Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 16th, 2015

 Sunday, everyone's favourite day for rest and relaxation... And just to piss off some of my favourite fans in the JIDF/Hasbara community (or what I call Clown College rejects), here comes my weekly rant....First, yes it has been a very hot week across the northern hemisphere, and there are many out there including those in the fraud Global Warming community that are pointing to this week and saying "See... The planet is definitely warming".... I say to these idiots to just compare this last week to all other weeks this year where the weather across the planet has been very much colder, and then watch carefully over the next while as the temperatures again return to below normal conditions.. One week does not make for the fraud of "Global Warming", period.....  And watch as the criminal US government and others use this last week as their excuse to impose the fraud of Carbon Taxation on gullible fools, and many will indeed swallow the kool-aid..... Many have suddenly noticed the advertisements that are now appearing at this blog... I stated last week that I would give "Adsense" a shot and use any funds collected from these advertisements for the sole purpose of funding Whitewraithe's and my "Turbulent Times" shows that we are hoping to relaunch shortly.... Lets face it, Blogtalk radio is so damn expensive!  It costs over $50 per month in US funds just for the basic network, which to me is indeed "highway robbery"!   The costs do add up, and I am hoping that some money coming in via "Adsense" will offset those costs..... Hey, I am not in this for personal glory or to get rich by a long shot, and if necessary will give everyone a full disclosure of exactly how much money comes in via this "Adsense" simply because I have nothing to hide....  Therefore, do not mind the advertisements... But I will block any that promote Israel or anything to do with that psycho state....Speaking of the psycho state of Israel... Important news came out this last week where the Jews that run that insane asylum have finally admitted that there is no way they would ever allow the "two state solution" for the Palestinian "problem" to take place... And why am I not surprised?  Israel stole the last vestiges of any land owned by the Palestinian people back in 1967 in their war of aggression called the "Six day war", and they had never intended from that point on to ever give the land back to its rightful heirs, the Palestinians... It is no wonder that even shortly after their initial conquest of the West Bank that they moved quickly into establishing their illegal "settlements" that have grown to this day to hold some 1/2 million illegal settlers... There is therefore no way in hell now that these illegals can ever be moved out of their illegal encampments in the occupied West Bank, and the plans are eventually to annex the whole territory into Israel itself..... The bottom line is that the so called 'peace talks' since 1948 to somehow give the Palestinians a homeland in land that has always rightfully been there have always been a sham and a fraud... I stated clearly before that the Israelis have always selfishly wanted all of Palestine for themselves and in their twisted sickness, the Palestinians have no hope for a land to call their own and are eventually to be permanently booted out of the land or to be eventually either annihilated or to be made the poor second class citizens of a "Greater Israel".... Therefore the only hope of the Palestinian people is to fight back and fight back hard against these monsters... The choices they have is either to fight or to be destroyed.  Given those choices, it seems logical which one even I would choose in a heartbeat.Yes, the proxy war by the US and Israel for the destruction of Syria is going strong, with the US now directly funding the so called "terrorists" that they have thrown in our faces via the Jew spew media... ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesch, or what ever these criminals can come up with next is again nothing more than a sham and a farce... The entire "terrorist" operation that we see happening in the Middle East is solely run by the American CIA and Israeli Mossad for the ultimate goal of destroying all nations in the region, including Syria itself... The "Securing the Realm" documents first written up in 1996 for how Israel is to attain full hegemony over the entire Middle East is still the primary blueprint for the destruction of all of Israel's neighbours and foes in that region, and that blueprint is absolutely being followed almost to the letter..... Must I repeat again here that the entire "war on terror" and "terrorism" itself are complete frauds?  These scams were created for the psychology of generating fear into people, and of course the Jew spew media has been the weapon of choice for its promotion and brainwashing of gullible people... And it has indeed worked like a charm, as even I am so surprised at how people constantly talk amongst themselves about the evils of "terrorism" and how we "must do something" about the "evil terrorists" such as the fraud ISIS!   It is so disgusting, and yet even with my best efforts in trying to show people the truth, many just refuse to listen... The power of the media and our criminal governments in brainwashing gullible people is that strong... Luckily there are still many that do have some critical thinking skills left, and my hopes are that many of these can still be reached.....It has been a most interesting week here in Canuckleheadistan with the upcoming "selections" for the next group of Jew butt kissers now in full swing... But of course the truth is coming out that many who are seeking public office as Members of Parliament come October 19th, have to pledge their full allegiance to the criminal and psychotic state of Israel first and foremost.... Yes, there is no true freedom in this once free nation of Canada, as many of the so called "politicians" that have had the courage to voice their own personal opinions when it comes to the psycho state of Israel and its brutal actions against the Palestinians have had to either "apologize" for their comments in the hope that their Jewish masters will forgive them and allow them to continue their quest for office (fat chance of that), or have had to withdraw from the election race... To me, this is so disgusting and shows again clearly that Canada is absolutely not free at all, for any free speech in the form of personal and private opinions is so heavily scrutinized and if someone tries to tell the truth, they are brutally suppressed....Again, this upcoming October 19th federal "election" is a complete farce and a sham for the people that will be sitting in the next Parliament for Canada will all have "I love Israel" stickers pasted on their heads (and asses...)Please do not get me started about the American political circus that has engulfed the Jew spew media for the last 2 weeks.... It is bad enough that the sham called "Fox News" made total idiots of themselves when they attempted to bash Donald Trump in that GOP circus on American talmudvision... Lets face it, "The Donald" is absolutely right when he states that 'Political Correctness' is ruining America, and that illegal immigrants are just that... Illegal... But the facts are still the same that Donald Trump is nothing more than a side show and indeed a circus, for the Jewish power elite that controls America have already selected their puppet to sit in the White House come November 2016..... I have stated it before that Donald Trump is exactly what "Ron Paul" and even "Ross Perot" were before, and that is a sideshow for the gullible American people... Trump will give the American public "hope" and then that "hope" will be taken the way from them just like the others before him and most Americans will be again stuck with Jew candidate (A) and Jew candidate (B)....Basically either way, America is again totally fucked!     One other note of course: Donald Trump may be a "self made" billionaire, but he knows who controls America and has for decades been under Jewish control as well.....So for those Americans that actually think Trump is their hero, do not kid yourselves....A big blast in Tianjin China that levels a chemical factory while killing some 100+ people, and even I have had to stop and say "hmmmmmmm...".... I have seen many of the reports about this being an "accident" and I am not buying it... Something very sinister is afoot here, and I do believe we have just witnessed an attack or sabotage on a very large scale..... And yes, I have read the recent reports about the possibility of this being the first attack from a weapons system that almost borders on science fiction, called "Rods from God".... Many people are unaware that the United States has indeed been covertly developing a weapons system based upon a space platform armed with high explosive heavy tungsten "rods" that on commands from another orbiting platform can launch these "rods" back towards Earth at high velocity.... These "rods" could conceivably hit a target at a very high rate of speed, and would cause a blast similar to a small scale nuclear device going off..... The result would be a crater much like we are seeing as a result of the blast that just occurred in China.... OK, many may laugh or say "Oh come on now, NTS", but all I ask of the critics is to actually read up on "Rods from God" for themselves, and not dismiss this just yet.... There is more to this Chinese "blast" than we are being told.....Yes, the situation in Greece has again turned for the worse, as the Syriza government in Athens has turned its back completely on the very Greek people that actually "elected" them to power earlier this year and have agreed to even MORE 'austerity'.... I again am troubled, especially by the inaction of the Greek people... How in the hell can any nation endure this farce called "austerity" for the only outcome would be perpetual enslavement by the Greek people for all eternity to Jewish criminal bankers?   The solution has always been for Greece to stand behind the NO vote for austerity that their own Government has not abided to, and for the Greek nation to tell these banking scoundrels to take their "debt" and shove it up their collective asses!   I am still waiting for the Greek people to finally throw out the Syriza government, and to tell the EU itself to go to hell..... Greece's future, and the future of all enslaved European nations, is not in the fraud EU, but to free themselves of criminal Jewish debt banking once and for all time.... The time to break the shackles of odious and criminal debt is now!I do love to watch and hear the Jew spew media news continue to harp away saying that the economy is "improving" and that unemployment is actually going down... I have to wonder how the clowns that promote such garbage as "news reporters" can say such bullshit with straight faces?    Yes, these idiots do get paid well to tell their lies in the hope that many poor fools out their actually believe their lies... But the truth is of course that the economy is failing miserably, and unemployment everywhere (yes even here in Canada) is on the rapid rise... Heck, with the report that came out last week that there are now close to 100 MILLION Americans out of work or no longer seeking employment, and some 46+ million Americans now on food stamps just to stay alive, I guess the economy is definitely "improving"!.......OK, the criminal Jew lobby group AIPAC has indeed been working overtime over the last while in their attempts to have their US Congress-critters vote to have the Iranian nuclear deal defeated and make sure that the US does not sign on the dotted line... I do believe this is all for show, for the deal will indeed go through even without the US's signature as many nations have already lifted their "sanctions" against the Iranian state... The fact is that the deal, even though not perfect, is good for Iran in that their frozen assets of some 160+ billion dollars will now be freed and will allow the Iranian state to prosper with new trade deals world wide.... The fact is that Israel has already demanded some extra US taxpayer money as their payoff for allowing this deal to be signed and sealed, and they will get that money no matter what happens in the US Congress "vote", while still planning for an attack on Iran's non-existent nuclear facilities even with the deal signed......It is a win win for the psychotic state of Israel and the losers will again be the American public....Well, I guess that is enough for now... Again, there have been so many other stories that I have not covered over the last week or even in this rant so far, and I hope I can cover most of them right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"....... Windows 10 is most definitely a spy program.  Gee, you would think?  Lets face the facts in that there is nothing for "free" these days, and for Microsoft to offer this "upgrade" for "free" in the first place made me smell a rat.  Sure enough, that rat is a spy program operating system called Windows 10 and people should not download that crap until better security and privacy is assured.........Report comes out about massive whale "die offs" occurring in the north Pacific Ocean and the Jew spew media tries to claim it is due to either 'diseases' or some natural cause.  For those who believe that bullshit, does the name "Fukushima" and the still ongoing nuclear disaster in Japan and the Pacific Ocean not ring a bell?.........Reports coming out concerning a rise in health related illnesses for people living in areas where "fracking" takes place.  Why cannot people understand that when you pour water or gas into wells just to force more petroleum out, you also get any other dangerous chemicals such as poisonous gas, escaping as well into the local environment?   And lets not forget about Earthquakes that are being caused by fracking as well!  It is so amazing how the Jew spew media never covers the truth about the dangers of Fracking, but of course some of the biggest corporate supporters of the media outlets is of course "Big Oil"........I got some flack for my recent reports about the dangers of vaccines where I said that using vaccines to modify the Human genome and DNA is indeed part of the Jewish conspiracy for world population control.  Yes, I stand behind these assertions for when anyone takes the time to study about Agenda 21, and who runs and controls big Pharma, we find "the tribe" in all cases.........Again, I really have to wonder why anyone in America supports the fraud of "Planned Parenthood" with all of the allegations about their abortion practices and the sale of aborted fetuses for pharmaceutical purposes and organ harvesting are proving to be true?   And again, when it comes to "Planned Parenthood" we find the tribe behind that swindle as well........ Yes, Arsenal just finished playing Crystal Palace this morning, and had a very hard fought 2-1 victory over the Eagles at the Palace....After last week's fiasco against West Ham, the Gunners finally found a way to victory.  It is still early in Barkley's Premiere League action, and I am still crossing my fingers that the Gunners will be at the top of the table by the end of the season........Whitewraithe is presently in training for a fabulous job opportunity, and hopefully by the beginning of this week she should have some good news if she is able to secure the job.  I am crossing my fingers, and will let everyone know if that comes about.......And finally, I am again not going to report on the Kardashians, but on that venomous snake in the grass, Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) and her attempts to be Queen of the United States.   Well, it appears that her royal majesty in waiting has been forced this week to reveal her "emails" that could indict her for both war crimes and treason against the American people.  I for one hope that the revelations from her emails sink her and her campaign for President, for the United States truly needs some leadership that is not a murderous Jewish slime ball.  Crossing my fingers that she will look good in either an orange jumpsuit, or vertical pinstripes!More to comeNTS