Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Yes, it is Sunday again, and as usual time for my weekly rant…I did no articles yesterday because I was out trying to finish some last minute Christmas shopping… After a brutal day of having to put up with people at the local mall, I was beat and bushed…. Yes, shopping in a madhouse just before Christmas does indeed take a lot of energy out of a person…One thing that I did notice, and I have noted it many times before, is the absolute lack of Christmas spirit that I have noted in both businesses and their customers…. The rampant consumerism has indeed wrecked what used to be a time of the year when people would want 'peace on Earth and good will towards all men', and to me that is just sad…… Besides that, I ran across the usual annoying trouble of few individuals, especially store employees, actually saying "Merry Christmas" to people…. Many have told me that they cannot say "Merry Christmas" to customers on orders by their employers who feel that to use the term may somehow "offend" people and especially those who do not celebrate Christmas… To me that is a pathetic excuse, and if there actually are some who feel "offended" by the usage of "Merry Christmas" then those people truly need to get a life… The fundamental aspects of Christmas goes way beyond the "Christian" aspects of the claimed birth of Jesus Christ…To me, people need to have some time during the year to actually stop and try to realize that we are all human beings who share this planet and we should take that time to acknowledge the concept of peace and love towards everyone… It is only the pathetic Jews and their psychotic need to destroy this planet and enslave us all that they in their selfishness have lost the concepts of finding some love for the rest of humanity, and they have been the ones spearheading the destruction and ending of Christmas itself…People need to wake up and realize how much the true meaning of Christmas has been lost these days… Besides the rampant consumerism and everyone shying away from simply saying "Merry Christmas", we find less and less symbols of Christmas everywhere… I cannot remember the last time I ever saw a business with a nativity scene in front of it for example….And we have fewer places hanging decorations with the words "Merry Christmas" emblazoned across them….. But on the other hand, we have the usual Satanic Menorah sitting in front of the White House in Washington DC along with other Menorahs now popping up all over cities across the United States and Canada…. The Jewish power elite is putting up these symbols to show the world their power and at the same time pushing for the destruction of Christmas itself…. It is ok now for the Jewish menorahs to be put up but heaven forbid if any city actually puts a nativity scene up in their place!  Hypocrisy anyone?So, everyone, take the time to do a little bit more this time of year for your fellow man and do remember those who are less fortunate and in need..… And definitely find the time to smile and be sure to say "Merry Christmas" every chance you get…. Lets not let evil take over and destroy the true concepts of Christmas forever…OK… On to other matters at hand….The economic disaster that I and others have warned about for years is now definitely at hand…. People must be warned, and I do mean everyone, that they should get what ever savings that they have in any corporate Jewish run bank out immediately… The collapse of the world's crude oil prices has opened the door now to an "exposure" of TRILLIONS of dollars in Oil futures and derivatives.. What that means is that the big corporate bank criminals that have invested in these futures will shortly come calling to every nations' governments to "bail them out" much like what happened in 2008 except this time much much worse… Due to the fact that such a "bail out" is next to impossible as it would ruin every nation's economy, our criminal governments will bring in the legislation that they signed off on during that Brisbane Australia G20 "summit" and outright steal everyone's savings accounts to cover for these criminal derivatives….. People are absolutely in the dark about the facts that a "savings account" has been criminally renamed as a "UNSECURED investment account" meaning that it is no longer safe and backed by anything… WHEN the criminal banks are forced shortly to have to cover for the failed Derivatives schemes, they will plunder and steal the money from these "unsecured investments" to cover for their losses!   This readers, is what they are conveniently now calling "bank bail ins" which in reality is outright theft!    And if anyone thinks that their own governments will protect them from this theft, think again… These are the same governments who ALL signed off on this theft during that G20 summit a few months back….It is amazing that our Jew spew media and even banks and our governments have not told their citizens about how they have come up with a new scam to cover for their criminal losses by outright stealing the money of their own citizens… Few people are still aware that they have already done this when the nation of Cyprus was forced to come up with BILLIONS in derivative losses last year, and their criminal government simply stole and fleeced every single savings account owned by the Cypriot people calling it a bank 'bail in'….The result in Cyprus was that all decent law abiding citizens suddenly lost their life's savings overnight, and the Cypriot government in Nicosia has done little since that "bail in" to compensate their own citizens for their losses…..The problem with Cyprus is that this criminal action did not cause a much needed revolution by the Cypriot people... I can guarantee that the criminal Jewish banking scumbags watched what happened in Cyprus carefully and as a result of the lessons they have learned from Cypriot "experiment" in fraud bank "bail ins" they are now prepared to take the same fraud "bail ins" onto a global scale… The bottom line is this, readers, these scumbags are indeed well into preparations to put their scam of bank "bail ins" into place in our nations and therefore plunder our hard earned savings… I have warned people for some time now to absolutely NOT have anything in any "savings" account in any bank, period.   These criminals will most probably wait until after the Christmas season of rampant consumerism and rising debt before they suddenly pull the plug on our economies and cover their losses by raiding "savings" accounts to cover their losses!Besides the economic turmoil that we find rising around the world, we have the insanity of the US Government now pushing for war against a well armed and nuclear armed Russia…. People need to realize that one of the purposes of pushing world prices for Petroleum down was to try to destroy the Russian economy that is primarily based on Petroleum and Petroleum exports….The criminal US Government has now been working for the last few months with a diabolical plan to try to ruin Russia by forcing massive devaluation of the Russian Ruble…. For the last while their scheme was working in that the Russian Ruble was indeed falling in currency exchanges and there was a danger of full economic collapse in Russia itself… However, the Russian government has now taken drastic measures to secure their Ruble and has even started to contemplate the ending of the Russian central Jewish controlled bank's control over Russia's finances and their printing and issuance of the Ruble at interest…. This action along with the Russians simply cancelling all debts would definitely save the Russian economy and give the US a black eye in their insane attempts to destroy Russia itself…. Vladimir Putin is doing the right thing in turning away from the criminal interests of both the US and the European Union and making massive trade deals with China and the other BRICS nations…. The Russians may have been set back momentarily by the criminal actions of the United States and their EU minions, but in the long run Russia will win this economic war because the United States which is itself in bankruptcy and in horrific debt cannot sustain the fight…..There were reports that came out this last week that PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that the US led coup in Kiev Ukraine was done purposely in response to Russia's stance on Syria and the Russian refusal to allow the criminals in both the United States and Israel destroy that sovereign nation.  However we find that overthrow of the democratically elected government in Kiev has now blown up in the face of the Unite States where Ukraine is now a nation in ruins, and with a regime that has lost all credibility in the eyes of the Ukrainian people themselves… BUT we have the US government now fully propping up their illegal regime in Ukraine and even now supplying the criminal Ukrainian government with weapons to destroy the so called "rebels" who are in control of Ukraine's eastern provinces….Yes, the US Government signed off on several bills to fully arm the Ukrainian regime, and the Ukrainian government will shortly use these new US weapons to massacre their own people!  And the madness may not stop there, because the US will fully arm the Ukrainian regime with weapons that could potentially be used in a war against Russia itself… This is sheer madness and shows how truly evil and diabolical the US government has become…I have not delved into this recent "Sony Hack" crap that the criminals in the US Government are trying to blame on North Korea, simply because I find such assertions to be beyond ludicrous… What we have here seems to be a preplanned operation or as the Jew spew media likes to call a "hack" of some crap that Sony is producing and somehow the gullible masses are actually believing the BS that of all places, North Korea, is behind it all?   To top it all off, the US government has also now named "Iran, Russia, and China" as also behind this "hack"…… It is so laughable and what I see happening is just a stunt being done by some geeks over at Sony itself… Why? Because Sony Pictures is probably either in economic trouble and is trying to sell everyone on another of its deplorable "pictures", this time about  a couple of fools who travel to North Korea itself in an attempt to assassinate Kim Jun Un.   They are obviously hoping this "hack" will garner public interest in another one of their crappy movies….To me this is pathetic, and that is why I have not given this story much thought and will not waste my time and any of my reader's time by putting up articles about it...I hope by this time that people would understand and see that the so called "shooting" that just occurred in Sydney Australia is another one in a long list of operations such as Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, London, Nairobi Kenya, and even Ottawa Canada, where long planned operations using crisis actors finally goes "live"….. What just happened in Sydney was not only ridiculously silly, but considering the actions of the piss poor crisis actors the criminals used, it was pathetic…. I have already stated in several articles over the last week my own views of what I saw happen, but considering the very low amount of readers who actually read those articles, I doubt if that message will reach enough people, and it shows that the majority of people will continue to swallow this bullshit and actually believe everything that the liars in our governments and media spoon feed them… Pathetic is an understatement…. I do feel sorry for the people of Australia who now will gladly accept their criminal governments passing of new "security" measures as a result of the "Sydney shooting" that will take away many of their freedoms for the illusion of "security"…. Just as Canadians have had their freedoms stripped away as a result of the fraud "Ottawa shooting" and this nation has now become a criminal Jewish controlled police state, Australia is next in line…..One little bit of news that I came across over the last few weeks that I have pondered about that I do want to share with readers here was the recent discovery by the criminals at NASA as well as other space agencies of a new "barrier" that makes up a gap between the two major belts in the Van Allen belts that are wrapped around our planet… This barrier of high speed protons resides some 7000 or so miles (11000 kilometres) above our planet's surface and it is a barrier through which no living organism can survive its transit…. This discovery has not been mentioned in any major MSM reports, but it definitely shows proof that manned space missions beyond "low earth orbit" are clearly impossible unless proper shielding is developed that will allow travel through that barrier…. Therefore it also puts another nail in the coffin of the fraud "Apollo Missions" to the moon of 1968-1972 since those thin aluminum tin canned rockets did NOT have enough shielding to protect those "astronauts", period…. But besides further vindicating everything about the fraud of Project Apollo, it caused me to ponder as not how that barrier is formed, but to WHY that barrier is there in the first place?….. I came across some interesting articles about this barrier written by a few authors that contemplated life on this planet itself and how this barrier now means a death knell of any thought of interstellar travel, and I began to surmise a crazy thought that I wanted to share with others….We as human beings have long wondered about how we came to be on this planet… Many archeologists and historians have long said that the cradles of civilization are in places such as ancient Babylonia, and Egypt….. But the rise of human beings has long been a puzzle …. There are several factors about human genetics that were discovered recently that further adds to the mystery of man himself, such as how several of our genes are actually spliced together in such a manner that shows no natural occurrence and indeed shows sign of artificial manipulation… This has led to several wild speculations about mankind himself actually being introduced onto this planet by a race that some have called the "Anunaki" and that we were developed as a race of slaves for the sole purpose of mining this planet's mineral wealth, especially gold…. Then there is the aspect of our very brains where many scientists have long puzzled as to why we are so limited to only accessing around 10-12% of its potential…. Some say that was by design as to keep the slaves from acquiring too much knowledge!  Our long history in fact talks about revolution and rebellion, so there is the thought that somewhere in our past our ancestors were able to rebel against their enslavement and have since risen across our planet with our own civilizations….But one thought that has come to my mind and that links both the Van Allen barrier and our possible enslavement in our distant past, and bear with me for this is only a hypothesis…. If a far superior race wanted to keep their slaves to work on a planet without the thought they could possibly escape their imprisonment, how would they do it on a planet wide scale?   Well, how about developing a barrier in space to keep the prisoners locked in?   And that is where this recent discovery of such a barrier comes into play as a means of keeping us all locked up on this planet…...OK, this may be a wild idea on my part, but considering how brutal and uncivilized mankind seems to be at times, even today, the idea of keeping us locked up here so as to not pollute the rest of the cosmos is not too far fetched….. Mankind a prisoner on this planet?  It is a thought…..OK, enough of some "wild" ideas, but at least I am a thinker…. I could go on and on about other craziness that has occurred over the last while all over the world, and hopefully I can touch upon them right here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits"…….The European nations are all lining up now to accept the idea of an independent Palestinian state, and Israel is responding by their usual threats.  Lets get the facts straight here in that Israel does not want the Palestinians to have a state because they want the entire region for their greedy self centred selfish selves…. Any thought of an independent Palestinian state is moot because the Israelis will simply demand their US slaves to veto it in the UN.  Pathetic, and again shows exactly who controls America……Paul Craig Roberts recently put up an article stating that the United States is the most EVIL nation on Earth.  Sadly, I do agree with his assertions and there has been nothing that the US has done recently to prove otherwise……The US government rebrands their phoney "ISIS" as "Daesh" and very few people notice.  Yes, the US and Israel will continue to use this fraud CIA/Mossad operation for scaring the crap out of gullible people until people wake the fuck up to the truth they are (still) being conned!…. Speaking of frauds, I see the fraud "Boko Harum" (Still waiting for them to break out in the song "In The White Room") group is back and at it again in Nigeria.  Recent report of them abducting more innocent people and public outcry that we must do "something to stop them".  The US government is again trying to stir up trouble in Nigeria I see………Yes, I did read all the reports about how the vaccines used in Kenya were indeed laced with and now proven to have contained sterilization chemicals.   I had hoped by now that people would have awoken to the fact that ALL vaccines are designed to have the same diabolical effect on their victims……More evidence came out this last week about how the US and Ukraine covered up their fraud false flag operation involving Malaysian flight MH17.   But they are still missing the big issue where MH17 was really the last flight of long missing MH370.  I do wonder what the effect would be around the world if and when that fact is ever exposed?…..Someone asked me a while back why I have not put up any more articles that expose the British fraud Royal Family and their links to the paedophilia rings and the deaths of innocent children involved, that we find coming out of the UK.  It is still an ongoing issue, and I probably will delve back into that expose soon…..Yes, the world is going to heck and that criminal scumbag US president, Barry    (pick the last name) is vacationing in Hawaii at US taxpayer expense.   It is indeed good to be emperor while your subjects fall into despair, isn't it?…….Arsenal just finished in a 2-2 tie with Liverpool, as I type this report, in Premiere League action.  The Gunners have indeed been hit by major injuries and even though Liverpool is not as good as in recent years, they were fit to be tied… Sorry, no new reports about the scam of Global Warming today.  Hopefully everyone sends a lump of coal to Al Gore for Christmas this year…….And finally, my shot at the great American family, the Kardashians.  It seems that skank Kourtney has named her newborn baby "Reign Aston Disick" and I sure hope the kid either learns to fight as he gets older or has the brains to change his name.   The names these clowns do come up with for family members is laughable if not ridiculous.  But hey, America loves their Kardashians….And finally, I want to wish everyone a safe and wonderful CHRISTMAS.  Let us all do our part to make sure that the true meaning of Christmas is not lost to ourselves and to future generations…More to comeNTS