Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 23rd, 2018

Sunday.... And with 2 shopping days left until Christmas, here comes my usual rant...First, I have indeed been suffering from some intense back and shoulder pains this last while... Part of it is due to my own stupidity when I was doing some home renovations about a month and a half ago and I tweeked my back... But rather than actually take a break and stop doing some heavy lifting and some major work I probably aggravated the situation which became more severe with time... I did go and see a doctor and luckily I did not tear any muscles, but I did do some severe muscle strains and pulls... I have been on some pain killers and have tried some ointments to alleviate the stress and pain, especially in my left shoulder... It does not help that I am left handed and when I sit down and type in front of my computer or laptops the pain flares up and I have to stop typing!..... It is therefore no wonder that I will have to do fewer articles here for the time being!Well... I did come under a bit of fire for my statement last week that the "news" that the US was going to now withdraw from Syria is a massive lie... Lets be honest here, for the US has invested BILLIONS of dollars in building those illegal bases in north eastern Syria, as well as that illegal base based at Al Tanf in the south... Too much time and effort has been spent by the US military in these buildups and there is no way in hell the US would ever surrender those bases without a fight.... AND we cannot forget that the Jewish dicks that control America were the ones that demanded that the US get into Syria in the first place to destroy that nation for the goal of Israel's hegemony over the entire region.... Therefore all of this hype and rhetoric that the US is 'withdrawing' from Syria is sheer and utter bullshit... To me, it is done for pure propaganda and to create the illusion that US President Drumpf is keeping his "promise" to withdraw from Syria, and to create the illusion for the gullible American people that the US has achieved "victory" in Syria and that it is now the time to bring the troops home..And lo and behold, but apparently I am absolutely right about this bullshit US withdrawal from Syria... For according to some reports that came late last week via the alternative media, apparently the US is NOT going to withdraw any of their "special forces" personnel as well as their 'contractors' and "advisors" from either the Al Tanf position or the multitude of bases in northeastern Syria at all! Considering that the vast majority of American forces illegally operating in Syria are indeed "Special Forces" and "advisors" it does call into question exactly WHICH US forces are actually coming out of Syria, if at all?   As Penny over at Penny For Your Thoughts and a few others who see through this facade have stated, this does remind me of the Hotel California song part that says "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".... The bottom line is this; All of this rah rah and fanfare that the US is "doing the right thing" and "withdrawing" from Syria is nothing but pure hype and bullshit.Meanwhile, with the "news" that the US is (not) withdrawing from Syria, we find reports that the Russians are going to build at least one major base in Syria, and with the help of the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) it is supposedly going to be right outside the illegal US base at Al Tanf in southern Syria... To me, this makes sense, for the US has for the last few years been using that illegal position at Al Tanf as their major staging area to launch their criminal "terrorists" such as "ISIS" into attacks across Syria itself... With the Russians and Syrians now building a new base of operations near Al Tanf, they can use that position to halt these incursions and attacks into Syria as well as basically bottle up the Al Tanf base permanently and destroy the US future plans of using Al Tanf as their jumping off point for any planned invasion of Syria itself.... This is a fabulous move by the Russians and shows that they too are no fools and can see the fact that the US is absolutely not going to withdraw from Al Tanf any time soon..I have been watching the so called 'Yellow Vest' uprising continue on in France, and by this time I am really surprised that criminal Macron has still not been ousted from power for his sheer arrogance and stupidity... Lets face it, for the facts are the French have had enough of their government's bullshit acts of imposing a horrific "carbon tax" on its citizens and of course doing next to nothing to stop the flow of illegal sewer rat shit hole "migrants" into France.....The Macron regime has been following their orders laid out by their Jewish masters that want to see fraud carbon taxation imposed on the French people as part of their "new world order" agenda, and of course the Macron regime signed onto the latest bullshit UN accords that would make any outcry or uprising against illegal shit hole scum flooding into their nations.... Macron has NOT been following or obeying the will of the people who can see their nation in serious crisis, and that scumbag must be thrown out of office immediately.... Again, I am surprised that the French people have not marched on the French government offices in Paris and hauled that bastard out to be hung for the damage he has done....One good news in terms of these "Yellow Vest" uprisings that are now spreading across Europe was to see this last week the Belgium government toppled and the Belgian President thrown out of office... Every nation in the so called 'European Union" should look at what has been happening in both France and Belgium and also demand they stop the flood of illegals into their nations as well... Germany and Sweden are the prime examples now of how those nation's "immigrant" policies of opening their borders wide open to those scum bags is a dismal failure and has now destroyed those nations....  The solution is therefore obvious in that every nation should and must slam shut their borders immediately to this foreign sewer rat onslaught and send those who have no future in the nations they have invaded sent back to the shit holes they came from!   If this action also sees the fall of the so called "European Union" itself, all the better!It has now been two weeks since the Canadian criminal government in Ottawa basically bowed down to their Jewish masters and had that representative of Huawei Corporation arrested in Vancouver British Columbia for nothing more than Huawei doing business with the innocent nation of Iran that the psychotic Jews want destroyed... That arrest was absolutely the most bone-headed and stupid thing that idiot Justin Trudeau has done in a while, and it does show how he is nothing more than a Jew butt kisser who will bow down and do what his masters dictate without any question and in violation of his own oaths to the Canadian people.... It is also no wonder that the Chinese have not take this action lightly and have been targeting Canadians living in China as reprisal, and as they should and have every right to do......  After two weeks of being nothing but a douchebag, Justin should do the right thing and release the Huawei representative immediately, and actually send a letter of apology to the Chinese government for his stupidity....With Canada's economy teetering on destruction and the need to desperately do more business with China, this action against Huawei was indeed the most idiotic thing that Canada could have done in quite some time!Yes, the economic situation in Canada is now in "dire straits".... The news everywhere is bad, especially with the fact that Canada's Petroleum industry centred in Alberta is nearing full collapse.... That and there has been NO action in regards to the closure of the General Motors facility in Oshawa Ontario last month, with news that other manufacturers may follow suit come the new year... That and recent reports showing the debt ratio of the average Canadian being absolutely staggering and at the point that few Canadian consumers can every repay their "debt", shows that the Canadian economy will most probably collapse come this January....I honestly had hoped to see that douchebag in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau, come up with a "plan" via his crooked government to somehow save this nation, but he is of course ignoring the situation entirely..... Canada is definitely heading for a shit storm, and honestly the outlook is grim....Well.... I have noticed how the US is stupidly trying to aggravate Russia, and seems to be hell bent now on a full scale war against the Russian Federation itself... We find reports this last week where the US is pushing their puppet regime in Ukraine to launch a provocation in the Sea of Azov aimed at further violating Russian naval territory and possibly aiming at the destruction of the Kerch Strait bridge linking Crimea to Russia itself.... The Jew spew media is of course adding fuel to this situation by claiming that American/Ukrainian actions in the Black Sea/Sea of Azov are being done due to "Russian Aggression", to which I again have to ask exactly what this "Russian aggression" entails? Of course these liars have NO proof of any "aggressive" moves being done by Russia, but instead continue to try to claim that "Russia seized Crimea illegally" as their excuse.... But again, need I remind everyone that the people of Crimea themselves voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and join Russia a few years back, and that they had every right to do so! ... To me, this is a clear sign that the present regime in Washington DC is hell bent on a new world war and are willing to use their Ukraine puppets and the Ukraine people as their cannon fodder to launch that war...... The most frightening aspect of this possible war with Russia is still the fact that Russia is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, and such a war caused by the US could go nuclear in a heartbeat meaning the deaths of billions of people across the entire planet.Someone asked me a while back why I have "stopped" reporting about the situation with the nuclear nightmare that is continuing to this day in Japan centred on the melted down reactors at Fukushima Daichii... I have been keeping tabs on the situation since my last reports and there has NOT been any change in the status of this calamity... The reactor cores are still in meltdown and Tokyo Electric Corporation (TEPCO) has still no access to these reactors for any possible clean up due to the tremendous amount of radiation that makes even robotic surveillance of the damage nearly impossible.... The best that TEPCO has been able to do is to continue to pour massive amounts of water over the failed reactor cores in the hope that water prevents and stops any further meltdown.. The problem is of course that the residue water from that operation is being dumped directly into the Pacific Ocean which has resulted in the destruction of marine life in the North Pacific Ocean itself....And we have the recent stupid move done by the Japanese government in allowing citizens of Fukushima to return to their homes, knowing full well that these people would be walking into a radioactive hell and potentially die from radiation sickness..... AND we have the situation where the Japanese government has been forced to lie to its own people about the real situation at Fukushima and have purposely forced the Japanese press to stop reporting on the disaster.  This is being done to try to create the illusion that everything is under control and "all is well" when it is far from it...... I also cannot stop from thinking about what will happen in 2020 when Tokyo hosts the Summer Olympic games knowing full well that athletes from around the world will be exposed to radiation from nearby Fukushima....It is no wonder I keep saying that athletes going to Tokyo in 2020 should bring along dosimeters and geiger counters, for they will need them!Before I get onto my last minute tidbits and close this rant... I do want to wish everyone a joyous Merry Christmas, and remember those in need for this holiday season.... I again am not a religious man, and know how religion does destroy minds, BUT I do see the need for Christmas as its symbolic meaning of "peace on Earth" and "good will to ALL mankind"..... I would hope that those symbols of what humanity should stand for should not be left exclusively for just Christmas time, but should be everyones' goals ALL year round.....  And of course I do NOT ever want to see Christmas disappear as the Jewish pricks would gladly want happen... Never ever have the fear of saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone around you, and never fall for the bullshit of saying that it should be "Happy Holidays" to appease the mental midgets in the Political Correctness bullshit crowd... It is Christmas and should always be Christmas..... Have a wonder Christmas, everyone!OK, I have to get off this computer very soon to take some muscle relaxants and try to rest my shoulder... So with that, here comes my usual last minute tidbits to close this rant...... I saw the news last week where the US Defense Secretary James Matthis is now wanting to resign over US President Drumpf's "withdrawal" from Syria.  To me, this is nothing but more bullshit fluff, as Drumpf is not going to actually "withdraw" from Syria any time soon.  Apparently this 'war hawk' has had his differences with Drumpf for a long time, and Syria may be his "excuse" needed to leave........I see that the criminal enterprise and Israeli based spy program called 'Facebook' is back in the news last week with damaging allegations that it allowed a private company to sell its users' information.  I am not shocked at all, for it again shows that I was right from day one in calling Facebook a criminal scourge on people.  Again, anyone who still has that "social network" deserves what they get in having their personal lives exposed and ruined.  My advise is again to close the damn thing immediately and never look back........Russia puts a couple of bombers on islands outside of Venezuela with the approval of the Venezuelan government and everyone thinks this is suddenly "Russian aggression"?  Must I point out how the US has been building bases around the world that encircle Russia itself as a prime example of hypocrisy here?  A few Russian bombers is not "aggression" by a long shot when we compare what the US has been doing for decades......As I had expected, any further 'deals' with North Korea, especially towards nuclear disarmament, have fallen apart thanks to the bone-headed moves by the US government.  But it makes sense for the US does not ever want to see a unified Korea for it interferes with their selling of weapons to their client nations in the region, and they need to keep selling those nations the lie that North Korea is somehow a "danger"........More US/NATO aggressive action I see going on in Kosovo as they are wanting to form a Kosovan "army" which flies in the face of any agreements with both neighbouring Serbia, and Russia itself.   Yes, the US and NATO continue to scream fraudulently about "Russian aggression" when they themselves are absolutely the aggressors!.......The psychos in Israel are at it again with their announcement that they will consider their illegal outposts in the West Bank as "part of Israel".  This of course backs up everything that I have been saying for over a decade in how those scumbag Jews want territory and want to destroy any chances of a Palestinian state permanently.  And yes, it justifies what I have been saying in that the only hope for the Palestinians is to fight these monsters by every means possible!....Two Scandinavian female tourists killed with at least one being beheaded by "terrorists" in Morocco last week, and I do wonder what the criminals in the US/Israel are suddenly doing with their fraud terrorists by doing such a dastardly action?  With their failure in Syria, have they now decided to target Morocco as their next nation for "regime change"and another war of aggression?......Everyone in America is wanting to see that wall built along the US/Mexico border to stop the flow of illegal scumbags into the US, and I do wonder what is the problem there?  Build the damn thing immediately, and to hell with the "snowflakes" and other sick freaks that are against it......Is it not ironic that with the announcement that the US is 'withdrawing' from Syria, we find that freak of nature Hillary "Killary" Clinton going on a new speaking tour and speaking out against said withdrawal?  That freak of nature was responsible for the entire Syrian civil war that cost the lives of at least a million people and now this murderous monster is against finally (possibly) ending the blood shed!  I honestly hope that vile creature rots in hell for what she has done to humanity........Seriously?  A new book by Michael (Michelle) Obama that talks about the 'rights' of transgender people?  Gee, what a great stocking stuffer, and shows again how that vile creature was and always has been a man and how that charade operated in the US White House for 8 years and right in front of the gullible and stupid American people!........Arsenal wins a key victory yesterday in English Premier League soccer beating Burnley by a 3-1 score.  Now the Gunners are tied with the Chelsea Blues in fourth place in the table.  Good news, and does show how the young team is doing better than I had ever hoped possible......... AND finally, nothing says Merry Christmas than a look at the scumbags and trollops making up Skankville, err, Kardashian insanity.   I saw a few articles where apparently main skank Kim has been going overboard n trying to keep herself super slim at the age of 38.  Yes, that skank is definitely trying everything possible now to keep her figure from when she was a piss poor porn star and she is wrecking her health in the process.  Honestly, the sooner these sad excuses for humanity get out of our lives, the better....Merry Christmas to everyone... Keep the spirit of Christmas alive and in our hearts.More to comeNTS