Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 30th, 2015

Yes, after a hectic week... It is now Sunday and time again for my rant that again I surely hope pisses off the Hasbara/JIDF agents that I do call my "favorite fan club"...I spent the last few days going over as much information as possible when it comes to the latest fraud shooting in Roanoke, Virginia, USA.... As I stated in my last article, I am shocked that most people still just do not get it!   The criminals that run the US Government desperately want to remove the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution, which is of course the right for every citizen to bear arms.  That amendment to the original Constitution of 1787 was put in for the purpose of allowing the citizens of that once great nation to arm themselves against the possible tyranny of their own government!  The founding fathers of the United States, in spite of the fact that they were all Freemasons, knew that the fragile nation that they had created was  under constant threat from foreign powers, but they knew the greatest danger to the nation was if the powers that be that controlled the nation would become dictatorial and turn against the American public and strip them of their basic rights and freedoms... Therefore the 2nd amendment was created as a "fail safe" method of preventing the US Government from becoming too powerful or too tyrannical.  It gives the citizens the rights to arm and defend themselves in case their own government comes to their doors to arrest and seize them without proper due justice....Now the US has suffered from a constant and ongoing war by the government and those who want total control of that nation against the common people.... EVERY single "shooting" or "mass killing" that we have witnessed across America for the last decade at least has been complete and utter bull shit!   We have already witnessed the frauds of Aurora Colorado, the absolutely ridiculous "mass shooting" at that phony Sandy Hook Elementary School, the ridiculous and totally bullshit Boston Bombing, as prime example of the war against the American people to get them to surrender their rights, their freedoms, and especially their guns... And now we have this absolutely fake and outrageous "shooting" in Roanoke Virginia.   I sometimes wonder about the gullibility of the American people when I see how easily they fall for these fake incidents...Lets face it... The Roanoke 'shooting' is probably the sloppiest false flag attack on the American people, and I do wonder if the criminals conducting the operation are at the point now that they do not care about making it look plausible anymore... They know that with the power of the Jew spew media behind them and how dumbed down the American people are these days thanks to the mind numbing effect of all these shootings, the phony war against fraudulent "terrorism", and especially the crap and poisons the American people eat and drink in their diets daily, they basically have thrown out this fraud shooting with all of its errors knowing the American public will not even bother with the mistakes and accept it blindly as being real!   It seems to me these criminals that run these operations are all sitting back laughing their asses off about how stupid and gullible Americans have become!I will not go into detail here about how ridiculous the shooting in Roanoke Virginia is because I have already covered much of that in the last two articles... Safe to say that the Jew spew media is back at it using that ridiculous "boyfriend" of shooting "victim" Alison Parker, named Chris Hurst, as their newest poster boy for gun control... Hey, it is everyday that the boyfriend of the main "victim" of this shooting, who called Alison the "love of his life" was out there doing interviews within hours of the 'shooting' and right away promoting gun control...Heck if I lost a loved one, I would also be out there, tearless and not showing any real emotion, doing the same thing, right?  Right?..... As I said, most Americans still do not get it, and will swallow the lies....One final note here about this fraud shooting.. Some have asked me the basic question... If the shooting is not "real" then what happened to the "victims"?   Safe to say that many have not done their homework very well and are unaware that many of the "victims" of these frauds are indeed paid off handsomely.. I have seen reports that many get a tidy sum of money, which some sites have said is around $666,000 US dollars per person at least... And besides the money, many of the "victims" are of course whisked away and kept under wraps for a few years.. After a few years, these traitors are given new identities and new phony lives, and are returned to the US.... Yes, many out there would say this is ridiculous, but the fact is that many people would indeed commit these crimes for the prospects of striking it rich.  We only need to look at the crisis actors used at the fraud Sandy Hook shooting who made out like bandits by pocketing millions each and how they indeed are truly evil traitors to the American people.  And of course we cannot forget those disinformation agents that are out there still promoting Sandy Hook and other fraud shootings as being "real" and obviously have been paid off handsomely for their own acts of lies and treason....... Yes, money talks and there are many out there who would sell out their own nation for profit... Of course while we have all been 'distracted' by this latest laughable fraud shooting in Virginia, there has been so much going on elsewhere around the world......We have had the Jew spew media put out tons of fluff into people's minds everywhere to try to divert their attention to the world economies that are now in free fall... We have seen the fraud stock markets collapse last Monday, only to be propped up artificially over the next few days with the laughable economists saying that "all is well" and that it was only a "glitch"... It was NO glitch and the fact is that the criminal Jews that run the financial institutions know full well that their ponzi scheme of debt based banking is about to come to an end.... Their ability to prop up the "markets" by injecting billions of dollars into the mess is no longer working, and the end of their scheme is definitely coming, which some say could be as early as next month...... Basically what we have seen this week is what is called a 'dead cat bounce' where the impending collapse was headed off momentarily as the fraud artists behind the entire criminal enterprise do indeed "prop" up the market momentarily after the initial fall giving them time to extract as much wealth out of the markets before they pull the plug and let the whole thing come crashing down....Their hopes of continuing the fraud for a while longer is now at an end, and the world may indeed change dramatically very soon... I do hope that most people have done some preparation, especially keeping some much needed supplies at hand, for at least a few months, for if the markets do collapse, the basic essential needs for survival will be hard to obtain!   I am not going to try to promote doom and gloom here, but I am saying to everyone to not take any chances....The situation in Ukraine is ramping up as I had expected.. The Minsk II agreements are now basically dead, and the Ukrainian army is indeed launching some minor attacks into the eastern breakaway provinces of the Donbass even as I type this rant.... The big assault is coming, and as I have said before it will be an attack almost exclusively against civilians.... The US puppet regime in Kiev has constantly promoted the falsehood the the general Ukrainian public that the war in Donbass is and always has been against "Russian invaders" but it does appear that most Ukrainians are no longer swallowing the lies.... Even the Jew spew media across the world has had a more difficult time in selling this war against civilians as a war against "Russian aggression", for thankfully most people have indeed awakened to the reality that the war is against the rights of citizens to decide their own future.....The truth is of course that the US government, knowing that their own asses are on the line if the US economy does collapse, are hoping that their proxy government war against the Donbass can escalate into a full blown war against Russia itself.... Yes, they are indeed banking on the idea that if the Ukrainian military starts murdering civilians, the Russians will not stand idly by and will intervene.... The lunatics in Kiev and Washington are still under the belief that a war against Russia will "stimulate" the economy and possibly prevent the upcoming world wide Depression.... Of course this is indeed insanity, for if the war does escalate, there is no telling how far it will spread and when it would become nuclear.... But again we are dealing with lunatics....Syria has definitely become the bulls eye (again) for American and Israeli aggression... The good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government forces, have been under constant attack from all sides of their borders, as the US and Israel are now going all out for the conquest of that innocent nation... Yes, the Israelis have stopped their air attacks against Syrian targets, momentarily, but their phony "terrorist" group, ISIS, is still at it, with reports that they are again attacking several of Syria's main cities that were recently liberated by Assad's forces... And do not even get me started about how that "air campaign" against supposed "ISIS" forces by the US and NATO forces is a sham... The targets have never ever been "ISIS" strongholds, but have always been Syrian military and civilian targets instead... But of course, we are being fed the usual bullshit lies via good old Jew spew media outlets that "ISIS" targets have been bombed!.....Sadly, I do not like what I am seeing in Syria now, and yes the US and Israel will not stop until either Syria is destroyed with thousands of civilians dying in the process, or people wake the hell up and demand that our governments stop with their constant lies about Syria and the entire fraudulent "war on terror"..Arthur Topham, over at Radical Press (, put out several articles this last week claiming that Tim Horton's restaurants here in Canuckleheadistan was purposely blocking access to his website through their public WIFI network.....This is indeed a blatant act of censorship,and should never be happening in this "free nation" of Canada......Since Arthur's reports on this matter,  I have not yet had the chance to see if Tim Hortons here in central Canada is also censoring his website.... I will have a chance to do so early this coming week and will let everyone know what I find.... If this is indeed happening right across Canada, then all Canadians should contact Tim Hortons head office and demand they stop this act immediately.... If they continue then all Canadians should boycott this restaurant chain and any others that practice this attack on free speech..... If we do not stop this now, where and when will it end?As I stated before, I am not in this for profit,and I said that I would give full disclosure of the exact amount of money that has been put into my "account" by my adding "Adsense" to this blog... As of this morning as I type this rant, the total amount earned over the last 11 days since I first activated Adsense is exactly $54.69 Canadian dollars... Adsense has sent me an email that the first "payment" to me will be sent when the accumulated amount exceeds $100.00, and each $100.00 afterwards... As I have already stated, I will be using any funds from Adsense to cover for the cost of Blogtalk radio and the Turbulent Times shows that Whitewraithe and I want to relaunch shortly....  I have never been in this for profit or for personal gain, and I am indeed using the money entirely to cover the costs for the Blogtalk Radio podcast account, and of course to cover for Canadian taxation which I will have to pay for using Adsense!.... I will continue to inform my readership of the status of my Adsense account in future articles and rants.....Well, I guess that is enough for now....But I will close this rant as always with my usual "last minute tidbits" to hopefully cover some other subjects on everyone's minds.....Is it not amazing that last week we had North Korea and South Korea talking about war on the Korean Peninsula and the possibility of that war spreading across the entire region, only to have it quietly simmer down with both sides back to their usual status quo.  This seems to constantly happen, and to me it is like two children having a temper tantrum!......The Greeks are again going to the polls next month and the pollsters are claiming that the criminal Syriza party that surrendered the Greek nation to criminal IMF austerity is in the lead in Greek public opinion polls.  Either the Greeks are truly that stupid, or we are watching serious manipulation of votes in Greece.  I would say both.....Donald Trump is still out there telling the American people what they need to hear and what they should have been thinking for decades at least.  The problem that I see is that there is no way the criminals who have already selected who will be the next American President will allow Trump to win, unless it is Donald Trump who they actually DO want as President!  And do not give me this crap about Trump being what America needs, for Trump knows who his masters are and sucks Jew dick as much as the rest of them.... Honestly, why is Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) not in jail for her crimes against the American people and all of humanity?  This creature gave away US national security secrets, and I can guarantee mostly to her first love Israel, and she is out there trying to become the next American dictator?   If this creature becomes US President, I fear for the entire planet let alone the formerly great United States....... I thought Windows 10 was bad for surveillance and spying on its users, and now we find that Microsoft has also encrypted the same spy programs in their Windows 7 and Windows 8 "updates".   Honestly is no computer operating system safe other than Linux?.........Record cold temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere's winter happening right now and the proponents of the scam of Global Warming are still out there trying to push their lies that the planet is overheating?  Honestly what are these fools smoking?  And does anyone actually believe their lies any more?.........Canadian "selection" for the next Jew butt kissing Prime Minister coming soon and the more I look at all of the candidates, the more I see Canada staying under the firm grip of Jewish control for years to come........The Fukushima nuclear disaster is still going strong and of course we have an almost total media blackout of this crisis still happening.  Again, these fools care not about an ongoing world threatening crisis in Japan because wars for Israel come first and foremost.....Is it not amazing that more people showed concern for an African Lion illegally killed in Africa earlier this month, than the scam called Planned Parenthood murdering babies for organ harvesting.  Honestly, what the hell has happened to morals in our society?.........Arsenal won a close game against Newcastle United yesterday morning 1-0.  Yes the Gunners are now 2-1-1, but the real amazing thing is that Arsenal players have scored only one single goal yet this year in all games, and both victories came as a result of "own goals" by their opposition.  Amazing quirk, and again, I do love soccer.......And finally what everyone waits for, my weekly report on that great American family, the Kardashian skanks and trollops. I failed to mention over my last few rants (horrors) about the brave news anchor who actually left the television set back on August 10th when some new "Kardashian news" was about to be aired.  I applaud this man for his saying enough of the Kardashian crap, and it would be great if other anchors and reporters followed his example.  I for one am sick of the Kardashians who have polluted the minds of Americans (and Canadians) with their filth. The sooner Americans rid themselves of these creatures that to me are worse than trailer park trash, the better...More to comeNTS