on what to do about the fraud debt that the criminal IMF has tried to impose on the Greek people.  My hope is that they do not bow down to these criminals and basically tell these bloodsuckers to take their debt and shove it up their asses.  At the same time, Greece should get the hell out of NATO and take up Russia's offer for economic assistance.  It is much better to side with Russia rather than the failings of the fraud Economic Union......That mass murdering freak, Miliewkowsky (Netanyahu) still wants to "speak" in front of the American congress critters next month, which of course will be him calling on his slaves to go out and attack Iran.  The real travesty is that the American government is so badly under control of the "tribe" that they will of course genuflect for their master "race" and give that freak even more standing ovations than the last time he spoke....... Report came out just a few days ago that shows that the United States has helped the psychos in Israel develop and build Hydrogen bombs. This is horrendous and again shows how the criminal US government has given these maniacs their insane "Samson Option" of destroying 1/2 the planet through their building of hydrogen bombs that are thousands of times more powerful than conventional Uranium/Plutonium atom bombs.  The travesty is that US law clearly states that every dollar given to Israel for the last 1/2 century is illegal under the Symington/Glenn agreements, and yet they continue to hand over billions to these lunatics......Another false flag attack in Copenhagen, Denmark, just the other day?  Probably, and I am trying to stay on top of the news.  If anything major comes out of this, I will put up an article here to show the real truth. Stay tuned...... Whitewraithe has been busy the last while with work and her grandchildren. Little time for a new "Turbulent Times" show, but we are aiming for a new episode very shortly.  I will let everyone know when that happens....Arsenal beat Leicaster City 2-1 last week, which leaves the Gunners one point out of that 4th place spot in the Premiere League and a spot in the Champions League for next year.  Top spot is basically out of reach for the Gunners now........Yes, I saw some articles that show that the criminal Israeli spy program called 'Facebook' has been promoting some immoral and grotesque "alternative lifestyles".  Lets face it, the Jewish Mossad criminal, Zuckerberg, is obviously behind this immorality, and again as I have said many times, never, ever, open a "Facebook" account.  If you have one, then close it immediately........There was a "Grammy Awards" ceremony last week?  Honestly, who cares?  Much like those other fraud "awards" ceremonies, I look upon them as pure bull crap to fill dumbed down American minds with drivel and mind numbing crap while their nation goes to hell in a hand basket... And speaking of crap, I see the major news about the Kardashians has focused around former Olympic Decathalon winner Bruce Jenner getting a sex change operation to turn him into a woman.  The guy must be a psychological mess for him to take such a drastic step.  Being around all those insane trolls, trollops, and misfits though probably did not help his mental well being as well.  But hey, America sure loves their Kardashians!More to comeNTS