Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Sunday, the beginning of a new month, and time again for my weekly rant...I continue to get plenty of comments from our friends in the Hasbara/JIDF community, and it still startles me that they continue to send these comments knowing full well that they will never see the light of day.... It is also laughable that they are resorting to the ridiculous tactic of changing up the "name" of the person generating the comments in the vain hope that I will not see through the deception... Are they really this stupid?  Do they not even realize that they give themselves away in an instant by their same sorry laughable rhetoric and what always seems to be the same type of commentary?   If this is the best that these fools can do, then we will indeed win this battle against their insanity and perverse lust for control....I received some interesting comments from others about my last rant, where I talked about the lies that have constantly been portrayed about Adolf Hitler..... I stand behind my statements as fact, and I have yet to see anything that shows otherwise.. Someone even sent me a link to a Jim Stone rant where he states that Hitler was indeed insane and wanted world domination.... I have no problems with Jim Stone as of yet, and he is perfectly entitled to his opinion.... I can understand his view that Hitler was a madman and insane in many ways, because there is indeed a very fine line between genius and insanity...Not saying that Hitler was a genius, but to state that he was insane falls for the Jewish trap in an instant..... I am again puzzled by the constant statement that Hitler was out for "world domination" however, simply because he did not have the manpower, the weapons, or even the means, for such an endeavor....Again to state that Hitler wanted world control falls into the Jewish trap perfectly.On the subject of Iran....The continuing claims that the recent "agreement" means that the attack on Iran by the lunatic asylum called Israel is off is absolutely not true at all.... This "agreement" is just a delay for 6 months while the P5+1 Jewish controlled team of countries tries to hammer out their full demands on the Iranian state, and to see if Iran is true to its word and halts further enrichment of nuclear fuel for nuclear power station development.  Iran is perfectly within their rights to enrich Uranium to a paltry 5% purity for nuclear power stations and under 20% for nuclear medical isotopes... This falls well within the IAEA and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) guidelines for nuclear power and medical development...Since Iran is a full member signer of these agreements, there should be no problem here.....What troubles me is that in spite of this "preliminary" agreement reached with Iran last weekend, there is still the saber rattling from the criminals in lunatic Israel and their puppets in the US Congress for a continuance of the criminal "sanctions" against Iran, as well as the continuing build up for war.... We see more and more of the Jewish suck-ass lackeys in the US Congress and Senate show their true colors by coming out for increased sanctions against Iran based on nothing....Some of these fools have even called for attacking Iran immediately for again its non-existent nuclear weapons program.....This is all being done to show how badly the US Government is entirely loyal to its Jewish masters, and will do as they command in an instant....The American people desperately need to wake up and remove all these Israel-firsters from their government, and to force these criminals to either show their allegiance to America, or be told to give up their American passports and citizenship and board the first flight out of America so that they can go and live in their cherished Jewish "paradise".....I received many comments about my last article concerning Canada, and the criminal Harper regime's subservience to Israel and Jewish interests as well..... I truly want many Americans to realize that when the United States collapses, which could be happening very soon, that Canada is no haven for them... This country is now fully controlled by criminal Jewish interests, and the Federal Government here bows down to its Jewish masters as bad if not worse than in the United States.... The recent comments by that flaming homosexual foreign minister, John Baird, about how Canada will continue to suck Jewish dick (sorry for being expletive) and side with Israel against the innocent and peaceful nation of Iran always just made me want to puke.... And to state that Iran is somehow a threat to the world with its non-existent nuclear weapons, while ignoring Israel's massive rogue stockpile of nuclear weapons is such a bad joke on the Canadian public....I even recall a recent statement by the criminal Harper who stated that Canada would indeed stand IN FRONT (!) of Israel in defense of that criminal country...Harper has taken the love for Isra-Hell one step further by his lunatic willingness to have Canadians die in defense of the criminal foreign insane nation.... And here I thought the American government was bad, but these Canadian Jewish kiss assers take the love of that insane state to a new level.....Just like the American traitors, I would like to see all the Canadian traitors to this country give up their Canadian citizenship and get put on the first Air Canada flight to Tel Aviv to go and live in that psychotic Jewish "paradise"....And about the criminal state of Israel itself.... I noticed that while reports were so heavily focused in the Jewish controlled press this last week on this "historic" agreement with Iran, the criminal state of Israel has announced that it is building ANOTHER large Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank region.   It is so amazing that people still do not get it... Israel is a criminally insane nation that has the psychotic belief through "Zionism" that ALL of Palestine is theirs and was ordained to them by their "god".... Under that psychotic chain of thought, there is absolutely no room at all, period, for the Palestinian people and their want for a free and independent state....There will be no peace, because to these sick Israelis, "peace" means having the Palestinians surrender all their land and accept a future where they will be either expelled completely from their land or to live their lives forever as slaves to the Jews..... This is why I have always said that there is NO alternative left for the Palestinians other than to fight for their very survival or accept slavery and death.... With those two choices made, I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat...I have not put up many articles over the last while about the continuing and very deadly situation still going on at Fukushima Japan.  Yes, I have seen the reports about the plans to remove the fuel rods from damaged reactor #4, but again I am puzzled because Reactor #4 is minor compared to the true mess that sits at Reactor #3.... It was Reactor #3 that blew its guts out back in March 2011 and it is this reactor that spewed all that Plutonium into the environment that still has not been "cleaned up" to this very day...... It is also at Reactor #3 that an even larger spent fuel rod pool than what sits above Reactor #4  is in serious danger of a collapse... That collapse could be a catastrophe for the entire planet....Therefore I see these reports about the clean up at Reactor #4 as just fluff for the world media and a means of showing that TEPCO is attempting to do something to alleviate the fears from this disaster.... But they had better hurry up, because the real challenge will be when they tackle the spent fuel rods at Reactor #3, and they are still praying that spent fuel rod pool does not collapse before they even begin that attempt at removing the rods there first!I have seen the reports about the large radioactive "plume" that is approaching the American west coast, and is expected to hit that coast sometime in the next 6 months..... It is shocking to see the effect that this radioactivity is already having on marine life all along the North American west coast, especially the damage that we see in fish, mollusks, and crustaceans....Starfish off the Pacific coast of Canada and the United States  for example do not "liquify" unless affected by an outside source, and it seems that radioactive particles may indeed be the culprit.....I am not sold on the statements pushed forward by some in the alternative media that Fukushima is a "hoax" simply  because the evidence of nuclear radiation contamination is showing up more and more in Pacific marine life, and that contamination has to come from somewhere...I am also not sold on the fear mongering that the entire Pacific is "dying".... The Pacific Ocean is quite large and even with 400 tons of radioactive water pouring into the Pacific daily from the Fukushima disaster, it is theoretically impossible to contaminate the entire Pacific from just this one disaster..... Yes, some of those radioactive particles are being concentrated in fish and wild life, and that effect will be seen for the next few decades at least, but the Pacific will eventually recover, though probably not in our lifetime.....Just for a change of subject.... I was in conversation with my good friend, Whitewraithe, the other day, and she gave me a startling revelation that I wanted to share here in this rant.... I usually do not go off topic and talk about such things as "UFO's", or even "Paranormal Activity", but what she shared with me about what was happening with her daughter in Tennessee, was indeed interesting... Her daughter and son in law recently moved into their new home, and strange things have been occurring in that home since... Wraithe has been getting calls from her daughter about strange happenings in her home, including strange sounds and other "Paranormal" activities.... Wraithe even told me about what her daughter's 3 year old son, who is quite bright, experience one night recently when he was frightened and scared out of his bed by hearing a voice in his ear saying "Mommy's coming"..... I have known Wraithe for years now, and I know that her own daughter, and her own grandchildren are not liars... Therefore what they are dealing with can indeed be classified as "Paranormal"...OK... Many may now say that I suddenly believe in "Ghosts"....But being a man of science, and the fact that I have researched the matter a lot in the past, I can state that with with our bodies being bio-electric masses when we experience death there are still many questions about what exactly happens to all that bio-electric energy when and after we die.... I do not fall for the religious mumbo-jumbo about a "soul" or a "spirit", but that energy has to go somewhere.... There does seem to be places on this planet where some of that residual energy can manifest itself and cause many strange activities that can be classified as "paranormal"....The American south, and especially places like Tennessee, are indeed rife with reports of strange "Paranormal" activity, and therefore I am keeping an open mind that Wraithe's children and grandchildren are experiencing such activity.... I have told Wraithe that she and her daughter could investigate the house's history and try to determine the cause of the strange activities.... In most cases these activities are indeed residual and may decline over time.... It depends now on whether Wraithe's daughter's family can co-exist with such activity....As I said,  I for one will continue to keep an open mind, and will let everyone know what happens and what they find out about their house in future rants....On the subject of Whitewraithe herself... It is indeed nice to see my "partner in crime" back posting fine articles over at Pragmatic Witness.... Like I said before, she is one tough lady with a good head on her shoulders, but has endured a lot of hardship over the last while.... She is still looking for work, but it is getting increasingly difficult to find in Tennessee these days to find a decent job.... But this is the same all over America right now with the collapse of their economy.....Well... I guess that is enough for right now.... Of course I will touch on a few additional subject in my usual last minute "tidbits"....... I see there are now increasing calls for a "ceasefire" in Syria now that the Syrian government is so close to victory over the rebel scum.  This figures, because the US and Israel know they cannot win the war against Assad at this time, so they will somehow allow their "rebels" to continue to operate in that nation through a "ceasefire".  I sure hope that Assad's forces make sure that before they agree to any "ceasefire" that the rebels lay down their weapons......Again, I am startled that the big news about how China is no longer buying US debt to keep the American economy afloat is not front page news everywhere.  This shows how the Jewish controlled media is trying desperately to keep the bitter truth from the American people that their country is about to radically change and very soon......I see that there is a new revelation that the criminal "Social media network" known as "Facebook" has the capability of spying on personal conversations over smart phones.  I again need to ask WHY anyone has a "Facebook" account at all?  It is a spy program, and always has been!......I am not backing down from my claim that nobody died at Sandy Hook last December, and the release of the 9-11 tapes this week will be telling.  People in America need to wake up from their slumber and see that all of these operations always have hidden agendas,and usually the agendas are to further enslave the American public....Has anyone noticed this last week that when the German government came calling on the US to send Germany's gold reserves back to Germany, the US Government told them NO? This is because as I have always said, there are NO gold reserves anywhere in the United States at all.  All of the Gold was removed from the US years back and is sitting in Rothschild banks for the planned world wide economic meltdown and the call for a "Gold backed currency" which will give these scumbags the world domination they insanely crave.......I see there is a new report that the US is now dead last on a list of some 29 nations when it comes to education standards. This figures and shows again that the Jewish elite want their American slaves as dumbed down as possible and to be used only as cannon fodder for their wars for global dominance...... Someone asked me if I did any shopping on "Black Friday" and I can safely say that I did not participate in that insanity.  I need to ask again: WHY Bother??.......And finally, no new news on the Kardashian front, other than more reports about how fabulous Kim suddenly looks after her pregnancy.  Like I said before, isn't plastic surgery fabulous?......That low life skank never looked so skanky......More to comeNTS