Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 18th, 2016

 Yes, it is Sunday... One week exactly before Christmas, and time again for my weekly rant...OK, I have many that have said that I should not say "Merry Christmas" due to the fact that I am NOT religious.... I say to those critics that there is NO harm in saying "Merry Christmas" at all, and even though, yes, I am NOT a "religious" person, I do believe very strongly in what the real concept of Christmas stands for, which is of course the idea of "Peace on Earth, and good will to ALL men"... That is exactly what people should be looking at when they celebrate Christmas and NOT the commercialism.... I for one will continue to say Merry Christmas every chance I have....I for one am puzzled still why some fools out there still believe so strongly and most strangely in the "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" hoax... Right now here in central Canada the temperatures for this time of year are WAY below normal... In fact overnight lows over the last while have hovered in the -30 to -35 Celsius (thats -25 to approximately -35 for my American readers with their old Fahrenheit scale..) and there is NO end in sight for this intense cold....   As I said before, this cold is due to our Yellow Dwarf star, Sol, going through a "quiet period" where there is reduced sunspot activity and reduced solar radiation output... As a result, less of that radiation is hitting this planet and thus we have our cooling trend..... However, I am NOT sold (yet) on the other idea that we are now entering a "new Ice age"... Instead, this is part of Sol's cycle which usually runs about 44 years or so, between periods of hot and cold... And yes, it will indeed get colder yet and we will see this cooling trend for the next decade to come...Which of course leads me to this next question.... WHY are we gullible enough to allow our criminal governments to impose their fraud "carbon taxes"?   Right now, here in Canada the Trudeau regime is going all out in almost demanding Canada's ten provinces and 3 territories to comply with their want to force carbon taxation on our citizens... But many provinces including my own are fighting back and refusing to comply with the demands of Ottawa..... The reality is that many Provincial Premiers are not sold on this "Global Warming" farce at all and want more facts before they impose another tax on their citizens..... It does appear that common sense is finally taking hold at least here in Canada, and this "carbon tax" scheme may not be forced upon us after all....OK... As I said several articles ago, I have come under fire from some commentators about my stance on calling the Jewish criminals exactly what they are... Criminals..... I already have long proven that their cries of "Antisemitism" against me are laughable and so fraudulent simply because these accusers are NOT even Semitic to begin with... How can they ever get away with screaming their lies of "Antisemitism" against anyone then?  I am still waiting for answers from these "critics" on that one......I personally am sick of those who call me a 'racist', "hater", Anti-Semite", "Jew hater", etc, etc... And I say to those critics that constantly want to attack me to PROVE that I am indeed what they claim.... I write articles here based on TRUTH, and I have absolutely NO need what so ever to lie or mislead anyone... I am not in this for any personal glory or to get rich...... Therefore I am indeed challenging those who constantly put their garbage into comments sent my way (including my 'favourite fan club, the Hasbara/JIDF agents of evil assigned to this site..) to show any evidence that what I put up here is false or misleading.... I am indeed making it an open challenge to these fools and I will indeed let everyone know the results in a future article.....I have been watching the US circus of the Election campaign (Was it not supposed to be over as of November 8th with Drumpf winning the Presidency?) and I honestly have to laugh at the ridiculous and ludicrous accusations coming in from the sore loser "Democrats" that the Russian Federation and especially Vladimir Putin "hacked" the election... I have looked at the so called 'evidence' of this "hack" that has been put out over the alternative media over the last few weeks and there is NOTHING for the Killary Clinton camp that they can use against Drumpf... It has become such a ridiculously laughable charade and I am puzzled on how the American public continue to put up with this garbage... If there was any party that gained from any "hacking" it was indeed the criminals in the Democratic party and their shills that tried to lie cheat and steal to have their Queen Killary get the US throne!Lets face reality here... Psychotic Killary Clinton and her criminal entourage know that once Drumpf does get into the White House, he may actually carry through with his plans to have her criminal Clinton Foundation investigated and the other crimes of treason and murder that she committed looked over with close scrutiny and the want to seek justice for her victims... If that happens, then Killary and her cronies will indeed be up for indictments and possible prison terms... Therefore it is no wonder we find these criminals all in a panic now, and trying so desperately to find ANYTHING that they can, no matter how ludicrous it may seem to be, to prevent Drumpf from getting the Presidency.... AND I again must remind everyone about how the criminal Clintons themselves have now sent BILLIONS of dollars overseas in off-shore accounts just in case they are indicted... If they face prison, then they will simply hightail it out of America and live in a nation where extradition back to the US is impossible....Yes the city of Aleppo is now free, and as I said in my last article, I had to howl about the latest reports of American/Israeli/NATO/Saudi agents suddenly caught in underground bunkers by the conquering Syrian government forces... THIS capture proves conclusively WHO has always been behind the entire fraud "rebel" group in eastern Aleppo, and shows conclusively how this entire war in Syria has always been a fraud and for nothing more than the overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad government and the destruction of the Syrian nation itself.... It is my hope that the Syrian government shows no mercy for these operatives and agents, and parades them everywhere to show the entire world the TRUTH about the "civil war"  and exactly who is behind it all....We saw over the last few days all of the reports from the alternative media and of course the liars in the Jew spew media about how the fraud of "ISIS" was able to overrun the central Syrian city of Palmyra... It should be obvious to anyone that the "ISIS" force that appeared almost magically out of nowhere to attack Palmyra was indeed those "8-10 thousand" ISIS mercenaries that were allowed to escape from Mosul Iraq well over a month ago and 'redeploy' thanks to the US to Syria... We now know where they were allowed to "redeploy" (again thanks to the US), and this capture of Palmyra is the result...BUT now we have news that the Syrians and the Russians are NOT taking the loss of Palmyra lightly and are now launching a major counteroffensive to retake the city.... And the news so far has been good with reports that the Russian airforce has now turned its attention against the "ISIS" forces in and around Palmyra, and has been pulverizing their positions..... And apparently the "ISIS" offensive west of Palmyra has now been halted and further reports show that these fraud terrorists are now in retreat..... This is indeed good news, and hopefully within the next while we will indeed see further reports stating that Palmyra has once again been recovered for the Syrian people....As I expected and stated in my last rant, the so called "attack on Mosul" by the Iraqi forces has now stalled, due to what is claimed to be 'stiffening resistance' from "ISIS" fighters.... I again must ask the hard question... If the "ISIS" forces were evacuated almost 2 months ago from Mosul, then WHERE did these "ISIS" forces that are suddenly in Mosul come from?   This and the fact that nobody has yet come forward to explain to myself and others HOW a ragtag force of about 1000 "terrorists" were able to conquer a city of 1.8 Million people over 4 years ago and hold it and maintain it all of those years?  THIS again points to one conclusion, which is the entire 'Battle for Mosul" is a fraud and a propaganda charade....  I have stated that this is nothing but a scam and is being done to continue to sell to the gullible American people that this FRAUD "war on terror" is somehow real, when it is absolute bullshit....Of course while so much attention has been focused in on the Middle East, new reports came out over the last few weeks showing that the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of both the United States and Canada is indeed showing evidence of radioactive material coming from the failed reactors at Fukushima Japan.... But what we have here is the liars in the media finally admitting to something that we have been painfully aware for the last 4 and 1/2 years!... And yet, we find our governments and the Jew spew media continue to claim that we should NOT be at all alarmed by Fukushima and that the situation is "under control".... The reality is absolutely different and the "situation" is both dire and clearly out of control..... And just the other day I read a startling report that claims that it will cost in the neighbourhood of some $250 BILLION dollars to actually fix the Fukushima problem.... The reality is that $250 BILLION is a drop in the bucket for this disaster as there is NO method or NO technology presently available to fix this problem.... Apparently the solution by our governments and media is to simply IGNORE Fukushima entirely and hope that people do not pay any attention at all....Apparently to them they figure some radiation exposure by the people living around the Pacific Ocean, and watching the Pacific Ocean itself die, is somehow a good thing?OK, enough of the major news.... And once again I dare anyone to come forward and claim any of what I have touched upon is "fake news" as the liars in our governments and the Jew spew media are trying desperately to claim....I guess I can close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits to touch upon a variety of subjects that have been missed so far.......The war against Yemen by the Saudis is going as expected I see.  The Yemeni people are still fighting back and persevering, even though a report last week claims that some 10000 Yemeni people have been killed so far in the fighting.  I will state the obvious here that the number is many times this "10000" number, and we must not forget that the nation of Yemen is still teetering on a humanitarian crisis due to impending famine.   And yes, we can thank the US for aiding the Saudi criminals in the destruction of this innocent nation as well........Yes, I saw the reports this last week of increased tensions between China and neighbouring Taiwan.  These reports claim that the Chinese should consider an all out invasion of Taiwan to reclaim that island nation as part of China itself, and honestly the better way is to just keep the status quo and let the people of Taiwan decide their own future.   The international laws of "Self determination" is still the better solution than a war........And yes, I saw the reports of the US sending some "1600" armoured vehicles including tanks to the Netherlands to be a "deterrent" from (non existent) "Russian aggression".  Apparently, Barry Soetoro is once again pushing for war with Russia, and this might be his "gift" to incoming President Drumpf.   Hopefully Putin will see the game and not give the criminals in NATO any reason for war, and just wait until the Drumpf Presidency takes hold next month.  Drumpf has long stated that he does not want war with Russia but to do business.......And again, while attention is so focused in on the Middle East, the situation in Ukraine is heating up with the US puppet regime in Kiev taking potshots at the eastern Ukrainian breakaway republics.  Apparently these clowns in Kiev are wanting a new war and possibly a bigger war against Russia because they have turned Ukraine into an economic basket case, and need a war to prevent the Ukrainian people from rightfully turning against them!....... I again must repeat that I am no great fan of Donald Drumpf, for apparently he is willing to support the criminal state of Israel to take over sole possession of the divided city of Jerusalem and make that city their state capital against the will of the Palestinian people.  If Drumpf does allow this to happen, then it will prove that once again the American people have another Jew controlled lackey as their President.  We will see if this is the case shortly after his inauguration on January 20th......I see the 4th anniversary of that fraud shooting at Sandy Hook took place last week with little fanfare.  I for one am still puzzled that anyone with any brain cells can still believe that was a real event.  AND I am still puzzled as well that there are those fools out there in the alternative media (especially that clown over at the "TUT" website) that are still spewing their garbage claiming Sandy Hook to be real and that those who think otherwise are "fools and idiots".   We know the truth and we know who the real fools are........So let me get this straight.   None other than Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, is suddenly helping to fund that criminal enterprise called "Facebook" in their attempts to attack what they call "fake news"?  Considering that garbage sites such as "Google" and "Facebook" are the real deceivers and the ones spewing the fake news, I am not surprised.  And again, I must ask WHY anyone is foolish enough to ever have a "Facebook" account?  Close the damn thing and let "Facebook" and other fraud "social media" garbage outlets die!.........There are reports that President Barry Soetoro's "birth certificate" fiasco is about to be reopened once again. This is to me just more bullshit diversion for the American people, for to reopen this fiasco is 8 years too late as that criminal is about to leave office. Honestly, who cares about his 'birth certificate" at all, for the American people should have never ever put him, and his tranny "wife" Michael, into the White House in the first place!..........I am pissed off that Arsenal lost what should have been an easy victory last Tuesday against Everton by the score of 2-1, and now have to face Manchester City Citizens today.  With Chelsea a full 6 points in front at the top of the table, the Gunners had better get their game together or they will have no chance for the title again this season!........No new news from Whitewraithe, and again I decided to leave her alone hoping that she is able to get both her mind and body back into good health.  I will again let everyone know how she is doing soon..........Well, the Kardashian mess continues as reports came out that Rob and "Blac Chyna" have broken up. And supposedly according to the "entertainment news" garbage outlets "all of America" is now "heartbroken" by this news.  Yes, wars for Israel, a dismal economy, and other real news can now step aside, as this Kardashian "travesty" unfolds.   But hey,  this soap opera is what most Americans follow, and once again shows why the US itself is in such a mess...More to comeNTS