Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 31st, 2017

Sunday... Last Sunday of 2017, And as usual, time once again for my weekly rant..First, I do want to wish everyone a "Happy New Year".... The year 2018 will indeed be most interesting, and honestly I am deeply troubled by what the world is looking like at the close of 2017 and what will probably happen in this upcoming year.... I am usually not one for predictions, but what the heck... I have had some people over the last week ask me to put up an article about what I see happening in our sick world over the upcoming year, and I will oblige here with my own "14 points" of what I see in 2018:First, I can see the US escalating the war in Syria by continuing to lie to the world and pour in a vast multitude of weaponry for their so called "Kurdish allies".  They are hell bent on making sure that the north eastern section of that nation never be returned to the Damascus government, and will defy the world and especially the Russians by allowing the formation of a "breakaway republic" with both theirs and Israel's military support, and then claim that "new republic" to be the rightful government in Syria as well.... It will only add to the chaos in the region and possibly further escalate the already bloody Syrian war into a full scale regional war...Second: The Idlib provincial pocket of resistance against the Syrian government forces and their Russian/Arabic allies will collapse, and that entire area will be returned to Syrian government control by mid 2018.  And with that the other pockets on the western side of the Euphrates will also fall like dominoes, leaving the US illegally controlled bases at Al Tanf to contend with.....I predict that the US will not withdraw from that Al Tanf position, for they still believe it will be used as a launching point for trying to overthrow the Assad government by force as well as a staging area for their fraudulent "terrorist groups" attacks against the Damascus government...Third: The US will continue to lie to the world in 2018 that they are in Syria to fight "ISIS".. But I predict that unless they can get a new false flag going to blame on Assad, the entire world (other than the brainwashed American citizens of course..) will finally wake up to the reality that "ISIS" is and always has been a massive fraud and is the US itself, and that the US is in Syria for nothing more than regime change!   With that, many other nations will finally no longer support the US debacle in Syria and FINALLY stop their own military and diplomatic support for the "overthrow of Assad"....Fourth: There will NOT be a new Korean War in 2018, which I have already stated can not happen unless the US is now willing to go to war against China as well.... The "North Korean threat" has and will continue to be bogus, while the US continues to pour in massive amounts of military hardware into the region with the primary objective being not North Korea, but China.... Business for the military industrial complex with the sales of American weapons to nations such as Japan and South Korea will continue for the near future....Fifth: With the sale of "defensive weapons" to the US puppet regime in Kiev, Ukraine, the stalemate in the war between the Kiev government forces and the eastern breakaway republics in the Donbas will be broken shortly with the Ukrainian military launching new attacks on the civilians there using these same "US defensive weapons"..... It will be a bloodbath, and we will see what the Russians will do to stop the massacre.... War with Russia anyone?Sixth: The criminal Israelis will not only ignore the world and not give up their seizure of Jerusalem, but will accelerate their illegal settlement building in the occupied West Bank as well.... There will of course be continuing calls for new "peace plans" in Palestine, but they will be as bogus as all of the previous "peace plans", with the Israelis using them as stalling tactics while they continue to gobble up what is left of Palestine.....Basically there will be NO peace in Palestine, this coming year or in any subsequent year, unless the world wakes the hell up to the reality of the sickness of Israel and their sick desire to want it all...Seventh:  The present US/Israeli attempt for "regime change" in Iran by launching these "protests" that we are now seeing in major Iranian cities will fail.... The US/Israel will of course try to sell to the world the Iranian government's arrest and cracking down on these obvious US/Israeli agents as "Tehran slaughtering civilians" via the Jewish control of the media, and a lot of people will fall for the bullshit.... However, I will predict that Iran will survive at least this upcoming year any danger from the US/Israel/NATO cabal and will draw even closer militarily and economically with Russia and China... There will be no military "attack" by the US/Israel against Iran, due to the danger of escalation of a full scale global war against Russia and China as well.... Eighth: The war in Yemen will continue well into 2018 and probably beyond....And I will predict that we will indeed see millions of people dying this upcoming year thanks to the genocide of the US/Saudi forces through imposed starvation.  I also predict that there will be some "outcry" from all of those deaths, but very little will be done to change the outcome....  The Saudis are indeed hell bent on winning in Yemen and at all costs, even if it means killing millions of innocent people in the process....Ninth: The world economies will not collapse, at least for the upcoming year... The Jewish elite are still busy getting everything in place for their total control if and when they decide to pull the plug on the world economies, and will continue to fleece the world's people out of their assets in the meantime... Greed matters to these bastards and they are possibly enjoying the way that they are playing around with nations and are therefore not willing to pull the plug just yet.....However, we will probably see more of those "economic bubbles" burst (as by design by these same Jewish elitists) and we will probably see another of those "bail outs" occur to keep some economies artificially floating.... However, there will be a massive "correction" coming in the US "casino" aka "Stock Exchange" coming, and I will predict that it could be within the first half of this upcoming year that could cause a lot of upheaval in the US itself.... But remember again that this is all part of the Jewish plans for world wide economic upheaval as they work towards their ultimate goal of world domination...Tenth: I predict more of those fraudulent "mass shootings" across America for 2018.... Yes, the criminals in charge as well as their compliant Jew spew media are still wanting to scare the American people out of their means of defence against evil, meaning their guns and other weapons, and will continue with their fear propaganda until they get their way.... But will the American sheep finally wake up and realize that these shootings are almost always frauds?  Doubt it, for by now too many Americans have indeed swallowed the "Kool-aid" and are too brainwashed and far gone....Eleventh:  US President Drumpf will not be assassinated or forced out of office in 2018.... But he will continue to disappoint all Americans by failing to live up to his "promises" and instead continue to kiss Jewish hind parts.....Twelfth: Any chance of seeing Hillary "Killary" Clinton be charged and thrown into jail in 2018 will not happen simply because that witch knows too much.... That creature knows who else in the US government is just as evil as she is, and therefore will continue to use that as a form of blackmail against other US government officials... Basically, if Killary is ever charged with anything, then she will spill the beans and the entire US government could come crashing down.....Therefore other members of the US government, and the compliant liars in the Jew spew media,  will continue to make sure she continues to walk free just to save their own asses...Thirteenth: The fraudsters behind the "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" fraud will call this upcoming 2018 the "hottest year on record" just like they have lied about every single "hottest year on record" in the past... And in spite of the fact that this winter of 2017-2018 will in fact be one of the coldest winters ever, the slime balls in the Justin Trudeau regime here in Canada will ram through their fraud "carbon tax" swindle on the Canadian people and every Canadian will suffer from that fleecing starting in 2018...... I can see more and more people waking up to the reality that Global Warming is a massive swindle, but most of our governments are already falling in line and supporting the lie simply because they can see "carbon taxation" as a massive cash cow to line their own pockets...Fourteenth: Bloggers such as myself will continue to come under fire in 2018, and I will predict that Northerntruthseeker will probably be shut down by my "violation" of their "standards and codes of conduct" very soon....   This is all part of the suppression of real "freedom of speech" and of course the Jewish want to take full control of one of the last bastions of real truth in our world, aka the Internet.....  Unless more people do take a stand and push back against the suppression of freedom of speech, most of what we all see via the Internet and especially alternative news and real truth seeking sites will disappear and soon....Well, there you have it... My 14 points aka predictions for this year... I may have left out a lot of other details and of course other possible predictions, but those are the ones that first crossed my mind while typing this rant.   If anyone has anything to add or finds contention with my points, the comment section is open at all times....I finally came down with a bit of a head cold these last few days, but apparently I dodged that major bout of "flu" that I told everyone earlier this week has afflicted other members of my family...  Apparently this time around, my taking in more Vitamin C and Vitamin D has paid off and presently I am on the road to feeling so much better... But in the meantime with this being New Year's Eve, I have to get down to doing some more home cooked meals for my family, and therefore I will cut any further main articles in this rant short... I again want everyone to have a safe and happy New Year....Well, here are my usual last minute tidbits to close this rant........I saw a most interesting article where supposedly (and I was not aware of this..) but 'transgender' freaks of nature are going to be allowed to compete in the upcoming Winter Olympic games this February and will NOT have to be "tested" to verify their genders.  This is to me an abomination, simply because the real athletes that will be affected are of course the real female athletes.  It is absolutely unfair and basically may finally destroy the entire Olympics all together.......A new report came forward just the other day where the Syrian government forces once again have stated that the US has once again been caught transporting their fraud "ISIS" forces out of Deir ez-Zor province to safety on the northeastern side of the Euphrates River.  Yes, this once again should show the entire world exactly WHO runs and controls this ridiculous "terrorist group".......Russia has apparently sent a ship loaded with liquified natural gas to the UK to prevent the British citizens from freezing to death due to their own bout of "global warming".  Yes, the Russians have indeed come to the rescue of the British by doing this great service, and I wonder what the criminals in the US government have to say for themselves for not offering any help to the Brits?...........NOW some so called "scientists" have changed their tune and are now predicting that the world is entering a "new ice age" instead of "overheating".  I have to laugh at these idiots, for what we are witnessing is not a new 'ice age" but Sol going quiet as it enters a "solar minimum".  There will be NO new "ice age" but instead it will get cold across the planet for the next decade at least.......... I see that my former colleague Whitewraithe has endured the "wrath" of the criminals behind Wordpress (almost as bad as the bastards running Google Blogger), and had her Pragmatic Witness archive site "shut down" temporarily last week in the same manner that this site was shut down two weeks ago as well.  Yes, the criminals behind these groups absolutely want to suppress the truths and destroy so many people, including myself, that want the truth being told......I also saw where the criminals behind "Facebook" are now doing their own censorship by shutting down "Facebook accounts" of those who stand up to Jewish criminality.  Again, I have to ask why anyone in their right mind would ever want a "Facebook" account in the first place considering the fact that it is a spy network and now is committing illegal acts of censorship?..........I saw an article the other day where Microsoft's new Artificial Intelligence" program was allowed to actually think for itself, and one of the first things it identified was that the Jews are indeed the major problem on planet Earth, AND get this: The program identified Adolf Hitler as a great man and praised him and his efforts!  Supposedly the people at Microsoft were not too happy at these results and shut down the entire program.  Yes, the truth does come out, and even artificial intelligences can see the real problems that we all face....Someone asked me about "Bitcoin" once again last week, and all I have to say is to look at exactly who is behind that fraud.  The Jewish power elite want to get people off of cash and they want to use that and other crypto currencies as part of that aim....... OK, now that the Christmas "spending spree" is supposed to be over, I was wondering how the local mall was doing in the aftermath.  And, as I expected the mall was not empty (with the intense cold outside) but there was NOBODY buying anything at all.  Yes, the Christmas shopping season was expected to somehow save the Canadian economy, but things did not go as they expected.  Therefore expect some major economic upheaval coming soon...... Some people have asked me what it is like living here with outside temperatures at around the -35C range, and all I can say to them is that guys like me stay INSIDE a lot, and do not venture out unless we absolutely have to.  And yes, the temperatures are expected to get even worse here over the next while especially with January lows approaching.  Yes, Baby, It is indeed cold outside....... Arsenal is playing West Brom this morning, and I again crossing my fingers for a Gunners win.  With teams like Liverpool and Chelsea holding onto Champions League positions, it is important for Arsenal to keep pace and hopefully see one of those teams tumble.......... I got a bit of flak last week for calling Taylor Swift a psychopath, and I will correct myself here.  She is in fact a psychotic freak with severe mental issues.  There, hopefully that clears the air..........And finally, I really want to avoid the Kardashian skanks, trolls, and trollops, for at least one more week since it is the festive season.  But fear not, for they will still be my primary target for ending these rants starting in the new year.   And maybe in 2018 my question about why the American people are stupid enough to actually love these useless pieces of garbage will finally be answered...Again, have a safe and wonderful New Year everyone...More to comeNTS