Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 14th, 2016

 Sunday once again... And as usual time for my weekend rant..Honestly, I am sick and tired of the fools in the "flat earth" group... These fools are indeed either the biggest morons going, or they are indeed nothing but bought and paid for shills that have been injected into the Internet for nothing more than to make real truth seekers such as myself look like idiots if we buy into their garbage..... I am leaning on the latter.....Being a man of science and having spent years in University in Physics as well as studying Astronomy, I am no fool... This planet is absolutely round much like every other large object in our solar system, galaxy, and Universe.... Anyone can take a good powered telescope for example and watch Jupiter's red spot as it whirls around the planet making transits of around 10 hours, which coincides to the rotation rate of Jupiter itself... That would be impossible if Jupiter itself was flat and proves that the largest planet in our own solar system is indeed round... And the same goes for the other gas giants Saturn,  Neptune, and Uranus.... In fact carefully observing every other planet through telescopes shows conclusively that all the planets are indeed ALL ROUND....Therefore once again I do have to ask where these fools in the 'flat earth' crowd get off in stating that this planet above all others is somehow flat?I need not remind these fools in the flat earth moron club that the ancients knew full well that the planet was round and how a great Greek mathematician Eratosthenes proved that the planet was indeed round by measuring the angle of shadows cast on the Summer Solstice between Aswan and Alexandria in ancient Egypt... By simply applying geometry and knowing the distance between Aswan and Alexandria, this mathematician was able to deduce pretty accurately that planet Earth has a circumference of approximately 24000 miles....Considering his measurements were made in the 3rd century BC, Eratosthenes was in fact off by as little as several hundred miles....  A remarkable feat of mathematics indeed...But as usual I have been under increasing attack by these idiots who as far as I am concerned have "flat heads" and should have their brains examined... They are again either idiots or shills, and I look at them as nothing more than poison in our efforts at exposing the truths about the lies of history including the fraud space missions of NASA.....I therefore have dismissed their lunacy and have deleted their comments made to this site or have marked them as "spam"... I have no time for stupidity.....I have been troubled by what I have been watching in the American laughable Presidential Election campaign these days.... Yes, the Jewess freak of nature that is mentally psychotic, Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton, is still out there campaigning for the Democratic Party and I am still saying that anyone in the United States that is stupid enough to vote for this pathetic mass murderer should have their heads examined.... This freak is a danger to all humanity let alone the American public and if she is able to 'steal' the election this November, it could indeed mean curtains not only for the United States, but the entire world.....  Yes, Killary is that psychotic.....But I have been troubled by what I have been seeing with Donald Drumpf's campaign for the Republican party.... There have been many troubling incidents with "The Donald" over the last few weeks that makes no sense for a man that should win the "election" hands down even with all the cheating that will take place.... It does appear that Donald has constantly been putting his foot in his mouth at the worse of times and those errors of judgment have indeed given Killary a bit of life for a campaign that should be on life support... So the question becomes:  Is Donald purposely destroying his campaign to give Killary the Presidency?Look, the idea that Donald is purposely blowing his campaign to give the Presidency of the United States to the psychotic Killary Clinton may not be as far fetched as people may sense... I just finished reading a report from Whitewraithe over at her blog: Pragmatic Witness ( that gives some interesting theories about Donald possibly being in this entire campaign to actually give the Presidency to Killary (read article here).... There is a lot of material to read in that report, and I would like anyone that may say "No way, North" to give that article a read before they slam this idea as nonsense..... I personally am not yet sold no this idea that Drumpf is indeed a sell out for Killary, but the facts presented in that article are indeed intriguing...But again, this US election is such a farce anyway.... I have long said that the US republican system of government is busted and beyond repair with only TWO parties vying for the highest office in the nation.... And both parties are absolutely corrupt and entirely controlled by the scumbag Jewish elite that controls America itself... There is no way in hell that the Jewish power elite would ever give up their control over America and if there ever is an interloper that would challenge their power, that individual would quickly have a bullet put into his/her brain.....Therefore for anyone to say that a vote for Drumpf is a vote for some type of "change" in America should indeed give their heads a shake and wake the hell up from their dream world.....Yes, the war in Syria is dragging on much longer that expected... That is thanks to the United States of course meddling into the fray by sending in more illegal weapons to the fraud "moderates" that have been fighting against the Syrian army and their allies for the northern Syrian city of Aleppo... The facts are that Aleppo would have indeed fallen a while ago and Syria itself could have finally been free from these murderous criminal mercenaries if not for the rush of new American material into the fray....And I am not shocked at all by the lack of truthful information coming out of the Jew spew media about this important fight and the fact that the Syrian people still holed up in Aleppo under the control of these murderous mercenaries have actually been brutalized and living "hell on earth"...The majority of citizens of Aleppo are hoping for the day to come soon that they will be free of that scourge by being liberated by the Syrian army and their allies... But of course the Jew spew media paints a different picture and one of these civilians being killed and maimed by the Syrian army which is of course totally false.....  Yes, the battle for Aleppo is not only being fought by forces on the ground but through the propaganda of the liars in the media as well.....Lets be honest here about Ukraine and what the bastards in the Kiev regime and the United States government are up to... .The criminals in the Barry Soetoro regime have been looking for a war, and in fact any war right now across the globe, thinking that war is the only way out for the US economic situation right now that is sinking like a lead balloon..... That and the criminal Poroshenko that has been running Ukraine for the last two years has turned Ukraine itself into an economic mess..... These monsters indeed have sadly concluded that the way out of their economic and political woes is to set off a nice little war by Ukraine against the Russian Federation..... To me, this is sheer madness for any such war would indeed lead to a direct confrontation between the US and Russia that could indeed escalate rapidly into a nuclear conflagration that could spell the end of life itself on this planet.... But it does appear that is exactly what these madmen want.....I have indeed been watching closely what appears to be peaceful negotiations between Turkey and the Russian Federation, especially in the matter of settling the conflict in Syria.... There have been some reports that Turkey and Russia have reached a rapprochement and that Turkey will now move away from dealings with the US and especially NATO and allow Russian access to its bases for operations against the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal's fraud terrorist groups including "ISIS"....There is even a strong message that Erdogan may consider finally closing his borders to Syria and thus "cut off" any supplies to the "rebels" and "ISIS" operating in northern Syria itself....These may be good measures, but considering the fact that Erdogan's regime has been the main supplier to the fraud "ISIS" forces operating in Syria and that Erdogan and his own son have benefited from the illegal sale of "ISIS" oil shipped through Turkey, the idea of Turkey turning now against "ISIS" may be a bit far fetched....I have long said that if Erdogan was truly wanting to turn away from the criminals in the US/Israel/NATO cabal, then he should not only stop aiding and funding the fraud "ISIS", but also immediately take Turkey out of NATO entirely and close every single NATO base on Turkish soil.  THAT action would clearly send a message to the criminals in both Washington and Tel Aviv that Turkey is no longer their puppet!I was at my usual coffee shop the other day meeting up with some colleagues that I had not seen since before I went on vacation a few weeks back.... As usual we talked a multitude of topics and the main topic of discussion turned to the ridiculous "Aaron Driver terrorist" story that has been all over the Jew spew media outlets here in Canada for the last week.... I sat there and listened as each person at our table gave his/her perspective on this issue, and finally when it was my turn, I stated flat out that this "act of terrorism" was a fraud and that it was a set up.... The response I got from the rest of the table was both shock and disbelief in what I was saying... I then went over some of the same details as what I had just posted the other day in this blog's previous article, but I still got that 'wild eyed" look from many at that table... Some just could not believe what I was saying, and I got the usual rebuttal of "you are nuts" and the tried and true "there you go again being a conspiracy nut"..... As usual I sat there in utter disbelief in what I was hearing and decided to finish my coffee and not say another damned word...Yes, the power of the Jew spew media here in Canada has been that intense and especially in regards to this "Aaron Driver" incident of last week.... I am sticking to my guns in saying that it was indeed a set up and that the criminals in the RCMP and CSIS did indeed find themselves this young impressionable 22 year old gullible man and through their brainwashing and propaganda "radicalized" him into being their perfect set up man for a brand new false flag "terrorist" attack here in Canada... And sure enough they first threw out there to the public for the last half year that he was indeed an "ISIS follower" and an "extremist", and then had one of his handlers move him to southern Ontario from Winnipeg for their "terrorist attack" that was a set up from the word go.... As I stated in my last article, the Jew spew media reports about this "terrorist attack" in Strathroy Ontario is so full of holes that anyone can see the fraud for themselves if they get past the bullshit propaganda and examine the facts of this incident with a bit of critical thinking...But again, much like in the United States, Canadians are so heavily brainwashed and gullible fools that the majority are accepting this as a legitimate "terrorist" attack and will so quickly accept the criminals in Ottawa stripping them further of their rights and freedoms... Sadly in the case of this "Aaron Driver" this young man has paid the ultimate price for being the "patsy" by being murdered by the RCMP.....Well, I guess that is enough for some of the major issues of the last week.... But once again I will close this rant by covering what I may have missed in my usual "last minute tidbits"..... The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro are continuing, and shocking even to me there have been few "incidents" to report so far. But there is still at least a full week to go..........US and Chinese forces continue to amass in the south China Sea over a few specks of rocks.  It does appear that unless the nations involved in that dispute do not sit down and actually look for a peaceful solution through negotiations, there could be a major war.  But again, war is exactly what the criminals in the US government want!......I am shocked to see the reports coming out of the Jew spew media that the economy and the economic outlook for both the US and Canada is "not that bad".  I have spent some time over the last few weeks out in the local shopping centres and malls and I can tell you that the economic situation is actually far far worse than anyone can imagine.  From what I am seeing, there is no 'economic recovery" at all and in fact we are in a full blown depression!......Another report just came out last week that shows that the Zika virus 'scare' is complete and utter bullshit. The real fear that people should have is from the poisonous vaccines and chemicals that are being deployed to "fight Zika" when in fact these chemicals themselves are responsible for all of the problems that have been falsely associated with the virus!......I saw a report last week that stated that Angela Merkel herself is destroying Germany by bringing in illegal migrants and refugees on overnight flights to airports in Germany while most Germans are asleep and are not noticing.  If this is true, and from what I have read is spot on, then Merkel is a criminal and is indeed working on Germany's destruction.  But will the German people wake up and notice?.........Even more reports have also surfaced showing proof positive that the ultra criminal, George Soros, is indeed responsible for the financing of the illegal migrant workers that have flooded into and have been destroying Europe.  I again must ask WHY this Jewish monster is not in jail for his crimes against humanity?........Of course with the Olympic Games and other matters diverting peoples' attention elsewhere, we are about to have the criminal Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement rammed down our throats.  That 'agreement' is indeed a farce and will strip away our rights and freedoms to make corporations lord and masters over governments.  Sadly, too few people are even aware of the terms of the TPP and I once again ask people to take the time to read the facts before it is too late.......It is now over a year since the crooks at Microsoft introduced their "Windows 10" program onto humanity, and luckily I only have ONE laptop that has that insidious program as its operating system.  I find "Windows 10" to be a definite failure and yet we find Microsoft still out there trying to ram that POS down everyone's throats...........I see there is finally a huge lawsuit being launched against the US government for its ILLEGAL funding of the criminal and psychotic state of Israel since the passage of the Symington Amendment of 1976.  Yes, that amendment specifically states that the US will NOT fund any nation that is not a signer of the Nuclear nonproliferation Treaty which Israel has absolutely not signed and is indeed a nuclear power.  Good luck though, for the US government will continue to give their Jewish masters billions of dollars a year for that shithole on the Mediterranean Sea.......Some numbskull "expert" in Sweden said last week that the refugee rape crisis in Sweden is not due to these criminal illegal immigrants and migrant workers running rampant and out of control, but due to 'Global Warming'.  Yes, this idiot actually said that, and I cannot believe anyone anywhere would be stupid enough to actually believe such bullshit.  The facts are clear that these migrants are out of control and Sweden should send them packing back to the hell holes they came from.........And speaking of mental cases, it appears that Benyamin Milewkoski (Netanyahu) put out a statement last week that he has done more to protect that Palestinian people that anyone else has ever done.  Yes, this lunatic actually said that, and it again shows the insanity of the leadership of that shithole and how dangerous this lunatic is to all humanity let alone the Palestinians.........Arsenal starts their Premiere League season today against Liverpool.  I am indeed crossing my fingers for a Gunner victory to start the year off on a positive note...........And finally, rather than a shot at the Kardashians, I figure it is time once again to take a shot at psychotic Killary Clinton instead.  Yes, reports are coming out everywhere that claim that this creature is suffering from either severe mental illness or even Parkinson's Disease.   There are plenty of reports about medical records that show that this psycho is unfit to run for the office of President of the United States due to her mental illness.  But hey, the Jewish power elite have already ordained this criminal as their next puppet sitting in the White House, and even if she is a mental psychotic monster, these Jewish freaks seem to always get what they want.  And with that, this freak will have control over the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons in the US arsenal.  Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, doesn't it?More to comeNTS