Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 12th, 2017

 Yes, it is Sunday once again.. And again time for my weekly rant...Well, over the last while the numb skulls and idiots in the "Flat Earth" group have been once again trying to put up their ridiculous comments filled with slurs and insults... Mostly because of my last post where I took some serious shots at their idiotic beliefs that our planet is somehow flat and under some type of dome.... I always get a kick out of the ridiculousness and idiocy of their entire premise knowing full well being a man of science that this is indeed a very round world.....But it does worry me that these "flat earth" clowns are out there... Up until a few years ago, nobody even heard of this "flat earth society" and I do believe that they came out of the woodwork on purpose... I said many times in comment sections and forums that these flat earth clowns have been injected into the Internet and especially the 'truth movements" to indeed 'poison the well' and to introduce into everyones' thinking the idea that "conspiracy theorists" are "flat earthers".....And I must indeed point out that when anyone goes over to Youtube now and even types in "Apollo Moon hoax" in the search engine, they get a multitude of videos that came out recently and the majority of them are attributed to the "flat earth" idiots!   Therefore I again will state that this is being done purposely to make anyone that is trying to learn the truths that the Apollo Moon missions were indeed a fraud and in fact almost all of NASA's space missions were also frauds, to be misdirected into the false belief that those who see NASA's frauds are also "flat earthers"!   Therefore anyone without any critical thinking skills will indeed look at the real truth seekers as kooks and fools that 'think the world is flat'!  Being done on purpose?  You bet it is!Well, the temperatures in this part of Canada are slowly rising and after another week of brutal cold and even more of that "Al Gore illusionary" snow, it does appear that the worse of this winter is now almost over.... And again I sure would like to know where the fools that claim that this will be the "warmest year on record" get their facts... From what I see and the fact that this winter has been COLDER than the previous few, I would definitely state that we are NOT heading into any type of planetary overheating and everything is definitely pointing towards more colder and brutal winters to come as the planet heads towards a long period of intense cold due to a long solar minimum.... I however am again not sold on the idea that it will be a "new ice age" as some are now speculating... Instead we will see a period of cold followed by another upswing in temperatures as our Sun, Sol, goes into a cycle of increased solar radiation output.....OK, I honestly thought that the new Drumpf Administration was not going to be as stupid as the Trudeau regime here in Canada that wants to introduce a new tax in the form of fraud "carbon taxation" to fleece the Canadian people... BUT apparently there are some "officials" that have now approached the Drumpf cabinet with the idea of bringing in a new "carbon tax" for the American public as well....  I for one hope that Drumpf is NOT this stupid and that he sticks to his guns and does NOT fleece the American public with another tax.... The Canadian public is about to bend over and take Justin Trudeau's new carbon tax lie, but I hope the Americans can indeed see it for what it is; A massive fraud and swindle....I like everyone else had hoped that Drumpf would be different now that he is the President of the United States... He talked the talk in his campaign and got many Americans on side with his concept of "draining the swamp" and "Making America Great Again", but apparently they were indeed only words, for he is fast turning into another stooge and puppet for the Jewish power elite that still control America.... The biggest example is of course his rhetoric and sabre rattling towards the innocent nation of Iran.... Iran has absolutely abided by every part of the "nuclear deal" that was hashed out last year over their absolutely non-existent nuclear weapons program, and yet here we have Drumpf and his cabinet pushing for a war based upon that same phantom nuclear program..... And we can see exactly why, for it is the criminal Jews in America, and of course the psychotic state of Israel that absolutely wants this war to see Iran destroyed by their American puppets.... A lot of Americans voted for Drumpf out of fear that his insane opponent, Killary Clinton, was going to keep her word and have a war with Iran launched soon after she got into the White House... And here we have Drumpf himself and the loonies in his cabinet pushing hard for that same war now!  Yes, it does appear that once again America does not have their 'saviour" in the White House as they have dearly wanted, but instead have another Israeli and Jewish stooge and a war hawk to boot!Again, let me make it perfectly clear... I have neither supported or not supported Donald Drumpf at this blog... I stated clearly that there was a choice between a lunatic in the form of demon Killary Clinton or a Jew butt kisser in the form of Donald Drumpf for the Presidency of the United States... In that aspect the American people were stuck between being screwed by candidate A or candidate B, and with NO other alternative they had to make their choice... There were warning signs that Drumpf was indeed as bad as Killary from the start, especially his constant statements about how he would always have Israel's back... And the American public did choose and have been hoping and praying for a "change" in their republic...But now we see that once again, America, you are most probably being fucked!  And now with the increasing and dangerous rhetoric by Drumpf against Iran, apparently we see that indeed the Jews won again!Well, I see the war in Syria is going as expected... Drumpf comes in and talks the talk about taking the war against the fraud "terrorists", but to this point NOTHING has changed with US policies... The US government is still sending arms to their fraud CIA operatives called "ISIS" and that fraud terrorist group is still out there killing civilians and trying to tear up Syria.... And we have the US military involved illegally still in Syria itself, claiming that they are 'fighting terrorists" when in fact they are out there still sending in supplies to these fraud terrorists and launching bombing raids against Syrian infrastructure and civilian targets..... I honestly would have hoped that Drumpf, knowing full well now that these "terrorists" were indeed frauds, would have done the right thing and actually stopped these "terrorists" in their tracks by simply cutting off their money and weapons.  Cutting off the CIA money and weapons would indeed put an end to the fraud "ISIS" in no time flat!  But apparently Drumpf is talking the talk, but not willing to walk the walk.....In terms of the actual Syrian conflict, the battles are now focused in on the northern city of Al Bab, that is apparently STILL under "ISIS" control in spite of the Turks fighting from the north and the Syrian government forces coming in from the south and west, and the slow advance by the Syrian government forces in central Homs province to retake the ancient city of Palmyra....Yes, both of these "battles" have been absolutely painfully slow and the slow pace of the advances by the Syrian forces does mean that the war to clear Syria of the fraud "terrorists" will indeed continue for years to come, and cost the lives of thousands more Syrian civilians.....I sometimes wonder if this war in Syria is purposely being prolonged for some truly diabolical reason?OK, the war by the Ukrainian government forces against the breakaway Donbas republics has indeed escalated over the last week, and we do indeed see all the signs that the US puppet Poroshenko regime in Kiev is about to destroy the Minsk ceasefire agreements by launching their long awaited all out offensive against these republics..... The question is no longer IF that offensive will be launched, but WHEN... And when it does happen, it will be slaughter.. We will indeed see a repeat of just a few years back where the Ukrainian army went from village to village slaughtering innocent civilians in the process.....The question then becomes: What will Russia do when they see this act of cold blooded murder and other atrocities being carried out by the Ukrainian army against innocent civilians?  I honestly doubt it that Putin will stand idly by and after stern warnings to the Ukrainians to cease and desist, I can see the Russians having to intervene directly to save the civilians..... At that point, the liars in the Jew spew media may indeed put out false reports of it being a "Russian invasion" and we could see that war quickly escalate as the criminal US and NATO come to 'Ukraine's rescue'......There are indeed some in the real truth movement that are saying that this is exactly what the US, NATO, and even Poroshenko wants, which is to have Ukraine be the springboard for their want for a new war against Russia itself.... But to me this is insanity!Lets be honest here... I do hate being right all along about everything that I have said and reported on about the real situation at Fukushima Japan.... For the last few years, we have had almost ZERO reports coming out anywhere about how that disaster, especially the facts that it has always never been "Under control" as the liars in our governments and the Jew spew media have long tried to proclaim... In spite of the lies and the lack of information, here I was trying my best to keep everyone that reads this blog alerted to the FACT that the Fukushima disaster was still out there and still out of control.....And lo and behold, but now we have some of the major "networks" in the Jew spew liar media coming out now and saying that there is indeed "trouble" at Fukushima! What angers me is the fact that very few have been listening as I and others have been reporting the reality about Fukushima... And now after almost 6 years the north Pacific Ocean has been mostly turned into a dead zone thanks to the constant dumping of nuclear waste from the failed reactors.....And worse have been the reports that the radiation coming out of the melted cores is at its highest levels ever, and in fact much much worse than what was seen at Chernobyl......The sad part is in spite of the liars in the media finally saying something about Fukushima, NOTHING is still being done by our criminal governments to even show some concern about the situation!  I again must ask what it will take for people to finally listen and actually demand action?   The holes in the failed reactors are bad enough, but apparently our crooked governments will only give Fukushima their 'undivided attention' if the fuel rod storage facilities that are still hanging in there and right over the failed reactor cores, were to collapse.   A collapse would release a 1000 fold increase in radiation, which could indeed spell disaster for not only Japan, but the entire northern hemisphere.   Sadly, it may take this type of apocalyptic disaster before full attention is finally turned to Fukushima...Well, something shocking did happen up here in central Canada this last week that I found appalling... Few people around the world were even aware of an incident that happened almost 8.5 years ago, on July 30th, 2008, on a Greyhound bus that was traveling east towards Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada... On that bus was a young man, Tim Mclean, that was traveling home from working at a carnival in Alberta, Canada.... The bus made a scheduled stop at a small town called Erickson Manitoba, where it picked up a passenger named Vincent Li.... Li proceeded to eventually sit besides McLean for the duration of the trip to Winnipeg, and everything was fine until at around 2000hrs CDT, Li pulled out a large knife (some say it was a machete) and without any rhyme or reason, proceeded to stab the then sleeping Tim Mclean, sitting next to him, a multitude of times, killing him almost instantly.... Li then proceeded to cut off Mclean's head and with the bus stopped and other passengers clearing out of the bus in a panic, he apparently held the severed head of Mclean up for all to see and apparently even proceeded to try to eat parts of Mclean's body!  Li was eventually apprehended by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at around 130hrs the following morning on the bus, and was taken into custody...  Li eventually went to trial for this gruesome murder, but was found criminally insane claiming that he did the killings because "voices in his head " commanded him to do the act, and was remanded to a mental institution north of the city of Winnipeg, where he should have stayed for the rest of his life...However, the ridiculous nature of Canada's "justice system" showed its stupidity with this horrible incident.. For almost 5 years ago, Li, was granted 'passes' out of the psych ward and slowly was given more and more allowances for both supervised and unsupervised "passes" away from the hospital and into the general public... And now, just two days ago, this psychotic individual, now under the name of "William Baker" has been granted an absolute discharge from the psychiatric hospital and is basically a free man!  He will not be supervised, or even required to take any medication at all from this day forward!OK, I do hate to bring this matter into this rant, but I for one am appalled by this horrible failing of the ridiculous "Canadian Justice System"... And I am not alone, for Greencrow ( is also up in arms about this travesty.... I cannot even imagine how the family of Tim Mclean must feel now, knowing that the man who brutally murdered their son is now a free man less than 9 years after his insane murder!  The real tragedy is that this freak is now free to walk the streets, and in spite of all the "reassurances" from psychiatric "experts" that "Baker" is now "cured", there is NO way of knowing if this lunatic will not kill again.....Again, as a Canadian, I am truly appalled and now see how truly useless our justice system truly is....Well, there you have it.. A lot of different perspectives and thoughts this time in this rant.... Again, there has been so much that has indeed happened over the last week that I have not touched on fully so far, and hopefully I can cover a few of those here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits".......I see that Drumpf has now foregone his idea of "two Chinas" and has backed down from his support for Taiwan independent of China.  That may seem logical for the US considering their massive trade with China, but to me the solution is obvious in that the people of Taiwan should absolutely be allowed to choose their own future, and if they want to stay separate from China, then so be it!........I saw more reports this last week that show clearly that none other than Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, has been the financier behind every single "protest march" and "riot" that we have seen across America over the last while.  No shock here at all, and again I must ask WHY in the hell this most evil creature is not rotting away in a prison cell for his incessant crimes against humanity?...........A shocking report came out recently in the United States that shows that the US has spent some 6 TRILLION dollars for their never ending wars in the Middle East.   Yes, wars for Israel have indeed been bleeding the US to death, and here we have the Drumpf administration willing to once again go to war for their Jewish masters against Iran.  I again must ask when the hell the American public will finally wake the fuck up and put an end to this madness?.........Well, lo and behold, but Drumpf's son in law, Jared Kushner's own father is one of the major bankrollers for radical Jewish settlers in their illegal occupation of the West Bank!  OK, WHY am I not shocked at all by this report?....... And now that Israel has formally "legalized" their illegal West Bank settlements, we find the criminal Israelis wanting to go one step further and destroy any hopes of a "two state solution".  I always knew this was coming, for I have long said that these monsters do NOT want the Palestinians in Palestine, period.......A Yale University study in the United States came out that absolutely links the usage of criminal vaccines to brain disorders.  No shock here again, as the criminals have been loading their vaccines with a multitude of deadly chemicals such as Mercury, and even Aluminum.   I again must ask why anyone with even 1/2 a brain is willing to go out and take a vaccine into their bodies?........I see the war in Yemen is going on as usual, with the Saudis still massacring innocent Yemeni civilians in the process.  And again, kudos to the Houthis for that missile attack on the Saudi capitol last week, for it shows their ingenuity and their guts!.........Reports this last week about the largest earthen dam in California, at Lake Oroville is about to either burst or overflow, and possibly do serious damage to the valley and area below the dam itself.  There are some reports that stipulate this disaster was caused by years of neglect to the dam itself, and according to at least one researcher, Jim Stone, could have been averted if proper maintenance was done.  I will be following this closely and cross my fingers that a major disaster in California does not happen......A major explosion occurred last week at a nuclear power station in France and the liars in the media are saying this is not an issue and everything is "under control"?  Knowing what I know about nuclear power plants, and especially what happened at Fukushima, if I was living in France, I would absolutely be concerned.........Well, finally the Gunners righted their ship yesterday with a victory over Hull City by the score of 2-0 in Premier League action.   The best the Gunners can hope for now, IMHO, is to stay in the hunt for a Champions League spot, for the top of the table is now out of the question..........OK, I did watch last week's Super Bowl game, and yes I cannot understand how a team can possibly blow a 25 point lead the way the Falcons did.  Was the game "fixed" as many speculate?  Well, knowing that most pro sports are indeed fixed at times, it is a possibility!...........And finally, believe it or not it has been a quiet week on the "Kardashian front" with little to report on my favourite family of misfits, sluts, skanks, and trollops.  I again am looking for a better target now after going after these idiots for the three plus years of writing these rants, and am open for suggestions.  There MUST be someone better than these trolls to report on somewhere in America, right?More to comeNTS