Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 4th, 2016

 Yes, it is Sunday again... And that means that I am once again going to spew out my thoughts about what I see happening in our sick world for the last week...And yes, I am indeed finally over what the heck hit me earlier this week.... As most readers are aware, I have a long history of having bouts of sinusitis thanks primarily to my horrific sinuses that I inherited from my mother.... But luckily over the last few years, I have been able to avoid serious sinus infections and any illnesses linked to my sinuses....But what hit me last week was NOT another sinus infection at all, but most probably full blown Influenza... And yes, it hit me like a ton of bricks and left me laid up for several days... I honestly would not wish what I had on anyone, and thankfully it has finally passed....OK, is it just me, or am I about as sick as everyone else in regards to what the heck that "Green Party" clown that ran for the US Presidency in the last election, JEWESS Jill Stein, is trying to pull in trying to ruin Donald Drumpf's victory earlier last month?    This sick freak has now accumulated some 9 million dollars in near record time and has had the gall to launch several recounts in some key US states that include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania..... What she is basically trying to do is to tie down the Electoral College in these states so that somehow her fellow JEWESS, Killary Clinton, can sneak through the back door and be anointed as Queen of America....Well, in spite of some trickery and some obvious manipulation of votes, it appears that Jew Jill has failed in her attempt to get her fellow Jew on the American throne... Hillary has already (supposedly) lost the recount in Pennsylvania even though she tried to throw some extra 22000 votes that miraculously appeared over the last week in her favour.... And with Pennsylvania ready to join other states' electoral college and vote this coming week to have Donald Drumpf as President, it is indeed hopefully over for Killary and her evil machinations to rule over the American people....BUT I do recommend that everyone, especially those living in Pennsylvania, to do their due diligence and make sure that there is no more forging of fake votes for this witch...Yes, Donald Drumpf is now definitely going to be the next US President.... And many so called Liberals are crying in their spilt milk that they have lost.... I look at these idiots as badly as other rejects and tell them to get over it, and get a life... However, apparently the so called Liberals are not done yet, for I have been indeed reading like everyone else about sites across the Internet wanting to see Donald assassinated before he can get into the Oval Office in January... And on top of that, we find Donald going out right now on a state to state victory parade to thank the voters for making him the next President... I would definitely want to make sure that his body guards are near by and that Donald keep some kevlar nearby!OK, in my mid week "mini rant" I did say that if Killary stole the election, that the only hope for America will be a revolution... Several commentators took offence to that and some said that neither Killary or Donald are good for America, and that a revolution should have happened decades ago... This is true... But the facts are that with Killary America would have been a step away from world war III, and with Donald even though he is most definitely a Jew butt kisser,  World War III can be avoided... The facts are that neither candidate are any good for America, as the Jews win with either the Democrats or the Republicans in the White House.... But again, I have a question for those who have their reservations about Drumpf... What other choice was there?.... With Killary, or to not vote, would have allowed that witch to possibly steal the White House and have America on a permanent war footing on the road to ruination.. At least with Donald that is hopefully averted.... Basically a bit of hope is better than no hope at all....OK, enough of the ridiculous American Presidential selection process..... I continue to watch the war in Syria and especially the fight to recapture eastern Aleppo..... And of course the Jew spew media is out there trying to paint the Syrian army's recapture and liberation of that territory stolen by US bought and paid for murderous mercenaries as some type of "conquest".... Lets get the facts straight here.. The US operatives and mercenaries marched into eastern Aleppo back in 2012 as part of the US plans for the conquest of all of Syria... Since that time the hundreds of thousands of civilians that have been stuck there have had to endure hell on earth as these mercenaries tortured and killed many of them at their whim.... The civilians of eastern Aleppo have long yearned for the day that the Syrian army would come in and throw the bastards out and the time for their deliverance from that scourge is now at hand.... Therefore this is indeed not a "conquest" but a rightful liberation of a city that has always been Syrian and for the Syrian people.... The Jew spew media can be damned for their lies that they are trying to push on the gullible people, for the truth is of course otherwise...And yes, the recent reports clearly show that the liberation of all of Aleppo is now at hand...The pocket of resistance in the eastern part of the city is shrinking daily and the so called "rebels" are indeed almost out of both ammunition and even food supplies.....With the reports now out showing that what is left of the resistance in the city is now negotiating their surrender, the liberation will occur most probably sometime this coming week... When that does, I will indeed have a full report here and will definitely congratulate the people of Syria for this great victory over evil!   The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal will have finally been soundly defeated, and one of the so called "7 nations to be conquered in 5 years" by the United States on behalf of the criminal state of Israel will have fought back and stopped that sick dream in its tracks.....At the beginning of last week, we all heard about Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey making the boastful and ridiculous statement that Turkey had "invaded" Syria to "overthrow Assad".   Apparently this buffoon made that statement out of pure hot air, for just in the last few days thanks to the Russians challenging him on his statement forced him to now back down from his remark.... Yes, Erdogan was indeed being an idiot, for to try to overthrow Assad would have put his nation, Turkey, directly in the bullseye of the mighty Russian Federation, and he had no choice but to withdraw his statement..... BUT there is still the issue of Turkish forces in northern Syria to contend with, and of course the risk that these forces can indeed come into direct conflict with the Syrian government forces themselves.....We will see over the next while whether Erdogan is indeed wanting cooperation or open war with both Syria and Russia....As I said before, I am sick and tired of all this "Fake News" crap that the Jew spew media continues to throw at the gullible American people as being the REAL news, aka, the Alternative media.... The facts are that these liars in the so called MSM got caught by everyone in America for their constant lies throughout the last US election campaign and they were shown to be nothing more than shills for the Clinton crime family and especially the ultimate evil, Killary Clinton, herself.... Now with their tails between their legs, they are constantly trying out of sheer desperation and madness to label the alternative media that has always tried to convey the real truths as being "fake news".... All this is is the vain attempt by the Jewish criminals that have long controlled the US and world wide media outlets to regain their control over the minds of the people... But this time a more aware general public is finally onto the antics of these criminals and have switched off the Jew spew media to the point now that they get fewer viewers than the Weather Channels!.... The people have indeed spoken, and they know that the "fake news" is the Jew spew media itself, and have indeed switched them off to the point now that they should just go away and die!  I for one am proud to be part of the so called  "alternative media" and have no qualms in getting the truth out for I have nothing to gain by lying....OK, what the hell is the Ukrainian junta in Kiev trying to do by having 'war games' including "missile tests" near the Crimean peninsula that is indeed Russian territory?   It was amazing that these US controlled puppets had the gall to announce last week that they would be conducting these war games and missile tests directly over parts of the Black Sea that was indeed Russian territory... It seemed that from their own idiocy they were indeed risking a full blown confrontation with Russian forces that could have indeed escalated into a full blown war between Ukraine and Russia... Such madness could have further escalated into World War III..... Luckily and apparently at the last minute the Ukrainian government modified their maneuvers and testing in the Black Sea to make sure their forces did not touch or fly over Russian territory.....  And yet, we found the Jew spew media falsely reporting that it was the Russians doing this provocation and not the Ukrainians... And of course the liars in the MSM went further by again lying about Crimea itself claiming that Russia had "annexed" the territory ILLEGALLY!   I do wonder if these liars even remember when the Crimean people voted in a free and fair referendum over two years ago to leave Ukraine legally and eventually join the Russian Federation?   But again, these liars do hope that everyone does have short attention spans and will continue to harp lies every chance they get..Well, I guess that is enough for the major news of last week.... Again, with so much happening all around our sick world, there is so much that I have not even scratched the surface on... Hopefully I can cover much of what I have missed so far in my usual "last minute tidbits".....First, I have seen many reports of US citizens that have had enough of the sickness of their own government and have requested to apply for Russian citizenship and passports.  Honestly, knowing how corrupt and criminal the US government has been as the prime example, would you blame them?.........I have seen some strange reports about how President Soetoro has now basically opened the floodgates to illegal immigrants coming into America via the Mexican border.  I do wonder if this is part of that twisted freak of nature's plans to make Donald Drumpf's first term as the next President a living hell in having to deal with an out of control illegal immigrant situation?....... The problems in North Dakota with the Aboriginal people fighting to prevent a pipeline being built across their sacred land continues.  I again do fully side with these people, for what is happening here is basically corporate greed and selfishness at its worse, and the people's rights to their own land being subverted.  It also shows how the US government no longer bows to the will of the people but to corporations first and foremost.  We will see what happens soon when Donald Drumpf becomes the next President, but I doubt if there will be any immediate changes due to Drumpf himself being a corporate businessman.....The illegal migrant troubles in Europe continue unabated, and reports are now showing that Sweden has basically now been lost to the Swedish people themselves.   I hope this is a warning for all Europe and even here in North America that if we do not do something immediately to stop this madness, we will lose our nations and our ow national identities.  My solution remains to take these scum and send them back to where they came from!.......I saw reports this last week that the US government has now delivered some 17 more F35 fighter  planes to Israel, and the Israelis are heralding this as great for their airforce.  I honestly hope these scumbags use these flying POS aircraft and the Arab airforces rightfully blow these hunks of junk out of the sky...........The "battle for Mosul" continues and I am still waiting for anyone to show me that this is not a fraud and a pure piece of propaganda bullshit.  Again, I must ask how a rag tag force of several thousand "jihadists" were able to conquer a city of 1.8 million in the first place and maintain and control that city for the last 3-4 years?  I am still waiting.......I saw a report last week that showed definitive proof that the "daughters" of both Barry and Michael Soetoro are absolutely not their own, but were indeed adopted.  No surprise here, for of course Michelle is really Michael LeVaughn Robinson who had a sex change operation back in 1983, and Barry is of course queer as a steer.  Yes, America, you did indeed have a queer and tranny in the White House for the last 8 years.......It is now Christmas time, and I again am at war with the salespeople at the local mall with their ridiculous refusal to even use the word Christmas.  It is NOT "festive season" or "happy holidays", but CHRISTMAS.  I also am getting the usual weird looks from some when I say "Merry Christmas", and guess what?  I do not give a damn what they think!..........I got a bit of flak from some readers about my last week rant's attack on the Canadian Football League being a 'bush league'.  Well, too bad, for I call it what it is, and in spite of what turned out to be a good "Grey Cup" game last week, the organization is absolutely still a great big joke!........ Arsenal won a huge game against West Ham United yesterday, clobbering them by the score of 5-1.  But they are still looking up at the Chelsea Blues at the top of the table, and some key games still to come this month at least.  At least for the moment the Gunners look good and are indeed contenders for the title.........Whitewraithe finally got back to me over the last while, and she is doing a lot better than she has over the last few months.  I said that she can have her site back any time she wants as it is indeed hers.   Hopefully we will all finally see her back in action soon...... And finally, I see that the world of the Kardashians has taken a strange turn with the weird antics of Kanye West over the last few weeks.  Supposedly Kanye has had some "psychotic" breakdowns recently and it appears that the marriage between him and trollop Kim is in tatters.  But honestly, does not all of these fraud "Hollywood" marriages always seem to fall apart eventually?  And being associated with skanks and idiots such as the Kardashians would honestly eventually make anyone insane!  I am surprised that Kanye actually did last this long....More to comeNTS