Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 20th, 2017

Sunday again... And of course time for my rant..Well, better late than never.. I have had to take care of some personal issues over the last while and some family issues have arisen once again that has drawn me away from writing at this blog.... I do want to again thank everyone for their patience...One thing that I have noticed over the last year and at first I thought it was due to falling interest of readership at this blog... My Blogger statistics for readership at NTS has fallen like a stone, and I was beginning to wonder if it was due to readers no longer interested in this alternative media site... BUT Greencrow and a few others brought something to my attention over the last few weeks that shows that I and others have not actually lost many readers, when in fact it is Google itself that has been purposely censoring statistics to make it appear that readership here has fallen off the cliff.... Lets be honest here, for at one point towards the end of last year, Northerntruthseeker was getting upwards of some 200000 hits per month that I found remarkable, and yet suddenly just a few months later that number dwindled to less than 50000 a month and continued (and continues) to fall like a stone!   I was wondering what was really happening, for that kind of fall would be impossible in the real world, and therefore I am also looking at the bastards at Google for purposely destroying my numbers.....  I therefore no longer trust the "statistics" at this blog and honestly I am really considering getting the hell out of "Blogger" all together for their censorship....Well, distorting the number of visitors at this blog is bad enough, but over the last few weeks I have also seen some of my visuals changed at this blog as well... Several of my right hand column videos"mysteriously" disappeared and I had a real hard time in putting them back up... That and my "revolver map" disappeared all together and I had to reintroduce that visual just a few days ago as well.... Again, I am sick and tired of this unwanted censorship at this blog and if it does continue I will indeed be looking at a new platform and say adios to "Blogger" and their criminal censorship....OK, I will not go into great detail on the insanity that we are seeing in the US right now, for  all I can say is that most Americans are truly this stupid to not see what is really happening in their nation and are right now doing little to stop the damage... The bastards that launched the fraud Charlottesville Virginia incident earlier this month are in league with the criminal Jewish psychos in charge of America with the goal being a massive social unrest right across the nation....This has nothing to do with the fraud of "diversity" for that is pure bullshit to start with... The reality is that "diversity" has always wrecked nations and I can show examples right around the globe even today that proves that as fact...  This is not a "white versus black" battle other than the fact that the Jewish pricks have always wanted to use the blacks as their weapon of choice to create bedlam..... I for one am truly disgusted that most blacks are either too ignorant or too stupid to see that they are nothing but pawns in the sick Jewish want for America's destruction......Lets also get the facts straight... All of this wanting to tear down "Confederate" symbols across America is beyond stupid... Most of the criminals, and yes they are criminals, that are out there defacing and destroying statues of those who symbolized America over a century ago, are very much too stupid and ignorant to even get an education and a clue about their history.... The American Confederacy was never about "slavery" as these idiots have been brainwashed into believing, but the rights of citizens and their states to stand up to the criminality of a centralized federal government...The southern states were being subjected to constant tariffs and fraud taxation from the government in Washington DC that had no constitutional rights at the time to impose such taxation... Therefore after a lot of deliberation those states rightfully voted, which they had every constitutional right to do, to secede from the American union and go their own way... The resultant Civil War was not about "abolishing slavery" but about reimposing the central government's authority over these states... The issue of "abolishing slavery" did not even become the wartime rally for the Union forces until almost a full year and a half into the conflict...I also do have to mention to the idiots out there that are destroying so many statues and symbols of the Civil War, that most of the slave owners in America were Jews... And many of these idiots do not even delve deeper into the history of slavery, for they would find out that most of the criminals that brought slaves to the American shores were also Jews themselves!  This is fact and not fiction....  Therefore the next time any of the readers at this blog that live in the US come across some of the idiots out there that are wanting to tear down historical symbols of America's past due to "slavery", they should take these idiots aside and give them a real history lesson and hopefully have them see the error of their ways....Well, the Syrian war for ridding itself of the evil US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal continues, with recent massive victories by the SAA in central Syria... Right now, the SAA has encircled a large chunk of US fraud "ISIS" forces in the eastern part of Hama province and has continued to make gains along the Jordanian border as well.... The only set back for the moment has been along the Euphrates river where "ISIS" has counterattacked just west of the town of Maadan and has temporarily thwarted the SAA Tiger Forces from launching their long planned attack to relieve the city of Deir Ez-Zor... But the facts are still the same; The US has LOST this war for Syria's destruction and the Syrian people are indeed on their way to clearing their nation of the so called "rebel" and "terrorist" bastards...There was one alarming incident that caught my eye just the other day, and it again shows the world exactly what the US is doing in Syria...For several reports came forward showing that the US "coalition" air force that is in fact ILLEGALLY operating across Syrian air space has once again come to the rescue of their beleaguered "ISIS" forces by bombing SAA positions operating in the town of al Kadir north of recently liberated al-Sukhnah.... This attack was deliberate and was absolutely conducted by the US as an act of desperation to try to halt the SAA advance south towards a possible link up with SAA forces operating north from al-Sukhnah.... It should once again prove beyond the shadow of any doubt to the few that are still thinking that "ISIS" is some type of "terrorist" group that they are in fact US paid mercenaries and operatives, and that the US will stop at nothing now to try to save them at all cost....Well, tomorrow the US gets a real treat in witnessing a total solar eclipse right across the centre of the nation.... I honestly do envy the people in southern Illinois and Missouri that will have the best view of totality starting at around 1130 am CDT tomorrow... And again I must remind readers that unless they are wearing the right eye protection to NOT look directly at the Sun as the show begins for they can do serious damage to their retinas......  I will be at work on Monday here in central Canada during the time of the eclipse, but I will have my computer and the nearby Talmudvision tuned in after 11am tomorrow to watch the show.....I did notice one other thing that is supposed to happen during the time of the American eclipse tomorrow, and I found the timing to be a bit disturbing.. Supposedly the US and South Korea are going to be starting their long planned "war games" across the southern part of the Korean peninsula at exactly the same time as the eclipse takes place... This is very troubling, as the North Koreans have long warned that these "games" could trigger a dangerous response from North Korea that could rapidly escalate into a full blown war right across the region....  I for one am crossing my fingers that this is nothing more than posturing by the North Koreans as we have seen so many times over the last year and nothing happens....But as someone has pointed out to me for years, the criminal Jewish "elite" have long used celestial events to coincide with some of their evil undertakings....And speaking of the American solar eclipse tomorrow, I was once again checking into the comment section at some of those ridiculous "flat earth" videos that have infested Youtube, and I have to howl.. The idiots and escapees from clown college that have infested the "flat earth" society are once again claiming that tomorrow's 'eclipse" is a fraud!  Many of these idiots have no rational scientific explanation for the "eclipse" for they are stuck with their illogical and unscientific stupidity of the moon being so much smaller and so much closer to this planet that it actually is.. Heck, many of these idiots are still living in their dream world that the Sun itself is only some "4000 miles" up above their equally ridiculous "flying pizza world"..... It boggles the mind as to the stupidity of this crowd, and sadly they are indeed out there and continuing to promote their garbage...But I have grown annoyed at some of those in the "truth movement" that have sadly and so wrongly labeled my stand on the fraud of "Global Warming" as my suddenly being a "flat earth believer"!  This type of stupidity only backs up what I have said for years about the entire "flat earth" idiocy.. That ridiculous notion of the world being a pancake was introduced on purpose into the alternative media as a method of projecting the falsehood that anyone that sees the lies of government and especially NASA, to be labeled as "flat earthers"!   And now that ignorance has spread to even those who see the lie of "Climate Change" as well?  Honestly, to those who suddenly call those who see the lies of "Climate Change" "flat earthers", give your heads a shake and get a real education!One thing about this "Climate Change" bullshit and I did mention it in passing in last week's rant... I am so glad that Al Gore's newest piece of bullshit propaganda "An Inconvenient Sequel" has absolutely BOMBED at the movie theatres...  I did see a few weeks back where the so called "critics" were out there claiming this newest piece of Al Gore dog poop as a fine movie, but people are finally sick and tired of the lies of the Global Warming idiots out there and have sent this movie to the dust bin already... It is already out of the few theatres here that had the guts to screen it,  and it is destined to lose millions of dollars..... I can guarantee that even the DVD sales of this piece of horsecrap will be pathetic and it will be relegated to Youtube videos within the next year....  At that point, I may actually watch it (hopefully without vomiting) for some comedy relief and to see Manbearpig's attempt once again at lying his ass off....Well, I guess that is enough for the moment.... Once again I have left so much on the table that people want my two cents worth, and I will cover some of those right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"......The Barcelona "attack" was definitely a false flag operation, and I have found nothing to show otherwise.   I am still leaning on it being done for both political (fear of Catalonian independence) and economic reasons..........More reports coming out showing how wide spread the Cholera outbreak is becoming in Yemen.  Yes, the entire population of that nation is in danger of being wiped out due to not only Cholera, but from famine thanks to the US and Saudi Arabia.  And of course I continue to be so annoyed that the so called "Media" refuses to even talk about this disaster!.....China and India still at loggerheads in Kashmir region of the Himalayas.   I do hope cooler heads prevail here and we do not see a war over a few villages.  Diplomacy is better than death......Yes, the US is still claiming that Iran is not in "compliance" with the P5+1 nuclear deal, but the reality is that the US is the ones  not in "compliance" for their refusal to remove some sanctions as part of that agreement.  The reality here is of course the Israelis wanting the deal scrubbed so they can get their American minions to destroy Iran itself.... And speaking of the psychos in Israel, apparently their laughable assertion that Iran is building a rocket base in Syria never got the traction they wanted (hopefully thanks to the alternative media) and that story has become a dud.  But these psychos will continue their efforts for they want both Syria and Iran destroyed.......I did notice the sudden crack down of alternative media sites by the criminals over at Google and other servers.  I am crossing my fingers that this site is not targeted, but if it does I will find an alternative platform.   Someone said to check out the search engine called "Brave" as an alternative to "Google", and I too may take a gander there soon........I see the battle in the Philippines to remove the US fraud of ISIS continues, and apparently Duterte's forces are now nearing victory on Mindanao.  BUT I can guarantee we have not seen the last of ISIS in the Philippines for the US will definitely be working to inject their operatives somewhere else in the island nation.........Anyone else notice that with all of the "upheaval" happening now across America, the fraud of "Russia Gate" has all but disappeared?  Here is a reality check:  The idiots that want to have Drumpf removed from office have obviously failed with their "Russia Gate" scam, so they are now trying a different approach through this bullshit "diversity" upheaval across the nation, and trying to label Drumpf as a "racist".......I saw a report where supposedly the ridiculous Lougheed F35 POS "fighter" program will cost FAR MORE money that has been previously estimated.   I do wonder why the US government has not scrapped this entire program as it is now estimated to bleed American taxpayers to the tune of upwards of 1.5 TRILLION dollars!....... I saw a most disturbing report a few days ago where some experts are saying that the US will stay illegally in Syria for decades even after their fraud of "ISIS" is defeated!  I do wonder if the Russians and Syrians have received the memo on this?  And I do wonder what their reaction will be if this report is true.......... I am pissed off right now for Arsenal lost a game that they should have won yesterday to Stoke City by the score of 1-0.   I actually watched most of that game, but was so disgusted by the play of the Gunners.  Honestly they do not look like championship caliber and it will be a long fall and winter for Gunner fans..........OK, what is going on in the kooky world of Kardashian these days?  Well, I hope readers are not tuning into their Jew spew network ABC on the 28th of this month, for the uber-skank Kim is going to be the "host" on the morning "Live" show.  Honestly I have not seen this skank put two sentences together without spewing gibberish, so I wonder how she will manage an entire live show?  I hope the producers have plenty of cue cards written in crayon ready for this idiot that morning.  Thankfully I will not tune in that morning for I fear for my own brain cells screaming in pain....More to comeNTS