Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 14th, 2016

 Sunday again... And Happy Valentine's Day to all of my readers...Yes, it is Valentine's day... The day that we are all supposed to share with our closest loved ones...... And the day that I thank my better half for putting up with me all of these years....Yes, after all these years, in spite of my wealth of knowledge and understanding, I still have not figured out the greatest mystery in the history of mankind, which is of course women.... I have always been perplexed by the female mentality and how they think... My "better half" (as I always call her) for example seems to have three gears and three major functions only.... Sleep, eat, and shop.....I realized years ago shortly after we first stated dating that my "better half" is indeed a shopper.... She goes from store to store looking for deals and bargains and constantly picks out outfits and other wear that in a lot of cases she never wears at all, or tries them on once and never likes them, and is constantly returning these articles to the stores where she purchased them from.... I tried years ago to try to get her to understand the difference between what she actually "needs" in comparison to what she "wants".... But trust me, for from my perspective it is a losing battle, for in her mind she "wants" what she sees and it does not matter if she actually "needs" it..... I would not doubt that so many of my own readers have this same problem themselves......Sometimes I do believe in the old adage that women are from Venus, and men are from Mars....  But hey, the way I look at it, women could indeed be from a planet with 900 degree temperatures and a crushing 90 BAR atmosphere with sulphuric acid for clouds, which is far worse in comparison to men coming from a smaller planet with almost zero atmosphere and where we would definitely freeze to death in no time flat..... But seriously, it is troubling how women truly do think and how their minds seem to be mostly abstract while men it seems think more linear..... I sometimes look at the difference between men's and women's minds using a computer as a comparison, and how on a computer the information is loaded as a prime example... Men's minds seem to be computer's serial loading bus port in taking in information in sequence from A-Z, while women are more like a parallel loading bus port where information is not taken in a sequential fashion but dumped in all at once....  Yes, basically men and women's minds are indeed wired quite differently, and sometimes I do wonder how we as human beings have ever been able to survive at all as a species!....But bless her heart, for my better half has been my support, my companion, and my best friend for some 22+ years now, and I do wonder how I would ever live with out her.....And of course she probably is under the same quandary in trying to figure out how she could ever live without me!OK, Onto more serious business..... Honestly, what we are seeing right now in the Middle East is the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal pushing for a major escalation in the Syrian civil war..... Basically these criminals have now lost the war for Syria, but as I have always said, these criminals are indeed very sore losers and will not admit to defeat and would rather have the entanglement escalate... Yes, right now as I type this report, the US/Israel puppet nation of Turkey is outright shelling and attacking the Syrian government forces in Syria itself, which is a direct violation of Syria's own territory and an act of war......Turkey has been for years the major supporting nation and the major supplier for the fraud ISIS forces within Syria...And now of course with the Good Guys, the Syrian government forces,  cutting off the supply lines and having the last "rebel" forces surrounded at Aleppo, the cabal is desperate and wanting to escalate the conflict and will risk World War III just to keep their dream of Syria's destruction alive.....The world is now waiting to see what Russia will do with this escalation by the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal in Syria... The Russians have long said that any actions by outside forces into Syria will be seen as an act of war.... Basically the next few days will be tantamount and we could see either the conflict in Syria escalate into a full blown conflict between the US and Russia with severe dire consequences for the entire planet... Or we could see the threat of World War III actually cause these criminals to take a step back from the precipice.... I honestly am hoping for the latter....What has puzzled me about this attempt to escalate the conflict in Syria is the role that Saudi Arabia is playing and how the Saudis are so willing to send their forces into Syria at this time considering how their war against Yemen has turned into a debacle and has exposed the Saudi military as a sham..... To many including myself I see the criminal Jewish House of Saud that has controlled the nation of Saudi Arabia for decades now showing signs of insanity in their want for war... And most definitely a new war against Syria could lead to the destruction of their own nation and the entire region in the process.....Of course the criminals in the United States government are so willing to see the conflict in Syria escalate because they see this war as the only way to prevent the economic collapse of their nation at home... Yes, these lunatics are so willing to push the world into World War III simply because they see no way else to save the American republic from its economic demise.... Yes, history has shown again and again that nations in economic hardship have solved their woes by going to war.... But this time is so much different considering how quickly a new world war would indeed escalate into a nuclear conflict with billions of people perishing in the process.....  I said in previous rants that I hope that sane people in America will be willing to take their nation into a new revolution and save themselves from these criminals if they are threatened with nuclear annihilation...Getting away from these conflicts, I again am so troubled by the ignorance of people when it comes to these criminals wanting to poison us all through their mind and body destroying vaccines.... I have been showing for years how people have been so brainwashed into the false belief that vaccination is important for proper health and to prevent diseases, and yet so few actually understand the truth that vaccines simply DO NOT WORK...... Every day, I have read more and more reports about how vaccines have been the primary method that the criminal Jewish elite has used to make us all sick, and at the same time alter our brains and destroy our immune systems..... We see reports about how vaccines have been linked to the explosion of Autism in our society and how other vaccines have done serious damage to victims, and yet all I ever see is more people so willing to line up like dumb ass sheep at the local pharmacy, roll up their sleeves, and accept these poisons into their bodies without caring about the consequences......  Honestly, are people truly that far gone now as a result of the chemicals in our diets and poisons in these vaccines that they are now nothing but brain dead zombies?It is amazing to me that when it comes to this "Zika virus" fraud epidemic that has been all over the Jew spew media these last few weeks that people are again so willing to cower in fear and wait like stupid sheep for the latest and greatest "vaccine" to be produced to "combat" this disease.... When the "brain shrinking" reports came out about a month ago and all the reports came out that it was caused by this "Zika virus", I was not fooled and immediately smelled a rat... All that anyone has to do is to use some common sense and research the Zika virus for themselves to learn that this virus has been around for decades before this outbreak in Brazil and has NEVER been linked to any "brain thinking" in newborn babies, ever... That should have immediately raised a red flag with anyone with critical thinking skills and told them that the shrinking brains in newborns had to be caused by something else... And voila, even many in Brazil itself had come to the conclusion that it was caused by the TDAP "vaccine" that was forced on pregnant women last year.... There can be no other logical conclusion other than the brain shrinking in newborn babies in Brazil is absolutely caused by the TDAP vaccine.....What has bugged me over the last week is the reports that have come out claiming that the brain shrinking in newborns has not been due to the "Zika virus" but as the reports claim has been due to the use of pesticides in Brazil itself... Honestly, I look at these "pesticide" reports as purposely misleading and being done to divert people away from the real culprit which is the vaccines themselves... I honestly hope that people are not fooled by this and for them to stay focused on the real culprit, the TDAP vaccine, and the sinister plan by the criminal Jewish elite to use vaccines to destroy the minds and bodies of their opponents to their plans for world domination....What else can be said about the migrant crisis in Europe at this time?  Lets face the facts that this immigration and migration into Europe thanks to the ridiculous open door policy of European nations has been a disaster, and that allowing these migrants to flood into nations has to stop immediately... These people have no right to be in Europe at all and every single one of them should be deported and sent back to their nations of origin....But is it now so ironic that so many of these illegal migrant workers are right now wanting to go back home because even they see no future for themselves in Europe?  It would make sense therefore that every European nation should oblige them and ship them out.....The Jewish plan to destroy Europe due to the fraud of "multiculturalism" has turned into a disaster, but it is not too late to fix the problem by again closing the borders and sending the illegals home where they belong.....  And yes, now we see reports, thankfully, of many nations in Europe actually taking those steps.....Well, how does everyone like their "Global Warming" now?  Temperatures here in central Canada over these last few weeks for example have been well below the seasonal normals, and even south of here in the American midwest, there have been record cold temperatures recorded everywhere... It is so amazing that in spite of the hard evidence that the planet is indeed cooling, the scam artists behind the Global Warming aka Climate Change fraud have had the audacity to still state that the planet is "overheating" and that the evidence of Global Warming is set in stone... Yes I am confounded by those out there that still believe the garbage put out by these criminals behind the scam and especially how our own governments have all been so easily hoodwinked by their bullshit.... It is also a fact that many of our nations, including my own Canada, have signed off on those notorious carbon credit schemes and our governments will be so willing starting this springtime to fleece their citizens out of even more money via carbon taxation..... I for one still hear people from time to time say that they are so worried about the planet suffering from "Global Warming" and all I can do is give my head a shake.. Honestly rather than worry about "Global Warming" they should be angry at our governments for allowing those Jewish shysters and fraud criminal bankers to fleece everyone out of their money via their insidious debt based monetary systems that are now causing our economies to implode....I constantly receive comments from the nuts who are so stupid to believe in the "flat earth" idea, and all I can do is laugh.... These clowns do not even use rational thinking when it comes to how this planet and every other planet in our solar system and beyond is round due to the forces of gravity...But they still try to promote the notion that they have "proof" that the world is some how flat... Well, I figure I would turn to some good old science here and show how even the ancients knew the world was indeed round... Few people have heard of the Greek named 'Eratosthenes' that discovered something very strange that happened on the day of the summer solstice.... On that day, in the city of Swenet in Egypt, now known as Aswan, the sun would be at its zenith and "directly overhead", meaning NO shadow...However, he found that at Alexandria, some distance to the north, the Sun was NOT directly overhead, which it would have to be if the world was indeed flat, and actually cast a shadow on the ground on the day of the summer solstice...... Knowing the distance between Swenet and Alexandria, he used simple geometry by measurements of the Sun's shadows at Alexandria on the day of the solstice and discovered how many degrees of ARCH there was in the angle, meaning the curvature of the Earth... He measured the arch in the curvature of the planet between Swenet and Alexandrian to be approximately 1/50th of the entire circumference of the planet...By applying that into a full 360 degrees, he found that the circumference of the ROUND Earth to be some 40000+ kilometres (The Egyptians did not use kilometres obviously, but I am using that measurement here as reference)... Yes, the correct circumference of the planet is indeed almost 40075 km at the equator, and some 40008 km around the poles due to spin flattening this planet's polar circumference.... We live on a round planet, although not perfectly a round ball.... There can be no other explanation for the findings that even the ancients knew about and it shows again the ridiculous and ludicrous stupidity of the "flat Earthers".....  Therefore again I look at these "flat earthers" as disinformation agents put into play to purposely destroy those with rational thinking across the internet...... This is also why I refuse to give them a voice here or even the time of day.....I honestly do not have much more to say in terms of the major subjects of the day in this rant... Again,  I may have left so much out there that is on everyones' minds, and hopefully I can touch on some of those subjects right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"......Lets be honest here.  I look at the US Presidential election race and all I see is a mockery of real democracy.  The New Hampshire "caucus" voting has turned into a sham and has made the Democratic Party in the US into a laughing stock.  Hillary the mass murdering freak of nature Clinton loses badly in the popular vote and yet she can claim more "delegates" through something called "super delegates"?  Really, America?  Maybe every one in America should finally wake up and see how their entire election process is pure and utter bullshit!..... And again, lets be honest here.  WHY is a mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary the psychopath Clinton, not in jail for her crimes?  Again, really, America?  Are you really that stupid and ignorant that you would actually consider that vile disgusting creature to be your next President?......Donald Drumpf (Yes, that is the real name of "Trump".  Maybe it is time for people in America to open their eyes to that truth) is still out there saying exactly what the gullible people in America want to hear.  But seriously, when will the American people wake up and see that he is nothing but a Jew butt kisser like all the rest of the American politicians........Someone asked me about "Bernie Sanders".  Heck, he also gives a great speech, but he is in the hands of Jewish power like the rest of them...... I again state that if America is looking for someone to lead their nation and to save the republic, then the American people must start to save the nation themselves and stop looking for these Jew anointed heroes.............Justin Trudeau has been leader of Canada since October of last year and I am still wondering when he will keep his promise and repeal that insidious freedom stripping Bill C51?  Over 4 months and still no action.  Yes, it appears that Justin may look good for the cameras, but he is just as controlled by the Jewish elite in this country as all his predecessors.......Jewish banking criminals want to have "negative interest rates" imposed on everyone and soon.  This is a scam with the only purpose to finally remove cash from our lives.  If cash which is the last vestige of real financial independence in anyone is removed from our lives then these monsters will definitely have control over our lives by controlling ALL of our finances......I know that I am not supposed to do reports about the "holocaust" but something did catch my eye this week. Reports are now coming out about all the newborn babies that were born to inmates at the Auschwitz labor (extermination?) camp.  Honestly, WHY would the Germans even allow babies to be born and raised in an "extermination" camp when they were all to be "gassed" anyways?  And yes, Auschwitz did have a fully functioning maternity ward.  This is another of the perplexing things about this "Holocaust" and should have more people saying "Hmmmmm...." But again, I am only Canadian and therefore muzzled from saying what I truly think about this "Holocaust"........Yes, I did watch some of the "Super Bowl" game last week, and what I saw was a snore fest.  Watching paint dry was more appealing.  And from what I witnessed, I could see the fix was on.  But honestly, isn't all "Professional" sports fixed? ........Yes, I am a soccer fan, and Arsenal just finished beating top ranked Leicester City by the score of 2-1 right now as I finish this report.   Crossing my fingers for a Gunner victory, unless the "fix" is on in this game as well..........Some people are again asking me about the status of Whitewraithe.  All I can say is that we have not communicated directly for a while and that she is still on a hiatus while she gets her life back in order.  She knows I am here and that she can call me any time she wants.......And finally I will once again close this rant with my usual look at the ridiculous and ludicrous American mind melting faction called the Kardashians.  It appears that the paparazzi and other media are going gaga over the latest Kanye West poor excuse for a "song" that takes a shot at Taylor Swift.  Honestly, WHY anyone and especially Taylor Swift has anything to do with these misfits and wastes her time with this Kanye West character is beyond me.  And what a waste of time considering how Americans should be more worried about their very nation is heading rather than the wording in a ridiculous song.  Yes, this garbage makes news while the nation is going to hell in a hand basket, and again shows the increasingly brain dead mentality of the American people.  But again, they sure love their Kardashians...More to comeNTS