Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 28th, 2014

Sunday, and as usual it is time for my weekly rant..I have had a lot of critics come out of the woodwork over the last while claiming that I have been "neglectful" in not putting up more articles pertaining to some of the major subjects of the day.... I used to put up a multitude of articles every day a few years back, but I found it better that I concentrate on subjects that I found to be of the greatest importance, and to leave a lot of other subjects to other bloggers and those who I stand behind as the "best" bloggers that I know....  Of course many of the subjects that I do miss I try to cover in this weekly rant!I am truly one pissed off blogger these days, in the fact that the message that I and others try to get out to everyone seems to fall on deaf ears..... For this rant, I want to touch on all of those subjects that truly piss me off in some detail in the following list called... "What Pisses Me Off"..... There will be some that will agree and others that will definitely disagree with what I am about to state, but the point is to jar people enough that they get their heads out of their butts and do something about what has happened and what is about to happen in our sick world... Here goes nothing.....What pisses me off is that people are still oblivious to the fact that our criminal banking institutions have indeed changed the rules about personal savings accounts by renaming them "unsecured investments".  What this means is that when the banks do collapse from the weight of all that Derivatives gambling that they have illegally conducting, they will not go after our criminal governments for "bail outs" but will grab everyone's "unsecured investments" to save their necks... Everyone that has any savings or investments in these banking frauds will see their hard earned moneys suddenly disappear and permanently.....These criminals may call it a "bail in" but no matter how they sugar coat it, it is theft! What pisses me off is the fact that people just do not get it when it comes to the so called "Sony Hacking".....That was indeed a sham and a planned PR stunt to boster faltering interests in Sony itself and their recently released crappy movie called "The Interview"..... And guess what?  The stunt worked!  People fell for this stunt and many have already gone to see "The Interview" in movie theatres like the brain dead sheep they truly are.   The movie of course sucks big time and may be one of the worse in history.... As far as I am concerned, Sony itself should be up on charges for deceiving the entire American public and the gullible American government itself.What pisses me off is the false rhetoric that the US Government used against the nation of North Korea in falsely blaming them for the ridiculous "Sony Hacking".... The idiots in the US Government went as far as to both shut down North Korea's pipsqueak internet services for less than a day, and to even go as far as to make veiled threats of war against that nation itself.... North Korea actually did the right thing in asking for an international investigation into the ridiculous Sony Hacking incident, which the US Government of course refused.... The best part of all this was when North Korea went after the ineptitude of the US President himself in this fraud hacking charade by even going so far as to call him a "monkey".... North Korea may be an isolationist backward nation, but I am actually applauding their actions in this incident...What pisses me off is the fact that the Jew spew media continues to try to vilify Russia for what seems to be all that ails the world today.   Yes, the US Government has indeed launched "Cold War II" against the Russian Federation and has been busy building up arms in the NATO nations of Europe for what could indeed turn into a hot war against both the Russian Federation and even Russia's ally, China.... But the reasons for the vilification of Russia have all been proven to be lies and falsehoods.... The US is indeed searching for a war, any war, because the entire US economy will very soon collapse.... How quickly people forget that throughout history, economic depressions and panics were solved by nations going to war to bolster a nation's faltering economy...Therefore the lunatics running the US Government asylum figure that war with Russia will get them out of the mess that they have created.... The problem today is that the US no longer has the manufacturing capabilities that it enjoyed during World War II nor the troop strength or weapons necessary to fight a successful war against both Russia and China.....If there is a war against the combined might of Russia and China, the US and NATO will indeed come out as losers which could lead to the lunatics running the US Government asylum turning to the 'nuclear option'.... I honestly do not want to see billions of people dying in a nuclear armageddon....What pisses me off is how people just do not see the real reasons as to why the world wide price of Petroleum has taken a serious tumble... This slide in the pricing of Petroleum has been by design and was brought about by the criminals in both the US and Saudi Arabian governments as a weapon to be used against Russia itself....These criminals had hoped that by forcing down the pricing of Petroleum which has been for years Russia's primary export commodity, they would force not only the decline in the value of the Russian ruble, but they had hoped it would damage Russia itself and possibly bring it to its knees... But the Russians have not played the game and are now circumventing the US by direct trading with other nations in currencies other than the US dollar.... The table has now turned on the US itself and their plans to use Petroleum as a weapon to destroy Russia has backfired... The planned push down of Petroleum pricing has not only destroyed the entire Petro-dollar fraud, but has seen the collapse of Petroleum Derivative Futures, which could lead to a total collapse of the US economy this coming year! What pisses me off is how we as nations have allowed criminal Jewish bankers to have had control of our finances and the printing of money for now over 100 years.... Yes, this last Christmas eve marks the 101st anniversary of the creation of the infamous "Federal Reserve" in the United States that has now run that nation into some 18 TRILLION dollars in debt.... Few people still understand that there is nothing "Federal" at all in that private central bank and there are absolutely no "Reserves" in that fraud money making ponzi scheme.....What also pisses me off here is that there is a simple solution to the criminal debt load that these criminals have imposed on our nations, which is to simply cancel their debt immediately and actually demand that our governments print our money themselves interest free.  The problem is of course the Jewish control over the US Government itself that prevents any of those so called elected officials from taking on the Federal Reserve itself.  To do so not only cuts off all the kickback and bribe money that they get from these criminals but is considered "career suicide".....The bottom line here is that the American people are stuck with the Federal Reserve which is now leading the US nation into economic oblivion....What pisses me off is how the criminals in the US and Ukraine continue to cover up for their failed false flag operation where Malaysian flight MH17 was blown out of the sky over Ukraine back in early July of this year.  Now almost a full 1/2 year after that infamous incident, all evidence now clearly shows that it was the Ukrainian military that used an Su25 fighter jet to shoot down that Boeing 777 aircraft.....It pisses me off that even today the Jew spew media and the criminals in the US Government continue with the lies that it was Russia that shot down that jet!...Just this last week, major news articles came out (but not in the US of course) about the actual Ukrainian pilot of the fighter that shot down the Malaysian aircraft and yet the liars in the MSM and the American government continue to promote their lies.....Yes, the US government and their spin doctors are definitely working overtime now in covering up for their part in trying to use the MH17 incident as a means of getting into a war against Russia, but are now failing miserably....To me this is a travesty, and would only get worse once people understand that the MH17 flight was actually the last flight of the even longer "missing" flight of MH370 that "disappeared" over the Indian Ocean back in early March!What pisses me off is how our nations continue to support the puppet regime in Ukraine that is now being armed to the teeth with American weapons to be used to slaughter the innocent people of Ukraine's eastern provinces.   These people had rightfully and legally held referendums to end their association with the US puppet regime in Kiev and have sought secession from Ukraine itself and  a closer association with the Russian Federation.  The US puppet regime in Kiev definitely does not want its potential slaves to escape and has since been in a war of genocide against these innocent people.  Sadly, we find this last week new reports that the Kiev criminal leadership has now resorted to a campaign of starvation against these "rebels", hoping that a lack of food will shortly find them surrendering to the Ukrainian army.  Yes, a policy of starvation against innocent civilians is against international law, but honestly since when has the US itself ever obeyed any international laws?What pisses me off is how people still do not get it about the fraud known as ISIS or as they label it now "Daesh"..... The US and Israel have created that so called 'terrorist' group as a re-branding of their previous failure known as "Al Qaeda", and people are still stupid enough to fall for the sick game.....People need to wake the hell up and see how each of these frauds have been created as basically propaganda weapons to fuel the fraudulent "war on terror" which is nothing more than wars for conquest in the Middle East..... This fraud "ISIS" or "Daesh" is just the latest propaganda piece for the sole purpose of seeing Syria destroyed to benefit the criminal and psychotic state of Israel.... Few people are even aware of the infamous "Securing the Realm" documents written back in the 1990's which called for wars against Israel's neighbors (to be fought by Israel's puppets in the United States of course) for Israel to achieve total control and hegemony over the entire Middle East.   The US and Israel created every single fraud "terrorist group" as propaganda weapons of fear to get the public on board to support the fraud "war on terror" which has seen so many nations destroyed in that region, and Syria is next on their radar.......The sooner everyone wakes up and sees "ISIS" as a sham, the better...What pisses me off is how the world has now turned a blind eye to the horrific situation unfolding in the Gaza Strip where since Israel's genocide of hundreds of thousands of civilians (absolutely not the Jew spew media reported "2100+") the entire population has been basically left to starve in the rubble of its cities... Israel has continued their policy of locking up Gaza and not allowing anything to get into the strip, especially building materials to rebuild the cities that it destroyed.  The result is over 1.5 million people left to live in rubble with little food, water, electicity, heat, or any other basic commodities for life itself....It seems that since the Israel's failed to genocide the entire populace in their last war of slaughter, their newest plan is to  just simply cut off the strip entirely and let the entire population starve to death.   Sadly, with their control of the world's governments and the media, little reporting has come out of Gaza and few are even aware of the humanitarian disaster occurring there right now.What pisses me off is how people still believe in the fraud of Global Warming....This planet is entirely dependent on solar radiation generated from Sol, and right now Sol has gone quiet with diminished amounts of radiation actually reaching Earth..... With a decline of solar radiation absorption, this planet is definitely going through a planet wide cooling phase and not the "Global Warming" that the scam artists behind the entire facade continue to promote.  This is a natural cycle of course and eventually the planet wide cooling trend will end, and Sol's radiation output will naturally increase....The problem is the upswing in that cycle will not occur for the next few decades at least.... But in spite of the facts and the evidence of planet wide cooling, we find the Jew spew media continue to promote the lies that the last 15 years or so have been the "warmest" years on record..... The bottom line is this push for the fraud of Global Warming is of course to have our crooked governments impose new "taxation" on their citizens under the false premise of saving the planet from ourselves.....Be ready for the fraud of "carbon taxation" to halt "Global Warming" because it is definitely coming....What pisses me off is how people still do not understand that vaccines and vaccinations absolutely do not work.  I and others have  put up a multitude of articles showing clear evidence that vaccines are a sham and do nothing more than actually promote the very diseases they have been designed to fight... On top of that the side effects from the chemicals they contain do horrendous damage to the human body and to its immune system... Just this last week I did see the reports that supposedly by the year 2025, autism will affect about one out of every two people born in the United States itself... Few understand that there is a direct correlation between the usage of Mercury and other poisonous chemicals used in vaccines and the rapid rise of Autism in our children.... The sooner people wake up and stop taking these poisons into their bodies, the better,,,,What pisses me off is how I am still inundated with ridiculous comments from known Hasbara/JIDF agents that continue to poke me for my stance on religion as a whole... I have not wavered from my statements that I look upon all religions as a farce, and that they have always been great brainwashing tools for population control and for some so called "religious" groups to use cohesively for their evil pursuit of world dominion.. I want to again set the record straight that the fundamental concepts of human decency such as to love and respect each other, and for all of us to work together in peace and harmony, should be a basic human right and understanding.   We do not need religion to understand and to reinforce these concepts.... Too many people have been blinded by phoney religious rhetoric and many of the falsehoods that they promote, such as trying to say that their "religion" and their teachings are better than others and that somehow they are right while everyone else is wrong... The sooner people wake up and get away from the trappings of fraud religions, the better...OK, I may have pissed off some of those brainwashed by religion at this point, and all I can say to them is to go away or get a life...Well, I guess I have rambled and pissed off enough people by this point.. Time to close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits...... Is it just me? Or did this Christmas not seem as warm and merry as in previous years?  I have found less and less people cheerful this season, and fewer places actually understanding the true meaning of Christmas which is of course peace on Earth and good will to everyone.  Instead we have more and more rampant consumerism which to me is not Christmas at all.  Yes, Christmas is slowly being destroyed and its true meaning eroded, and we know exactly who is behind its destruction......The push for a war against the innocent nation of Iran is back on.  It seems the criminal US government is abiding by their Jewish masters demands and will vote on a new Iran "sanctions" bill next month.  Yes, Israel wants Iran destroyed, and they will use the suckers in the US to do the fighting and dying for them....The UN Security Council will supposedly vote tomorrow on the resolution to call for an independent Palestinian state and for Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories by 2016.  Good luck to that resolution finding any traction as the criminals in Israel will just call on their US puppets to veto it!.....Syria and Russia are about to launch peace talks to end the Syrian civil war in Russia and the US has not been invited.  Obviously these countries know exactly who is behind the so called "rebels", "Al Qaeda", and "ISIS" forces that have invaded Syria and want no part of those criminals in any peace negotiations!.....Yes, I saw Jim Stone's latest article about the supposed "relic" found on Mars by the fraud Curiosity Rover.  I am surprised that Jim does not see the fact that ALL NASA Mars missions are scams and frauds, and this latest "find" may be part of the NASA scam to promote more funding for more missions to Mars, and even a long planned "manned" mission.  I am not fooled, and Jim usually knows better.....I read a new report that America's latest fiasco of a fighter plane, the infamous F35 is some "10 years" behind older jets in that it can NOT even support battlefield troops in any engagement.  When will the US Government finally have had enough and scrap the F35 entirely?  Sadly, it appears that they are now stuck with this piece of shit that any opposing air force will simply blow out of the sky!.....Finally put up another article the other day on the Fukushima disaster, and about the Wigner effect.  Yes, the Wigner effect is very real and we will indeed be seeing more planes falling out of the sky, especially over the Pacific Ocean, for years to come thanks to the never ending radiation coming out of the failed reactors at Fukushima......Glad to see Whitewraithe back at it with some great new articles over at Pragmatic Witness.  Crossing my fingers in the hope that a new Turbulent Times show is coming very soon.... Arsenal barely won their match against Queens Park Rangers on Friday, and they are right now in a game against West Ham United while I type this report. Still a half a season to go for the Gunners and the hopes of a final 4 finish is still possible......And finally, my report on the misfits and trollops in the Kardashian clan of idiots.  I saw a report that Bruce Jenner (yes he of 1976 Olympic decathlon fame) is actually considering a "sex change" operation in the upcoming year and will re-emerge afterwards as a woman.  Considering how screwed up that entire family of misfits truly are, this does not surprise me one bit.  But hey, in spite of America falling to pieces, the average American sheep still loves their Kardashians!Well, I do want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  It does appear that 2015 will indeed be a very bumpy ride!More to comeNTS