Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 27th, 2015

Sunday... Last Sunday of 2015... And time again for my weekly rant...I have been watching all the reports about unusual weather happening in the United States over the last week, and again I have been extremely troubled by the liars in the Jew spew media continuing to proclaim, falsely, that it is due to man caused "Climate Change".... Yes, the southern United States and the eastern Atlantic coast have been having higher than normal temperatures, but what is not told is how the central great plains region and the west is at normal or below normal temperatures.... The fact is that the Jet stream that by this time should be across the central to lower US has been bent out of shape due to the "El Nino" effect from the Pacific Ocean...The changes to the jet stream is exactly what has been causing the peculiar weather patterns across the United States and has nothing to do with the fraud of "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change".....It does trouble me that there are so many people out there that are still caught up in the Climate Change fiasco and how our governments so quickly signed off at that phoney "COP21" conference on Climate Change in Paris earlier this month.. With the already strained economic situation and the danger of a full economic collapse at the beginning of 2016, it does appear that the criminals behind the Climate Change hoax will be laughing all the way to the bank as our own governments start fleecing us of our earnings under the fraud of "Carbon taxes"....Be ready everyone, for they are coming.....I honestly do not know what it takes to convince the general public that the entire "war on terror" is a massive fraud... .I spent last night on a Skype call to my brother that lives in the United States, and besides wishing each other a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year", we discussed a wide range of topics from what I thought about Donald Trump, to the situation in the Middle East.... I was shocked to find out that he had swallowed the "kool-aid" and was a firm believer that the fraud CIA/Mossad run "terrorist" group "ISIS" was real!   He was especially shocked when I said flat out that "ISIS" was a propaganda and psychological stunt and was as phoney as a $3 bill.... He asked me for proof, and I spent about 15 minutes basically giving him a list of articles, videos, and reports that show the fraud in all of its glory...But even after telling him all that, he basically thought I was nuts..... Yes, again the brainwashing is so tremendous and as I have said before it is such an uphill battle to convince gullible people that they are being played as saps when it comes to "terrorism".....And speaking of "ISIS"... I again have to ask where is the common sense out there when it comes to this fraud... I have to ask beyond the fact that "ISIS" has been shipping oil through Turkey to Israel, how in the hell can a "terrorist" group even have refineries producing oil in the first place?   If the United States has been in this "war against ISIS" for the last 2 years, then how in the hell did they ever miss bombing these refineries over that time frame?   An oil refinery takes up a lot of space and is so easy to spot in a wide open desert... And it has so many components that hitting any of them with any bombs would cause a massive fire and explosion and basically blow the entire complex to smithereens.... So I again have to ask anyone with any common sense why the US missed these easy targets for the last few years? ....And one other big question is this... WHO has been financing these refineries?  To build and operate refineries is a very expensive undertaking, so who has been footing the bill?...And one other point.. Who has been financing and building all those oil trucks that have been running in long convoys from these "ISIS" refineries all the way to the Turkish border?  Oil trucks are not cheap, and yet we find ISIS supposedly has thousands of them?.... The answer is so obvious and points directly to the criminals in the United States government and of course their "allies", both Turkey and Israel....Just this last week we find new reports that oil from those US/Israeli/Turkish financed ISIS refineries has still been reaching Tuirkey via Iraq... Yes, with the Russians destroying oil convoys from Syria to Turkey, the US/Israel fraud of ISIS has been diverting the convoys and running them through Iraq to reach Turkey!  It is therefore no wonder that the US has been preventing the Iraqis from launching large offensive operations to retake the Mosul area of northern Iraq... They need that area to still be controlled by their fraud of "ISIS" just to make sure the stolen Syrian (and Iraqi) oil is still being sent through Turkey to reach their masters in Israel....We also have seen how the Iraqis have been stymied in their efforts to retake the "ISIS" strongholds in their northern provinces, and it is no wonder that the Iraqi leadership and their military are claiming that the US itself has been aiding ISIS and especially providing the means for their escape from Iraqi attacks....So we all know that the entire "war on terror" is a massive fraud, and that the United States and Turkey have been stealing Syrian and Iraqi oil to be shipped to the psycho state of Israel... But what I find troubling is that nobody in the United States has formally charged their own government with treason!  Yes, aiding and helping 'terrorists' is a treasonable offense, and the US government still has their fraud of "ISIS' still labeled as "terrorists"... Therefore the US government aiding ISIS is absolutely treason, right? ... Sadly, the American people are doing absolutely nothing to stop their own sick and twisted government from playing this sick "terrorist" game and nobody has come forward to even charge that ultra criminal, Barry Soetoro, for not only treason against the American nation, but crimes against humanity as well.....The war against Syria itself continues to go badly for the criminal American/Israeli/NATO alliance..... The good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government forces along with their allied forces have basically cleared all of eastern Syria of all "terrorist" and "rebel" groups and have now launched operations to retake Palmyra and seize back territory controlled by "ISIS" in the western provinces as well.... The Syrian government forces have also cleared Damascus of any "rebels" and "terrorists" and it showed with full Christmas celebrations in the city itself with no interruptions by any rebel attacks or bombings... Yes, the facts are that Syria is finally on the road to being free of outside interference which does not sit well with the US/Israeli leadership that is still searching for the means to have that country destroyed.....I have said before and I will say it again.. The Americans and Israelis are very poor losers and they may yet come up with a new dastardly scheme to somehow turn the tide in Syria.... Watch for it, everyone, and always be ready to point the fingers at the real perpetrators behind the crime....Yes, Canada has started accepting "Syrian refugees" and I am still puzzled... If the Syrian government and their allies have indeed won major victories and Syria is finally on the road to being a free nation again.. Then WHY IN THE HELL are our nations not doing the right thing with these "refugees" and provide the means necessary to send them home to Syria?   From what I have seen so far with these "refugees" coming to Canada is that our government is providing them with housing, food, and the means to have a "better life" here... But in the long run they will only be a burden on our already strained welface and social programs... Many of them will only be miserable and unemployed, living in a foreign nation and speaking a foreign language.... Therefore common sense does dicate that the best thing for them would be to have them sent back home where they can live and rebuild their own country.....I said in my previous rants that these people would be better off in Syria, and I stand by that fact... I am still waiting for someone to answer my question as to why our governments are not helping them go home where they belong and would be much happier, and I am still waiting for an answer......I am therefore questioning the entire ethics of our government in their want to have thousands of these "refugees" here rather than do the right and proper thing in having them sent home...I do not know about the rest of you, but honestly it did not seem like Christmas this year... I spent a lot of time in helping family and friends out, and spent a lot of time at the local mall looking for and purchasing the right items for "giving" and what I found in my travels was very troubling.. Fewer and fewer people seemed as happy or as joyous as in previous years.. It does seem that with the increasing economic hardship and the fact that most people are so rushed these days, that the mood that I felt around me was at times quite foul.... I did my best to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas" in my interactions, but many did not even notice or return the same greeting...Some people in fact gave me a strange look while others felt offended!.....And of course I saw that so many retail stores were having a very hard time this year in trying to make the same profits from this season as they had in previous years......It does seem that the true meaning behind this season which is of course to be kind, caring, and compassionate, to our fellow man and woman is being lost, which to mean is quite alarming......I personally do not want the true meaning of Christmas to be lost due to greed and selfishness, and hopefully most of my readers do feel the same way.....I also want to see people being caring and giving at all times of the year and not just during this season.....Yes, the year 2016 approaches... And I will not give any "predictions" for what I see in store for all of us... The only thing that I do know is that the economic hardships will increase, and we are indeed in danger of a full economic collapse shortly in the new year..... The fact is that the ultra Jewish elitist criminals behind the failing financial ponzi scheme can no longer keep it going and it will indeed implode very soon..... People must be ready for that collapse and the hardships that will come right afterwards... It is always a good idea to keep some extra provisions and food available, for if and when the collapse happens, obtaining goods will be tough for months to follow......Being prepared is always the key for survival......Well, I figure I have rambled on enough.... There are so many other issues again that have happened in our sick world, and hopefully I can touch upon them here in my "last minute tidbits".......That ultra slimeball mass murdering freak of nature, Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) made a claim the other day that "Arab terror" cannot be compared to "Jewish terror", and he is right.. Jewish terror is thousands of times worse and has done so much damage to our planet......Want an example of what true Jewish "terrorism" is all about?  Check out my article (link here) about how those psychos celebrate the death of a Palestinian child at an Israeli wedding. They truly are mentally deranged and a menace to the planet......It does appear that barring a bullet to his head like Robert Kennedy received or the usual fixing of voting machines, Donald Trump should win the US Republican nomination for the 2016 US Presidential election handily.  But again I must warn people to not get their hopes up too high for Trump is as bad a Jew butt kisser as the rest of them.  And his "meeting" with that ultra slimeball Jew Sheldon Adelson last week for him to get his "marching orders" speaks volumes on what Trump is all about.  Again, if Americans want a savior for their nation it is time for them to save it themselves......And again I must ask how in the hell a mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary "psycho" Bligh (Clinton) can be running for President when in fact she should be in a prison cell?  Only in America can a criminal become President of the United States it seems.......A report came out this last week where the US has said it would not share their "intelligence" on their fraud "terrorist group" called ISIS with the Russians until the Russians agree with having Bashar al-Assad removed from power in Syria.  The gall of the American government definitely knows no bounds so it seems........People again have been asking why I continue to push health care issues at this blog instead of concentrating on more "serious" matters.  I say to these critics constantly that health issues are just as important, simply because the criminals that want to enslave us all have been purposely poisoning our bodies as one of their methods to control us.  Therefore the health reports will continue......President Barry Soetoro had the gall to send out a "congratulations" to the people of Libya for what he claims was the "liberation" of the Libyan nation during the 2011 invasion.  The Libyan response was priceless.  They thanked the US President for destroying their country!  It does seem that more nations finally realize what US interference and "invasion" is all about...........Someone asked my when I will be converting my Windows 7 laptops and desktops to Windows 10, and I told them flat out not until the security issues are fixed. Until Microsoft gets their act together, I do recommend that everyone not "update" to that new "operating system" any time soon.........Arsenal got blasted yesterday in BPL action by the Southampton Saints by the score of 4-0.   The Gunners therefore made no gains on front running Leicaster City and still sit in second in the table.  20 games to go though, and they still could win the league championship come May..........And for just this week I will forego any comments on the Kardashian scumbags.  It is the holidays, and I figure I would give them a pass for the moment.  Come the new year I will again be asking why in the hell the American people actually care about these rejects and wastes of humanity.....By the way... Happy New Year to everyone.....Be prepared, for from what I see 2016 will indeed be a very rough year....More to comeNTS