Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 8th, 2013

It is indeed Sunday again, and I am just sitting down to do my usual rant... Also trying to stay warm on this extremely cold morning in central Canada..Gosh, darn this Global Warming... What we are experiencing right now in both the Canadian and the American west with these unusual extremely cold conditions should put that scam completely out of its misery once and for all time... Right here we are seeing the COLDEST beginning to December since they actually started recording temperatures and conditions here back in the late 19th century.   Temperatures here have dipped overnight to a very unseasonably cold -30C ( -22F for you old Fahrenheit users...) with wind chill values (what the temperature feels like when you factor in wind effect on skin) of -44C (-47F)... The local radio stations have even issued extreme temperature and wind chill alerts for the next few days, with no end to this cold weather in sight.....I am truly shocked that ANYONE with any common sense still believes in this "Global Warming" scam.  Must I repeat it again that it is a con that would have made criminals like the great Al Gore filthy rich by bleeding billions of dollars out of suckers?  I did see where the scam artists behind this fraud met yet again to hammer out some policies in getting their sick criminal agenda going again.  However, this time more and more nations were no longer fooled, and any resolutions were met with much opposition, and the meetings adjourned with no concrete plans in getting the scam implemented.   Thank goodness most people are no longer fooled, but I can guarantee the criminals will not stop trying!I have again come under a lot of attack for my stance on the Sandy Hook Hoax, especially my long standing contention that NOBODY died in that operation.   Well, just this week the long awaited Sandy Hook emergency 9-11 calls were released, and from what I can make of the calls, they leave even more questions than answers.... Someone did send me an email saying that one of the tapes had a voice in the background that stated "Sandy Hook is a hoax", but I have listened to that section again and again, and yes there is a voice, but to me I cannot make out the "Sandy Hook is a hoax" part at all... That is up to conjecture, and I again leave it to others to show definitive proof..... I have also been puzzled by the lack of children screaming in the background in any of the tapes.   In spite of the efforts to try to keep children quiet so as to not alert the "gunman" to their presence, with all the "shooting and dying" that would have been going on, human nature would have dictated that many would have still been subject to hysteria, and therefore screaming to high heaven!.  But we hear nothing of the sort.... Then there is the lack of the sound of sirens from the emergency, police, and fire vehicles, approaching the "school". We hear nothing, while these sirens should have been wailing very loudly in the background!....To me, all this and more explains why these criminals have waited so long in getting these tapes released.  The criminals behind this operation hope by this point that the release of the emergency 9-11 call tapes will not cause any uproar and not change any more American minds that have been subjected to almost a year of brainwashing......Yes, I have received the usual criticisms for sticking to my guns, and again the critics continue to scream about how I and others could ever believe Sandy Hook to be a fraud.   Some have said that what I and others are doing is an insult to the "families" that have suffered from the deaths of "loved ones" from this tragedy... I would have sympathy for these families, if they were actually real and if children actually died in this "tragedy" but again I have found little proof to show that anyone actually did die there!   Everything from the phony actors getting into character for the made for television production, through the lack of grieving and very suspect funerals, to now the very strange 9-11 calls, makes this look more and more like nothing more than a criminal operation to scare the American public into accepting more draconian laws, especially gun control legislations!   I have challenged many of the critics to come forward and actually debate the issue here rather than just come in and comment with their usual insults and slurs.... There have been few takers.....On to other subjects... Yes, I did see this last week where the Chinese government has announced their plans to send robotic probes and then actual humans to the moon.   Good luck to that, considering that the Chinese are now following closely behind the Americans in faking their entire space program... People must remember the infamous Chinese spacewalk in low Earth orbit from 2008, where evidence in the form of actual bubbles of air floating mysteriously away from the Chinese Astronauts shows clearly that they were NOT in low Earth orbit, but were actually in a very large water tank safely on Earth itself.... The idea of sending robotic missions to the moon are feasible, but sending men?  Unless the Chinese have suddenly solved the radiation problem associated with both the Van Allen belts as well as radiation in the space between the Earth and the Moon, good luck to that... I would expect better from the Chinese, but it does look like they are about to embark on the same level of deception that NASA has been doing on the United States since the 1960's.Do I really have to go over it again that the criminal organization called NASA has been conning the entire world since the 1960's with their fake missions to both the moon and Mars (and possibly elsewhere)?....I have spent the last 30+ years alone tearing Project Apollo apart along with many colleagues.  To me, it is shocking about how easily people have been duped and brainwashed into believing that man actually walked on the moon.  I could go into great detail here about the technological impossibilities, especially considering that the 1960's are primitive compared to today's technology, but that could take an entire rant if not more in just talking about details.   Lets just safely say that NASA conned the world, and even today they do not have the technology or the know-how of putting men safely on the moon and safely returning them to Earth.The real criticisms that I have received over the last while are not for my statements about the fraud of Project Apollo, but on my statements that the fraud goes even further, with NASA definitely faking much of the Mars missions as well..... I do laugh when I look back at NASA's great "missions to Mars" especially the Viking 1976-1977 missions that landed two probes on the Martian surface... I have gone into some great detail in previous articles to show how those missions were a fraud, considering the most fundamental part that landing these Viking probes on Mars using parachutes was impossible... I am still waiting for someone to explain how any parachutes could deploy on Mars in a 0.004 BAR atmospheric surface pressure.   Any takers on that?   Without these parachutes to slow the Viking landers, these probes would have hit the Martian surface at several thousand kilometers per hour and therefore broken up on impact! (Gee.. I do wonder if this is why the Soviet Mars probes failed miserably?)....I am therefore left with only one conclusion about Viking... It was done as a propaganda stunt for both the American Bicentennial celebration, and to boost confidence in the nation shortly after the Vietnam war fiasco..... Viking on Mars was bad enough, but NASA has the gall to try to promote their latest Curiosity probe on Mars which was still "landed" using both parachutes (?) as well as that mysterious and yet so technologically advanced "skycrane" that nobody has ever seen or heard of since.... I have long said that NASA needs these fake missions periodically just to boost their image and to get much needed government funding.   And people wonder why I call NASA "Never A Straight Answer" when it comes to their miraculous "space missions".I am still not sold on the agreements reached between the P5+1 nations and the peaceful nation of Iran about their non-existent "nuclear weapons" program... We find more and more how the Jewish butt kissing members of the US Congress are working at pleasing their Jewish masters by trying to railroad and circumvent these agreements.  I am shocked that anyone still actually thinks that any solid and mutual agreement will ever be reached considering how much the psychotic and terrorist state of Israel wants nothing short of war with Iran.  The psychos in Israel even have their fellow Jews who control Saudi Arabia working together in drawing up plans for the aerial assault on Iran's nuclear power facilities.... I will state it here that Israel and Saudi Arabia may indeed launch a strike as early as the beginning of 2014, and once the Iranians retaliate, they will come screaming to their American lackeys to take up the fighting for them.  And of course the American government will please their Jewish masters by declaring war on Iran and sending young men and women to go and fight for the glory of Israel.   This again shows that the sickness known as Israel has no bounds,and all they want is war for both expansion of that sick and twisted Jewish state and for total hegemony over the entire Middle East.....Just the other day, I spoke for over an hour with my good friend, Whitewraithe, about a wide assortment of subjects... She came under fire this last week for her stance (and mine) that Jews absolutely cannot be trusted.  There has been one individual in particular that went and called Wraithe the usual "racist" bullcrap, and called her Pragmatic Witness site one of pure hatred.   Wraithe contacted said individual and after much back and forth exchange of information, finally has shown this person the error of his ways, and he is now starting to learn the bitter truth about Jews and their evil push for world dominion... Wraithe and I both crossed that "rubicon" a long time ago, and we know that it is a learning curve for anyone to first be told and then slowly be exposed to the truth about our world.... There are so many people out there that have been so heavily brainwashed over the years and in most cases cannot be reached.  I look at them as the hopeless cases and even I will not bother trying to reach them.... It seems that the only ones that can be reached are those who actually do have a bit of critical thinking and are open to rational reasoning.... To them, I want to say thank you for understanding, and both helping us in our efforts and going out and trying to reach others as well!Yes, Christmas is fast approaching, and I sure hope that everyone has broken free of the Jewish push to ruin Christmas by going into any establishment and wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas"... I sure have, and I have received many shocking stares and peculiar stares for doing so!.... I am truly sickened by the Jewish efforts to destroy Christmas by the removal everywhere of anything that shows its true meaning... I have gone into local shopping malls here, and there seems to be less and less signs of this festive season.  Many stores now are forced by their head offices to not put up anything associated with Christmas, and the employees are banned from even saying "Merry Christmas"... They have instead been told (in some cases forcibly) to say instead "Happy Holidays"..... And yes, we already know about how cities have been forced to remove Christmas trees from their city halls and have them replaced with un-godly and most evil "Menorahs"..... I say to everyone to put a stop to this madness, put up as much Christmas decorating that you can, and say "Merry Christmas" everywhere you go... The criminal Jewish efforts to destroy this important celebration must be halted immediately!Well.. That seems to be enough for right now... I will close this rant with my usual (and sometimes unusual) last minute tidbits......Has anyone noticed that while world attention focuses elsewhere, the French have now sent forces into the Central Africa Republic to supposedly stop "insurgency" there?  Another nation to be conquered for nothing more than resources!......Still no definitive answer as to why the Americans are refusing to answer the German demand for their gold bullion?  The answer is obvious.  The United States has NO gold bullion to give to the Germans, and anyone else for that matter, period.  Shows again that what I have said about how there is absolutely NO gold bullion in the United States at all is absolutely true and quite disturbing......The situation in Gaza is getting worse by the day with the entire strip soon to become a humanitarian nightmare with people dying from starvation and disease.  Gee, is this not exactly what the psychos in Israel have long wanted?  Turning Gaza into a massive extermination camp!......TEPCO officials are NOW stating that they will begin dumping radioactive water from the failed Fukushima facility directly into the Pacific Ocean.  When the heck will people finally realize that they have been doing this all along and ever since the original nuclear disaster of March 2011?.......And WHY is there little reporting of the sudden massing of marine life very close to the American and Canadian west coasts of the Pacific Ocean?  It seems to me that these marine life are not stupid are massing close to these shores to get AWAY from something they have detected in the waters of the Pacific Ocean itself.  Fukushima radiation perhaps?.......I see that Arsenal continues to roll along in British Premier League soccer (football) and sits nicely at the "top of the table".   Way to go Gunners.  The real tests for this first place team are fast approaching though, with games against Chelsea, and Manchester City.......And finally, what everyone has been waiting for, my weekly shots at America's sweethearts, the fabulous Kardashian skanks and trollops!   I hope that everyone has taken a good look at their great "Christmas Card".  Like I said, NOTHING says Christmas like a Kardashian Christmas card!   This "card" is an insult to everyones' intelligence as far as I am concerned, and shows how America desperately needs to wake the hell up and stop their admiration of these horrible misfits.   But is it too late now, considering that the economic collapse is in full swing and too many Americans have been zombified thanks to chemicals and the great "Electric Jew" aka.. Talmudvision?   I surely hope not....More to comeNTS