Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Another Sunday, and time again for my weekly rant...First, I have received several comments from some fellow truth seekers that state that the subject of my last article, pertaining to the Department Of Homeland Insecurity now imposing their will on live music is a hoax... I have yet to see anything that shows it to be a hoax or a fraud... But if it does prove to be false, I will pull the article, of course, and put up an apology to everyone.... So far, I have found nothing yet to show it is a fraud, and therefore I am leaving it as is...The one subject that I have been covering almost solo for the last two years has really been rearing its ugly head this last few weeks.. I am of course talking about the situation with the failed reactor cores at Fukushima Japan.   We have seen alarming reports over the last two weeks at least where higher than "normal" radiation levels have been detected around the failed facility, along with alarming levels of radioactive particles detected in the Pacific Ocean at or near the facility itself...People have to really understand that Fukushima was absolutely not a regular nuclear reactor that only produced electricity... Jim Stone ( revealed earlier last year that Fukushima is definitely not as it appears, and is in fact a nuclear breeder reactor facility for producing weapons grade Plutonium.   What most people need to realize is that these so called "Light Water" reactors produce Plutonium 240 as a bi-product in the Fission reaction of Uranium 235.  This Plutonium 240 settles on the spent fuel rods and has to be extracted through a "reprocessing facility" which Fukushima definitely has.  It was definitely Pu-240 that was blown sky high into the atmosphere when reactor 3 blew its guts out over two years ago.  Plutonium in micro-milligram amounts is deadly to humans!I have long agreed with Jim Stone's assessments about Fukushima being a clandestine nuclear weapons grade material production facility, and that it was the work of Israeli Mossad operatives disguised as "Security Personnel" at Fukushima that placed the Stuxnet virus in the plant safety system that caused the failure of the Siemens reactor safety systems, and therefore the meltdowns... Israel is a very sick nation, and it did not like the idea of Japan turning against their Jewish masters by pushing to cutoff any relations with the Jewish state as well as openly wanting to support the Palestinian authority in their quest for independence.  Israel planted the virus and caused the reactors to fail as a message to any nation that if they did not "obey their masters", they would be next....What is also not told is the fact that Japan itself is actual a nuclear weapons state... Since the mid 1970's under agreements made with the United States, Japan has been using their Light Water breeding reactors to produce nuclear weapons material, and with their reprocessing facilities as well as weapons production facilities.... Quite possibly has an arsenal today of some 200+ nuclear weapons.  All this has been done clandestinely, and has only now come to light with the exposure of what Fukushima actual is..... I have backed Jim Stone in making these assertions about the truth behind Fukushima, and I too have not seen anything yet that proves it to be otherwise....Why would Japan need its own nuclear arsenal, some may ask?  Logic says that all we have to look at is where Japan is strategically located across from Russia, and most definitely China.  And with the insane US government thinking of a future war against  China, placing nuclear weapons in Japan does fit this twisted thinking...The bottom line about Fukushima is that this disaster absolutely eclipses anything we have seen in the past, and absolutely is much much worse than what happened at Chernobyl Ukraine in 1986.   The nucleotides that have been released from the failed reactors alone should have caused the complete evacuation of Japan itself.... But the Plutonium 238 laced spent fuel rods still sitting above reactor #3 is a true life or death situation for the entire planet.... When this spent fuel pool collapses, the radiation release will permeate the entire northern hemisphere of this planet alone, and could potentially cause the deaths of millions...It has been surprising that only now we get reports from the media about the situation at Fukushima... This may be simply because Tokyo Electric Power Corporation (TEPCO) can no longer cover up this disaster, and their lies have finally caught up to them... That and the fact that TEPCO itself is completely helpless in trying to fix this situation and are finally needing to admit they need the help of the entire world to fix this life or death situation....Elsewhere... I see that the criminal Israelis and their puppets in the US Government are trying new approaches in getting the innocent nation of Syria destroyed.   This last week we find these criminals pushing their Saudi cohorts to approach Russia with the offer of a very large arms deal in exchange for Russia ending its support for Syria itself.   Luckily, Putin and his government are not going to give up on their Syrian ally, and have told these criminals absolutely not.   This action by the US/Israel in trying to use Saudi Arabia to get Russia out of the picture is not only laughable, but shows how the criminals are again opening up their bags of dirty tricks to conquer Syria.Of course while the Americans and Israelis are desperately looking for ways to support their failed proxy war in Syria, the good guys, the Syrian government forces, are continuing their onslaught against the murderous criminal mercenary "rebels" and victory is indeed in their sites.... Many military experts are now in full agreement that nothing short of open invasion of Syria itself will save these "rebels" from being wiped out.  This is why a new "false flag" attack on the United States is required, and to be blamed on either Syria or Iran just to get a new war off and running...Meanwhile... I really hate being proven right (again)... This week, we see reports about Israel now building more illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank in full defiance of the entire world.   This also at a time when a new round of so called "Peace Talks" are supposed to be underway with the Palestinian Authority.  Lets make is perfectly clear once and for all... The criminal and terrorist state of Israel absolutely does not want "Peace" period.   They want territory.   These monsters have the sick notion that all of Palestine and much of their neighboring nations are theirs for the picking, and given to them by their "god"... Under this sick and twisted logic, there is absolutely no room for any Palestinian nation, ever.   What this latest action by Israel proves is that these "Peace Talks" are a sham and a total fraud.   The Palestinians would be better off withdrawing from these talks and instead arming themselves against these criminals.   The Palestinians have absolutely no future as long as the Israeli regime continues on its present course... And under these circumstances, the Palestinians have to either fight for their existence or accept their annihilation.  Again, given these choices, I would choose to fight in a heartbeat.Someone asked me last week why I have not posted anything on the latest "Terror Threat" put out by the criminals in the US Government... OK, what is there to say?  It is a fraud.... There is no "Terrorist threat" because the real terrorists are and always have been the criminals in the US CIA and Israeli Mossad.   Even the so called terrorist group "Al Qaeda" is a complete sham and hoax.  It was invented by the US and Israel during the late 1970s as the enemy needed for their "war on terror" and it has worked wonders for these criminals.   It is also a real laugher that the US is supposedly throwing their full support behind "Al Qaeda" in its war against the Syrian government, while it was supposed to be the same "Al Qaeda" that attacked and supposedly murdered some 3000 Americans in the attacks of 9-11.  Why the American public cannot see from this US support for these supposed criminals that it is all a sham is absolutely beyond me!  I therefore have not lost any sleep over this false terrorist alert scam, and I hope many intelligent Americans have felt the same way.... Fear is a wonderful weapon employed by the US Government to have the public surrender more of their rights and freedoms, and it has worked wonders for the last few years indeed!There have been reports these last few weeks showing how vaccines absolutely do not work at all... Surprise surprise.. This is what I and others have said for years now, and finally people are waking up to this as the bitter truth... But it was especially troubling to see the recent reports about the Gardisil HPV vaccine that has been fraudulently administered to young women all over the world for the last few years finally being shown to be unnecessary and actually quite deadly.  Reports have been coming out of the UK especially about dozens of young women succumbing to complications from HPV shots.... Lets make it perfectly clear again.. Never, ever, take any vaccine shots, period.. Search for alternatives to poisonous vaccines and do everything possible to boost your immune system through alternative methods....On a personal note.. I have indeed been busy these last few weeks, and will continue being just as busy in the following weeks as I take a major upgrade course for my work.  This means that I will be spending even less time putting up any articles here at this blog.... But again, I am not giving up on this fight by a long shot, and once I have completed this important upgrade course, things will be back to "normal".....Well, I guess that is enough for now.. There are of course so many other things that I have not covered in my rant, but I always take a shot at a few of them in my last minute "tidbits".... I see a recent "Gallop Poll" has given the criminal US President Davis/Soetoro/Obam a 41% "approval rating", and I wonder who constitutes this 41% of idiots?  Friends of Barry out of his old stomping grounds in Chicago perhaps?......I am shocked that people still do not get it about Cancer.  If you happen to be diagnosed with "Cancer" do not panic, and absolutely do not take any of the prescribed "treatments".  Get alternative treatments, and get yourself cured of Cancer instead...... This last week marks the 1st anniversary of the fraudulent Curiosity probe landing on "Mars".   I am surprised that more people do not realize that this probe is absolutely not on Mars at all, and that NASA is conning the world again......Are there really people out there that think that GMO food is actually good for you?  Or has the GMO food itself melted their brains?.....I have wondered like so many others in this the real truth movement about what the hell has happened with Charles Giuliani?  To say that his recent work with his Truth Hertz podcast have been "lame" is an understatement......And finally, and in spite of those who ask why I continue to do this, here comes your weekly Kardashian report to make you puke.  It appears that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are not going to sell pictures of their baby.  OK, first, who in their right mind would be interested in taking pictures of this skank's baby to sell? And secondly who in their right mind would actually buy them?  Are the American people really this far beyond hope now?More to comeNTS