Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Sunday again... And it is time for my weekly rant....There are so many things going on right now around the world that it is tough to know where to begin... I thought I would begin with the massive upheaval that is now going on in Egypt....When I first saw that Egypt was in revolt again, much like two years ago, I smelled a rat.. And that rat was definitely wearing a Star of David on his lapel.It has been hard to get any truthful information about exactly what is occurring with this newest "revolution" happening in Egypt.  Much of the so called media, which of course spins nothing but Jewish propaganda and lies, has been calling this a "civil war" and have been the proponents for immediate action by Western governments, primarily the United States, to help end the bloodshed that has been escalating by the day.  What I have seen from reports through the alternative and more truthful media is many snipers and agent provocateurs operating in Cairo, Alexandria, and other Egyptian cities, to stir up trouble, shoot at some civilians, and incite violence.  What we do know is that many of these snipers and agent provocateurs are under the employment of the United States and the Israelis.  This shows that this "civil war" and newest uprising is indeed being fomented by the criminal Israelis with the goal of turning Egypt into a bloodbath which could lead to the fracturing of that nation itself....I and others have previously exposed the fact that the so called "Muslim Brotherhood" is absolutely NOT as they seem, but are actually very much part of the Israeli criminal agenda.  There have been many previous articles that have shown that the Egyptian Brotherhood is very much under the payroll of the Israelis, and was created for the purpose of promoting Israeli interests.... We see in Egypt, that this "Muslim Brotherhood"  is of course well embedded in all the civil unrest and are of course calling for the dissolution of the caretaker government being presently run by the military.  But what is not known is that Morsi himself had also been under the guidance of his US and Israeli masters, and therefore his supporters are being misled and being played as suckers into also fighting for Israeli interests... Therefore what is happening is we have two of the major factions fighting for control over Egypt wanting to slaughter each other, but are both fully under control of Jewish interests...And of course we also have the Egyptian army caught up in the fighting, originally to crackdown on the civil unrest, but now in open conflict with both factions as well....But this makes sense if anyone just reads their Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, where it states the need to control BOTH sides in any conflict.... The Jews want the Egyptians to rip themselves apart, and to have as many people, primarily Muslims, killed in the process...Then with Egypt in tatters and the people weakened and demoralized, these criminals will both recapture Sinai, and work with their puppets in the United States towards the break up of Egypt into those small weak fiefdoms that the Jews have always wanted...Ripe for Israeli domination...The bottom line and in my view... Egypt has always been the most populous and strongest Arab nation that has stood in the way of Israeli conquest of the Middle East.   The Jews therefore want Egypt basically neutered and made powerless.... That is why this "civil war" is playing right into their evil hands.... I hope the Egyptians will eventually see through this deception and possibly end this internal conflict before it it too late..As more information finally does come forward about the TRUTH behind this conflict, I will be indeed be placing articles at this blog...Onto other matters... I see that the Israelis are of course continuing with their illegal settlement building in the occupied West Bank, much to the chagrin of their puppet US government stooges.   We see these last few weeks where the Jewish American Secretary of State, John Khon (Kerry) was in both Israel and in Arabic nations still trying hopelessly to sell the notion of the laughable "Peace Process", but to no avail... This clown who calls himself US Secretary of State is of course a JEW first and foremost, and in spite of the rhetoric lately calling the settlements "illegal", he will absolutely NOT do anything to hurt his tribe at all.....This means of course that this latest ridiculous "Peace Process" is dead in the water before it even gets off the ground.  Israel does not want peace, because they want territory.  Their sick and twisted "Zionist" idealism calls for all of Palestine for themselves, and with no room at all for any Palestinian state, period.  I have stated this many times, and from recent events have again proven to be absolutely right.So lets make it perfectly clear.  There is NO chance for any "peace" between the criminal and sick Israelis and the Palestinian people.  Honestly, how could there?  The Jews want the land of Palestine to their greedy selves, and the Palestinian people either in permanent exile from their own land, or exterminated.   With those two options and with no future, the Palestinians have absolutely NO choice but to fight.  They have to fight back against this evil oppression and absolutely make the illegal settlers and their settlements a living hell.   It is either fight or die.... With those choices, I know which one I would take in a heartbeat...It does seem that with the new civil unrest happening in Egypt, much of the world's attention has of course turned away from Syria.   The fact is that this Egyptian unrest could not happen sooner for the criminals in the American government, for their proxy war in Syria has indeed failed miserably, with the good guys, the Syrian government forces now very much at the point of total victory over the murderous mercenary "rebels".  This failure by the criminal Jewish elite to destroy Syria is indeed a black eye, and has shown the world that the criminal state of Israel, and their minions in the United States, can be beaten by a determined foe.  I can guarantee, however, that these criminals may yet pull something out and find a way for direct intervention into Syria.  That is why everyone must be ready for a false flag attack, which will "conveniently" be blamed on Syria.. or even better... Syria's ally, Iran...OK, Again what the hell took the entire world this long to realize that the Fukushima disaster is still very much out of control?  I have been trying for over two years to reach anyone that would listen and try to get them to understand that this disaster is indeed life or death for this planet,and few people actually listened!   Now it seems that TEPCO can no longer cover up their problems and they have had to admit over the last month to the entire planet that they indeed need help, and desperately now.....I got so sick of the lies from TEPCO, especially where they have been lying for two years about their dumping of the radioactive waste water from the Fukushima damaged facility directly into the Pacific Ocean.  How anyone could have believed their laughable lie that they have been "storing" all of those millions of tons of waste water near the failed facility is beyond me..... There was absolutely no alternative that they have had other than to dump this highly radioactive water directly into the Pacific and hope that with the mass of the Pacific Ocean it could absorb this radioactivity with little damage to ocean life.   But we are seeing the results of the radioactive north Pacific Ocean being felt as far away as the Canadian and American west coast, with elevated radioactivity detected in Ocean water, as well as serious damage to marine life itself..... Now two years after the initial disaster, we are seeing indications that the North Pacific Ocean is indeed in serious trouble.... I cannot see the death of an entire Ocean, but the damage is indeed catastrophic....What is surprising is that with these new revelations that Fukushima is indeed still out of control, and that Japan needs help from the entire world to solve this situation, we are NOT seeing any government move quickly to send help......Why am I not surprised?  The initial disaster was created by Israel via their Stuxnet virus to teach Japan a lesson that they cannot screw with their Jewish masters, and even now these Jewish criminals obviously want Japan to continue to suffer.... Wars and billions of dollars for the criminally insane nation of Israel, but not one additional nickel for Japan.... What a "Bizzaro" world we do indeed live in...OK, What the hell is going on with this "Homosexual" issue with Russia?  The Russians did nothing wrong and only pushed forward the right to not have Homosexuality and other horrible anti-family rhetoric preached to their children, and Gays everywhere have been going ballistic.   To me, the Russians have done the right thing in that no "lifestyle" should be shoved down the throats of innocent children.... When I saw the reports and read the articles about boycotts and actions to be taken against Russia for the Russian use of common sense, I smelled a rat... And lo and behold, we find Jewish interest groups behind the debacle.... But this to me is not unexpected, because the Jewish agenda has always been to destroy the family unit through their pornography, homosexuality, and other horrible "lifestyle choices".... I sure hope that other people can see through this deception and stop it in its tracks....Earlier this month marked the One Year Anniversary of the Curiosity Probe on "Mars", with much fanfare coming from the liars over at NASA.   If people do not realize it, I will state it right here... This probe is absolutely NOT on Mars at all, and we have again been hoodwinked much the same way that NASA lied their asses off with the fraudulent Apollo man on the moon missions.   I have many previous articles at this blog exposing the lies of Curiosity, and I have not seen anything to this day that has swayed my opinion that it is a scam.... NASA has always been desperate to keep themselves from being under the US Government budget cutting knife, and this Curiosity mission to "Mars" has helped them survive the latest budget cuts....But how could Curiosity even be on Mars?   The lies started with its magical landing on Mars using parachutes that could not possibly operate in the almost airless Martian atmosphere, as well as the magical landing with a "skycrane" contraption that nobody has ever seen a working model here on Earth... There are no papers, diagrams, or any documents on this "skycrane" at all... All that NASA has ever been able to produce are "computer simulations" of this "skycrane" in action that has never been tested on Earth.... What a miraculous device that worked the first and ONLY time on the Martian surface!   Then we have the real coup de grace which is the color of the Martian atmosphere, which because of the extremely low surface pressure cannot be any other color than Black... There are not enough molecules in that thin Martian atmosphere to diffuse light and color the sky at all.   NASA started coloring the martian sky "pink" with their fraud Viking missions to "Mars" and has been stuck with having to continue the deception to this very day.As usual, there are other subjects that I have not covered in this rant.....That is why I have my usual last minute tidbits to at least give my views and opinions.....I see this last week that the Coca-Cola corporation will be running ads to promote the "safety" of Aspartame in their diet drinks.   Good luck to that, because people are no longer fooled and see both  Aspartame and Sucralose for the deadly poisons they truly are....Yes, I have seen the reports about the Arctic Ice Shelf growing at an alarming rate even during this summer as well as unprecedented cold temperatures in the high arctic for this time of year.  So much for "Global Warming", and the fraudsters behind the Global Warming scam have again been exposed again.....50 Million Americans now living on Food Stamps and that number is escalating.  Sadly, the American government still says all is well with the US economy.  What are these clowns smoking now?......I saw an article this last week that states that Atheists have higher IQ's than those who stick to religious beliefs.  I guess that explains moi........And finally what everyone has been waiting for, my weekly Khardashian news! It seems that my favorite skank, Kim, has been at war with a media liar and fraud, Katie Couric, after Couric stated that she could not figure out WHY Kim is even "famous".   Yes, the entire world would surely love to know as well, Katie!More to comeNTS